Liadri and rage
You are just overreacting. I don’t understand why not having a mini is such a big deal.
Again there is so much casual contnent in this game , but as soon as comes something that you can’t complete is the end of the world.
Casual means that you don’t have to invest too much time to have fun/complete the game , in fact liadri is a short fight and doesnt require a high end gear/buildAnd I don’t understand why asking for having multiple ways to get something, is such a big deal.
Not having a mini ruins collections.but it’s fine, anet is gearing more content for players like you. I’m not pleased with the idea of more liadri type content.
I can complain about that. It’s not what I bought this game for.
Why can’t we have both type of content? You want them to produce content that you like(and they did for almost 2 years now) , fair enough , I mean of course we all do, but you complain when they do some different content that other “type” of players enjoy.
(edited by blessing nosferatu.3784)
Are you seriously complaining because there might be some achievements or minis – we don’t even know if there’s going to be such content or if it’s just an overstatement – that require a minimal amount of coordination, understanding of at least a class and basic skill to actually get them?
You shouldn’t tie yourself in knots, it’s probably just going to be something extremely boring and grindy that requires zero skill and knowledge of the game.
Not everyone is equally skilled, and the fights should be balanced, and Liadri is nowhere near balanced.
Yes, there will be those who are better, but if Anet wants to cater to the minority, they will just leave the majority frustrated, and they will just quit the game.
I started out with 240+ tickets and i’m down to 89 now. I’ve tried different classes and builds, but those don’t really matter, because i just saw a video with a lvl 2 warrior beat her.
It’s the mechanics of the fight that are terribly imbalanced. There is too much awareness that is needed. Dodging, Running, Vigor management, Condition curing, Removing boons from Liadri, avoiding Visions, avoiding AOE, avoiding random Orbs.
Currently, there is more frustration than enjoyment on this fight. And that’s always a bad thing in a video game. It’s bad design.
They need to get rid of either the orbs, or visions, in phase 2, and it would be so much more balanced, and less awareness to worry about.
(edited by nexxe.7081)
Not everyone is equally skilled, and the fights should be balanced, and Liadri is nowhere near balanced.
i just saw a video with a lvl 2 warrior beat her.
I’m out of this thread, good luck with your future attempts to liadri.
Not everyone is equally skilled, and the fights should be balanced, and Liadri is nowhere near balanced.
i just saw a video with a lvl 2 warrior beat her.
I’m out of this thread, good luck with your future attempts to liadri.
That’s right. Run away from the debate. As i said, not everyone is equally skilled, but if Anet wants to cater to people who can solo Lupi and kill Liadri as level 2, then they will just see more people leave. You seem to want only a select few enjoy the game, and i’m sure Anet doesn’t think like you do. People like you don’t want balance. As i’ve already explained, it’s the mechanics of the fight that are imbalanced.
(edited by nexxe.7081)
Anet knows how hard it is, they knew it last year. They knew it during development as it was designed to be very difficult and stated so in the patch preview. They tested it for weeks prior to launch and only 4 of the 50 testers they had could beat her and still launched her despite knowing the majority will not be able to beat her.
With this thread and the complaint threads that are almost identical to those from last year, Anet fully knows the rage it induces in the playerbase. Also they have the player data from last year as well. If the gauntlet really caused players to quit in significant numbers, do you think they would have re-released it ?
(edited by dodgycookies.4562)
Honestly, I don’t care about the Gauntlet. It’s stupid.
But have a stupid mini as reward. And the stupid me wants that mini. So I gonna try the stupid fight until I ragequit the game or run out of tickets.
But, it’s stupid.
I can’t understand how anyone could have though that having the gauntlet in the same map as the Boss Blitz was a good idea.
The ring need to be instanced.
In a fight like Liadri you can’t have lag. Nothing. Honestly I got sick of being killed by things that weren’t there. Or teleporting Liadris.
And dont make me talk about the white orbs that pulls you. Several times I died at the same start because one stupid ball spawned in the first Liadri Insta-KO attack.
A ticket lost without even triying.
In a single player offline game I’m kinda sure that the fight would be much more doable.
Anyways, my input. Please anet, don’t force us casual cute things collector to suffer like this anymore.
You can give the hardcore crew their content. But please, don’t mix the cute and the masochist things.
I still have like 50-60 tickets… I will keep triying, but it’s an exercise of frustration. And masochism.
. People like you don’t want balance.
yes must be that, even tough I’m the one that want both hard content and casual content.
but what you are saying is " i don’t want other to have hard content because i want to be able to complete everything in the game " but ok I’m being the hypocrite here.
And dont make me talk about the white orbs that pulls you. Several times I died at the same start because one stupid ball spawned in the first Liadri Insta-KO attack.
A ticket lost without even triying.
You know you can kill those, right?
And dont make me talk about the white orbs that pulls you. Several times I died at the same start because one stupid ball spawned in the first Liadri Insta-KO attack.
A ticket lost without even triying.You know you can kill those, right?
Well, if I would be capable of doing everything perfectly I wouldn’t be here raging.
I going to try another day. No more gauntlet for today or I gonna end hanging myself or something.
I gonna end my dailies and play something so I can forget about the stupid Liadri.
Anet knows how hard it is, they knew it last year. They knew it during development as it was designed to be very difficult and stated so in the patch preview. They tested it for weeks prior to launch and only 4 of the 50 testers they had could beat her and still launched her despite knowing the majority will not be able to beat her.
With this thread and the complaint threads that are almost identical to those from last year, Anet fully knows the rage it induces in the playerbase. Also they have the player data from last year as well. If the gauntlet really caused players to quit in significant numbers, do you think they would have re-released it ?
when did giving a boss multiple one shot skills=difficulty
might as well make all future bosses tank and spank.just throw in a few one shot skills and you have instant difficulty
any difficult bosses will have 1 shot mechanics to punish mistakes, if mistakes are recoverable then making them has no net effect on the kill. If shadowfall took 2 hits to kill you, that means for good players you can ignore it half the time, this means a good dps zerker can kill her before the second shadowfall and make the whole 2nd phase pointless. Ignorable mechanics that you face tank/brute force is bad encounter design. This has been true for most modern top end content (ie raids) in other games as well. Liadri is designed to those specs (stated in the dev preview) and is just a typical cookie cutter raid boss made solo.
If you have never done any recent top end content i can see where it is difficult, and must gain all the skills others have learned over many games in a short time, but for those who have done such content, liadri offers nothing new, is loosely tuned, and is what amounts to a check list of “must have mechanics” in any modern mmo end game pve encounter (multi-phases/add management/player positioning/cooldown management/debuff management/target switches/enrage timer).
Also with the introduction of the dodge/block and massive heals (respective to other games) all gw2 characters have, 1 shot mechanics is pretty much required to make anything difficult which is seen throughout the game in various difficult dungeon bosses. Only there mistakes arent punished due to the revive system.
(edited by dodgycookies.4562)
Liadri is nowhere near balanced.
If Liadri was unbalanced, then she would have so much health that only players with Ascended quality gear and the highest damage-dealing build possible would be able to kill her. She would be so difficult that even when you learn every nuance of the fight that you would still die due to things beyond your control, and you have to simply keep trying until the stars align and you squeak out a win.
But guess what? She’s not.
Liadri has been killed by every profession on a wide variety of builds and varying skill levels. The best players boast about how they kill her in 10 seconds with gambits, while others rejoice when their victory comes as the announcer counts down the last five seconds. Players that have done it and continue to practice can repeat the kill, which proves there is little luck involved with victory or defeat.
I’d also like to point out that this is an incredibly small amount of the content available in the game. Liadri’s existence does not prevent you from doing the other 99.97% of the content you have access to which you apparently have no issue with.
@rincewind: I’d sell you my Mini Liadri if I could. While I did enjoy the challenge of beating Liadri and having the little memento of my victory, I’m not a miniature collector and I honestly wouldn’t mind selling her for extra gold.
Don’t give up, however. The Queen’s Gauntlet is returning festival content, which means it’ll certainly be back again next year. By then you may have much better equipment and more skill/experience, enabling you to beat Liadri. As I said, last year I beat Liadri after 70+ tries in a combination of Masterworks and Rares. This year I beat her in just 12 attempts with mostly Exotics and a few Rares. By next year, I might be decked out in all Ascended and kill her in just one go!
Not everyone is equally skilled, and the fights should be balanced, and Liadri is nowhere near balanced.
i just saw a video with a lvl 2 warrior beat her.
I’m out of this thread, good luck with your future attempts to liadri.
That’s right. Run away from the debate. As i said, not everyone is equally skilled, but if Anet wants to cater to people who can solo Lupi and kill Liadri as level 2, then they will just see more people leave. You seem to want only a select few enjoy the game, and i’m sure Anet doesn’t think like you do. People like you don’t want balance. As i’ve already explained, it’s the mechanics of the fight that are imbalanced.
Do yo compare the difficulty of liadri to the one of lupi solo? .
Do you seriously think a big portion of the playerbase not only cares deeply about beating Liadri, but even quits over it?
Have you seriously just written that someone who’s able to beat Liadri does surely “want a select few to enjoy the game”? Is the game Liadri now? They make a boss which is a little different than the others and the game isn’t for casuals anymore? Where’s the rest of the content that you’ve enjoyed ’til now?
Blame the lag, blame the game, blame the developers, blame the bugs, blame nosferatu, blame me, whatever you want.
It’s you. You can’t beat her because you don’t reach the skillcap for whatever reason.
And this is not even close to a debate. You’re just unable to accept some simple statements about yourself.
Keep acting like this, and you’ll never beat her. Ever.
I was ashamed of myself, the first year, when it took me over 200 (two hundred!!!!) tries to beat her. This year I needed 2.
People improve. A scrub like me improved. You can improve, if you stop blaming others. I’d really love if you did it. But you won’t do that, will you… Liadri is imbalanced, this is why you can’t beat her.
If you can’t do it you can always find a friend or a “friend” to do it.
It was advertised as a casual game, so yeah, I’m a little mirth at this direction, there’s enough hardcore mmo’s out there.
Can you give me a link or citication on that?
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
A 2 lines sentence after updates and updates of casual contnent and you really think this is going to be something that only the “hardcore” players are going to complete?
Skilled =/= Hardcore
casual means easy/anyone can do it.
They way thats worded they don’t expect everyone to be able to do it. but I get, it’s what all of ye who like liadri want. Players like me, can go back to solo games eh?
Casual means anyone can do it will little effort or investment.
There is absolutely nothing in the game that is impossible for someone to do – you just might not be able to get it on your first try. Unless you’re saying you’re incapable of learning, adapting, improving, or anything else that distinguishes human intellect from animal instinct (And even animals are capable of learning… so are you some sort of primordial ooze?)
And, LS2 is going to be permanent content as well, so that if you fail to do something, it will always be there for you to attempt at your leisure. The game’s already made it clear that once you hit level 80, you’re done with vertical progression, so it’s not like the content will be devalued over time – Unlike, say, trying to forge Thunderfury or run Molten Core/Black Temple/Karazan/Naxramas/Icecrown Citadel/Caverns of Time in World of Warcraft.
Also, Guild Wars 2 was never advertised as “Casual” – it was advertised as “No mandatory Grind” and “Have fun instead of Waiting to Have Fun”. In fact, the beta had the game be much harder for even Open-World content than it is now, but nerfs to AI before launch (To prevent buggy exploits) changed that, and a lack of new (Not necessarily harder – just different) content has allowed people to master the game.
(edited by Sartharina.3542)
Mandatory link because you mentioned it! Last one to link gets internet wins! Oh the nostalgia for /2 trade chat =P
(edited by dodgycookies.4562)
@rincewind: I’d sell you my Mini Liadri if I could. While I did enjoy the challenge of beating Liadri and having the little memento of my victory, I’m not a miniature collector and I honestly wouldn’t mind selling her for extra gold.
Don’t give up, however. The Queen’s Gauntlet is returning festival content, which means it’ll certainly be back again next year. By then you may have much better equipment and more skill/experience, enabling you to beat Liadri.
As I said, last year I beat Liadri after 70+ tries in a combination of Masterworks and Rares. This year I beat her in just 12 attempts with mostly Exotics and a few Rares. By next year, I might be decked out in all Ascended and kill her in just one go!
Thanks for the encouragement!
I’m not sure if gear will help. Maybe two of those superior energy runes can help me with a extra evade now and then. But the one-shots are the problem for me.
Always something get me… strangely sometimes things that aren’t close enough to hit me…
And the white shards that you must throw to Liadri… those stupid thingies keep dissapearing… even when I have it in my hands!!
“Now, lets throw this… heh!! Where it go!?!?”
Frustrating. Very frustrating.
And for the skill, I’m not getting any more skillful. If anything my skill and dextery will decrease with time.
Can’t we have anti-gambits?
Like, having to thrown 2 instead of 3 white thingies to enter phase 2.
Or having decreased Liadri Clones spawn?
I mean, if there’s gambits to cather good players why not anti-gambits to cather bad ones? And I must be a bad player, because can’t beat her.
Just give another title if the player beat her with anti-gambit, like “easy modo Liadri stomper” and for the ones doing Liadri with all gambits, “Super hardcore Liadri Slayer, a winner is you!”.
Well, maybe the titles name can use a bit more work, but you get the idea.
Honestly, I just want the mini. I don’t care about difficulty and challenges.
If I wanted challenges I would be playing Touhou or something like that.
As others have stated, you should really check your stats and play style.
For example see if other weapons work better, different stats, utilities, etc.
I assure you, all of those people in game with the title are not hardcore players.. they vested enough time into changing their styles and what not until they got it.
You are just overreacting. I don’t understand why not having a mini is such a big deal.
Again there is so much casual contnent in this game , but as soon as comes something that you can’t complete is the end of the world.
Casual means that you don’t have to invest too much time to have fun/complete the game , in fact liadri is a short fight and doesnt require a high end gear/buildAnd I don’t understand why asking for having multiple ways to get something, is such a big deal.
Not having a mini ruins collections.but it’s fine, anet is gearing more content for players like you. I’m not pleased with the idea of more liadri type content.
I can complain about that. It’s not what I bought this game for.
Because for once they added content that had some, (not much because of how easy she is) novelty to the mini that you acquired. If there were multiple ways to get the mini, what real accomplishment would there be?
You are just overreacting. I don’t understand why not having a mini is such a big deal.
Again there is so much casual contnent in this game , but as soon as comes something that you can’t complete is the end of the world.
Casual means that you don’t have to invest too much time to have fun/complete the game , in fact liadri is a short fight and doesnt require a high end gear/buildAnd I don’t understand why asking for having multiple ways to get something, is such a big deal.
Not having a mini ruins collections.but it’s fine, anet is gearing more content for players like you. I’m not pleased with the idea of more liadri type content.
I can complain about that. It’s not what I bought this game for.Because for once they added content that had some, (not much because of how easy she is) novelty to the mini that you acquired. If there were multiple ways to get the mini, what real accomplishment would there be?
Accomplishment? It’s a mini. It’s not about accomplishment, it’s about a cute mini!!
People, you all are missing the point.
If you want the accomplishment you have the achievment that proves that you did that. You have you title so you can show to all those low peasants like me that you’re superior and we must adore as gods.
But the mini, its cute and everyone should be able to have the cute!! Cute is for everyone!! Cute is for the people!!!
No, but seriously. If the Liadri mini was avaiable to others means I wouldn´t have bothered with the Gauntlet. And I wouldn’t be raging here.
As others have stated, you should really check your stats and play style.
For example see if other weapons work better, different stats, utilities, etc.
I assure you, all of those people in game with the title are not hardcore players.. they vested enough time into changing their styles and what not until they got it.
Yeah, that worked well in the previous encounters.
Changing weapons, tactics, retraiting, changing sigils and skills eventually worked. And I avanced until I reached Liadri.
Sometimes with a bit or much of luck even.
But for Liadri… the problem are the insta-KO.
I think that I got the idea. Need to do it right.
Time better the blind of the bow attack so those cursed clones don’t kill me.
And maybe I would need to get those superior Energy Sigils, for an extra dodge… but those things are expensive…
Gah… it’s frustrating… and once the frustation starts, I need to quit triying, because I start to do worse and worse… I hate this.
I would be so so so happy if I manage to do it. Because 1) I will get the mini 2) I will be able to forget the gauntlet forever!!
Yes it’s frustrating but that’s what a challenge is. They shouldn’t add “anti-gambits” or change her fight at all. She can be beaten, has been beaten, easily and by a lvl 2 with white armor. Rince if you tell me what class and build you try using I can help you out instead of spamming all over “I want the cute mini”. I’ve seen you say that in nearly every single post on every possible liadri topic and it’s quite annoying.
There seems to be some level of obtuseness here… like it’s kinda amusing seeing many criticise those for failing to learn the mechanics, do you honestly think someone how has done it 100 times, 300 times, one poster even over 900 times without learning?
Or do you really think they just did it over and over not bothering to research anything and being “y I die when I go in red kitten?!11!!!1”.
It seems to me that there are some real issues with this fight possibly due to connectivity, boss blitz below, processing power, rare bugs; if you did not experience these then they must not exist then? It must be easy as I found it easy, all I did was faceroll once I understood the mechanics and you must have some sort of brain deficiency.
Perhaps being dumped out of the arena floor with a minute left on the incredibly rare occasion I was close to winning is working as intended? Which made me think I was going crazy until I saw it happen to someone else and another poster on here mentioned it.
The fact no matter what I do I consistently fail at entirely different points in the fight shows to me there must be some element of luck that perhaps is negliable to those who have non of the above issues but outcome changing for those that do. Like once all the orbs in phase 2 appeared right next to me but I ran out of time, the fight right after almost the same thing but did better this time; unfortunately this was the time I got dumped out of the arena early (I also didn’t lose any health when I hit the ground? But did get a gold reward boss blitz for landing directly on the last champion ). However since those 2 consecutive fights that I nearly won I haven’t come close again for the last 200 tickets.
Also the reason many are so annoyed with this fight and Guild Wars has become Liadri Wars is because pretty much everywhere she is billed as ‘The only thing challenging in the game (but not that hard)’ which as I mentioned before really means ‘If you can’t kill her you suck’. It doesn’t matter if you win all the PvP matches or command well in WvW, I had no problems with Liadri therefore no problems, and those other things are easy zerker zerging meta; and for those like me who have still yet to beat Tequatl – feels bad man.
Just cause I’m overly melodramatic now where I once was proud of my soloing a champion risen giant, my Combat Healer title, my Hammer Banishing literally everyone off Skyhammer, or my 3 man Boss Blitz, I now am not as I never realized that all the other content other than Liadri was easy facerolling.
So I think to myself ‘well I’ll show them that I’m not a kittening noob and kill her’ nopenopenope x 100s of attempts; and therefore is why I imagine there is talk of rage-quitting the game over it, and is why even if I kill her now it feels meaningless – if I kill her on my next go I’m still worse than the Lv2 dude who finds everything easy.
Also I do think the shadow clones could do something like 15,000-20,000 damage, still one-shot for zerkers and other high dps builds, but if you want to risk the time factor for that survivability advantage it would premote builds other than the meta.
Liadri is one of the few parts of the game where you cannot get carried by anyone. Which is why it is considered the only “difficult” pve encounter in the game. All the other pve achievements and encounters are group based with no tangible way to gauge individual skill. Liadri is either you can or you can’t, not about if your guild/party/zerg is good enough to clear the content.
As for bugs that is dependent on the individual and their skill level. Those who can kill her super fast every time will find her easy even with glitches as they have more time to recover, those barely making it to a kill will be more affected by such problems.
(edited by dodgycookies.4562)
Yes it’s frustrating but that’s what a challenge is. They shouldn’t add “anti-gambits” or change her fight at all. She can be beaten, has been beaten, easily and by a lvl 2 with white armor. Rince if you tell me what class and build you try using I can help you out instead of spamming all over “I want the cute mini”. I’ve seen you say that in nearly every single post on every possible liadri topic and it’s quite annoying.
If this is challenge I don’t want challenge. None. Zero. Nothing.
Why are you against “anti-gambit”, doesn’t affect people and gives the people that have issues with this a chance.
I honestly don’t know why I can do it.
But between the clones spawning like hell, the shards dissapearing all the time, the clones killing me being not close enough to do it, the camera when the stupid rift spawn on the edge of the arena… it’s too much.
It’s frustrating and stupid, not challenging and fun.
And why my wanting the mini rant bothers you?
Anyways, I checked and blinding the clones to not be downed doesn’t work. So it’s just the old dodge or nothing.
I guess that my only improvement left is getting energy runes.
And I’m a warrior by the way. Actually I’m using a 6/2/2/4 build.
Or I can forget about this stupid thing and be bitter about it forever. And rant about this is every single opportunity.
I hate this.
Anyways, I checked and blinding the clones to not be downed doesn’t work. So it’s just the old dodge or nothing.
This isn’t true. Using Blind on the Visions of Mortality will make their explosions miss you.
What stage are you struggling with? The first or second.
Anyways, I checked and blinding the clones to not be downed doesn’t work. So it’s just the old dodge or nothing.
This isn’t true. Using Blind on the Visions of Mortality will make their explosions miss you.
What stage are you struggling with? The first or second.
Well, I read about that. But I checked, double checked and don’t work. I used smoldering arrow in the clones and charge them… I ended dead. All the time.
And lost several tickets with the experiment.
And I struggle in the first phase. Sometimes I pass to the second. But always some clone get me after that. Everytime.
And those shards keep dissapearing, sometimes when I’m about to thrown them.
It’s infuriating.
Whereabouts do you live? It sounds as if you’re having the same problem as me; I live in Australia, so my 200ms (on average) ping means that the game frequently thinks I’m a split second behind where my screen shows me to be, meaning I sometimes get killed by Visions or shadowfalls hitting me even though I should be safely out of range. (It also sometimes won’t let you pick up light orbs for the same reason.) This is a VERY annoying handicap, but it can be overcome. (There’s no shame in losing if you can’t overcome this though; it’s a bit like going into a boxing match half-blindfolded.)
One thing to note is that the light orbs disappear ~10 seconds after being generated, regardless of whether or not you’re holding them. That means you need to grab them and throw them asap.
Some more tips to survive shadowfalls and Visions:
- The Visions can be Blinded to make their explosion miss. Other than that, only Evades or Invulnerable skills will protect you against them; their explosion goes right through blocks or skills like Endure Pain.
- The Visions turn at a much slower rate than you do. This means that it’s easier to avoid them by running in small circles around them than by running away from them. Use that to your advantage and to bunch them up together so they all run into a single light pool (helpful if you’re trying for the 8 orbs achievement).
- The shadowfalls can be avoided through evades, blocks, invulnerability or damage immunity skills. This means you should have at least 1 or 2 “panic button” skills that you can use if you can’t get out of shadowfalls. When I did this on my Warrior, I had 2: Endure Pain and Shield Stance. Coupled with your dodges, that should keep you fairly safe from shadowfalls.
- Similar to the Visions, it’s easier to avoid the shadowfalls if you run in circles closer to the center of the arena. This means you have to move shorter distances to get to safety, and if you have an innate 25% speed boost, you’ll still be able to hobble from one safe spot to the next even if you’re crippled by Liadri.
There’s some misinformation here, so here are some facts:
Visions of Mortality: You can block, blind and evade, and use skills that make you invulnerable to negate their damage. You cannot use skills that reduce their damage to 0. (Endure Pain and Signet of Stone)
Shadowfall: You can block, evade, use invulnerability skills and skills that reduce its damage to 0. (Endure Pain & Signet of Stone.
(edited by Nokaru.7831)
^ I’ve been killed a few times before using Shield Stance against the Visions though. Perhaps it’s a bug specific to Shield Stance? Or perhaps Aegis works, but not other types of blocks?
Hmm… Maybe it’s something funny going on with my latency then. Like the game thinks I hit Shield Stance too late even though I did it before the Vision reached me.
If you’re really struggling try running sword/warhorn rifle with rabid armor and whatever weapons/trinkets you desire. 6/6/0/0/2 I found a really REALLY easy way to beat her as a warrior. first phase obviously use sword/warhorn to evade all her shiz make sure you’ve got signet of stamina, endure pain, shake it off and dodge food on your bar. Use warrior’s sprint for that increased mobility with your melee weapons and you should beat phase 1 ez as pie. Phase 2 just strafe and use your rifle at all times unless you really need to jump out of the shadows with your sword 2. That’s the method I’ve shown to nearly every warrior I’ve seen running it guildies or not and they all succeeded within a few tries.
Whereabouts do you live? It sounds as if you’re having the same problem as me; I live in Australia, so my 200ms (on average) ping means that the game frequently thinks I’m a split second behind where my screen shows me to be, meaning I sometimes get killed by Visions or shadowfalls hitting me even though I should be safely out of range. (It also sometimes won’t let you pick up light orbs for the same reason.) This is a VERY annoying handicap, but it can be overcome. (There’s no shame in losing if you can’t overcome this though; it’s a bit like going into a boxing match half-blindfolded.)
One thing to note is that the light orbs disappear ~10 seconds after being generated, regardless of whether or not you’re holding them. That means you need to grab them and throw them asap.
Some more tips to survive shadowfalls and Visions:
- The Visions can be Blinded to make their explosion miss. Other than that, only Evades or Invulnerable skills will protect you against them; their explosion goes right through blocks or skills like Endure Pain.
- The Visions turn at a much slower rate than you do. This means that it’s easier to avoid them by running in small circles around them than by running away from them. Use that to your advantage and to bunch them up together so they all run into a single light pool (helpful if you’re trying for the 8 orbs achievement).
- The shadowfalls can be avoided through evades, blocks, invulnerability or damage immunity skills. This means you should have at least 1 or 2 “panic button” skills that you can use if you can’t get out of shadowfalls. When I did this on my Warrior, I had 2: Endure Pain and Shield Stance. Coupled with your dodges, that should keep you fairly safe from shadowfalls.
- Similar to the Visions, it’s easier to avoid the shadowfalls if you run in circles closer to the center of the arena. This means you have to move shorter distances to get to safety, and if you have an innate 25% speed boost, you’ll still be able to hobble from one safe spot to the next even if you’re crippled by Liadri.
Yeah, must be something like that. I live in a third world country with a third world country ISP. I always have high latency, in every online game. But some games are more forgiving than others.
I tried the shield and the bow skill to survive the clones explosions. Sometimes works. Sometimes not. It’s kinda weird. Same with the shadowfalls. A few times I tried to use the shield stance to survive and … denied!
So, for me it’s more reliable to try to stay always in a respetable range from the clones. But of course, it’s easy to say it, but in the practice…
Well, thanks a lot for the tips!!
If you’re really struggling try running sword/warhorn rifle with rabid armor and whatever weapons/trinkets you desire. 6/6/0/0/2 I found a really REALLY easy way to beat her as a warrior. first phase obviously use sword/warhorn to evade all her shiz make sure you’ve got signet of stamina, endure pain, shake it off and dodge food on your bar. Use warrior’s sprint for that increased mobility with your melee weapons and you should beat phase 1 ez as pie. Phase 2 just strafe and use your rifle at all times unless you really need to jump out of the shadows with your sword 2. That’s the method I’ve shown to nearly every warrior I’ve seen running it guildies or not and they all succeeded within a few tries.
Thanks for the advice. I will try switching the shield for the horn.
I already working with a condition build and amor. Maybe the extra mobility can make the difference?
I don’t have too much time to play until the weekend. But maybe I could give it a few tries… if I can found a place not crowded. It’s pretty lame having to wait for the fight. Feels like doing the line to pay taxes or something like that.
Well, thanks for the tips and advice!!
I’ve been trying Liadri over 100 times, now. I’m fine with that. I like having a hard boss. I’m not sure I’ll even beat her by the time the festival is over. I’ve been getting better, gradually. I can get past the orbs pretty consistently, now, and I’m doing well in phase 2. Just don’t seem to have enough damage in phase 2.
I burned through about 30 tickets, stubbornly sticking with my build. My preferred build was something of a glass-cannon thief and that build easily took me through all the bosses of the gauntlet. It just wouldn’t work with Liadri, though, so I’ve respecked and I’m doing better, now. I don’t seem to have enough power, though, since I had to put points into shadow arts to get more toughness.
That’s kinda an issue. In my opinion, you should be able to get through the gauntlet with one build. I’d actually recommend making all the other bosses harder, btw.
I do agree with some of the other posters that the fight seems gimmicky. With the insta-death and the invulnerability, it just doesn’t feel like the other fights.
I also think the mechanic of picking up the orbs and throwing them is extremely clumsy. It feels as if it was specifically designed to slow players down. My thief can dodge and shadow step and zip all over the place, but has to pause for what seems an eternity to pick up and throw an orb.
There seemed to be a bug with this, too, where my character often pauses for just a moment, before being able to move, giving the clones more time to get to me. Not sure if that’s a lag thing, but it seemed to be something about the skill.
So far, I can’t kill Liadri. I don’t mind that. I like having a fight that’s hard. I think there are just some flaws with Liadri’s design. I’d actually like to see Liadri stick around, so I could keep practicing. In fact, I’d like to see more bosses like this, but ones with better mechanics (Hate the whole orb thing.).
On a side note, this is a solo fight. People who might be excellent in teams might not be able to do this. That doesn’t mean they suck at the game or they don’t know how to play their class, as it seems some people in this thread have implied.
TLDR: Love a hard fight. Liadri has some bad mechanics. Would like to be able to practice all year long. Want more bosses like Liadri.
(edited by Rachiia.6045)
Well, again, I want to thanks to all the people who gave advice and tips. You people rocks. Thanks a lot.
And sorry about biting the troll bait before. That’s was inexcusable of my part. Sorry.
I give up, by the way. Even uninstalled the game to refrain myself to farm more tickets and try again.
It’s just more frustration that I can handle.
And about the mini… I don’t care about minis anymore. Being a mini collector is not a realizable goal after all.
I probably will come back to the game when the season 2 begins. But I will play without even triying to do the “challenging content”. I learned my lesson.
Sorry for the bother. But, well, this is a thread to rage about Liadri. And boy, she made me rage hard.
Hello Rincewind. Probably good to take a break if it’s driving you to raging.
If you do decide to come back, I’d like to offer some advice from a fellow non-leet warrior. I tried a variety of weapons and builds but ultimately a piercing shots rifle build was what killed her, and I found it much easier (to control the encounter) than anything else I had done. Some tips that worked for me:
I bought a full set of rabid gear on the TP, armour, amulet and rings. I bought green quality which did not set me back much. I bought and applied 6 Superior Runes of the Krait (which are cheap). I already had an exotic zerk rifle but I added a Superior Sigil of Earth and a Superior Sigil of Agony (both also cheap). End result is that the rifle put out a lot of moderate damage but looong duration bleeds.
My build was 2/6/2/2/2. Basically everything is set up to (A) put bleeds on Liadri, (B) maintain swiftness and © get rid of cripples. Liadri is a movement fight, not a dps race, and the build aims for that.
Traits were Strength II (Restorative Strenght) to get rid of cripple if needed. Arms II (Furious Speed) for good swiftness uptime. Arms III (Deep Cuts) for longer bleeds. Arms IV (Crack Shot) to pierce the visions and consistently shoot Liadri. Defence II (Dogged March) for less cripple and a free Regeneration. Tactics II (Lung Capacity) for more options to get rid of Cripple. Discipline VI (Signet Mastery) for synergy with Strength II.
I used 2 swords (for no particular reason) in Phase 1 and Rifle exclusively for Phase 2. I found not worrying about switching weapons allowed me to focus more on the kiting and avoiding visions/shadowfalls.
Skills were Healing Signet, Shake it Off, Signet of Stamina and Endure Pain. HS and SIO are for Cripple control. Signet of Stamina gives you slightly more dodges (more on dodging later) and Endure Pain is an “oh kitten” button to survive one shadowfall (I did not need it on my kill-attempt). Signet of Rage is a free swiftness and nice dps buff (save it for Phase 2).
Some Tips for Phase 1:
- As soon as you enter the Arena, select Liadri and Cntrl+T. This sets her as your target and you can then target her by tapping T. You will lose her on occasion, its great to be able to retarget her easily.
- Do all your attempts on the same arena. This is because at the same arena the Phase 1 light areas, shadowfalls and visions always spawn in the same place and in the same order. Memorise the order and you will find P1 much much easier.
- Take the time to position yourself well before throwing the 3rd orb and starting Phase 2.
Phase 2:
- The most important thing to remember is you cannot dodge all the shadowfalls. You must run out of most of them, and only dodge when seriously pressed. My attempts got much better when I became more confident in my running and therefore had a dodge available when I really needed it. Hence all the anti-cripple skills.
- You already know that the P2 shadowfalls cycle through the arena. The idea is to keep running in circles while shooting Liadri. Focus on surviving rather than killing Liadri, she does not have that many HP and the bleeds will slowly wear her down.
- I ran at a distance approximately halfway between the center and the edge. Too close to the middle and the visions/Liadri get you, too close to the edge and there’s too much distance to cover to the next safe area.
- On running: you must (!) circle-strafe, not run. This means facing the middle and strafing (as in the Q or E keys) to get away from the shadowfalls. This allows you to run and shoot Liadri simultaneously.
- On the orbs that pull you: don’t worry about them too much. If you can easily break one, do so, but don’t go out of way for them in P2. Yes, they might kill you, but they will also occasionally save you. The pull-orbs are the strongest element of luck in the encounter, and you do need some luck to kill Liadri
- Final thought: there is plenty of time to kill Liadri if you keep a steady pressure of shooting and bleeds (I only used autoattack and Rifle2 on cooldown, no rotation to worry about). The primary objective is not dying. All your focus should be on that.
Wow, this post got crazy long. Apologies. Hopefully some warriors find some use for it.
Laidri is a test of your ability to manage energy. If you have basic sentience, cleanses for weakness, and preferably vigor, you should have zero point zero zero one difficulty with her.
For me it feels like 60% of the challenge is a test of PvP skills, and the remaining 40% depends on PC processing power and internet connection speed.
Roughly one in three tries fails outright because I’ve been one-hit before everything’s loaded in properly and visible on screen.