THANK YOU! Dungeon was great
talk about fast
Best dungeon in the game. 10/10.
Bosses didn’t take too long, layout was great, mobs weren’t overwhelming, the backdrops were amazing.
Seriously. Whoever designed this, make them do the next one.
Is it doable solo or is a party necessary?
So… What is it like!?!? Is it PUG friendly or no? What are the rewards?
Tell me ;_;
So… What is it like!?!? Is it PUG friendly or no? What are the rewards?
Tell me ;_;
Pugs will have to work, but I can’t imagine it’d be any harder than CoE. Probably easier. Rewards are recipes, ore, weapons, etc.
Is it doable solo or is a party necessary?
Party needed, unless you’re REALLY good. Mostly for mobs. The bosses may not need a party.
I’d rather if their work and effort on things like this were permanent.
So… What is it like!?!? Is it PUG friendly or no? What are the rewards?
Tell me ;_;
Pugs will have to work, but I can’t imagine it’d be any harder than CoE. Probably easier. Rewards are recipes, ore, weapons, etc.
Is it doable solo or is a party necessary?
Party needed, unless you’re REALLY good. Mostly for mobs. The bosses may not need a party.
Man was hoping for something I could solo. Well I’ll have to give it a try with my Mesmer, he’s a one man army:)
Epic bosses.
Guildie just got a jet pack
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
to bad it is not technically new content for the game it will be gone and forgotten soon.
Any new weapons or armor sets coming out of this?
Any new weapons or armor sets coming out of this?
Stat-wise yes (kinda), skins I’m not sure (at work so can’t do dungeon yet). I want to say no.
to bad it is not technically new content for the game it will be gone and forgotten soon.
Yup. Still wish they would reconsider. Especially if the drop rate on the jetpack/mini/(other rare stuff?) are really low. If they are its just another nail in coffin (for me anyways). I’m getting tired of temporary content.
Please give us a keyring…
(edited by skullmount.1758)
Really sweet dungeon. Was worth the wait. Did it with a PUG and it was hard, just not impossible. Loved it.
Did not get a title though. Thought that was one of the rewards.
I loved it. Whoever made it keep it up, We want you to continue with those skills.
We are sworn together by our blood…
Really sweet dungeon. Was worth the wait. Did it with a PUG and it was hard, just not impossible. Loved it.
Did not get a title though. Thought that was one of the rewards.
did you have all the other titles done for LS?
Please give us a keyring…
Isn’t it bugged? We freed the 10 prisoners, went forward, now we’re stuck at a gate. It won’t open, npcs don’t talk, there is no other way…
(edited by Fynda Uthis.7694)
that part was a bit buggy we moved around and it worked eventually…..I jumped on the fence and ran around idk if that helped any lol
that part was a bit buggy we moved around and it worked eventually…..I jumped on the fence and ran around idk if that helped any lol
We spent our last 12 min running around, dying, respawning from waypoint, nothing happened. I think I just wasted ~40s for repair and more than an hour…
Im guessing this the right thread to say how much we loved the new dungeon.
I loved the new dungeon – more like this please
I’m not a big dungeon runner by any stretch of the imagination, and decided I’d ‘suck it up’ so I could complete the journey. It’s ‘really’ a lot of fun. Scary, but fun. I think we did it with only 4 people? For some reason they vote kicked someone, I’m not entirely sure why. But we never got a 5th and soldiered on.
A really good time.
I just did it, was fun Unfortunately I had to leave near the end for rl stuff… But what I seen was fun, I noobed it up pretty bad but I did see a hint of SAB in there :P
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
I didn’t know what to expect going in, but it was the best dungeon run I have ever had to date with GW2! (And I went with a random PUG with no voice chat opposed to the fun I usually have on voice chat with my guild.) It was beautifully crafted and the dredge traps made me think of Batman: Arkham Asylum haha. The boss was challenging yet fun, and the same can be said for the mobs. Then the ending well… I won’t spoil it, but it felt so epic getting out of there hehe.
Anyways it may just be me, but this is the way you should begin going with all dungeons Anet. I love it! I will do many more runs, not for profit but out of enjoyment of the dungeon. I really hope it doesn’t disappear or if it does that it’s replayable in some sense! This was truly my favorite dungeon run I have ever done in the game.
I barely made any profit at all, yet I can’t wait to replay the dungeon with my guild mates later today. Anyways headed to get my skin now! Just thought I’d share my appreciation for this wonderful dungeon experience.
and theres still more variations we havent seen right
I didn’t know what to expect going in, but it was the best dungeon run I have ever had to date with GW2! (And I went with a random PUG with no voice chat opposed to the fun I usually have on voice chat with my guild.) It was beautifully crafted and the dredge traps made me think of Batman: Arkham Asylum haha. The boss was challenging yet fun, and the same can be said for the mobs. Then the ending well… I won’t spoil it, but it felt so epic getting out of there hehe.
Anyways it may just be me, but this is the way you should begin going with all dungeons Anet. I love it! I will do many more runs, not for profit but out of enjoyment of the dungeon. I really hope it doesn’t disappear or if it does that it’s replayable in some sense! This was truly my favorite dungeon run I have ever done in the game.
I barely made any profit at all, yet I can’t wait to replay the dungeon with my guild mates later today.
Anyways headed to get my skin now! Just thought I’d share my appreciation for this wonderful dungeon experience.
Did you see the new jewels from the ore nodes?
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
A whole 30 minutes of fun. A reward everyone can get.
I wish they’d focus on permanent content, and reward the best players.
The only prestigious item in the game is a fully upgraded Fractal Capacitor + A Fractal Weapon skin. These new gloves would be super awesome, if they weren’t practically handed to every player in the game.
Ah well. There’s always next time.
A whole 30 minutes of fun. A reward everyone can get.
I wish they’d focus on permanent content, and reward the best players.
The only prestigious item in the game is a fully upgraded Fractal Capacitor + A Fractal Weapon skin. These new gloves would be super awesome, if they weren’t practically handed to every player in the game.
Ah well. There’s always next time.
I never understand how other people attaining something lessens what you have.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
A whole 30 minutes of fun. A reward everyone can get.
I wish they’d focus on permanent content, and reward the best players.
The only prestigious item in the game is a fully upgraded Fractal Capacitor + A Fractal Weapon skin. These new gloves would be super awesome, if they weren’t practically handed to every player in the game.
Ah well. There’s always next time.
I never understand how other people attaining something lessens what you have.
Different persons different opinions.
Some play MMOs to look special visually, having items that prove your great deeds – not giving you a statistical advantage, but simply a way to be recognized as a great player.
If everybody has that item, it’s not really that prestigious now, is it.
To put it more bluntly: If I’m the best player in the world, I want to be able to show that by having a skin that only the most hardcore can get. However there are no such items, which leaves the hardcore players of GW2 starving for some sort of content.
Edit: Checking your signature, you seem to pretty much see the problem, but you recognize it as something else. You see the problem as having too many goals to achieve.
I see the problems as having too many goals to achieve, each with pretty much NO effort required, meaning reaching each goal is meaningless when it doesn’t really give you anything. I would love to see a level 60+ Fractal only currency, that allows the best Fractal-players to show off their skill by having gear only obtainable by getting to 60+.
Having full CoF gear is pretty much shameful in that respect. Everyone can get it. Everyone has it. Even the worst players. And I do not want to share armor sets with the worst.
(edited by Rika.7249)
how often can you get the reward chest? 1 daily per account¿
I’ve greatly enjoyed the dungeon, thank you very much! My PUG had certain problems, but in the end using brains and cooperation has won us the day.
Please continue making dungeons of that style!
I loved this dungeon! The mechanics were really fun. I wish it was permanent.
I didn’t know what to expect going in, but it was the best dungeon run I have ever had to date with GW2! (And I went with a random PUG with no voice chat opposed to the fun I usually have on voice chat with my guild.) It was beautifully crafted and the dredge traps made me think of Batman: Arkham Asylum haha. The boss was challenging yet fun, and the same can be said for the mobs. Then the ending well… I won’t spoil it, but it felt so epic getting out of there hehe.
Anyways it may just be me, but this is the way you should begin going with all dungeons Anet. I love it! I will do many more runs, not for profit but out of enjoyment of the dungeon. I really hope it doesn’t disappear or if it does that it’s replayable in some sense! This was truly my favorite dungeon run I have ever done in the game.
I barely made any profit at all, yet I can’t wait to replay the dungeon with my guild mates later today.
Anyways headed to get my skin now! Just thought I’d share my appreciation for this wonderful dungeon experience.
Did you see the new jewels from the ore nodes?
So the jewels were new! Yes I did! Didn’t check how much they went for though. Either way so much fun.
So… What is it like!?!? Is it PUG friendly or no? What are the rewards?
Tell me ;_;
It’s very pug friendly. I went in at a 36 warrior with 4 other 80s. We had trouble at the end but thats it.
I loved the boss fight at the end. I don’t want it to be gone in 2 weeks…
Dungeon was great indeed.
Not sure about the rewards, but this could be me ofcourse.
Would love to make a armorset wich goes with the gloves i got.
Wouldnt mind to farm the dungeon for that.
Off topic:
Would love to see the Big Dragons less static. Let them move a little more plus let the people sweat a little We love a little challange. TY again for this part of content.
Would want to see a little more closure. i seen the part. but still something is missing. or is it just me?
Dungeon was great indeed.
Not sure about the rewards, but this could be me ofcourse.
Would love to make a armorset wich goes with the gloves i got.
Wouldnt mind to farm the dungeon for that.Off topic:
Would love to see the Big Dragons less static. Let them move a little more plus let the people sweat a littleWe love a little challange. TY again for this part of content.
Would want to see a little more closure. i seen the part. but still something is missing. or is it just me?
I dunno was a bit challenging in some places imo. And there will be some closure, after all there’s still one achievement left to obtain.
Dungeon was great indeed.
Not sure about the rewards, but this could be me ofcourse.
Would love to make a armorset wich goes with the gloves i got.
Wouldnt mind to farm the dungeon for that.Off topic:
Would love to see the Big Dragons less static. Let them move a little more plus let the people sweat a littleWe love a little challange. TY again for this part of content.
Would want to see a little more closure. i seen the part. but still something is missing. or is it just me?I dunno was a bit challenging in some places imo. And there will be some closure, after all there’s still one achievement left to obtain.
Sorry m8 didnt meant the difficulty in the dungeon. but outside the dragon like jormag and others. They look all really epic. But no challange to beat if you know what i mean again loved the dungeon in all hopefully this will set the new standard in GW2 dungeons to be made. If iam looking fussy its only because i want this to be the best mmo.
Demanding Gamer
Thank you for free new contents love it.
Azurite. Heh, I had a “wtfisthis?!” moment getting that from the nodes. The dungeon and the fights are great! Love the new mechanics. It’s funny how I was able to see myself transition from dodging everything to jumping what could be jumped and saving dodges for better use. Combine this dungeon with some horrible WvW changes and I just might start spending most of my time in PvE. This dungeon is good enough to make up for it. I had a blast!
I really enjoyed the dungeon. It wasn’t too long and the boss fight was great. It’s a shame that this is going away, but I enjoy being able to do it multiple times a day in the mean time. :p
Excellent dungeon all around, very PUG friendly.
@nexxe, I am pretty sure we were in the same group actually for that run you just described. We almost wiped on the bosses but pulled it out and I think that made it a lot more enjoyable.
This dungeon was absolutely brilliant! I’m hoping for more like this, and hoping we can be available to keep things like this permanently!
I agree with the above posters, it has some awesome, awesome graphics. I personally loved the room where you’re trapped and waves of fire are being spit at you left and right. Simply beautiful. Everyone in the PUG group that I entered this dungeon with had the same first reaction. The first “awesome” fell when they started digging a tunnel at the start. Then, many more of those were uttered spontaniously, at various times, and by nearly everyone in the group.
Very, very well done.
Agree! Totally loved the new dungeon (MF) and the rewards and the new stuff in gem store as the Braham and Rox weapons! Keep it up anet!
Have to chime in here and say I liked it very much! Good experience. Enjoyed the experiment part the most, for some reason it made me think of the laser trap in resident evil…
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
I have to say I agree with the others. Ran the dungeon last night with guildies and this new dungeon is the best and most fun dungeon in the game. Loved the mechanics, was brilliant design and would like to see this and others like it become permanent additions to the everyday game. TY for the great fun Anet
This dungeon was amazing. The last boss fight had a good amount of tactic. The trash mobs were strong enough to be interesting. The fact the chest at the end does not have a daily limit. All in all, it was really good.
I loved the dungeon. The best one so far.
Loved the dungeon, there were so many game elements in it I enjoyed every minute of it. Too bad it isn’t permanent. If only the other dungeons were this awesome.