So as I wandered around a bit of orr today I noticed a few things.
1. The entire first zone is completely contested meaning it was completely blocked off in it’s entirety and no waypoints were usable. So I tried to help out the war effort by taking some things back. Starting at the large encampment on the shore I pushed the orrians off land into the water. My wife and I were the only two attempting this and we lost a few submarines in the water. At one point the only way to ensure survival of our submarines was that I had to stay with them and constantly feed them regeneration.
We completed that event and pushed further to kill a few of their ships near the mines in the water. Finally we reached land and this is where the problem occurred. Once land was reached it was impossible for us to take it. It wasn’t by fault of anything we were doing. There were just too many orrians. They kill all our attacking force and kill their morale which forces them back in the water.
For just the two of us it was impossible for this event to be completed and it was NOT a group event. That means that anyone that’s even remotely new to the game will not see the epic pushes the we witnessed at the beginning of the game. Not being able to do the push efforts solo is bad and it’s not good for this game. They really should scale based on number of people proximity.
All non champion events should be able to be completed by just one person.
2. Because the zone is blocked off (because duo we couldn’t take strategic positions as listed above) some areas are much too difficult. Ie. there’s a skill point in that same zone south of relay waypoint at a temple. Now the temple is filled with veteran cultists that summon a 3 or 4 non veteran cultist while you fight them and continue to do this until the veteran is dead. Duo it was very difficult to push to the skill challenge but when we got there we had to contend with two veteran cultists and it just was not possible for us to get the challenge started and contend with both cultists at the same time.
If we had the ability to take this temple solo that wouldn’t be an issue but there’s not. So we’re forced to treat this zone like a dungeon but one in which no one would be willing to do in a pug. (I mean who really wants to do that)
I don’t mind having to take a zone to complete it. I do mind that it’s not possible solo and is very frustrating as a player to be blocked because of low population in these zones.
Please Anet I understand people don’t want to lower the difficulty of this game and I get that but it causes a rift between those that started the game (like I did on other characters) and those that are starting now. I would be seriously tired of dying all the time just to complete zones if I were new. Not to mention missing out on all of the content in place because very few people go there for just the reason listed above.
Thanks and sorry for the rant all. Just want my voice heard.