absurd respawn rates

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cluisanna.1360


I am getting increasingly frustrated by absurd respawn rates that make lots of events undoable alone or with only two people (and those are not [group event]s, mind you). I’m pretty sure the game was supposed to be playable alone (except for dungeons and group events of course), but often the mobs respawn after 30 seconds or less, making clearing a cave or something alone impossible – especially for classes that need a little more room to avoid being hit: how are you supposed to do that when you can’t move a metre without pulling the people you just killed a minute ago?
I understand that the respawn rates need to be high when a lot of people are there, but why does that have to be when I’m the only one there? If the respawn rate can be increased to accomodate a lot of people in the area, why can’t it be decreased?

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: thelaasa.1408


A few possibilities here. First, there could be a legitimate issue with the respawn mechanics that needs to be looked at. Second, you could be in an area that is too difficult for you. Third, there could be other people “in the area” that is affecting the respawn rate of enemies near to you. To really get this issue looked at, I would recommend that you post the area you are in, the level of the enemies, and your character level after dynamic adjustment.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Beyreva.8769


I can confirm this, and it’s not because I don’t have the adequate level for that specific zone, neither do players swarm around the place. The most annoying place I found so far:

In Malchor’s Leap, at the Altar of Lies, even if we(the players) secure the area, kill the Risen Priestess of Lyssa, risen forces continue to spawn there, especially catapults. And they get mixed up with the friendly NPCs, including the karma vendor, from who you can’t buy anything because those blasted catapults keep firing at you. If you run away so that you won’t get hit by them, you’ll get overwhelmed by veteran risen who happen to be there at 2 feet away from the vendor. Oh and the catapults re-spawn like 30 sec later, say you manage to destroy one, by the time you get to the next, the one you destroyed will be firing at you!

Sometimes it’s necessary listening to the silence, it could tell more..

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Arieon.9751


Sounds like the same for one of the skill points near the Ascalonian Catacombs. Can’t get to the top of the stairs before all the mobs respawn behind me. Stuck between a room with Ascalonian Healers and a staircase with warriors, archers and mages isn’t fun.

“Taking down Orr’s corruption, one corrupted Quaggan at a time”
Arieon Ashleaf Lv 80. Sylvari Necromancer – Crystal Desert

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cluisanna.1360


I had this in almost every area, and I was always there with characters that were at or above the required level. The worst area so far was the charr starting area (Fields of Ashford I believe?), where I was with a friend of mine (she as an Elementalist and I as a Mesmer). We were constantly steamrolled by hordes of angry ghosts and elementals. For instance there is an event where you are supposed to collect stones from earth elementals for charr catapults (?). I got around 40 of those stones in something like five minutes without moving from my place until we finally died because there were just sooo many elementals. We tried to bring the stones to the charr who wanted them but we couldn’t cross the field with the elementals without being killed by them (and we were both scaled down and there was only one or two other people around).
Another example (I think this was in the same area): We found a small cave with a rich copper vein protected by a veteran troll and some normal trolls. Okay, no problem, you do something and you get a reward – except this troll respawned so quickly that I didn’t even have time to rez my friend, and when I managed to kill him (and his friends who had already respawned, too) again, he stayed barely down long enough so that I could mine the ore.
These are just two recent examples, but it happens again and again – if you think it helps, I can try to keep track.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cluisanna.1360


I had another instance just now when doing the event “Protect Scholar Dane while she closes the portal” in Kolkorensburg. It’s a level 41 event and I’m 51, scaled down to 43. You are supposed to protect said scholar from imps coming from a portal, but they respawn sooo fast. I was alone there and the scholar got killed almost instantly. I killed all the imps around her, but I couldn’t even rez her because the imps respawned so fast. Of course I got killed, which is not only always painful because I already have to pay around 70c every death just to resurrect (who came up with that?!), not to mention repair fees, but also because I almost had the monthly experience without death done and now have to start all over again (for the 3rd time or so)
Again, if it had said [group event] I would have stayed away, but I did the event before that without problems with the mobs, so I thought I’d help the poor skritt.
Again, this is just an example of a problem that is constantly there. I love this game, but it really is soo frustrating because it feels like I can’t win – this isn’t about the mobs being too hard or anything, just that even the best fighter can’t win when all his enemies get up again after 20 seconds.

Edit: I tried it again and spend around five minutes killing imps, resurrecting the scholar, killing imps, resurrecting the scholar until I died. I understand it’s a portal event and there are supposed to be new monsters coming from the portal, but seriously, 3-5 new imps 5 seconds after the last group died? (Not hyperbole.) That’s impossible alone.

Another example: At Travelen’s Steading in Dredgehaunt Cliffs there are two sons of svanir standing in front of the lodge. They, too, respawn within 10-20 seconds with no one around but me.

This goes on and on… at lake Falooaloo there are sons of svanir and their dragon totems, which you are supposed to destroy. There were around 4 sos standing around one of the totems, and I pulled them one after the other and killed them. I didn’t have time to destroy the totem, however, since the first started to respawn soon after I began hitting the totem.

(edited by Cluisanna.1360)

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cluisanna.1360


I just found a screencap my friend took while doing that event with the mass of angry earth elementals.
Yes, I am trying to bump this a little, why do you ask?


absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Crazylegsmurphy.6430


My girlfriend and I were complaining about this just last night.

We found that mines are particularly bad for this and by the end of the night we just resorted to running past enemies. Every time we would stop and try to fight, the respawn rates happened so fast that we (and other players) were getting swamped.

The time when this is absolutely the most frustrating, is when you clear out an area because you’re attempting to do something like get to a vista. You don’t even have a chance to get there before the creature you just killed respawns ontop of itself and starts attacking.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Shaileya.7063


I was helping two guildies doing the jumping puzzle Dark Reverie today, and the respawns of the Nightmare Court were beyond insane. Myself and one guildie stayed on the ground to rezz falling people, and the 3 veterans and two hound groups respawn nearly instantly at times, along with all of the shooting plant turrets. It was over the top insane, and far from the first time i’ve seen respawn rates through the roof in the game. Never have I seen worse than at the bottom of Dark Reverie though.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Meneh.2954


My friends and I have often had the same issue with respawn rates. It leaves very little room for kiting and can lead to situations where you have to just decide to be hit or pull in more mobs. I have noticed this in every zone / cave / whatever so far so it seems the general respawn rate is just to quick.

Yesterday we fought a champion Ettin up in the 25-40(?) Norn zone, before this champion there was 2 veteran ettins. We were a bit on the low end of people fighting it but the veteran ettins (and some smaller ones outside) respawned like 4 times during the champion fight.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Draghmar.2594


I don’t think that when you’re alone on some dynamic event you should always succeed. Events are also meant to fail from time to time and one of the reasons should be not enough fire power to prevent it from failing.

But on the other hand respawning in some places (general PvE) is to fast. I was playing with my wife and we were killing some Inquest. We couldn’t even rest a little because first opponents was already respawned.
I think it works in a way that respawn is faster if some player enter specific area – if he crosses border of this area then game add foes so player could have his challenge. My assumption is based on two things:
1. Right after Inquest was killed and new one respawned some other players showed up.
2. There were games (like Global Agenda) which worked like that in PvE.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Shaileya.7063


Yesterday we fought a champion Ettin up in the 25-40(?) Norn zone, before this champion there was 2 veteran ettins. We were a bit on the low end of people fighting it but the veteran ettins (and some smaller ones outside) respawned like 4 times during the champion fight.

We’ve been there, experienced that, haha. The veteran ettins in front of that champion spawn ridiculously fast. So fast, in fact, we had to fight one vet twice before even pulling the champ, because silly me. I actually thought I might get to wait for some of my cooldowns to come back up before pulling a champion.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Replect.3407


I’m concerned with that since beta, at least when exploring on my own in caves and such things… Really annoying then…!

(edited by Replect.3407)

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Crazylegsmurphy.6430


Argh, the starting enemies respawning before you’ve even killed the champion is super annoying. You fight your way in, and then you have to fight the exact same enemies on the way out.

What’s worse is when you defeat a champion, and while you’re opening the chest at the end, it respawns again.

I think this system of faster respawns based on number of players in the area is flawed. I realize the designers don’t want players waiting around for things to happen, but it’s equally bad having players trapped inside places. Not only does it require the initial player(s) to fight thier way out, but the incoming players are denied proper XP, drops, and gameplay.

There is a solution to this, a proper solution, but no MMO developers have the confidence to try it. In the mean time, I would rather players be forced to wait a while, than having the world feel like one big respawning mess of overcrowding.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Draghmar.2594


There is a solution to this, a proper solution, but no MMO developers have the confidence to try it.

I’m really curious, what solution you have in mind?

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Crazylegsmurphy.6430


There is a solution to this, a proper solution, but no MMO developers have the confidence to try it.

I’m really curious, what solution you have in mind?

Short answer: Servers start on day one of launch and run linear until endgame.

Long answer: On day one of launch, players can choose thier server. This world then starts and continues until end game. Think of it like this. Day one, Frodo leaves the shire, day 365, Frodo either succeeds or fails. Everything the players do in the meantime effects the world.

The idea would be that each server is set in motion, and the actions taken effect the outcome. Sure, not everything would effect the main story, but would still have consequences. For example, a giant, super hard cave troll lives in a cave outside town. This troll and it’s population of say 1300 disrupt and destroy the countryside. That server has the option to fight and kill that population.

The troll may retreat, it may die, it may kill every player, but the effect will be felt in that area. This would not only promote cooperation, but give the players a very real sense of accomplishment and purpose.

As to how to get around new players joining. They’re given an option. Start within a previously running story, or wait 30 days until a new server starts. (something like that).

I won’t go into all the ins and outs here, but something along these likes would really change the way MMO’s are played. People would really start to care about what they killed and why. It would eliminate the need to respawn events and creatures endlessly.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

I would just like to add another experience to this list, I was in the Harathi Hinterlands the other evening and an event started wherein centaurs attempt to take back a hill the Seraph took from them in a previous event. The objective of the event is to defend the 3 seraph catapults from 7 waves of centaurs.

Myself and two other players were in the area and attempted to help, however the centaurs kept flowing in and in and in, when we were finally overwhelmed I took a screenshot and later went back and counted, there were over 50 centaurs visible in my screenshot with at least 3 veterans mixed in. This also doesn’t take into account the dozen or so I personally killed and the groups that had passed my field of view up the hill. This was all wave “1” mind you.

I understand some events should naturally be harder than others but this one seems a bit too stacked in favor of the centaurs.

Another one I’ve encountered is in the Brisban Wildlands, at the waypoint in the northern area that is a seraph camp there is a constant stream of bandits that assault the camp. Normally I wouldn’t mind except that the spawns seem capable of building up to a point, at times I’ve arrived at the camp and had no bandits approach for a good 30 seconds when a group of 2 or so attacked, other times I’ve come to find over a dozen bandits wandering around the camp. This also does not “contest” the waypoint, I’ve nearly been killed before I could fully load in because the waypoint is in range of the bandits. The constant stream of bandits also makes it impossible to make use of the merchant that resides in the camp.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Draghmar.2594


Short answer: Servers start on day one of launch and run linear until endgame.

I must say that it’s a very interesting idea.
But it’s too restrictive for average player in my opinion because you either join and play from some point, loosing some things that were in the past, or you don’t play at all waiting for server to reset.
What you described is something like global chained dynamic event. STAKLER was designed this way but they didn’t manage to implement this to work well enough…and that was single player game.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ThanatosAngel.8024


Riot, are you on Gate of Madness? Because I experienced that same situation with the centaurs. I did the event with taking the hill back from the centaurs by myself with minions, but when the following event came as the centaurs spawned to take the hill back again, a few players and I were crushed by a whole army of centaurs coming over the bridge. Even after I died, I saw players fleeing back and forth, running from the horde. It was clearly too much for us to handle and it was only on the first wave.

I’ve also had issues where I would kill a mob and then have another spawn right on the dead body. Not too much of an issue, but I’m pretty sure that’s not supposed to happen.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Signet of Forums.4397

Signet of Forums.4397

I’ve seen spots where small groups of people were farming enemies that just keep respawning, mainly in high level areas. I mean without actually moving. I don’t mean during events, either. Some of the respawn rates seem like they can’t possibly be intended.

For example, I ran into a group the other day that was farming trolls in what seemed like a cycle. After a short time, a champion troll would show up, again and again.

Then at the Cathedral of Eternal Radiance in Malchor’s Leap, when no events are going on, risen just keep endlessly assaulting the center. There is no reprieve. I’m not sure what the point is supposed to be. I mean, do they intend for people to just stay in that spot until they get overwhelmed or get bored and let the enemies overrun it? (It’s probably worth noting that there is a vendor there, as well.)

Therefore we proceed to write a sig.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: RaFael Ent.6712

RaFael Ent.6712

This ridiculously fast respawn rate is present on almost every mob. In 4-5 people party we went killing a champion. After his death, he respawned just 1-2mins later!
It happens with many different champions, bosses and even ordinary mobs. This is too fast.

Elementalist, Guardian, Thief, Necromancer

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


it may be a bug in teh respawn rates,,

but not everything is meant to be solo able.

I like that some areas I cant get into without help, its a nice change from faceroll in most MMOs. Or where I have to use creative tactics to get past to get to a skill point or PoI.

Fast respawns are mostly, in my experience, in areas where its group content.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Hologramx.6402


Many parts of the Charr/Norn leveling zones have less players and are very hard. Well, I would say the high difficulty causes the lack of attendants. Especially some part of the level 40+ area are insanely hard. Probably because they are less involved in the story quest chains and less balancing works have been done there.

If long-lived mobs give you bonus experiences, maybe they should give bonus rewards for finishing an event that has not been completed for hours. Although there seems to be very few events and many of them, including Renown Hearts, are broken. I tried to solo most of them but they are just painstaking and tedious if you need to do them alone.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Replect.3407


That doesn’t sound like what we are talking about here, and to be honest I don’t see the problem with 50 centaurs attacking at once… With so many players, most events are just no-brainers, so if 50 centaurs are necessary to handle the difficulty at least a bit, I’m fine with it… It’s a big attack and I think that’s ok than…

The general re-spawning rate with mobs in the world (not event mobs), this can really get in your way…

(edited by Replect.3407)

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

That doesn’t sound like what we are talking about here, and to be honest I don’t see the problem with 50 centaurs attacking at once… With so many players, most events are just no-brainers, so if 50 centaurs are necessary to handle the difficulty at least a bit, I’m fine with it… It’s a big attack and I think that’s ok than…

The general re-spawning rate with mobs in the world (not event mobs), this can really get in your way…

Actually, looking the OP that is exactly what is being discussed here. Regardless the problem is that the for this particular event when 3-4 players are in the area the spawns for the event are basically impossible, with half that number it would be difficult but might be able to be overcome with good play, there is no way 3-4 players can hold off that many enemies at once.

Also note the issues I pointed out with world spawns at the waypoint/outpost in the brisban wildlands. That area is one long fight until you retreat as you’ll scarcely have time to loot your enemies before they respawn.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Skar Hand.5037

Skar Hand.5037

I made a post about this during the Betas on this forum. I not only find it annoying, but it also goes against their stated goal:

Things you do have a lasting effect.

If I kill mobs on my way into a cave, and then kill them again on the way out and then can look back into the cave and see the Veteran I just killed re-spawn (if I could even kill him alone, without getting back aggro) it does not foster a feeling of accomplishment.

There are 2 possible solutions to this issue that I thought of, let me know what you think:

1) If an area (cave, field, lake, etc) has X foe spawn nodes, each time you kill a mob, any mob that spawns from that same node is non-hostel to you, unless you attack it (for a period of time). Look at it like you taught it a lesson, lol. This way they can keep the spawn rate high for others that come along.

2) Each spawn node has a “look for a player in radius”. If the re-spawn timer is 1 minute, before it spawns a new foe have the node do a check, is there a player within X feet, no=re-spawn, yes=reset timer(max 2-4 resets, to prevent someone standing on a re-spawn node and preventing the spawn indefinitely) the radius could be set as a circular radius, or the interior of cave/building/etc.

Both solutions have their strong and weak points, but either would be better then the super-spawning we see now. I am not a programmer, but it seems to me like either of those solutions would be fairly easy to implement. Also for teh record, I am talking about regular mobs that live in the world. Not DE ones, those I don’t have any problem with them spawning in waves and whatnot.

I need to be able to dodge and leave a clone behind at work/home.

(edited by Skar Hand.5037)

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: NightFlare.5863


I agree, the respawn rates are in need of, not a small, but large adjustment. You shouldn’t have to keep re-killing the same mobs. Fix it people

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Von Adder.2487

Von Adder.2487

This was a major issue with LOTRO when it first went live, respawn rates made some areas unplayable for solo and small groups, i believe it was a fault with the game engine and not deliberate!

After many many posts, codies (yes before it was sold) fixed the issue and the game became playable and fun again. It looks to me like Anet are experiencing the same problems. I have personally stood and killed the same mob six times within 30 seconds and come across numerous botters completely taking advantage of the super fast respawns in a small cave up at the Harathi Highlands.

Still! Early days and all that.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


I just found a screencap my friend took while doing that event with the mass of angry earth elementals.
Yes, I am trying to bump this a little, why do you ask?

I remember that event, i also remember getting down leveled to lvl 6 there so i would get rofl stomped by them. Was lvl 10 at the time so didn’t have higher level gear to make up for the fact i was 4 lvls under them after scaling. I don’t think i ever actually completed that event, i just gave up on it after dying almost instantly twice.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Bregah.7365


The escort events are the worst for respawn rates – if you are the only player there.

Let’s call the path a line from 1 to 20.

NPCs are at, let’s say, point 5. Between point 5 and point 6, just off the path to the right, are some mobs. They run off to kill them (and you go help them, and the mobs are dispatched very quickly) and then return to point 5 and start their journey again.

But wait! Now there are some mobs between point 5 and point 6, but this time just off the path to the left. NPCs run off and kill them (and you go help them, and the mobs are dispatched very quickly) and then return to point 5 and start their journey again.

But wait! The mobs off to the right have now respawned! So off run the NPCs to kill them (and you go help them, and the mobs are dispatched very quickly) and then return to point 5 and star their journey again.

But wait! The mobs off to the left have now respawned!


Eventually timers work out that you get to point 6, and perhaps even to point 8, but then the cycle starts over again.

This is when I wander off in another direction, and not long after I get an “Event failed” popup, a little bit of karma, xp and very little coin.

Many escort events are like this when solo. Not because I’m underleveled or undergeared or underskilled, but because the mobs respawn too fast for the NPCs to move fast enough to get past them.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: yo daddys daddy.6912

yo daddys daddy.6912

it is so ridiculous, i was just saying that earlier you cant even leave an area with out getting swarmed by 10 mobs you just killed less then a minute ago. something needs to be done about it

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ariannaid.5201


This isn’t only an issue with dynamic events, either; just when wandering around and exploring, it’s pretty easy to run across some blatantly bugged or mistuned spawners. The best example I can think of is in areas that have spiders that drop down off of trees/cave ceilings/etc., where the spawn is tied to passing a trigger line. You can run back and forth over the trigger line and every time—no matter how little time you wait—another spider will spawn. If you’re kiting something in the area, you can easily end up with a dozen or so spiders following you around after a little while.

Also, any mob that spawns minions (e.g., veteran dredge mining suit, veteran icebrood elemental) seems to spawn infinitely many at a fairly rapid rate. I was doing the Claw of Jormag event last night and, during the pre-event to destroy the crystals, six or so veteran elementals managed to spawn so many minions that they wouldn’t even all load onto the screen.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: wizgamer.7123


I completely agree with this! The respawn rates are ridiculous and all the animals just spawn out of thin air. One example is by the Tamini Foothills in the jumping puzzle cave (in Queensdale). At the very end, by the chest is a veteran chromatic ooze. My friend and I were both appropriate levels and were wiped from the zone. They all respawned. Then two others joined us, and it was just us four now against the completely spawned oozes. We wiped the entire room and got the chest. Then the oozes respawned 20 seconds right afterwards!! We could barely escape with our lives. There was no time to further explore or try to find an alternative exit to the cave. I really think the respawn rates need to be fixed because right now I end up dying because something I just killed spawns back behind me.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: wizgamer.7123


Also, those Tamini Foothills are so broken. An entire party of players will wipe them out completely and then when they leave, the centaurs will respawn immediately. There needs to be some kind of delay for people trying to get to the pit cave.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Hamsterfist.3182


I am getting increasingly frustrated by absurd respawn rates that make lots of events undoable alone or with only two people (and those are not [group event]s, mind you). I’m pretty sure the game was supposed to be playable alone (except for dungeons and group events of course), but often the mobs respawn after 30 seconds or less, making clearing a cave or something alone impossible – especially for classes that need a little more room to avoid being hit: how are you supposed to do that when you can’t move a metre without pulling the people you just killed a minute ago?
I understand that the respawn rates need to be high when a lot of people are there, but why does that have to be when I’m the only one there? If the respawn rate can be increased to accomodate a lot of people in the area, why can’t it be decreased?

I’ve noticed this in dredge areas especially. They seem to respawn WAY to fast, to the point it can be hard to even make any progress, because you end up fighting the same mobs. This seems to happen to me when I clear them out, to take on a veteran, and they all respawn in the middle of the fight and then things get a little hairy and frustrating.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Derpinator.2894



Mobs respawning while I’m in an area I just cleared has ALWAYS bugged me in games. Occasionally, if there’s a good game world reason (like they’re ants that keep burrowing up out of the nest at my feet or something) I can handle it.

But… polar bears and griffons just suddenly being there again? Grawl automagically respawning in a cave I just liberated from their filthy paws?

I HATE that.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: RoosterBrewster.2183


Even without DE’s, it seems like every area has very fast respawn rates. This makes exploring caves by yourself really difficult and annoying. I can spend 20-30 seconds killing a mob and then when I am engaged with another mob close by, the first mob will respawn and join in. Eventually I get overwhelmed since I can’t even leave combat. This becomes even worse in the Orr zones where every mob has stun or pull move or underwater where mobs take 5 times longer to kill.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ranine.1208


it seems the game thinks the event is active when its not, i keep getting killed the second i port in, there are huge amounts of mobs there, standing right next to vendors, who are allive, and not fighting back, and are not even attacked.
and they re spawn the moment you kill them pretty much.
This is for Cathedral of Eternal Radiance

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Yes, so much truth itt.

I was just about to make a thread about this issue as well.

I’ve seen numerous occasions where a mob will respawn less than 30 seconds after his/her death, even if nobody’s in your immediate proximity. This make questing and moving through a world a real pain.

I can understand wanting to keep players occupied during such a busy period of the game but this is excessive. I can’t recall any situation where I was starved for mobs but I can recall dozens where I was frustrated by the excessive respawn times.

Because the fact that combat encourages you to move a lot already causes you to draw in more and more mobs, which often leads to a chain-reaction.

So yes, please increase the mob respawn rate to about 1 minute for most situations. You can reduce it to 30 seconds if a handful of people are doing the same quest simultaneously, but not less.

That, and some areas could really do with a reduced mob density.

But that’s just my opinion.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: AccelEvo.8309


Its not just events. The respawn rate of creeps in this game is too high in general. I cant even tell you how many times i have been killed because of this. Just as i kill 1 creep 2 spawn etc

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: takatsu.9416


Yeah respawn rates are super crazy… and it seems to get worse… somehow it didn’t feel this quick in the first few weeks of the game…

There’s some “group events” that I am SURE i can solo the boss. However, what makes it impossible is the constant respawning mobs. The boss is easy but without a party, the other mobs u just killed respawns instantly almost. It’s ridiculous because it really doesnt make any sense. We’re supposed to have killed the mobs to move on to the boss but it’s not letting me do that xD

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vegas.5790


Yep, certain events have respawn rates that are absurd. Others don’t… I figure Anet does this as an easy way to make something hard (actually impossible for some of them solo/duo). That’s a copout IMHO.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: dagrdagaz.4913


Hmm, if more and more people complain about this somthing may be done about it.

An example of mine;
In the Norn starter area.
In the middle somehwere is an open cave (openings on 2 sides), with Sons of Svanir and a Veteran Svanir.
I tried solo that,was alone, and in the cave is a Splendid Chest.
I managed to kill the the normal Svanirs (also by pulling a few).
Then the Veteran, that was though for my squishy caster.
I was nearly dead when i finally managed to kill it, after a few minutes.
Guess what happened then. All normal Svanir respawded very close to me at the same time, swarmed me and killed me.

Now, it may have took me a few minutes to kill the Veteran, so u can say they respawened a few minutes later. Still, it was the cause of me dying and failing.

Also, it makes running away from a foe or Veteran, when u r nearly dead, very difficult or futile cos u will run into respawned foes u just killed.

This to fast respawn rate of foes is one of two things i hate/dislike most about GW2. And i mean that for for general PvE.

(edited by dagrdagaz.4913)

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Hologramx.6402


Was trying to complete Field of Ruins today, also tried soloing (can hardly find anyone) most of the DEs. I guess I have shouted WTF for more than 30 times. As a level 80 warrior with almost exotic gears and balance build, there are so many madness in this zone. Instant respawn? That’s nothing special, it happens everywhere. Tons (I mean really tons) of trashes + 2 champions for one singe DE which only reward 1.2s. Some champions are not doable at all because of insane condition damage.

Field of Madness would be a better name for this zone. I have failed a few events because mobs respawning faster than I could kill. And most of them has knock back or some sort of CC. I felt like I was in Cursed Shore and imagine 5 mobs on you all can knock you back … The imbalance in this map, and probably in other Charr’s high level maps, are just horrible.

Most serious problem is, respawn rate for Renown Hearts mobs that you need to kill are not good enough, but respawn for irrelevant mobs (those for DEs) are insane. No consideration for how many players are involved in the DE.

(edited by Hologramx.6402)

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: spayced.2016


I ran into a couple events like this. At first, I was dismayed, annoyed, and feared for my life. “They keep coming, five at a time! They won’t stop!” But somehow the pressure forced me to adapt. I realized “I’m doing it, I’m doing it!” and I ended up killing the waves of bad guys that were unfairly spawning upon me. I moved slowly, but I felt my actual skill bump up at that moment.

It was a challenge that I overcame, and sometimes if I’m in the mood I will seek out those groups of 10 mobs + champion. I don’t always beat them, but sometimes I do. If the game was easy everywhere I wouldn’t have a reason to keep playing at 80.

A lot of MMO veterans think a challenge is a problem for some reason.

Paper is fine. Nerf rock.

(edited by spayced.2016)

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Lanhelin.3480


i don’t remember the name of the zone, but somewhere in a level 40-50 region i guess, there’s a cave with a big chest in it, and four(!) skritt veterans guarding it. when i was there with my engineer, i managed to kill three one by one, but when i startet to fight against the fourth the first one respawned and i got its attention, because i had to avoid some attacks by rolling around. i killed the last one and fought the first one – when the second one respawned – and so on. about 20 minutes non-stop-solo-fight later i stopped it, just ran to the chest and opened it, tried to flee, but all the other trash i killed on my way there clearly did respawn too and i died in that cave. i didn’t see any other player there :/

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Blude.6812


Agree, respawn rates are ridiculous. I kill 2 and by the time I am doing the 3rd, the 1st one is back attacking again. Just seems like a cheap way to make the game harder, but infact interfers with the enjoyment of the game.
May this should be moved to the bug section and get a response from a dev.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Hologramx.6402


These zones, yes they are challenging, I mean for level 80s with exotic gear.
I doubt how many would want to do them again. You may spend 30 minutes and still fail the event, grab 60c for reward and lol at yourself. Well, one way of wasting your time.
But definitely they are not tuned for leveling players. I would say they are simply unfinished, still half way through adjustment, let say Beta Zones.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: nimajneb.3871


Yes, yes, thousand times yes. Respawn is out of control in this game all over the place. I have killed a mob, turned around to kill a second only to be attacked by the respawn of the first I just finished off. That’s not challenging, that’s just excessive. It’s the “killer GM” design philosophy that has showed up in many sections of the Personal Story. I enjoy challenges, challenges can be overcome through good tactics and skillful play. Being zerg’d by the “undead” hordes of the mobs you just killed returning prematurely from their very very temporary deaths turns the game into survival horror. If I wanted to play Left For Dead, I would play Left For Dead. At least hold up on the respawn until I’ve moved away 30 paces or so.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: takatsu.9416


lol whats funny is the most frustrating moments are the ones where you are trying to grab screenshots at a particular scenic location and things just keep respawning even though u’ve killed them a billion times and makes it so annoying to grab a screen shot… UGH