Liadri and rage
First of not every player has multiple characters or enjoys speed training, wich means they might only have one or two classes available to fight Liadri. Especially the casual gamers
Second i am in favor for a adjustment in Liadri (to make her a bit easier) but at the cost that some builds are disabled or decreased in efficiency, like the Necro life steal build I had to resort to, to kill her. Because now I have the mini, but not the sense of accomplishment for beating. Becuase i killed her that cheaply (way of fight, not cost, had to make stuff and owe some ppl a lot of money (for me) now)
That’s your own fault for using an easy-mode build.
My only complaint is that cosmic orbs are not a gambit. I would have love to challenge subject 7 with those on.
Tizzle Mindwrack – Crazy Asura Lore Keeper of [AARM]
@Rabe, it’s not like i wanted to (150g can be spend beter and not owing ppl is a lot more fun) hence the resort.
It was the only way for me to beat her thats why i’m for making her a bit easier in exchange of removing the effectifness of the easy builds
For some reason, there are points during the fight where I’ll pick up the Orbs of Blazing Light and suddenly find myself unable to dodge. I can’t tell if I’m just getting bad lag or what. Le sigh.
The only remotely random thing in the fight is Cosmic Rift pull. Rest is just a pattern of attacks that you need to learn, and a boss that could be easier for you if you changed your build and traits. I know I probably didn’t have to spend 40g + 200k karma to beat her, but it really made the fight less frustrating to respec for condi. No need for nerf whatsoever.
As much as I dislike HP scaling of latest LS bosses (LA, Boss Blitz) I see no flaw in Queen’s Gauntlet arena fights.
(edited by Exit.5213)
The elitism in this thread makes me want to vomit :P
Just cause you find something easy does not make it so, that said I don’t think it needs a nerf just cause I suck at everything.
It theorhetically should be easy, I know the mechanics inside and out; I personally find phase 1 not that hard, though the 3rd orb can be awkward; but for some reason even though I 100% know what I have to do I mess it up almost instantly at the start of phase 2. I’ve wondered about low fps, but others have done it with worse fps than me.
I think it could all be about reaction time more than anything and hand coordination as when I have time to think and act I often feel I’m saving the day for the party I’m in… but I don’t really enjoy all the facerolling and zerg content as I find it too easy and boring, but equally anything that requires the slightest amount of skill I seem to fail at (for instance jumping puzzles and even some vistas) and find tedious :P
Either way Liadri seems to have become an analogue for ‘If you can’t beat her you are just bad and should feel bad’, and having failed her 209 times I’m close to giving up on this game as a whole… cause even if I beat her on my 210th attempt the fact I’ve had to do it so many times now surely makes it a hollow victory?
It’s the fact that you fail so much that it gives you such sense of accomplishment. If you did it in your first try would it be an achievement? Believe me, I have thrown many tickets at it in season 1. I have tried it with a lot of classes with different builds but failed many times. But when I finally beat her it filled me pride.
So I wish you the best for you and hope you succeed in beating her.
The only thing that really frustrates me about the Liadri fight is when you’re struggling with a 200+ ms ping, and you constantly run into bugs like the Visions exploding and killing you when you’re nowhere near them (game thinks you’re behind where your screen shows you to be), or dying to shadowfalls when your screen shows you’re outside them (same as before), or not letting you pick up orbs when you’re standing right over them (desynced due to ping). These are factors that make the fight much harder through no fault of your own, and is the only reason I would support potential nerfs to Liadri’s fight.
That said, I DID manage to overcome them finally and get my Light Up the Darkness achievement, and it is SWEET indeed. If you can beat it regardless, you can take extra pride in the fact that you won even under severe handicaps like I was.
“but equally anything that requires the slightest amount of skill I seem to fail at (for instance jumping puzzles and even some vistas) and find tedious”
- Are you using the default settings for controls? If I remember correctly, the default for “A” and “D” are turns instead of strafe left/right. And the skills are set to the numbers above. Most players instinctively remap their controls to that of FPS games where strafes are on A & D, using the (right button hold) mouse to turn their view. This allows for circle strafes and quick angle change. Skills are mapped to keys around the standard WASD movement keys (i.e. Q, E, R, F, C, Z). My dodge is on left-Shift and weapswap on left-Ctrl. Left-Alt is pickup/activate.
- This control aspect is often overlooked by players and definitely contributes to the skill-cap for each player. Combat controls should be as fluid as possible.
- If your current build just isn’t working for your fights with Liadri, you may also want to consult your respective class forums for help in tweaking your build.
Liadri IS supposed to be beaten by everyone. The entire Queens Gauntlet teaches players how to use their class effectively and how to adapt and compensate in difficult situations. The more player beat Liadry, the bigger the success of the event.
Id just like to see the timer removed or react to the damage done. As a full exo celestial Mesmer with 1.5k hours experience, I consider myself in the lower 50% of the damage meter. Its not possible for me to beat her below 30% even in a perfect try before the timer hit zero. I had to switch to zerker gear to beat her last year.
The elitist can still solo Lupicus and upload their sepia video with speedcore onto youtube.
What sort of issues do you run into with phase 2? It sounds like you’ve got the positioning and timing sorted since you can comfortably clear phase 1. Phase 2 mainly consists of circle strafing to stay out of Shadowfall and away from Visions of Mortality while dealing as much damage as possible to Liadri.
Things that helped me:
- Full set of Superior Runes of the Centaur (-50% cripple duration in addition to the swiftness boost)
- Pile on condition damage as well as direct damage (I switched to full Rampager’s gear because I kept running out of time)
Don’t forget food boosts, although I forgot to use the food I had in inventory when I beat her so that was a couple fire flank steaks that became leftovers. Some people swear by mango pie.
… or not letting you pick up orbs when you’re standing right over them (desynced due to ping).
Lol, this happens to me so many times. I’ve counted at least 24 times today as I screamed to myself: “Pick it up! Pick up the darned thing already!!!” While pressing the dodge key furiously and my character just stands there dumbly. Lol.
Overall I do like the Liadri fight and I am thankful for the QoL changes this year, but there are still a few things about it that irritated me.
-Vision of Mortality visibility: there may not be a lot of other players with this issue, but when I was fighting Liadri I sometimes had trouble recognizing the Visions. They’re very dark, and the arena I was fighting in was dark too (it was nighttime) so they weren’t always easy to distinguish. Especially if they’re moving in packs, seeing how many of them are after you and if you have to worry about another spawning.
-Blind debuff on the Visions: almost impossible for me to see if I had successfully blinded them without checking their status bar; the dark blue-ish clouds around the head are very close to the same colour as the Visions (important because the Visions can’t kill you if they explode while blinded).
-Vision behaviour is weird. They don’t seem to follow normal mob pathing/chasing and will sometimes continue in the direction they were running for a second or two even if you’ve blinked or dodged behind them. Also, I can’t tell what triggers their explosion – sometimes dodging through them triggers it, but not often. Running through them while invulnerable or blocking doesn’t always seem to blow them up either.
-Character sometimes prefers auto-attacking instead of picking up an orb (this may have been my problem/something I was doing wrong, it was just pretty irritating).
-I don’t think the light whirlpool visual effect matches the area it affects the Visions. Several times I’ve been standing in it and still gotten defeated by Visions, or the Visions have skirted along the edges of the whirlpool without getting zapped into orbs.
-Some kind of cosmetic debuff on Liadri showing the # of additional orbs thrown at her in phase 2 would be helpful for the people trying the achievement.
… or not letting you pick up orbs when you’re standing right over them (desynced due to ping).
Lol, this happens to me so many times. I’ve counted at least 24 times today as I screamed to myself: “Pick it up! Pick up the darned thing already!!!” While pressing the dodge key furiously and my character just stands there dumbly. Lol.
Try to disable your auto attack.
@Roborovskii @virtualtourist
Until recently I had key binding similar to default, a few days ago I changed them so I can access my uilities rather than clicking on them etc. Kinda hard getting used to, another factor in the failures I would guess (not played any mmo before this one).
I now use esdf for movement with weapon skills 2-6 (I find 1 hard to press and can’t really use my little finger at all or my ring finger very well (incidentally I have a theory that the better you are at playing a piano the better you are at gaming)).
Not overly sure what the issue I’m having is, I can see that it should be relatively simple to pull off, circle strafe clockwise so index finger is free for abilities, auto-attack with auto-target turned off, shout when crippled to convert into swiftness and walk out of red zone; dodge if necessary, if no dodge Shelter, Renewed Focus, Focus 5.
But I think I just find it all too fast/can’t multi-task, I’ll panic and waste a dodge, or not see a shadow clone, or I’ll avoid a shadow clone but forget to condition cleanse.
Also being a melee guardian for 17ish months I have had no experience of kiting anything ever :P
Even tried the bear form exploit, though as far as I can tell it’s not really an exploit when it’s harder than just kiting her if you’re good at that sort of thing.
Done it with all classes, naked, phase1 Nekro Lifeleech, also naked… and so on.
And im by far not the best player.
She is not to hard, she is not “do it in the first try”.
She is “Try it, if you fail, try it harder”.
Learn the routine in all two phases.
When you lerned the phases, the black cloud/rain, the lightfields, the voidriftthingies, you beat her very easy.
I can write a guide for the first phase, step by step.
No damage, when you manage it right or very less damage from her AA.
No dodge needed.
You run this way every time, with every class.
Believe me, when you do this 20 times… you wish to jump instant to phase 2…
Meme says: “Meme?”
@Ravenhunt well good for you.
262 attempts now: pulling orb appears next to second portal, game over; go invulnerable text comes up ‘invulnerable’, die anyway; outside a red zone but close to the edge, die anyway; hit pulling orb with Guardian septer 2 see it die, pulls me anyway; pick up orb movement keys stop; side step left and right to avoid her auto attacks, hits me anyway for 2k+ a time.
The entire time I was doing it I watched the person I was sharing the area with start from the very first boss and beat Liadri losing only once to Suriel and running out of time on the 2nd Tier pirate bosses, as such I threw myself off the balcony with no intention of ever respawing.
Standing in line to use an item that requires pointless grinding of enemies. The more time I spend waiting to actually play this boss the more I wonder why I play this game at all.
And of my deaths to this boss today, 90% were a result of some lag and being hit by something nowhere near me. I don’t know, maybe a separate instance would have helped? Though if you did that would we completely miss the awesome line simulator, and we can’t have that.
@Ravenhunt well good for you.
262 attempts now: pulling orb appears next to second portal, game over; go invulnerable text comes up ‘invulnerable’, die anyway; outside a red zone but close to the edge, die anyway; hit pulling orb with Guardian septer 2 see it die, pulls me anyway; pick up orb movement keys stop; side step left and right to avoid her auto attacks, hits me anyway for 2k+ a time.
That sounds like lag…
When I was getting serious lag on day #2 of my attempts, turned out to be problems with my ISP so I quit trying Liadri (later ended up getting dc’ed twice while roaming so stopped playing for the night).
Try the steps on this page to see if you have a bad connection:
Done it with all classes, naked, phase1 Nekro Lifeleech, also naked… and so on.
And im by far not the best player.She is not to hard, she is not “do it in the first try”.
She is “Try it, if you fail, try it harder”.
Learn the routine in all two phases.
When you lerned the phases, the black cloud/rain, the lightfields, the voidriftthingies, you beat her very easy.I can write a guide for the first phase, step by step.
No damage, when you manage it right or very less damage from her AA.
No dodge needed.
You run this way every time, with every class.
Believe me, when you do this 20 times… you wish to jump instant to phase 2…
if you did it naked, your idea of hard is very different from the majority of gw2 players.
She is hard, and saying otherwise is only a dig at players who are finding her difficult.
I want to cry.
I still want the mini. I really want the mini. But I don’t want to do the gauntlet. I don’t even want to step in the Pavillion again.
I was going to try this weekend… but I keep doing the cuterace because I still need more tokens and I can’t decide between the panda and the dolyak, so I’m hoping for a favor drop. And saving because I’m not lucky and probably will not get a favor drop.
Guess that next week I can try… but I don’t want… but I want the mini… why anet? Why you put a cute mini there?
I even failed to pass the first tier the last time… and my only lvl 80 char is… well… her equipment pretty much is horrible. I only got one exotic weapon, a warhammer. Full clad in yellows crafted.
It gonna be impossible, isn’t?
So I haven’t killed her yet. Burned over 100 tokens and loving the progression. Took me an age to get to P2, now get there consistently and realised I’m wasting dodges. Once I’ve addressed this, and remembered to cleanse cripple, she’ll be gone. And I will have earned it.
Please don’t nerf – this is the only challenge I’ve experienced in game worth the effort. More of this please!
Title is good, but you can keep the ridiculous pet thing – would happily sell it to someone who values such drivel. However, moot point until I kill her!
About 30 tickets burned, finally figured out the mechanics and consistently make it to Phase 2 now, so that’s a plus.
The lag in Crown Pavilion really makes this fight more of a pain than it needs to be though. Would’ve probably beat this by now if it were instanced.
I want to cry.
I still want the mini. I really want the mini. But I don’t want to do the gauntlet. I don’t even want to step in the Pavillion again.I was going to try this weekend… but I keep doing the cuterace because I still need more tokens and I can’t decide between the panda and the dolyak, so I’m hoping for a favor drop. And saving because I’m not lucky and probably will not get a favor drop.
Guess that next week I can try… but I don’t want… but I want the mini… why anet? Why you put a cute mini there?
I even failed to pass the first tier the last time… and my only lvl 80 char is… well… her equipment pretty much is horrible. I only got one exotic weapon, a warhammer. Full clad in yellows crafted.
It gonna be impossible, isn’t?
ask someone to do it for you…. if you know someone near you or trust someone with your account.
About 30 tickets burned, finally figured out the mechanics and consistently make it to Phase 2 now, so that’s a plus.
The lag in Crown Pavilion really makes this fight more of a pain than it needs to be though. Would’ve probably beat this by now if it were instanced.
The Nightmare chambers were great. They removed the players to keep them away from the chaos out in the tower.
They must add a set of stairs in the center that leads to an underground arena that has the same events, proportions and rules as the upper ones one, but it’s instanced so the only thing in the map is the arena itself, like the last room in the nightmare chambers.
I even failed to pass the first tier the last time… and my only lvl 80 char is… well… her equipment pretty much is horrible. I only got one exotic weapon, a warhammer. Full clad in yellows crafted.
It gonna be impossible, isn’t?
Last year I beat Liadri with a Warrior using level 78 Masterworks and a smattering of Rares. (Still took me 70+ tickets though…) It’s possible. Good equipment helps, but your build and individual skill means much more.
My biggest issue with this was the arena above the centaurs → whenever I switched targets to an orb, then used a skill, it autotargetted to a centaur WAY down below x_x
I even failed to pass the first tier the last time… and my only lvl 80 char is… well… her equipment pretty much is horrible. I only got one exotic weapon, a warhammer. Full clad in yellows crafted.
It gonna be impossible, isn’t?Last year I beat Liadri with a Warrior using level 78 Masterworks and a smattering of Rares.
(Still took me 70+ tickets though…) It’s possible. Good equipment helps, but your build and individual skill means much more.
I gonna try. Maybe this weekend. (This past weekend I was busy doing the cuterace!)
But I’m surely doomed.
The build, I can check for a good build. But I lack skills and reflexs. I can’t even finish a Touhou game in easymodo. I panic in the crucial moments and always end dead.
The previous event I failed to clear the first tier. I have better equipment now… yellows instead of greens… but I don’t have too much hopes.
I guess that I will not get the cute mini. Why anet, why you don’t make the mini tradeable?
303 attempts now…
once… once… she had invisible health, then an orb having survived being aoe’d (which I save specifically for the purpose so I know I can’t miss) pulled me into a shadow clone.
Another time the hourglass death zone appeared on top of itself, I dodged the first relying on it not appearing there again, appears there again, no dodge; fun times.
Also there must be more luck to it than randomness of orbs, otherwise surely I would be constantly failing at the same part? But in the last 50 tries I’ve had her at >1%, 30%, 50%, 80%, and died at every stage of the orb throwing phase.
Also also I wish the title was for the 8 orb achievement as I wouldn’t see half the player base with it perfectly illustrating no matter how hard I try I’ll always be incompetent, and I would never have attempted to get it in the first place.
Also also also I wish the other bosses were proportionally hard as Liadri; most previous ones took 1 attempt, some 3 (Suriel, Pirate kittenholes, Chomper and Dude); 1-1-1-3-1-1-1-3-1-2-3-303+ is a rather kittened up learning curve.
I’m starting to think the real winners are the ones who never tried in the first place.
The mechanics of liadria are horrid, one shot kills should never be in any game, they are a sign of sloppy, lazy developing.
the fact that a seasonal event is made in such a way is also bad, seasonal events should not be as much of a challenge bu rather be fun, this event is not fun in any way, it is agrevating, furthermore seasonal events should never be only for hardcore players or cater to them, seasonal events should always be for casuals.
the gauntlet has got to be one of the worste seasonal events i have ever seen in an mmo.
The mechanics of liadria are horrid, one shot kills should never be in any game, they are a sign of sloppy, lazy developing.
the fact that a seasonal event is made in such a way is also bad, seasonal events should not be as much of a challenge bu rather be fun, this event is not fun in any way, it is agrevating, furthermore seasonal events should never be only for hardcore players or cater to them, seasonal events should always be for casuals.the gauntlet has got to be one of the worste seasonal events i have ever seen in an mmo.
I had fun killing her last year and I had fun killing her this year. Why shouldn’t it be challenging? You get an achievement
1. The act of accomplishing or finishing.
2. Something accomplished successfully, especially by means of exertion, skill, practice, or perseverance.
a title and a cool minipet.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
I personally don’t like that there are so many 1-hit kills, and that they are inconsistent in their counters. The shadows are beaten by blind, but damage negation, invulnerability, blocking, and aegis do not work; but they do work on shadowfall.
It took me 3 days and over 900 tickets to beat Liadri. I tried every single class, and a number of builds all fully decked out in either exotic or ascended armor with ascended or legendary weapons.
The issues that I had were not skill based, or even gear based they were an issues of pure luck.
I used the right builds, I used the right gear, I used every kitten booster, and the right foods; I have the every pattern from start to finish memorized every orb, every light circle, every clone spawn, and every shadowfall; none of these were able to make up for the glitches in the arena.
Literally HUNDREDS of times I was instantly killed by shadowfalls that I was nowhere near, or Liadri Clones that where on the other side of the arena; and several times by the arena dumping me out with over a minute left on the clock.
I know it wasn’t my machine, I was running at 120 FPS; I doubt it was my connection, as I have a dedicated line specifically for gaming.
The only things I can think of is either a synchronization issue on the server side, or some kind of glitch with megaservers.
I don’t care if you guys think it was easy or hard, I want to see the technical issues sorted out. If it weren’t for the glitches, I would have finished the second or third run, but as it were it took exactly 983 tickets to kill her.
Inconsistent? How? Just dodge.
Oh boy. Yesteday finally reached Liadri.
I must thank to a kind soul that pointed me in the right direction in the deadeye fight. Thanks noble stranger!!
But I must say that… boy, I hate this so much. Frustration level? Over nine thousands.
There’s too much happening in the screen. Half of the times I die for Liadris sneaking in my back. Aaaaand, dead. Again.
The fight feels like doing danmaku.
Sadly, I’m not good in those games either. I never managed to finish any Touhou game… ever in Easy Modo. Ok. This isn’t as insane as a Touhou Boss Fight. But the 3D has it’s disaventages too.
Gah… so much frustration. And only because I just NEED that mini. I must have it. I want it! I want it! I want it! I want it! I want it!!!
Can’t we have a anti-gambit option? I would kill for her spanwing less one-shot shadows. Or having more endurance. Or being able to skip phase 1… I hate doing the phase 1 everytime… it’s like those old games where once you died you must do the boss again… and the boss has like four phases. Oh, the memories are haunting me again!!!
I ended stopping playing the game for the weekend. The risk of smashing the monitor was not worth it.
I need to keep triying later… boy, I feel so masochist doing the gauntlet.
Need a name change “Gauntlet of the Sadist Queen for Masochist Adventurers.”
The mechanics of liadria are horrid, one shot kills should never be in any game, they are a sign of sloppy, lazy developing.
the fact that a seasonal event is made in such a way is also bad, seasonal events should not be as much of a challenge bu rather be fun, this event is not fun in any way, it is agrevating, furthermore seasonal events should never be only for hardcore players or cater to them, seasonal events should always be for casuals.the gauntlet has got to be one of the worste seasonal events i have ever seen in an mmo.
“According to the new living world plan with “more hardcore achieves and rewards for the achieves”.
Seems like anet no long cares about their casual player base.
well.. you could change liadri so that not four directions are full of aoe but 4/6 is aoe these aoes deal damage so if u get hit by one aoe u are down if zerker if tanky u will hvve about 30%left
also the spead of the aoes increse so that the player has to keep the same speed in order to not get hit
i think that would
make not full zerkers a bit more viable since as it is currently
zerker is thebest option due to the time limit..
and not getting many advantedes out of vitality or toughness since pretty much everything oneshots you..
but i hope with the upcoming permanent content hardcore achievements
there will be less things that require a short time thus a high dps
if they do want this oneshot emchanic they could take other ways to go around zerker / tanky specs even classes
just make these hardcore achievements like the event chain in the sylvary starter zone where you get transformed into a crab moa drake or something
even if that would not feel like liadry anymore since the finding the “best” skills weapons etc for the class becomes pretty much irrelevant..
im sure the upcoming hardcore content
will not all be the same
there are a lot of things anet can do
also hese achievements stay there forever when im right
so no more maah i cant do it with this class and i dont have a costs me soo much QQ ….
we’ll see what these will be like ^-^
well toughness+vitality does help out a war using healing signet since her auto attack will be negated
Love the liadri fight! It’s the only engaging fight in the game for me. I’d be very disappointed if she got nerfed. If anything, make it harder next time with a new boss! Too many Blazing Lights running around.
— All Is Vain—
Love the liadri fight! It’s the only engaging fight in the game for me. I’d be very disappointed if she got nerfed. If anything, make it harder next time with a new boss! Too many Blazing Lights running around.
Only if they make the mini obtaineable by another means. I don’t care about the title… but I want that mini.
Stupid gauntlet and their cute rewards.
“According to the new living world plan with “more hardcore achieves and rewards for the achieves”.
Seems like anet no long cares about their casual player base.
Yea, not like everything that has be done in this game by Anet has been done for casuals.
“According to the new living world plan with “more hardcore achieves and rewards for the achieves”.
Seems like anet no long cares about their casual player base.
Yea, not like everything that has be done in this game by Anet has been done for casuals.
It was advertised as a casual game, so yeah, I’m a little mirth at this direction, there’s enough hardcore mmo’s out there.
Casual used to mean not putting in a lot of hours not unskilled, but that definition has changed somewhat. If you know your class and can figure out mechanics, clearing all 12 bosses for the first time takes about 30 minutes(excluding waiting time and bugs/glitches) I would call half an hour of game time to clear 1/3rd of the current living story content pretty casual.
Yes it takes time to learn that skill, but the game is 2 years old. Even at a super leisurely pace, getting to 80 and a set of exotics with a class is more than enough time to explore mechanics and familiarize yourself enough to clear liadri.
“According to the new living world plan with “more hardcore achieves and rewards for the achieves”.
Seems like anet no long cares about their casual player base.
Yea, not like everything that has be done in this game by Anet has been done for casuals.
It was advertised as a casual game, so yeah, I’m a little mirth at this direction, there’s enough hardcore mmo’s out there.
Everything in this is game is for casual. Just because now some people can’t get a minipet is such a big deal. Liadri is not even hardcore contnent.
They said there are going to be some “hard” achivments , they didn’t even specify what kind difficult and you already going for " they don’t care about casuals anymore",please
they don’t say ‘some’.
“The achievements will be much more difficult to complete than those traditionally found in Season 1, and are intended to be challenging achievements for skilled players to overcome”
A 2 lines sentence after updates and updates of casual contnent and you really think this is going to be something that only the “hardcore” players are going to complete?
Skilled =/= Hardcore
(edited by blessing nosferatu.3784)
A 2 lines sentence after updates and updates of casual contnent and you really think this is going to be something that only the “hardcore” players are going to complete?
Skilled =/= Hardcore
casual means easy/anyone can do it.
They way thats worded they don’t expect everyone to be able to do it. but I get, it’s what all of ye who like liadri want. Players like me, can go back to solo games eh?
You are just overreacting. I don’t understand why not having a mini is such a big deal.
Again there is so much casual contnent in this game , but as soon as comes something that you can’t complete is the end of the world.
Casual means that you don’t have to invest too much time to have fun/complete the game , in fact liadri is a short fight and doesnt require a high end gear/build
You are just overreacting. I don’t understand why not having a mini is such a big deal.
Again there is so much casual contnent in this game , but as soon as comes something that you can’t complete is the end of the world.
Casual means that you don’t have to invest too much time to have fun/complete the game , in fact liadri is a short fight and doesnt require a high end gear/build
And I don’t understand why asking for having multiple ways to get something, is such a big deal.
Not having a mini ruins collections.
but it’s fine, anet is gearing more content for players like you. I’m not pleased with the idea of more liadri type content.
I can complain about that. It’s not what I bought this game for.