Compensation for getting reset to level 30?
so you think there might be double daily rewards based on + 30fotm levels. Well that actually might happen sorry didn’t think of that.
Yeah, that’s what I was suggesting because it seems fair and not too hard to do. And then another kind of compensation for everyone that cared enough to level a second or third character depending on the level they reached.
At least give us high level fractal folk the respect we deserve. We don’t need more rewards (at least I don’t). But, give us a unique title…or make all new fractal weapons (or old ones) glow a different color (like they did with SAB). Make our back pieces glow differently depending on how high you were in previous fractals (red for 40+, Black for 50+)…just give us something to show that we put in the work above 30.
It’s quite sad that the ones who are most disappointed by this release are the players who played fractal the most…
It should make people understand that this is not the right thing to do for a fractal patch…
At least give us high level fractal folk the respect we deserve. We don’t need more rewards (at least I don’t). But, give us a unique title…or make all new fractal weapons (or old ones) glow a different color (like they did with SAB). Make our back pieces glow differently depending on how high you were in previous fractals (red for 40+, Black for 50+)…just give us something to show that we put in the work above 30.
This is a very interesting suggestion and I hope the devs take the time to consider it. And also do something for the people with multiple alts.
I bought a car for 50,000 dollars. It’s now 20,000 dollars and comes with more stuff. RABBLE RABBLE I WANT A REFUND FOR MY HIGHER EXPENDATURES AND I WANT A FREE CAR WITH ALL THE NEW BELLS AND WHISTLES FOR MY TROUBLE!!
Its more like having the bank casually change your bank account from $10000 to $7000 without asking you and when you ask why they don’t give you an answer, they just say “Going forward, everyone will earn 0.0001% percent more interest!!!”
You would be happy with that?
Something simple, like gold per each fractals level lost, would go a long way.
Yep, or an extra daily chest per level vis a vis the WvW reset. That was a very graceful way to manage the WvW recalculation.
For those that don’t know, when the WvW level system was revamped, those that had levelled in WvW before the change received an extra chest when they went up a wvw level. You got a number of extra chests equal to the progress you would’ve made if the system had been in place from the start.
Yep, which kitten es me of as I have spent time and money to level these characters up for more rewards per day which now is obsolete. Not to mention the new swarm of kittenty kitten pugs that will plague us all. I for sure will be doing alot more kicking of those kitten longbow + bear rangers
“Oh no other players will want to do FoTM now that it has better rewards! WHAT CASUALS!” Get off your high horse and stop being elitist.
I would if they would learn to play their kittening class and contribute to the group instead of running a class they hardly know with kitten gear. Don’t pretend you don’t know what we’re talking about.
I don’t pug just for that reason.
I actually don’t think it will be a huge problem. The higher we go into fractals, the less bads you run into. You get more failgroups at lvs 1-10 than in the 30s. I think this patch will create two classes of players:
1. The Living World carebears who will hunt story achievements, try fractals, fail, and not progress quickly enough to 30 to bother experienced players.
2. Good players who know their class but were never motivated by fractal rewards before. They will progress to 30 by the two weeks end and learn the fractals well.
I currently have 2 level 50 characters getting affected by the new fractal changes. They are not only set back 20 levels, but also leveling the second one is completely meaningless now that the fractal level is account bound.
I wonder if there are any plans to reward players for the lost levels, like for example a double daily chest until they catch up to their previous level? And maybe an ascended weapon chest with selectable stats per additional character leveled over 30?
I wouldn’t count on anything. I’ve got multiple character involved in FotM…level 45, level 32, level 25, level 15, and 2-3 at level 10. Would kinda seem fair to somehow make up for this loss, but it’s Anet so don’t expect anything.
If they ever revamp pvp I think everybody should be ranked back down to 1
“…but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”
-Benjamin Franklin
I think we should get 2g per fractal level resetted.
Accept fotm difficulty is exponential. there fore g will be exponential and destroy the economy what is 2^50 power. 80-30=50. If anyting I agree there should be a title fractal master or something for those who actually got to 80 or some amount.
I honestly don’t expect (or would appreciate it if) people who exploited their way above 50 to get rewarded for it.
stop the exploit waggon for real ? tell me what exploit I used I am 81 I used rez orbs to survive maw it is obviously a game mechanic that was in place and there is till now no dev post or somthing else that is telling that rez orbs were considered an exploit
You aren’t seriously trying to argue that “being dead” was an intended part of the gameplay, are you?
You took advantage of an oversight in the programming (one which has been closed). You got nothing extra for your efforts other than a meaningless large number. Now they are actually putting in rewards for stuff over 30 and you are upset that your meaningless large number is being changed to a meaningful large number that is smaller than your meaningless large number.
see your not informed I get 10k Karma each Level I complete now.. or even more … soooo They take away my Karma farm and my large numbers they should take away everyones mones if they get over 1000 Gold since the number is tooo large … it doesn’t matter what or why I got there they just take somthing away I put time and effort in… if they take away all your items from your account woulnd’t you be mad.. or just say well was just some cosmethics armor some cash some numbers all is numbers in Computer sience 1 0 1 1 0 0 gz.. great argument
Watch as compensation for the fractal level reset to be a town shirt with the words “I GOT TO LEVEL <insert highest level here> IN FRACTALS, AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS T-SHIRT”.
I saw this coming I am so happy right now, because I knew this was gonna happen and I didn’t even bother taking FOTM seriously
Many am I happy right now.
You already had your refund, as you could receive the daily chests for all that time on two characters instead of one.
My question is…. why did you guys leveled up until 50 or more? with different characters in addition…
Did you feel rewarded along the way? because just be honest, the rewards in fractals are bad, right now. You win the same things at 48 that at 28.
So my opinion on this is that you didn’t recieved anything for being lvl 50, and that is why you don’t deserve anything in return if they level down us. You leveled up because you were bored, curious or just because you wanted.
And I’m a lvl 49. I know what i’m talking about. Right now there is no need to be a lvl 50. you don´t win anything special. So lets go to lvl 30 and start to look for better loot and better prizes. and on top of that: new goals and fun. Now we’ll have the goal to lvl up 20 more lvls. Before I was stucked.
Be positive!
You already had your refund, as you could receive the daily chests for all that time on two characters instead of one.
There might be a tiny amount of people that made fractals alts to farm the high levels for several daily chests, but the majoity of us did so for completely different reasons. We wanted a new challenge, we wanted to master another class, we wanted to be able to offer our team a different set up and still be able to pull our weight. The daily chest was the last thing on our minds.
Comments like yours, and the person’s above you (the one that is laughing now) just prove that many people have no idea how much effort and dedication it takes to make it to the levels that are being reset now.
You win the same things at 48 that at 28.
Do you see those people complaining of not getting many skins?
Well despite what they say they possibly played only 28
At 48 you get a chance so high of skins that you will get plenty….(its like 30% i did so many runs that my single experience gets some sort of statistical Worth…..but reddit did it even better….).
Also the personal reward level is like a title.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
I saw this coming
I am so happy right now, because I knew this was gonna happen and I didn’t even bother taking FOTM seriously
Many am I happy right now.
your happy that a game takes away legit Progress ppl made.. this is just sad .. what would you say if anet took away all your items you have… the way you Sound it’s about what they take me away Money and time spent wise to get to 81.. sooo yeahhh… think of it that way and ask if you should really be happy that a Company is doing this
There might be a tiny amount of people that made fractals alts to farm the high levels for several daily chests, but the majoity of us did so for completely different reasons. We wanted a new challenge, we wanted to master another class, we wanted to be able to offer our team a different set up and still be able to pull our weight. The daily chest was the last thing on our minds.
Then there is no problem wih the reset either as far as I see. If you did it for the challenge you had your reward all the time playing 50+ instances, didn’t you. And now you get even newer challenges.
double chest since level is reached again seems to be legit.
reward for a second character leveled doesn’t. you chose to do it for your reasons. gg.
account bound progression is something good and it doesn’t harm you in any way.
double chest since level is reached again seems to be legit.
reward for a second character leveled doesn’t. you chose to do it for your reasons. gg.account bound progression is something good and it doesn’t harm you in any way.
tell them to people who bought 2 SOULBOUND harvesting tools.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Then there is no problem wih the reset either as far as I see. If you did it for the challenge you had your reward all the time playing 50+ instances, didn’t you. And now you get even newer challenges.
Imagine some people would like to be rewarded for completing challenges. It’s not like champ farms at which most of the posters excel is challenging yet it is extremely rewarding.
Then there is no problem wih the reset either as far as I see. If you did it for the challenge you had your reward all the time playing 50+ instances, didn’t you. And now you get even newer challenges.
Imagine some people would like to be rewarded for completing challenges. It’s not like champ farms at which most of the posters excel is challenging yet it is extremely rewarding.
You’ve already been rewarded for completing the challenges. You’re just not being given additional rewards for having not completed new content.
Just like people who ran 48 dozens of times aren’t being double rewarded as if they were level 100. You got all the rewards you were due at the end of each run.
tell them to people who bought 2 SOULBOUND harvesting tools.
put harvesting tools into the bank and then take them with another character every time you change toon is boring. having unlimited harvesting tools for any character is always better.
btw they bought them for just 800 gems instead of 1000 gems required now, they should be happy
You’ve already been rewarded for completing the challenges. You’re just not being given additional rewards for having not completed new content.
Just like people who ran 48 dozens of times aren’t being double rewarded as if they were level 100. You got all the rewards you were due at the end of each run.
I’m mostly referring to levels 50-80 which had no rewards. A lot of people did them because anet stated that higher scales will be properly unlocked with the addition of new ascended gear.
Ups, did not happen.
I am posthing this as a new comment as well, to make sure that people read it.
NOW THAT A DAY HAS PASSED and I have read many reactions, I am editing the original post because I feel the need to explain why we keep on discussing a compensation and why we want it in the first place. It seems that many of the non affected players do not understand our reasons, so hopefully the text below will help them do so.
Firstly I must say that I am looking forward to the new changes and for playing the new levels with my friends. I am not going to voice opinions on the new difficulty until we actually try it. The reason why we keep this topic alive is because Anet presented all the new changes, but to this moment nothing was said about a possible compensation for players that had achieved a lot more than the average. Not a single developper has commented on the issue, which angers people and fuels their disappointment.
Another issue is that the non affected player base seems to gather us under the same bunch of “greedy elitist players that want rewards for exploiting the game”. The truth is that there are 3 groups of players affected negatively by the changes and all of them have a valid reason to be angry.
1) The ones that stopped at 50
It is a known fact that if you want tangible rewards you should do anything else but fractals. Yet they are the only place to get fractal skins and the higher the personal reward level – the higher the chance. Hence, many of us made sure to reach level 48 – the highest doable level with the current agony cap. The incentive was even bigger since here is the highest chance to get ascended boxes as well. Getting from lvl 30 to 50 is a hard task, especially if you are trying to do so without a dedicated team. It is also costly, as it requires infused backpieces, ascended weapons or a legendary. A reasonable compensation would be a double daily chest until their original level is re-reached, the same way it was done in WvW.
2) The ones that made it to 80
Some people did not stop at 50, and wanted to challenge themselves even more, search for the limit and find it at lvl 80. Up until now, the highest measure of skill in this game has been being able to solo Lupi or do fractals lvl 80. The most hardcore guilds use this as a requirement for recruitment. Sadly, what everyone who has never tried those levels focuses on is: they were not supposed to do it, they were exploiting. What they do not seem to see is that beating the agony at some final boss is the least important thing. At those levels the challenge lies in surving mobs that one shot you, with no room for error. Having to perfectly dodge every agony shot from the boss because no amount of AR can save you. Even the easiest fractal takes a lot of time and effort, so saying that being able to play lvl 80 is not an accomplishment is completely disrespectful to those players.
None of them did so for monetary rewards, they did so for personal challenge, for glory and because it is fun. Now that this is being taken away, they feel cheated. Not only because they have to level back from 30, this is easily done. But because there is no guarantee that this hard content will be accessible again. They do not want 5 gold per resetted level. What would make them happy will be a one time special skin, a title or maybe a unique mini, unobtainable in any other way. They just want something to show for their accomplishment.
3) The people with multiple characters on high levels
Lastly we have the players that chose to put themselves a second, or a third time, through the hard road of fractal leveling because they wanted to master another class. Not only a very time consuming task, but also challenging and costly. A second character had to be equipped with ascended trinkets and weapons and you had to know how to play it to be accepted in the lvl 48 groups. Getting double or tripple daily chests was never the reason behind this. It was the desire for variety, for self improvement and to able to play different party set ups. Having 2 or 3 characters able to do lvl 50 is a measure of deducation and skill. With the introduction of acount wide fractal level, this people’s achievement and hard work is taken away. Now everyone can do what took them months to accomplish. How can they be compensated? Maybe with an ascended chest with useful for them stats, or with another unique item.
I leave those suggestions for the developpers and hope that they will take some time to consider them. In the end it is a way to show appreciation for their most dedicated players who spend hours pushing the limits and keeping the game alive.
(edited by IceVyper.6810)
You’ve already been rewarded for completing the challenges. You’re just not being given additional rewards for having not completed new content.
Just like people who ran 48 dozens of times aren’t being double rewarded as if they were level 100. You got all the rewards you were due at the end of each run.
I’m mostly referring to levels 50-80 which had no rewards. A lot of people did them because anet stated that higher scales will be properly unlocked with the addition of new ascended gear.
Ups, did not happen.
They got a reward chest at the end of every sub-stage. Unless you mean they weren’t rewarded for exploiting by just doing odd stages and skipping Maw by piggybacking on the people who exploited to 80 from back in the day.
But if you purposefully don’t do a level that rewards you it’s not surprising that you didn’t get rewarded.
I wish someone would take you to lvl 80 so that, once you get one-shotted by the first mob, you’ll understand that playing at that level is anything else but piggybacking.
I wish someone would take you to lvl 80 so that, once you get one-shotted by the first mob, you’ll understand that playing at that level is anything else but piggybacking.
so they are like super-skilled players ?
I am posthing this as a new comment as well, to make sure that people read it.
1) The ones that stopped at 502) The ones that made it to 80
3) The people with multiple characters on high levels
Shortened, for being a wall of text.
ad 1) I still see no reason why you should receive a compensation. You had those higher chances all the time, so why receive a bonus now?
ad 2) It is sad that those challenges might now be no longer available. But we can’t even judge wether they will or not before we have seen the new levels of difficulty. Just because the max level number is 50 now instead of 80 does not mean it’s easier, does it?
And why would a mini or a title compensate for the loss of challenge? Only a new type of challenge can compensate for that. Or maybe a new fractal mode resembling the old level 80s.
ad 3) Nothing is taken away. You had the variety every time you played, and you now know what you are able to. I still can’t see where you loose anything here.
I am posthing this as a new comment as well, to make sure that people read it.
1) The ones that stopped at 502) The ones that made it to 80
3) The people with multiple characters on high levels
Shortened, for being a wall of text.
ad 1) I still see no reason why you should receive a compensation. You had those higher chances all the time, so why receive a bonus now?ad 2) It is sad that those challenges might now be no longer available. But we can’t even judge wether they will or not before we have seen the new levels of difficulty. Just because the max level number is 50 now instead of 80 does not mean it’s easier, does it?
And why would a mini or a title compensate for the loss of challenge? Only a new type of challenge can compensate for that. Or maybe a new fractal mode resembling the old level 3) Nothing is taken away. You had the variety every time you played, and you now know what you are able to. I still can’t see where you loose anything here.
I made this post to explain why people feel the way they feel. You may not understand it, but hopefully other people will. I do not wish to explain what I already did above.
They got a reward chest at the end of every sub-stage. Unless you mean they weren’t rewarded for exploiting by just doing odd stages and skipping Maw by piggybacking on the people who exploited to 80 from back in the day.
But if you purposefully don’t do a level that rewards you it’s not surprising that you didn’t get rewarded.
Doing odd levels is now an exploit? Thank you for clearing that up.
Using res orb is now an exploit? Sure, whatever you say.
Also remember you got big rewards for using that res orb.
o saying that being able to play lvl 80 is not an accomplishment is completely disrespectful to those players.
I think this might be your issue: no one is saying this. The level 80 people are really the best in the game. They’re impressive. Hats off.
But that doesn’t entitle them to additional rewards that were never promised to begin with. They exploited the game in order to challenge themselves. That’s admirable from where I stand- but all of this repution and respect is being squandered by the whining entitlement demonstrated by many from their ranks.
They did something that they knew wasn’t rewarding. They did it by purposefully skipping the very stage that would have given them the mechanically programmed reward, because completing Maw was statistically impossible And that’s great. No one except trolls are saying otherwise. What is being said is that:
1) ANet shouldn’t screw up what sounds like a great new system for variety and challenge just because forum warriors imagine themselves to be masters of the universe and that their level 80, which they exploited to jump ahead in, is somehow akin to a legendary weapon.
2) Getting to level 80, achieving all GW2 had to offer at this point in time, is reward enough, especially considering doing so required working outside of the intended framework of the game- something a lot of people simply didn’t have the connections to accomplish, or were uncomfortable doing.
None of them did so for monetary rewards, they did so for personal challenge, for glory and because it is fun.
Now that this is being taken away,
No, no- a million times no. They beat it, they acomplished it. No one can take that away unless ANet breaks in to people’s home and mind-wipes them. ANet can’t announce that you didn’t reach 80- you personally know you did. Giving people a title would be unfair to those who played the game properly. You shouldn’t need a title, just tell people you got to 80 before it was cool.
ANet can’t retroactively take away fun either. You had that, or you didn’t.
What would make them happy will be a one time special skin, a title or maybe a unique mini, unobtainable in any other way. They just want something to show for their accomplishment.
What kind of precedent does this set? I got my 500 Fractals, mostly at 48. I went to 52 just because I was a bit bored a few days and a PUG group was on offer. But if I knew a title would be awarded I would have worked to exploit the game to get up there.
No one could have expected that exploiters would get rewarded, and it really is irrelevant if the exploiting was done simply to make the game harder. If you choose to make the game harder that’s cool, but that’s something that you’ve chosen to do knowing full well that you’re working outside the bounds of the game’s reward structure.
3) The people with multiple characters on high levels. How can they be compensated?
With the ability to now run any fractal level on every single one of their characters. You’re complaining about ANet giving, for free, the thing these people had to grind through a stupid amount of lower levels for.
“I wasted 20 hours getting a second character to 48. Now I’m mad that you’ve given everyone 80 hours worth of fractal progression while I only received 60.”
Doesn’t this seem awfully petty to you?
All this being said- I think some kind of compensation (but in no way exclusive rewards) would be a nice gesture. One of the new fractal weapon skins where you can choose whatever weapon you want would be a great token reward that is appropriate to the effort put forth.
(edited by Moderator)
Dungeon dev actually said few months back that they would eventually unlock higher scales with the introduction of more ascended gear. So no, we have done it in the hope that statement was still valid and that with the promised update to fractals and constant introduction of new ascended gear those scales we exploited so much will be realistically finishable.
Doing odd levels is now an exploit? Thank you for clearing that up.
Using res orb is now an exploit? Sure, whatever you say.
It is if you’re using the odd levels of a host who exploited up to 80 back when Maw could still be exploited.
Dungeon dev actually said few months back that they would eventually unlock higher scales with the introduction of more ascended gear. So no, we have done it in the hope that statement was still valid and that with the promised update to fractals and constant introduction of new ascended gear those scales we exploited so much will be realistically finishable.
Then you took a longshot and lost. Since challenge, achievement, and fun hold no value to you I’d imagine you’re hurt that your gamble didn’t pay off.
If you think a bit of compensation would be a nice gesture then many will support your respectful request. But not if phrased in terms of entitlement.
Doing odd levels is now an exploit? Thank you for clearing that up.
Using res orb is now an exploit? Sure, whatever you say.It is if you’re using the odd levels of a host who exploited up to 80 back when Maw could still be exploited.
Man please tell Anet they shouldnn’t give all These revive orbs in the achievment chest and remove em from the trading post because if you use em you get Dhuuumed only gw1 Player will get this sooo I tell it to you … after pressing a revive orb a pirate ghost Comes and will instant ban you … this is because anet considers revive orbs an exploit!
Replying here because of too much text to quote.
1) We obviously have very different ideas of what an exploit is. I am not going to further dig into this.
2) People still want to be able to prove that they actually did the super challenging content. Until now, it could be done by opening the high level fractal. With that gone, it becomes only a story, one that anyone can tell, even the ones who never did it.
3) It is a simple matter of human psychology: you want to progress and see the limits. Once you do so, you do not want to be set back. And if a setback is forced on you, you expect some kind of compensation and appreciation for your accomplishment. A simple pet on the back may be enough for very humble people, but I have never seen modesty as a vertue and hence believe that people should be able to show their achievements.
4) Spending countless hours leveling a second character (it takes definitely more than 20, my alt is 50, do the math) is a big thing, and being “rewarded” the same possibility as everyone who never bothered to even do a fractal, is completely unacceptable.
(edited by IceVyper.6810)
Man please tell Anet they shouldnn’t give all These revive orbs in the achievment chest and remove em from the trading post because if you use em you get Dhuuumed only gw1 Player will get this sooo I tell it to you … after pressing a revive orb a pirate ghost Comes and will instant ban you … this is because anet considers revive orbs an exploit!
Never mentioned revive orbs. Mentioned Maw exploits.
If you think a bit of compensation would be a nice gesture then many will support your respectful request. But not if phrased in terms of entitlement.
Want to bet?
Never mentioned revive orbs. Mentioned Maw exploits.
Which are equal.
Yeah, this isn’t going to happen and that is the way it should be. We got the rewards for our time spent like we were supposed to. For me it was getting fast rings and skins running a 40 main and two 20s that I also leveled. Others got the better loot they thought dropped for the 40 daily and some the experience of doing extreme content in the 80s. The fractals are getting an overhaul that it needed and the content won’t be the same post 30, and we don’t deserve to be grandfathered into something we have never done.
2) People still want to be able to prove that they actually did the super challenging content.
I get that, but think about it from the majority of people’s perspective. People who played outside of the games rulesets will be rewarded for something which is no longer doable, for something which common sense would dictate that you’re not supposed to do.
So you’re annoying one of two groups regardless of what ANet does.
1) A group who supposedly did it just for the challenge and to know that they could.
Or 2) A group who played within the intended rules of the game, who played just as much as the level 80s- if not more- but just stuck to 48.
Personally I think it’s a no brainer. But we seem to disagree. I might not even care if the 80s did get a title, but I certainly understand if ANet didn’t want to do it, and they are certainly in no way entitled to it.
3) you expect some kind of compensation and appreciation for your accomplishment.
I might be being harsh, but I really find it hard to feel sorry for people who either a) wanted to push their limits and should be happy with what they achieved or b) purposefully tried to get a massive headstart on other people by exploiting the games systems.
I get why a proportion are upset, but at the end of the day it’s an entirely new system that adds actual variety and challenge beyond pure damage and health increases. Acomplishing higher ranks in the new system should be actually meaningful while 50+ was always really just an obscure novelty.
“rewarded” the same possibility as everyone who never bothered to even do a fractal, is completely unacceptable.
The people who never ran a fractal aren’t suddenly going to overtake your progression, but it’s annoying for sure.
But remember you’re now going to have complete access to every single character now. That’s a huge thing. Now you’ll be able to have a gigantic amount of group customisation apart from the host.
It’s annoying, hell I’m a bit annoyed at potentially having a few weeks of lower rewards. So maybe ANet will give people something- they have been fairly compensatory in the past when it comes to these things. I think we might just differ hugely on what that reward should be.
If you think a bit of compensation would be a nice gesture then many will support your respectful request. But not if phrased in terms of entitlement.
Want to bet?
Never mentioned revive orbs. Mentioned Maw exploits.
Which are equal.
I’m talking about the line-of-sight exploits that used to exist, and the OOC revival spots. Revive orbs were hardly the main method of progression.
Yeah, this isn’t going to happen and that is the way it should be. We got the rewards for our time spent like we were supposed to. For me it was getting fast rings and skins running a 40 main and two 20s that I also leveled. Others got the better loot they thought dropped for the 40 daily and some the experience of doing extreme content in the 80s. The fractals are getting an overhaul that it needed and the content won’t be the same post 30, and we don’t deserve to be grandfathered into something we have never done.
I am happy for you that you feel rewarded. But many people don’t so do not deprive them of that chance. And the truth is, if Anet decides to give out a compensation, I highly doubt that you would politely decline it.
If you think a bit of compensation would be a nice gesture then many will support your respectful request. But not if phrased in terms of entitlement.
Want to bet?
Never mentioned revive orbs. Mentioned Maw exploits.
you can’t tell witch was the most used exploit you just can’t know it not even anet knows it so nobody knows.. so you can’t assume we’re mostly exploiters. I can only tell for me I did it legit with revive orbs…sooo I hate if ppl start saying we all exploited.
Which are equal.
I’m talking about the line-of-sight exploits that used to exist, and the OOC revival spots. Revive orbs were hardly the main method of progression.
Just reading this thread through, and thought I’d share my view.
I really enjoy fractals and progression, however I did not do fractals when you could use res orbs or pet res on maw, and not knowing anyone above 50 my progression was capped there. I don’t think either of these were ‘exploits’ in the negative ban-able sense, but they certainly were not intended to be used, fractals was supposed to be hard capped by agony at 50.
I instead leveled alts. Do I think that I should be compensated for my level on most of my characters being reduced from 49 to 30? No.
I didn’t play the game for rewards, I genuinely enjoy fractals as content (if you didn’t why were you playing them?!), the fact that ANet are putting any time and effort into improving fractals and adding new mechanics is more than reward enough for me, I’m sure to be playing 100s more hours in fractals, and many fractal 50 runs in the future.
The many hours of fun with friends was, and is awesome, at the end of the day it’s a game. In my opinion if you are playing the game for rewards which will probably be gone in the next 5 years I think you’ve missed the point of gaming.
Okay sorry Patrikan, and all others in this thread. People are reporting all my posts and I assume it’s automated because they’re all getting deleted.
No real point wasting my time. Hope you guys work this out.
(edited by Risingashes.8694)
Man please tell Anet they shouldnn’t give all These revive orbs in the achievment chest and remove em from the trading post because if you use em you get Dhuuumed only gw1 Player will get this sooo I tell it to you … after pressing a revive orb a pirate ghost Comes and will instant ban you … this is because anet considers revive orbs an exploit!
Just because Anet hasn’t fixed the issue doesn’t mean it’s not an exploit.
You sound like the people who exploited the cheap karma gear from an NPC with the launch of the game. ‘’But it’s a legit way, I just bought it from a merchant’’.
It’s obvious you are not supposed to do it. It was explicitely expressed you weren’t supposed to. Finding ways around it does not make it non-exploiting.
It’s a non-discussion, yet you still seem to want to discuss it.
Just reading this thread through, and thought I’d share my view.
I really enjoy fractals and progression, however I did not do fractals when you could use res orbs or pet res on maw, and not knowing anyone above 50 my progression was capped there. I don’t think either of these were ‘exploits’ in the negative ban-able sense, but they certainly were not intended to be used, fractals was supposed to be hard capped by agony at 50.
I instead leveled alts. Do I think that I should be compensated for my level on most of my characters being reduced from 49 to 30? No.
I didn’t play the game for rewards, I genuinely enjoy fractals as content (if you didn’t why were you playing them?!), the fact that ANet are putting any time and effort into improving fractals and adding new mechanics is more than reward enough for me, I’m sure to be playing 100s more hours in fractals, and many fractal 50 runs in the future.
The many hours of fun with friends was, and is awesome, at the end of the day it’s a game. In my opinion if you are playing the game for rewards which will probably be gone in the next 5 years I think you’ve missed the point of gaming.
The point was that people spent time getting their characters to a level to then enjoy it at that level. The leveling is the sucky part. Getting a character up to 50 isn’t that much of a joy to a lot of people, but doing level 48 fractals is. At least to me it is.
For this simple reason, that I did not enjoy leveling, I’ve made the choise to not level up another character but simply switch at the end. I can completely understand that people who did make this sacrifice feel the need for a compensation.
Even being reset the 20 levels myself feels like a kick in the groin.
Okay sorry Patrikan, and all others in this thread. People are reporting all my posts and I assume it’s automated because they’re all getting deleted.
No real point wasting my time. Hope you guys work this out.
Sorry to hear that, it was a nice discussion…