The Liadri Tips Thread

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Tachii.3506


After at least 30+ deaths by her, finally beaten her on thief. Seen a bit too many negative threads here, so I’ll make a tip thread (if there isn’t one already.)

Some tips:

In general:
1. Destroy Rifts ASAP. That pull could eff you up.
2. Have some reliable heal regen trait/skill on you. As a thief I had 4 in Acrobatics for Pain Response regen and 6 in Shadow Arts for stealth regen. I also used Mango Pie for more heal.
3. Having a movement speed skill/rune set/perma-swiftness or dodge food is very helpful for both phases. Sigil of Energy is also useful here.
4. Use a ranged weapon in Phase 2 to focus on Liadri since you will often need to move regardless of Liadri is, as the priority is walking out of the AoE and not running into Visions.
5. Stay in the same arena. After many re-tries you will basically remember where the AoE will strike, where the Visions will spawn, and where the pool will be for phase 1.

Phase 1
1. Her AoEs are appear at the same spots for the same arena you choose to fight her at. That means after a while you will find the pattern to where her AoE will appear, which get rid of worrying about them.
2. Use pull moves on the Visions while standing on the pool. I use Scorpion Wire to instantly pull the Vision to the pool.

Phase 2
1. Arguably easier than phase 1, since the AoE patterns are strictly predictable. Stand around the middle of the arena and you will see the AoE basically rotate in a very predictable fashion (think of the AoE as 2 lines in the symbol X, they will alternate which means standing around the middle allows running out of the AoE more faster than standing on the edge). Standing in the middle is also good because the Visions spawn at mostly the periphery of the arena and you can notice any Rift spawns.
2. As long as you have a reliable regen and a ranged weapon, Liadri herself is mostly negligible in damage. The cripple is the only thing that might be problematic, so a condition clear for that might be useful.

As a thief, one of the most squishest classes, my build was 0/4/6/4/0. Used Hide in Shadows, Shadowstep, Scorpion Wire, movement signet, and Basilisk Venom. With Mango pie + valkyrie armor (zerk trinkets) + regen, Liadri’s attacks in phase 2 was pretty much negligible. And oh yeah, I used P/P. For once, P/P actually was useful (more DPS than shortbow). Lastly, don’t ever use Steal.

After the fight: YOU WILL FEEL AWESOME. Despite many deaths, I found Liadri pretty fun as a whole just because everything else in PvE is just so easy. Not even going to attempt that 8orbs achievement though, but kudos for Anet to re-introduce this fight for people who missed it last year.

SBI – Thief and the occasional Guardian & Warrior.

(edited by Tachii.3506)

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Tropies.2351


Gonna join, as a mesmer.
Weapons I personally prefer for Liadri are Greatsword/Sword+Focus.
Sword for 2nd skill, which works as panic button when you are out of dodges.
Focus mainly for pulls/swiftness. Also good to 5th skill her in Phase 1 to negate some of projectiles.
Greatsword – your main phase 2 weapon. You preferebly won’t swap unless in need of 2nd sword skill. What is so amazing in gs? You can push back vision if they are too close and the most important: iZerker doesn’t require you to face Liadri. You can simply run around attacking her.

Build(It’s more oriented towards 8 orbs achiev, but should work,as it allowed me to get this hellish achievement):

Armor is my tanky set, you don’t have to use those runes, but protection is nice. You should also crit often enough to get vigor from traits. As for sigils, I used dungeon weapons+Anomaly with built in sigils, so they were useless… It may be easier if you take sigil of Energy.

Traits also give you 4 condi removals tied with small heals.

Now some tips:
For Phase 1:
1. If you move fast left and right, projectiles Liadri uses have high chance of missing.
For Phase 2:
1. If you get cought in Shadowfall, don’t try to dodge OUT. You have to just dodge the dmg, cause it’ll be safe for few seconds.
2. Try to aoe tag every Vision. It’s possible(If you are lucky) that you’ll rally when one of them walks into vortex.

Can’t think of anything else… For now^^

Edit: →For warriors, Defiant Stance(the newest heal) can heal you up to 100% when shadowfall hits you(You have to activate it ofc).
→Quite known trick. If you turn off “Postprocessing” in video setting, you won’t be affected by blind.(I found this out when I had to play on lowest, cause lags).

(edited by Tropies.2351)

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Crovax.7854


Concerning the rifts, if you get pulled into shadowfall, you can rally off of them!

edit: didn’t know that but just saw a war doing it: clone explosions can be blocked with sword #5 or mace #2. also endure pain seems to negate shadowfall.

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Guard here, just got my win. After trying with zerk for a while I figured I’d try my tankier soldier gear, well, that turned out to be a great idea for me. Slower kill, but if you do everything right it’s easy to survive. I have soldier runes on it and specced pure of voice so I could strip the conditions easily in phase 2. I ran Staff and Scepter/Focus, I actually never used scepter/focus in my win though, just the staff, I find that scepter likes to not fire if I turn while trying to fire it, it’ll bug out or something… maybe I just don’t know how to use it right… but who uses scepter usually? =)

For the first phase I basically had it down. I used the south east platform so it was always the same. To start you usually have a rift spawn somewhere and the white portal will spawn behind liadri. I’ll kill the rift then run to the portal. The first Shadowfall will drop where I start, and the second on top of the white portal. If you’re on the portal looking at liadri the first vision will spawn to your right. So when the first shadowfall comes I step towards the vision to keep it in line moving towards the portal, let the drop happen, then move back across the other side. The next shadowfall will happen on the portal as well but now I’m on the other side and the first vision is coming in. I run up grab the orb and toss it on liadri. From here I move right down the next shadowfall happening towards the other side of the map. I’ll run behind the next portal, and the next shadowfall will happen right on top of it, I’ll just time it (about 2-3s) and dodge, this way I stay lined up best I can to get the vision in asap.

Here is the one little wrench in the thing. Rifts are random. So sometimes it’ll spawn right on top of you at that second portal, timed about right after you’d have picked up the orb from that second vision, but not always sometimes it spawns next to the 3rd and next portal. So I usually picked up the crystal, and if the orb spawned right there as I ran up in my normal pattern (which i’ll go over) I’d throw the crystal and turn around and blast the rift with my staff. If it’s at the 3rd portal I’ll be on the way anyways to drop it quickly.

At the second portal though, as the vision gets close, 2 more will spawn, to the left and right if you’re facing liadri. To the left I drop a line of warding in front of that one. And then I pick up the orb as soon as the vision dies, and run towards liadri, as I get almost to melee range I’ll toss the orb. Then turn to the left and with the line of warding often that vision will have already hit the white portal and turned into an orb. The next shadowfall is right on top though so wait for that, then pick up the crystal, and get it on liadri to move to stage 2.

Stage 2 I basically just strafed around the center staying in the safe zones. it’s always the same series of shadowfalls then, so if you stay mobile it’s easy to keep in the safe spots if you make sure to remove cripples.

This is where my Pure of voice + Sodlier Runes came in handy, any time I got crippled, hit one of my shouts. I used Hold the line, regen/prot isn’t a bad thing. Save yourself, breakout and lots of buffage. And Retreat for swiftness.

Kite her just keep it up, if you catch yourself in the shadowfall dodge, keep your distance, avoid the visions and keep spamming that staff auto and dropping the symbol when you can, either to get swiftness for yourself or to damage her. The symbol works great to catch a rift as well, but normally I’ll just untarget liadri and run towards the rift, with the wide cone of staff it’s very easy to catch it quickly as long as you see it and head for it right away.

Also don’t be afraid to cross the center if you need to in order to avoid a vision. Take the time to learn the pattern of shadowfalls, if you do you’ll know where to get to as you circle, and you’ll know you can cross over the center and hit the other side of the safe zone.

it’s far from easy, but when I got my win it was very smooth, not really stressful at all other than the excitement of finally getting it down. GL to everyone doing it, I had a blast and love this living story event.

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Trickster Foxy.5074

Trickster Foxy.5074

Lot of good tips already so I’ll add what I can.

The Rift locations seem to be random but their spawn timer isn’t. When I was doing 8 orbs I followed this pattern;
1st Rift
1st & 2nd orbs
2nd rift
3rd, 4th & 5th orbs
3rd rift
my memory after that is a bit messy but hope that helps.

Phase 2 AoE always starts in the same place, just remember where the safe spot is rather than guessing.

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I did it yesterday as a thief with the build from this video as an inspirement, didn’t make it with 8 orbs like shown in the video, but it helped me getting basically the gist of the battle to understand it better. I also used not the optimal buffs, just something, that reduced for me negative Condition Durations so that her Cripples last not so long.
I modified the build he uses also a tiny bit by using the trait, that makes blind on stealth, because it allows you to cloak and dagger safely the visions, without nuking yourself to death at the try and it blinds also the nearby visions too just in case one try to get you from behind

However, I also just dind’t focus on it, I just wanted to beat her first, to get the title n pet, so after 3 orbs I basically just focused only on kiting her to death n still needed around of 10 tries until I was successful.

  • Starting the battle with shooting the first Rift da appears and position yourself so that the virst vision will move into the light basically shortly after you’ve waited for the second shadowfall to happen
  • After that just look out and try to gte the next 2 visions as quickly as possible also into the lights, use every now and then if needed a C&D or HiS to get your health back up
  • Use short before you throw the 3rd Orb Shadow Refuge and summon your Thief guild for a Sneaky Surprise Assault Burst before they will die shortly later anyway due to Shadowfall, but the first Damage Burst will be a nice help at least and if they pull her away from you at the right moment, it might save you also maybe from her first Leap Attack
  • In Phase 2, just kite her around in circles and use Stealth as often as possible, because that way you can burst her with the pistols Stealth Skill quite nicely while giving her also high bleedings. P/D’s twin attack is also useful for more damage over time with Torment and can also be a live siver, if you need to get quickly away, but C&D is in this phase mostly more useful, you just need to be only careful, that you don’t accidently kite yourself into one of the slow visions xD
  • Try to dodge only, when really necessary, when you need to get quickly to a point I you think you might not get right in time to a safe spot, before Shadowfall hits you, then use it, as you can dodge the instant downing from it as this attack can be dodged like every attack of Liadri.

For an 8 Orb Try I recommend using as Buff Stuff a Master Oil for a significant boost in your Critical Hit Chance and that Food, that gives on 100% chance Might when you dodge and increases your Endurance Regen by 40% so that you have together with it an Endurance Regen of +90% with that build, what allows you naturally to dodge alot more oftenly, than any other class plus you get stronger everytime you do it for 20 seconds.

This with a Full Berserker Build and a Superior Precision Sigil + Superior Lightning Sigil for the extra DPS every 3 seconds on a critical hit can get you easily to a critical hit rate of around 63-66% so that the lightnings will struck her as often as possible in that short time of 3 minutes once she can be damaged.

I personally used even slightly different equipment.
instead of 6 Ruby Orbs, I used a full Rage Rune Set to get Fury to get my Critical Hit Rate with that up to 83-86%, cause the much higher Crit Rate definetly makes up for the slight loss of Power, when you crit then alot more oftenly, especially when you pump Liadri full with your bullets from your Stealth Attack.

Instead of full Berserker Ascessoires, I used only Berserker Earrings with Ruby Orbs.
All other Accessoires were Celestial Stats-Stuff to guarantee, that my self healing over time when being in Stealth is good enough and that I do with my bleedings also some moderate good condition damage to assist my high critical damage.

Thats how i did it yesterday after around 10 tries.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Morsus.5106


My problem is the timer. I can’t always hit her ranged because of the illusions, and melee is suicide because of the illusions. Any tips?

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


Any tips for a warrior? Not got to her yet. Just did deadeye this morning. But not had time to do the next one.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Bluee.1425


I defeated her as D/D Elementalist hehe

Commander Champion Magus Bluee of Rata Sum Security [RSS]

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: FearedbytheGods.8617


Bump, cause I see some people still attempting.

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Verene.1480


That’s what I used for my mesmer when I finally won. The traits are messy, I know, but it worked :P

The Deceptive Evasion trait + Signet of the Ether proved to be a lifesaver for me – as long as I had vigor to dodge (and even though Liadri’s invulnerable during the first phase you can still crit on her, so vigor is plentiful), I was able to regen a good amount of health every few seconds. Blink is there to save you when you run out of vigor at a poor time (or when you’re crippled in the middle of a bunch of visions…). Mistfire Wolf simply because it’d let me get an extra burst of damage right off the start in phase 2. Feedback is good to get a reprieve from Liadri’s autoattack in the first phase (and traiting it so it blinds can also get visions off your back momentarily), as well as reflecting her attack in the second phase.

I didn’t actually switch to my sword/focus at any point in the fight – I ran in circles like a headless chicken turning around every so often to fling illusions at her. Runes are the ones they are because that’s the armor set I generally use for things like doing Tequatl.

I’m sure there was probably an easier way of doing it, but that’s what I killed Liadri with. Didn’t even attempt the 8 orb achievement :P

Leader of I Can Outtweet a Centaur! [TWIT] | Owner of Under the Pale Tree |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: FLiP.7680


Any tips for a warrior? Not got to her yet. Just did deadeye this morning. But not had time to do the next one.

This is the build i use to kill her as warrior:

Basically you keep shooting arrows during the 1st fase to get swiftness and strafe left-right to avoid her Necrotic Grasp auto attack.

For the second fase use LB until she is ~40% and lure her away from the illusions, then swap to melee set, pop Charge (clear cripple), Shake it off (clear weakness), Berserker Stance (to avoid more weakness) and Call to Arms (reduced damage to you) then auto-attack, Eviscerate at ~10%.

It worked for me. Hope it helps you.

(edited by FLiP.7680)

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Safari.3021


Warrior, using full rabid gear + rifle, seriously, all you have to do is press #1

The main trick is to neautralise the cripple, centaur runes and lemongrass poultry soup are the best gold you will ever spend if liadri is doing your head in.

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Shpongle.6025


After at least 30+ deaths by her, finally beaten her on thief. Seen a bit too many negative threads here, so I’ll make a tip thread (if there isn’t one already.)

Some tips:

In general:
1. Destroy Rifts ASAP. That pull could eff you up.
2. Have some reliable heal regen trait/skill on you. As a thief I had 4 in Acrobatics for Pain Response regen and 6 in Shadow Arts for stealth regen. I also used Mango Pie for more heal.
3. Having a movement speed skill/rune set/perma-swiftness or dodge food is very helpful for both phases. Sigil of Energy is also useful here.
4. Use a ranged weapon in Phase 2 to focus on Liadri since you will often need to move regardless of Liadri is, as the priority is walking out of the AoE and not running into Visions.
5. Stay in the same arena. After many re-tries you will basically remember where the AoE will strike, where the Visions will spawn, and where the pool will be for phase 1.

Phase 1
1. Her AoEs are appear at the same spots for the same arena you choose to fight her at. That means after a while you will find the pattern to where her AoE will appear, which get rid of worrying about them.
2. Use pull moves on the Visions while standing on the pool. I use Scorpion Wire to instantly pull the Vision to the pool.

Phase 2
1. Arguably easier than phase 1, since the AoE patterns are strictly predictable. Stand around the middle of the arena and you will see the AoE basically rotate in a very predictable fashion (think of the AoE as 2 lines in the symbol X, they will alternate which means standing around the middle allows running out of the AoE more faster than standing on the edge). Standing in the middle is also good because the Visions spawn at mostly the periphery of the arena and you can notice any Rift spawns.
2. As long as you have a reliable regen and a ranged weapon, Liadri herself is mostly negligible in damage. The cripple is the only thing that might be problematic, so a condition clear for that might be useful.

As a thief, one of the most squishest classes, my build was 0/4/6/4/0. Used Hide in Shadows, Shadowstep, Scorpion Wire, movement signet, and Basilisk Venom. With Mango pie + valkyrie armor (zerk trinkets) + regen, Liadri’s attacks in phase 2 was pretty much negligible. And oh yeah, I used P/P. For once, P/P actually was useful (more DPS than shortbow). Lastly, don’t ever use Steal.

After the fight: YOU WILL FEEL AWESOME. Despite many deaths, I found Liadri pretty fun as a whole just because everything else in PvE is just so easy. Not even going to attempt that 8orbs achievement though, but kudos for Anet to re-introduce this fight for people who missed it last year.

Yea, I’m so happy they brought it back because Liadri and 8 orbs is THE ONLY THING I couldn’t finish last year and THE ONLY THING I’M MISSING in the ENTIRE living stopy Achievement Panel.

My next wish, is that for Halloween this year, we could Zerg the Mad King dungeon again, and that we could finish the Mad King Book memoire, i didn’t get to the green one because I didn’t even know there is a green one back then lol

Are you Shpongled?

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Kootje.9271


I did it on my ranger this way (had some time left this morning, so I just went in, and did it):
Not quite optimal build

For rangers, take troll unguent, and nature’s bounty and vigorous renewal. Cuz dodges are handy.

As is already said and true, the fight is more about the mechanics than the damage.

What always helped me is to ctrl+T Liadri from the start. Since that way u can use wh #4 while walking. The fire trap was actually me trying to put some added condi on her.

- use the same arena for each fight, u will be able to learn the AOE spread. phase 1 is harder than phase 2.
- Kill the rifts as fast as u can.
- Use your dodges wisely.
- At phase 2 remember that the aoe is the same pattern, staying near the middle of the arena saves dodges, since even when crippled u can still walk out of her aoe.
- Use troll uguent whenever it’s up (for health and more important vigor regen).
- Whenever entering use wh #5 for swiftness, then weapon swap (swiftness again), after use elite. These make u walk around faster, saves dodges.
- Keep moving in phase 2 in a circle in the middle.
- As soon as u did the 3 orbs of light and she’s vulnerable, press T and use wh #4 and then #5, then switch sb and walk backwards, shoot a few, then walk to the next safespot, shoot, and rinse repeat.
- Use piercing arrows so u will still hit liadri although she’s behind the visions.

Best 2 tips are, use the same arena, to get familliar with the patterns and stay in a circle around the middle. This way u can walk from safespot to safespot and when crippled u can dodge to it.

Proud member of Dutch-Finest Guild on Far Shiverpeaks.

If it ain’t dutch,… :P

(edited by Kootje.9271)

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: LordByron.8369


This makes the fight easy

The reduced cooldown on air lets you have (with earth too) lot of projectile absorb.
Plenty of condition cleanse (evasion in water, and earth 4)
Fast Damage with air 1-2 and air attunement.
Lot of CC
Invulnerabilities on medium cooldown.

You can almost sleep with that build if you can use your rotation/cd wisely.

You could even attempt the 8 orbs with that build.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Deneb.2697


My problem is the timer. I can’t always hit her ranged because of the illusions, and melee is suicide because of the illusions. Any tips?

use piercing shots, like the warrior rifle trait, or ranged aoe

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Nadha.6097


Thank you for sharing your tips lots of ideas!

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: nglcpyro.4906


I beat last year after losing my sanity, gold and sleep whilst this year it took about 20 tries so I got rid of an extra 0. I did do it on my mesmer though..

Apart from all the tips here, play on the lowest gfx setting now matter how powerful computer is. Need every FPS you get.

Most important thing is to stay calm, not panic and watch other people doing Liadri. If you’re lucky you might get a talkative gauntlet group who give each other tips. I usually tried 5 times then took a break to do something else, then went back.

Oh and both times I beat her after announcer said I’m running out of time ><

[OCD]Ordo Contegium Destinatus
-Plush Griffon Recruit of the Jade Quarry Militia-

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Szamsziel.5627


One thing for fellow thieves. Regarding tip “do not use steal” – I disagree with that. My 2 cents:
1) Mark Liandri at beginning (CTRL+T if not reasssigned keys)
2) USE Steal at orbs, it has no aftercast so you can use dodge immediately


You have plenty of tactics from prev gauntlet.
For me caltrops on dodge were most useful for getting some space.

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Neilos Tyrhanos.5427

Neilos Tyrhanos.5427

Took me a huge number of attempts to beat Liadri, but I’m fine with that, it made it more satisfying when I finally managed.

Only tip I have is: Bomb Kit.

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: storiessave.3807


Wanted to bump this since it’s full of helpful tips for those who haven’t beaten her yet. Plus the forum search is useless.

Finally beat her today on my mesmer using this build:

Phase 1 – Feedback to start with, and then every time it’s off CD. Blurred Frenzy while you’re waiting for a clone to hit one of the light fields if you’re standing in an AoE spot, Temporal Curtain on clones when you’re pulling them to light fields spawned next to the wall. It’s very easy once you get the hang of it.

Phase 2 – You have to watch out for her leaping attack, and you’ll want to spawn iWarden RIGHT AFTER her leaping attack, but only if there is not an impending AoE on top of her – if you spawn iWarden in an AoE field, it will die before it does any damage. Spawn iDuelist and iWarden off CD as much as you can; pistol 5 if she gets too close.

With the reduced CD of Blurred Frenzy, you have a long evade with a very low CD, so don’t use it on her ever. Save it for when you get pulled into an AoE by a Cosmic Rift before you can kill it (if you spam 2 fast enough while you’re knocked down, the evade will start in time), or when you’re unable to Blink/dodge to avoid the AoE.

I stayed out of melee range as much as I could – the sword is purely there for the evade. Your phantasms are your damage if you go this route. Might be easier on other classes, but this was what worked for me on mesmer after much trial and error.

Note: Don’t use clones. Period. If a vision runs into them, you will die. No downed state, just dead. This was another reason I gave up on trying GS.

Tarnished Coast

Catorii | Lustre Delacroix | Catorii Desmarais | Synalie

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: virtualtourist.6438


Break the fight down into individual challenges:

  1. Cosmic Rifts that pull and knock you down.
  2. Shadowfall AoE that downs you instantly.
  3. Visions of Mortality that kill you instantly.
  4. Survive Liadri’s attacks.
  5. Pick up Orbs of Blazing Light to throw at Liadri.
  6. Deal enough damage to Liadri to defeat her before the timer runs out.

Focus on improving your technique with each challenge, but the exact methods you use will depend on profession and build. Combine all the techniques to deal with the entire fight. Helps if you spread out your attempts and spend some time analysing which parts you need to improve.

  1. Use a ranged weapon to take them out and/or Stability to ignore the pull. Stun Break if all else fails.
  2. Move out of the AoE, dodge or use skills that Evade or give Invulnerability.
  3. Keep away and kite them into white whirlpools. Blind/Block them while standing in a whirlpool or Pull them in, to convert them into Orbs of Blazing Light.
  4. In addition to the tips already mentioned, high toughness and regen will help. Normally don’t use Healing Sig on my Warrior but it got used in this fight.
  5. You only have a limited amount of time to use them before they disappear (even after you pick them up). Had trouble with this one until I worked out that the most reliable method to deal with lag is to STOP MOVING (and don’t auto attack anything) before you pick them up.
  6. Condition damage is your friend (same with the other Gauntlet bosses). Liadri will inflict Weakness, but that only reduces direct damage. Use condi cleanse to get rid of the Cripple/Weakness she deals out or use a full set of Centaur runes (-50% cripple duration, increased Swiftness duration and gain Swiftness on using a Heal skill).

Try to keep fast movement constantly active (either 25% speed boost from runes/signets/traits or Swiftness). I used a Warrior with Furious Speed traited and high crit chance (constant Swiftness in Phase 2), and activated Signet of Rage at the start of the fight (39 sec of Swiftness with the duration boost from Centaur runes). Necros can use Warhorn (traited with Banshee’s Wail and Centaur runes) to have perma Swiftness.

Improved endurance regeneration helps. Warriors can use Signet of Stamina. Bowls of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew in the absence of anything else.

Phase 1 is mainly about positioning so increased movement speed and dodging makes it easier while you’re learning the pattern. Hopefully you are following the other tips and sticking with the same arena.

Phase 2 is pretty simple if you circle strafe near the middle of the arena (roughly halfway between the centre and the edge). CTRL+T at the start of the fight helps a lot. Keep up the condi damage and avoid Shadowfall/Visions/Cosmic Rift pulls. She should go down within the time limit. For Warriors, I used off-hand sword to apply Torment and switched to Rifle for Cripple (Rifle 2) and Bleeds (auto attack).


The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: FearedbytheGods.8617


Wanted to bump this since it’s full of helpful tips for those who haven’t beaten her yet.

GJ thinking of others <3

The Liadri Tips Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


One other thing to keep in mind is that not all the arenas are created equal. The light wells that appear in each arena always follow the same pattern and location, and in some arenas the wells can appear right up against the edge of the arena. I don’t recommend using these ones because it’s quite hard to kite the Visions into them (although if you’re not going for 8 orbs, this is less of a concern).