5 gambit and 8 orb help?
The 8 orbs one is easy as a warrior with a bow. I did it with Defiant stance, endure pain, any banner for regeneration, signet of Stamina and signet of Rage.
Traits were 0/4/4/6/0
I used Tactics traits 4, 10 and 11. Arms traits 2 and 3.
Defense traits 2 and specially 9 are a MUST for that fight, i had to get used for it but it’s worth since you can uncripple yourself all the time, and if you can’t, then signet of Stamina (i choose that one over Shake it off because of the passive bonus to being able to dodge por often).
Random tips
- Whenever 2 clones go to a white circle, just wait until the first one becomes a light, then shot the second one with the skill 4 of the bow and just walk to get the light and throw it to Liadri. The clone will explode on your face but due to blindness, you won’t get hit ^^
- If you need heal, just get inside one of the big orange areas and use defiant stance. It’s the best heal for this fight by far, since you can also use it in case you are out of dodges.
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
(edited by Elrey.5472)
Try 5 gambits on the quaggan (all but squeamish). I used full zerker warrior 6/6/x/x/x where you can just put the other 2 points wherever. Take traits like piercing shot, vulnerability on crit, berserker’s power. I used rifle and use 2 and 5 when it’s up while moving in a circle. Can take fear and stomp for when you get into trouble. Make sure you are hitting the right quaggan (does not move at the very beginning)
edit to correct gambit mistake all but squeamish
(edited by shiven.1892)
When I did it last year it was against Deadeye as a Thiefie. D/P, Signet of Malice, Ambush Trap, Thief Guild and lotsa blinding powder.
Have you got full berserker gear on your warrior? If so:
Traits: 3/5/6/0/0 or 0/5/6/0/3
V, X
III, Anything, XI
(Berserker armor, weapons, trinkets and everything)
Defiant Stance
Endure Pain
Signet of Rage
Everything, except Squeamish.
Subject 7
What you’re gonna do is:
- Pop SoR as soon as you’re told that you’re next.
- Whirlwind Attack towards Subject 7.
- Pop Frenzy and Hundred Blades, then swap weapons, Mace #5 and keep chopping.
- Pray to the Holy of Trinity of DPS to allow your Defy Pain to pop, because sometimes you get killed before it does.
- Right before your free Endure Pain ends, you’ll pop your own Endure Pain.
- Pop Defiant Stance before your second Endure Pain ends.
- Hope that you have enough DPS.
- Leave the arena victorious/Die horribly.
Remember to follow your standard DPS rotation; swap between your weapon sets as needed and whatnot.
(edited by FenrirSlakt.3692)
you can do 5 gambits on Tyre as a zerker staff ele.
I used 6/4/2/0/2 (lava font on downed trait op) set up, full zerk.
Summon fire ele elite at start (i think u still can use elemental powder as well?).
Rotation is the following: Water 2, Air 3-5-2, Earth 3-4-2, Fire 2-5-3-2, when he finally gets to you do 180 turn and Fire 4. Most likely you will get downed but that double lava font will kill him
Utilities: Arcane Wave, Arcane Power, Arcane Blast
Good luck!
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda
Traits were 0/4/4/6/0
I used Tactics traits 4, 10 and 11. Arms traits 2 and 3.
Defense traits 2 and specially 9 are a MUST for that fight,
I ran with with 0 points in defense and did 8 orbs. But they are a “MUST”? I think not.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
5 Gambit on thief is super easy. Fight Deadeye, use S/P or D/P and always have Deadeye inside of Black Powder. Use Shadowstep, Infiltrator’s Signet, steal, and S2 or D3 to stay on top of Deadeye. As soon as he teleports, just use one of those to instantly shadowstep back on top of him. If you’re on top of him, and he’s blind, he won’t even hurt you. Traits don’t really matter (but 3 in trickery is very helpful), I’d recommend full zerk traits/gear because you will never be hit.
Don’t use squeamish gambit, it really drags the fight on, any of the others don’t even affect you since you shadowstep to move everywhere.
Try 5 gambits on the quaggan (all but squeamish). I used full zerker warrior 6/6/x/x/x where you can just put the other 2 points wherever. Take traits like piercing shot, vulnerability on crit, berserker’s power. I used rifle and use 2 and 5 when it’s up while moving in a circle. Can take fear and stomp for when you get into trouble. Make sure you are hitting the right quaggan (does not move at the very beginning)
edit to correct gambit mistake all but squeamish
Quaggan is Tier 1, to get the achievement you need to do a Tier 3 boss with five gambits.
Quaggan is Tier 1, to get the achievement you need to do a Tier 3 boss with five gambits.
Ah totally forgot about that, I was just farming them for bags at the moment. I can do ooze similarly to the other warrior post with frenzy/endure pain/defiance stance combo. I go full zerker 6/6/0/0/2 though with greatsword and axe/mace (or sword). Signet of rage, GS #4, charge, hundred blade, whirlwind, then switch to axe/mace #5 stun, frenzy + endure pain, auto attack+ #2 skill, then defiant stance when endure pain is about to end. Mostly about doing enough dps before your invulnerabilities disappear and you die.
(edited by shiven.1892)
I did 5 gambits as an ele pretty easily.
Go full zerk (6/6/0/0/2), grab the damage in fire/air attunement traits + 25% hp arcane shield
Weapon is essentially option, but focus or staff is best
Ice bow, Arcane shield, signet of fire, arcane brilliance, and FGS are your util/heal/ult
gambits are Exhaust, On fire, Hamstrung, Crowd favorite and Fragility
When your turn is called, use ice bow, as soon as you’re ported into the arena, drop #4 on subject alpha. Cast arcane shield and run at him while casting FGS, then use #5 on him, as you get right in front of him use #4 on FGS and then #3 back into it. Use arcane brilliance, drop the FGS and then either swirling winds or magnetic aura (depending on if you’re focus or staff) and just finish him off if needed (he should be dead by now though)
You may also want to pick up the lava tomb(?) trait. The one that puts down lava fonts if you go downed. It’ll help you rally in a big way, and do extra DPS.
Easy Five Gambit with Thief
A little pro tip for Liadri on Guardian
You can do it on a really defensive guardian by using the gs #5 skill to mass collect the shards to throw at her. Do the fight normally for two stacks, then she will have 1 stack remaining until she breaks and starts to chase. So before you do that, get 3-4 Visions and make Binding Blade land on them. As they get in range of a white circle, activate the pull to get 3-4 free crystals. If you also spam them on Liadri immediately after, you can get all 4 off before the aoes start to fall again due to the phase switch. That way you will only need at most 3 more crystals on phase 2. Not faceroll, but definitely a good trick to use.
[VLK] Henge of Denravi
I did 5 gambit on deadeye. Berserker ranger with signet of stone, longbow and shortbow for interrupts. Easy.
8 orb I did with 0 0 10 30 30 guardian. I threw 9 orbs and had almost a minute left and almost full health when she died.
Did 5 gambits with engie on deadeye. Dire/rabid with balt runes, spvp grenadier build (can easily be found), grenades/tool kits and elixir S. all gambits apart from crowd favourite.
Just come to him, spam all the conditions from pistol 2 and grenades and stay there under blocks. When he teleports – use S, come to him and repeat (you can probably pull him with toolkit and take bombs insead for S then, haven’t tried). Very easy.
I found 8 orb liadri really frustrating last year, this year I rolled warrior and got it easily
rabid warrior 3/6/5/0/0 rifle.
I found 8 orb liadri really frustrating last year, this year I rolled warrior and got it easily
rabid warrior 3/6/5/0/0 rifle.
Thanks for this build. It was as easy as you made it look
Here is my video of how i killed subject 7, 5 gambits, on a full zerker warrior.
(edited by shiven.1892)
I did 5 gambits on subject-7 with a regengineer-like build. Healing turret, Bomb kit, elixir gun (for the toolbelt heal), flame turret (for the blind), supply crate. Trait for backpack regen and elixir-infused bombs. I think I used cleric’s gear.
Basically spamming 1-2-4 on the bomb kit. Keeping blinds up via bomb kit and flame turret as much as possible. You can out-regen the damage mostly, it’s just a question of whether you can kill him in the time limit.
Gambits were everything but crowd favorite.
[TAS] – The Asuran Squad
Devona’s Rest
Thanks for the build ideas, guys! I’ve beaten Liadri a couple of times now, but 8 orbs is still eluding me. I’ll try that Rabid Warrior build this week.
If you want a challenge, isn’t figuring out how to do it yourself part of it?
Anyways, since you have a mesmer, this is a video I made to get the 5 guantlet achievement.
Same thing I used last year, only thing you have to watch out for now is his 22k+ kick he does. Just dont get to close to him.
Anyone have recommendations for 8-orbs on an Ele?
If you want a challenge, isn’t figuring out how to do it yourself part of it?
NO !
I DO NOT want a challenge. I only want the +45 AP from it.