Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Protoavis.9107


You already had your refund, as you could receive the daily chests for all that time on two characters instead of one.

There might be a tiny amount of people that made fractals alts to farm the high levels for several daily chests, but the majoity of us did so for completely different reasons. We wanted a new challenge, we wanted to master another class, we wanted to be able to offer our team a different set up and still be able to pull our weight. The daily chest was the last thing on our minds.

Comments like yours, and the person’s above you (the one that is laughing now) just prove that many people have no idea how much effort and dedication it takes to make it to the levels that are being reset now.

So admittedly you did it because YOU wanted a new challenge and YOU want compensation for wanting a new challenge….I’m failing to see how any of that is Anet’s fault/responsibility and how it isn’t just being entitled to complain about compensation….

Realistically, the compensation was YOU getting to experience the new challenge that YOU wanted.

Let us buy vendor mats (eg spools of thread) in 250 stacks, end the excessive clicking.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Cuddlepie.8109


None of them did so for monetary rewards, they did so for personal challenge, for glory and because it is fun. Now that this is being taken away, they feel cheated. Not only because they have to level back from 30, this is easily done. But because there is no guarantee that this hard content will be accessible again. They do not want 5 gold per resetted level. What would make them happy will be a one time special skin, a title or maybe a unique mini, unobtainable in any other way. They just want something to show for their accomplishment.

I personally don’t understand the logic of the compensation argument:
1. The motivation for high level fractals was ‘personal challenge, glory and fun’.
2. Therefore a unique reward is needed to ‘to show for their accomplishment’.

Firstly, the rewards were intrinsic and already received. So how is additional extrinsic compensation in addition to your sense of satisfaction and no actual loss justified?

Additionally, the ‘accomplishment’ was not one that was designed to be rewarded in the game. So why should it be rewarded? To draw an analogy, GvG was not designed into the game but guilds chose to do it for pretty much the same reasons you’ve quoted. Shouldn’t they also be receive a reward now that the Edge map is being introduced and the system is being changed?

I’m not trolling, these are genuine questions. I don’t understand what I see as a sense of entitlement for something you weren’t asked to do?

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Protoavis.9107


Man please tell Anet they shouldnn’t give all These revive orbs in the achievment chest and remove em from the trading post because if you use em you get Dhuuumed only gw1 Player will get this sooo I tell it to you … after pressing a revive orb a pirate ghost Comes and will instant ban you … this is because anet considers revive orbs an exploit!

Just because Anet hasn’t fixed the issue doesn’t mean it’s not an exploit.
You sound like the people who exploited the cheap karma gear from an NPC with the launch of the game. ‘’But it’s a legit way, I just bought it from a merchant’’.

It’s obvious you are not supposed to do it. It was explicitely expressed you weren’t supposed to. Finding ways around it does not make it non-exploiting.
It’s a non-discussion, yet you still seem to want to discuss it.

what made it obvious to not Level in an infinite lvl dungeon? tell me 1 Thing ? you know it know back than ppl just didn’t know plain and simple so don’t blame em I even asked anet in a thread when I hit 80 if we we’re supposed to get there there is no answer…soo.. don’t blame us for anything

When only 1 class could survive it (making 1 class necessary isn’t in GW2 motto) or having to rely on a cash store item…..this should make it fairly obvious or at least send up some red flags.

Let us buy vendor mats (eg spools of thread) in 250 stacks, end the excessive clicking.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


i dont think the level should be reset at all! why bother?! why 30 as well?

i think if a lvl 50 attempts lvl 50 and finds it much diff than they were used to. then they will adapt to it themselves, let them figure it out themselves? they might try a lower level to get used to it or whatnot

This is a tad simplistic. So if someone completed level 80 should they be entitled to #1 on the leaderboards? If not then how does one make a determination of where everyone stands in relation to their current personal level without a reset?

Reset occurs at 30 because that is when the new patch mechanics kick in along with the leaderboard. How can the leaderboards work differently in your opinion compared to what ArenaNet will do for the patch that will make it fair for everyone regardless of skill level, casual or hardcore, and current personal fractal level? Without a reset of any kind to any level be it 30 or 50 how will you determine the difference between someone that got to level 80 ages ago before the Jade Maw Agony changes versus someone who just got 80 in the past 2-3 months versus someone who had someone at fractal 79 port them into a higher fractal so they can progress? Or simply should there be no leaderboard.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: IceVyper.6810


Protoavis.9107 Cuddlepie.8109

I am replying to both of you at the same time. Just because we wanted fun and new challenges does not mean that our hard work should be taken away and unawarded. Arena net created a fractal system that was:

1) Fully doable in a legit way up to level 50
2) Requiring to level any other alt if you wished to recieve the daily rewards at the correspondent level.

Many people chose to play according to those preset rules, and invested time and gold while doing it. Then Arena net decides to:

1) Take away the 20 levels of progress by resetting everyone
2) Make the alt leveling obsolete by introducing acount wide fractal level. I repeat, many people dedicated hours of game play and a lot of gold to achieve something that now the entire playbase is getting for free.

Yes, this alone is reason enough to say that it is Arena nets’ responsibility to compensate those players.

The case is different with the players that pushed to 80 and I have explained it several times thoughout the thread and don’t feel like repeating myself. And let’s not forget that those same people are affected by the above said situation: they have reached lvl 50 and many of them have alts as well.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Protoavis.9107


Protoavis.9107 Cuddlepie.8109

I am replying to both of you at the same time. Just because we wanted fun and new challenges does not mean that our hard work should be taken away and unawarded. Arena net created a fractal system that was:

1) Fully doable in a legit way up to level 50
2) Requiring to level any other alt if you wished to recieve the daily rewards at the correspondent level.

Many people chose to play according to those preset rules, and invested time and gold while doing it. Then Arena net decides to:

1) Take away the 20 levels of progress by resetting everyone
2) Make the alt leveling obsolete by introducing acount wide fractal level. I repeat, many people dedicated hours of game play and a lot of gold to achieve something that now the entire playbase is getting for free.

Yes, this alone is reason enough to say that it is Arena nets’ responsibility to compensate those players.

The case is different with the players that pushed to 80 and I have explained it several times thoughout the thread and don’t feel like repeating myself. And let’s not forget that those same people are affected by the above said situation: they have reached lvl 50 and many of them have alts as well.

I’m not sure how it was “unawarded” since rewards were inherently built into the system via chests, loot and exclusive drops….

Which even you yourself point out in point 2

“2) Requiring to level any other alt if you wished to recieve the daily rewards at the correspondent level.”

I fail to see why you choosing to level multiple toons is in any way Anet responsibility. It also starts a slippery slope in that, if I opened story mode dungeons on multiple toons and if that ever becomes account wide should I be compensated? If I buy multiple gear sets at exotic level at launch and then ascended armor (after promoting exotic as the top and final tier) comes along and invalidates progress there, should I be compensated? If I had multiple toons with exotic magic find gear and then the system changes so it became account wide and it gets reset to 0% and everyone got it for free…….

Your hard work hasn’t been taken away, it just won’t exist in the new system due to significant changes to the fractal mechanics which ultimately benefit everyone.

Was it poor design for Anet to not cap the old system? Sure but at the same time it was player choice to do it on multiple toons and player choice to keep going up in levels past the reward threshold.

Let us buy vendor mats (eg spools of thread) in 250 stacks, end the excessive clicking.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Patrikan Habaton.2548

Patrikan Habaton.2548

I am willing to bet that the reason high level fractal players are being screwed is because they are a small percentage of the population but also don’t buy a lot of gems. Anet has probably even realized that losing most or all of these customers won’t hurt their profits but may even help them. Think about it, the fractal entry point and progression is being made easier so they can bring in more newcomers which = more profits. The fractal veterans are made up mostly of hardcore gamers and we all know most hard core gamers use the most bandwidth and put very little real money into games. This move is a win-win for Anet.

nope I have CE preorder and bought some gemcards as well

first scale 81 fractals

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Dominus.6320


as a veteran 80 fractaler im kinda +-0 on the update. Cool improvements but then theres the …ehem… demotion to 30 wich is quite sad but understandable. Personally id love to get compensation on fractal skins and rings behalf.. i got over 60 rings currently around 200 pristines (bought multiple rings too) and 25-30 skins and your not still giving the salvage option NOR applying the new effects on the old fractal skins. I mean thats just plain wrong; you demote us and make the hard effort/achievement into mediocore and we arent getting even a single title or copper. i could be giving good examples of friends grinding 4months 2-4daily chests a day just to get greatsword skin but cant be bothered. instead lets remember the good old days:
and yesterday we did this just for the sake of fun=P
(lvl80 fire shaman all naked-filmer is just having glitched party icons)

(edited by Dominus.6320)

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Ramkiller.5360


I will probably quit because this is not the first time, (Magic Find Infusions in Ascended Gear). I know there are others as well. What’s the point if they going to just change things and boom you lose out for the time you spent when you could of been doing something else.

(edited by Ramkiller.5360)

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Paciunek.2496


That’s why I’m not putting any effort into anything in this game. No legendary, no high level fractals, no nothing – it’s not worth it. Only thing I do is achievement grinding (and dungeons from time to time), because I know I’ll eventually get some reward from it. They don’t reward better players, they reward farmers and casuals for being worse than hardcores. It’s like they would ask “Would you kindly leave queensdale train for a minute and start playing our content, please?”. They’re just punishing for being over average and making things easier to achieve by anyone without effort. I can’t find anything challenging (in fun way) and worth my time in this game. I’m happy I’m only frac level 31 and I didn’t bother to level it on any other character. Initially I didn’t want to struggle with brainless pugs once more, but now I’m so glad, because they would just throw away my hours of pain just to make few people go back to fractals for a week.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Joonks.7501


That’s why I’m not putting any effort into anything in this game. No legendary, no high level fractals, no nothing – it’s not worth it. Only thing I do is achievement grinding (and dungeons from time to time), because I know I’ll eventually get some reward from it. They don’t reward better players, they reward farmers and casuals for being worse than hardcores. It’s like they would ask “Would you kindly leave queensdale train for a minute and start playing our content, please?”. They’re just punishing for being over average and making things easier to achieve by anyone without effort. I can’t find anything challenging (in fun way) and worth my time in this game. I’m happy I’m only frac level 31 and I didn’t bother to level it on any other character. Initially I didn’t want to struggle with brainless pugs once more, but now I’m so glad, because they would just throw away my hours of pain just to make few people go back to fractals for a week.


Seriously, this is the kitten iest “I’m taking my ball and going home” post I’ve read in a while.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Joonks.7501


I am willing to bet that the reason high level fractal players are being screwed is because they are a small percentage of the population but also don’t buy a lot of gems. Anet has probably even realized that losing most or all of these customers won’t hurt their profits but may even help them. Think about it, the fractal entry point and progression is being made easier so they can bring in more newcomers which = more profits. The fractal veterans are made up mostly of hardcore gamers and we all know most hard core gamers use the most bandwidth and put very little real money into games. This move is a win-win for Anet.

Is this real? Is this a real theory that people have?

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: crouze.3078


I wonder if there are any plans to reward players for the lost levels, like for example a double daily chest until they catch up to their previous level? And maybe an ascended weapon chest with selectable stats per additional character leveled over 30?

An ascended weapon chest would be way to much.

But getting 1 extra daily chest for each level you lost whenever you do the fractal daily is the best idea so far.

It’s similar to how the achievement chests or wvw rewards were introduced.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Estriella Faerie.4029

Estriella Faerie.4029

I think extra chests is a bad idea. We lost a permanent progress, giving us a one-time chest is not a good thing. It’s not like fractal players were playing for money or chest rewards anyway…

Something more permanent, like a title or a skin variation, which we could then keep forever, in place of our lost progress, would be way better.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Paciunek.2496



Seriously, this is the kitten iest “I’m taking my ball and going home” post I’ve read in a while.

I’m not taking anything or going anywhere, just saying how it is for me. Anet loves to change rules during the game without any communication, that’s why I’m “kittening (?)” about it. Constant nerfs won’t encourage people to play. And account bound daily rewards won’t encourage people to play with different professions than mesmer/guardian/warrior(s). Fractal backs will be even more time consuming because you can only get 1 daily chest per account, not 5 or 10 if you like. The game is going in strange direction which I don’t like and I think I actually can complain on this change. I don’t like to be forced to spend whole weeks on farming because of account bound reward, like they did to dungeons. They want you to have multiple characters, but punish you for that.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Sarathor.2409


If they compensate people who’ve gotten past level 30, and it’s based on how many levels you’ve completed, it should only be taken up to 50.

That’s my honest opinion.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


A suggestion.

To the Fractals veterans who have advanced past level 30, what would you say to an exclusive title called “Fractals Pioneer” or something similar? It would show that you got to above level 30 prior to the change. We could potentially include another one for those who got above level 50, although I think that one’s a bit iffier considering ANet seems to hold the opinion that it was “unintended content”. (I personally don’t mind a special title for 50+, but the final decision lies with ANet.)

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Pointy.9308


I also got myself to level 49 and got myself an ascended rifle so I can put AR into it to play high level fractals without dying at Maw. I spent some time and most of my gold on it. And my effort goes down the drain. It is frustrating to loose it like that. But I would not need any compensation for it as far as they keep my personal reward intact. If after the patch when I star on lvl 30 I still get lvl 49 rewards. That would be enough for me since the cap is still 50. Unfortunatelly I haven´t read anywhere if Anet is just lowering the fotm lvl or the personal reward level as well. So, am I going to have lvl 30 fractals with lvl 30 rewards or lvl 30 fractals with lvl 49 rewards? I would be really upset with the first option but I am cool with the second one.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Patrikan Habaton.2548

Patrikan Habaton.2548

I wonder if there are any plans to reward players for the lost levels, like for example a double daily chest until they catch up to their previous level? And maybe an ascended weapon chest with selectable stats per additional character leveled over 30?

An ascended weapon chest would be way to much.

But getting 1 extra daily chest for each level you lost whenever you do the fractal daily is the best idea so far.

It’s similar to how the achievement chests or wvw rewards were introduced.

here some numbers I used at least 150 hours to Level up 30 – 81 wich I loose entirly as far as drop they didn’t even make up for the rez orbs used. so I loose 150 hours of work or 4500 Gold if I just farmed gambits instead or 3000.- in a Job after finishing highschool I’d get in my Country. Sooo nope 1 ascended weapon doesn’t make up for it it’s about the effort for at least 3 legendaries… and sitll even 3 legendaries coulnd’t make up for it because it’s no sign of skill… It seems you shouln’d be posting if you have no clue what ppl are loosing

first scale 81 fractals

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Patrikan Habaton.2548

Patrikan Habaton.2548

I also got myself to level 49 and got myself an ascended rifle so I can put AR into it to play high level fractals without dying at Maw. I spent some time and most of my gold on it. And my effort goes down the drain. It is frustrating to loose it like that. But I would not need any compensation for it as far as they keep my personal reward intact. If after the patch when I star on lvl 30 I still get lvl 49 rewards. That would be enough for me since the cap is still 50. Unfortunatelly I haven´t read anywhere if Anet is just lowering the fotm lvl or the personal reward level as well. So, am I going to have lvl 30 fractals with lvl 30 rewards or lvl 30 fractals with lvl 49 rewards? I would be really upset with the first option but I am cool with the second one.

You know there are maybe about 10 ppl left in game that have the same scale I do 81 .. wich completet it when the game came out with a lot of effort… sooo if you had a item that is not able anymore completly given out to let’s say about 200 ppl but only 10 on active accounts left ( btw I know of less than 200 ppl who did fractals 81) … shoulnd’t they if sombody take away they’re item get somthing that is worth as much as they’re item… so what can make up for the item? see the rarest Thing you can get in gw2 is way more common than this scale 81 just saying… and yeah they go for about 1000 Dollars on ebay sooo mehhh

first scale 81 fractals

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Protoavis.9107


And now the thread went to demanding three legendaries for compensation…..

Let us buy vendor mats (eg spools of thread) in 250 stacks, end the excessive clicking.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: TPMN.1483


Anyone who wants to progress in an MMO, whether it be by accumulating gold, going up in PVP or WVW ranks, or accumulating gear, needs to know that any progress achieved is secure. Anet’s reset here undermines my trust in the security of any progress, not just that in fractals.
There is a good article on this concept here, which the author refers to as equity:
Pretty good article, and it’s quite right about this subject.

Check out the thread that is currently on GW2 Discussion → FoTM reset to lvl 30.
A lot of people are very upset and are loosing faith in the ethos of the development and are considering quitting especially if other aspects of progress is reset (wvw ranks, server rollbacks etc) all have this effect.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Patrikan Habaton.2548

Patrikan Habaton.2548

And now the thread went to demanding three legendaries for compensation…..

I didn’t demand for anything Just read… I did say that if they wanna do somthing it must be somthing as rare as the Thing we achieved … I demand: Don’t take legit Progress away from me!

I just wanted to give you some insight what it actually was what we did since you guys seem to have absoultly no clue… thinking an asc weapon box or daily chest could make up for it is ridiculus. If somthing can make up for it than only Special 1 time give out items/ titles… as I said 3 legendaries woulnd’t make up for it. read before you post ty

first scale 81 fractals

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Zanshin.5379


So you want a title for reaching level 80?
What about people being lvl 70? Do they get the same title?
65? 60? 50?
Where’s the limit? What qualifies?

I thought people were doing it for the challenge. Didn’t you get your challenge? Aren’t you happy that they’re making lvl 30+ harder?

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: seekrtz.6739


It seems pretty clear that achieving level 81 in FOTM was supposed to be impossible from the lack of AR available alone and it was even patched so that no other future players could do the same for the last few months. The hints were already there.

The use of revive orbs was also not intended as a necessary dungeon mechanic, but a convenient safety net to save a player(s) progress in a close encounter on occasion.

I do believe that the effort was admirable, but does not nor did it ever promise a reward. It was merely a time-wasting challenge that a few players chose to embark on, despite knowing that it carried no potential reward at the end like a legendary weapon, the “dungeon master” title, or finishers/titles in spvp ranks as mentioned in previous examples.

It was a huge time sink that offered no increased drops and demanded the use of revive orbs and a series of exploits that were slowly patched so that players could no longer skip content or be essentially unharmable in many situations (however, some still exist and are used regularly today as well).

Face it, the gamble did not pay off and there was nothing to lose because there was never anything to be gained from super-leveling FOTM. So take it for what it was, a personal PVE challenge done just because it could be done.

*I mean seriously, did these players really expect to have access up to level 81 in FOTM after the difficulty had been completely revamped with instability, new mini dungeons, bosses, and a leaderboard. Just be glad that FOTM has finally been updated because that was the only legitimate complaint made about since it was released.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Estriella Faerie.4029

Estriella Faerie.4029

What Patrikan said (correct me if i’m wrong), we don’t want something valuable for compensation, we want something rare, something no one else but those who achieved those same old levels to have, to be able to show we were there before.
Moshari posted a few things before (here or on the main post in general discussion, can’t remember) about what it could be, like a specific title, specific skin, etc.

And i second the link TPMN posted, that article describes what we’re living here pretty accurately.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Konu.1826


So do you think it didn’t come into Anet’s mind people would progress past 50 doing odd levels after Maw was locked, even if they have a history of doing odd fixing attemps they could certainly do better than that?
For me that’s more like a heads up “Don’t expect to get good loot from this point on” and a reason for them to ignore “Loot doesn’t scale past level x”.

The problem here is erasing progression in general with no beforehand communication in content that from the beginning was all about progressing.

While not resetting level might have some questionable effects on fractal past patch that is only because Anet chose to implement just these exact changes in this exact way. Similar changes could have without a problem been made without any resets.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Konu.1826


Also that link describes the situation very well and it might open up some new points of view for several people who don’t see why anything would be wrong with the upcoming changes.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Keep dreaming Konu. It doesn’t affect them so they don’t care.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Quick ones to follow is random luck, so that argument is invalid.

Restarting fractals is exactly what it is. It’s not exploiting to restart something.
I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

And if you don’t get why they would differentiate between legit people and exploiters… then I can’t help you at all.

Not everyone is getting at something when they ask a question. Read my comment, I didn’t say I didn’t get why they would differentiate, I said I don’t know how they would differentiate. Those are quite different. Read before you respond, sheesh.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: cephiroth.6182


2) Make the alt leveling obsolete by introducing acount wide fractal level. I repeat, many people dedicated hours of game play and a lot of gold to achieve something that now the entire playbase is getting for free.

And again: For this investment they were able to loot the daily chest on every character.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


Sorry, I can understand your feeling of loss that your level progression is now brought inline with the new game mechanics, but you’ve already had your fun and challenge going past the “supported” limits of the game and obviously got your compensation through plentiful amounts of drops. That you “beat” the system and developers oversight in programming does not now entitle you to extra rewards now that they’ve revised the system and introduced a new ladder carrying from lvl 30 and onwards.

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Patrikan Habaton.2548

Patrikan Habaton.2548

Sorry, I can understand your feeling of loss that your level progression is now brought inline with the new game mechanics, but you’ve already had your fun and challenge going past the “supported” limits of the game and obviously got your compensation through plentiful amounts of drops. That you “beat” the system and developers oversight in programming does not now entitle you to extra rewards now that they’ve revised the system and introduced a new ladder carrying from lvl 30 and onwards.

ok against this Argument I say nope I dind’t have fun or challenge I just did grind those Levels because they promised me hard Content at the end of the road(I was one of the first Groups if not the first to hit 80 and actually see there is a cap we we’re confused I asked here if this is the cap ect I and my whole Group was dissapointed that this was the biggest difficulty we we’re imagin to see first lvl 85 Mobs having lvl 100 as first ect… 80 was only meaning full for lvl 85 Mobs ).. what I did was working hard to get a challenge what I got was :
- first Punch in the face : fractals not infinite and not the hard Content I was looking for
- second Punch in the face: Your not able to get daily chest above 50 anymore ( you got at least for sure fractal weapons at lvl 80 daily wich would have been Kind of a reward but we coulnd’t and didn’t farm it because we had no stress since we we’re at the cap)
- third Punch in the face: Your progrss is meaningless we Delete it.

Don’t even think about knowing what we felt when we did fractals or know what reasons we have to do so and the rewards they didn’t even make up for the rez orbs we had to use all 2 Levels to advance to kill maw. so no rewards no challenge tell me what was my reward now?

P.S no oversight in programming THERE IS A HARDCAP AT 80!

first scale 81 fractals

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: IceVyper.6810


2) Make the alt leveling obsolete by introducing acount wide fractal level. I repeat, many people dedicated hours of game play and a lot of gold to achieve something that now the entire playbase is getting for free.

And again: For this investment they were able to loot the daily chest on every character.

Just because it was possible to get multiple daily chests it does not mean that everyone was doing it. In fact, only a tiny fracture of those players were mindlessly repeating the same content for a silly daily chest. The people interested in such gameplay were anyway busy autoattacking on the champion train.

Before you oppose people’s right for compensation, you should read the article posted above that discusses the importance of guaranteed game equity.

I leveled multiple alts, each time I played a fractal with some of them I got a daily chest. That is a reward for me playing a fractal content as anybody else.

The fact that I am placed back with the masses, with a lowered personal reward level, and the masses are given free access to something I had to work hard for, is ruining all equity I had, thus I must be compensated.

For the record, I never said that players who achieved the really high levels should be given a weapon box. I believe that a weapon box is a suitable reward for each alt leveled past 30.

And since the reset cannot be undone, there is no need to fight against it. However, anyone with 48+ level should be given a token of compensation in the form of a unique, one-time item.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: IceVyper.6810


Can’t find that post right now, but to whoever said that beeing reset from 50 to 30 is a good thing, because the new 50 will be too hard to handle:

Are you for real? From whatever the devs have said so far, it is obvious that the new fractals will be a dumbed version of the old ones, with less difficulty. If a player has managed to get to level 48, and played it for months with buggy harpies, endless waves of dredge and all the other crap we had to deal with, I am sure the same person can handle the new lvl 48 without having to “practice” for 18 levels.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Shadow Blade.1324

Shadow Blade.1324

They didn’t compensate anyone when they reset achievement points.

They didn’t compensate anyone when they reset MF.

They wont compensate you.

i wish the devs had a consistent vision and didn’t push out content they know is flawed

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


IIRC, with achievement points they let people stay at max. I’m also fine with staying at maximum level.
IIRC, with MF they allowed you to repick stats for your gear. I’m also fine with repicking my level.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Moshari.8570


The only way being reset from 50 to 30 (or 80 to 30) would be fair is if everyone loses something. There are so many people grinding to 30 right now so that they can start at the higher reward levels next week. Many of these guys don’t even have AR! (I was shocked when I was in a 30 PUG and it was taking forever (even longer than normal for a low level PUG…but we did have some bad rolls as well (Harpies, Dredge)…we were 4 hours in before we even got to the Maw…and when we finally got to the maw, I realized why everyone was constantly dying…3 of the 5 of us died as soon as the agony hit…and when I asked, they FINALLY admitted to not having any Agony Resistance…even though they had been insisting from the beginning that they had 30+ AR. They also admitted to never having run higher than 10 before Tuesday and that they were just joining every group possible “to get to 30 before next week”. When I told them my PRL they all started griefing. “next week, we’ll all be the same level HAHAHA!” ETC… If I wasn’t in Maw already I’d have quit…as is, I finished it and vowed no more fractals until this is all sorted.

Whats funny is that had they been honest with me up front, I would not have cared! I teach fractal runs for people for free!! But because they kept insisting they knew what they were doing and were fractal experts it made the whole run not only LONG, but really frustrating…..

ANET. If you are removing my levels and putting me at the same level as these guys…the least you could do is remove 20 of their levels so that everyone feels the pain…and all of these guys rushing to 30 will also feel the pain of loss.

Even at a minimum with each fractal taking 20 minutes, 4 fractals will take you almost 2 hours to accomplish….at the minimum you are removing 40 hours of our game….with PUG’s it is probably double that….and that is not even taking into consideration those that went up to 80

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: IceVyper.6810


By making the level account wide, people who have several characters can play with the characters they want to play. And the only limit is in their agony resistance in that character against the unavoidable agony. Characters you geared will keep their gear and agony resistance. And you will still have to gear any more characters you plan to get to higher level fractals. That won’t change.

So all in all it’s a good change.

If you look closely this wonderful new addition, the account wide fractal level is nothing but a beautifully packaged version of something that already existed. Unfortunately people are too blind to see it and accept it as a great gift full of opportunity.

The fact is that up until now, you could do any level fractals, on any one of your characters if they were geared enough to handle the agony. Very often, I have had friends do a lvl 48 on a character with zero AR and lvl 1 personal reward, just because we needed that particular class or for fun. In any of the current fractals the boss agony is easily dodgeable, if you pay attention so you don’t even need AR. All you had to do is relog to your main once the Maw is reached and get the high level chest. The cost of this? A relog at the start of the Maw fractal.

So, the only “improvement” that this great gift offers is not having to relog. I am sorry but this is just a typical method of: “we will give you something that seems fancy in hopes that you will overlook other flaws and stuff we are taking away from you”.

(edited by IceVyper.6810)

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Moshari.8570


They didn’t compensate anyone when they reset achievement points.

They didn’t compensate anyone when they reset MF.

They wont compensate you.

Seriously? Did you read what you wrote?

They never reset achievement points…all points I earned were still there and they GAVE me something…achievement chests for even past achievement points earned before the rewards came in.

They didn’t reset MF, they changed it…you could re-pick stats on items that were affected, and they GAVE you 50% MF for all your characters (account-wide) with the ability to raise it for ALL your characters….this was probably the best update for people who run ALTS (I started running alts after this update since my MF gear wasn’t limited to a single character anymore)….not to mention not having to carry yet another set of gear on my main! I was a little upset at first about the loss of my 300% MF on my one character, but having it spread account-wide was actually a blessing…I can now play any character in optimized gear and still get the same loot.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Patrikan Habaton.2548

Patrikan Habaton.2548

just a thought this is a new update: where do new update normal starts like expansions?

ahhh yeah they start at the end of the old Content… soo they should just start it from scale 81 up if the Content is as hard as they say it won’t matter for leaderboards since I will be stuck on 85 cause it’s reallly hard Content and you guys can catch up and Show me that you deserve those Levels … no Problem there… or it’s not hard and I will get to 130 still searching for the challenge and stop doing it… but also than you guys can catch up… they should do the expension based on the old cap and the old cap was 80 .. no Point in arguing here it’s the only cap I saw when I played..

first scale 81 fractals

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Fafnir.5124


If you think people made it to 80 by not using exploits(things that where removed or changed latter) at all when fotm first came out you make me laugh. Fact they made it so you have to face a boss with global agony at end with update probly means you cant advance without the AR now.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Konu.1826


IIRC, with achievement points they let people stay at max. I’m also fine with staying at maximum level.
IIRC, with MF they allowed you to repick stats for your gear. I’m also fine with repicking my level.

Even if you tell me I’m dreaming I still can’t stop loving posts like this.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: daros.3407


We should get compensation for every level above 30. The higher level player has the higher will be reward. This seems to me like only reasonable solution.
Deleting our progres for something so worthless like leaderboard without any compensation is very bad idea.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Fafnir.5124


Progress to 80 is considered 30 in new fotm they just rounded everyone from 30 up cause they didn’t see any difficulty change between 30-80 hence same reward.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Shadow Blade.1324

Shadow Blade.1324

They didn’t compensate anyone when they reset achievement points.

They didn’t compensate anyone when they reset MF.

They wont compensate you.

Seriously? Did you read what you wrote?

They never reset achievement points…all points I earned were still there and they GAVE me something…achievement chests for even past achievement points earned before the rewards came in.

They didn’t reset MF, they changed it…you could re-pick stats on items that were affected, and they GAVE you 50% MF for all your characters (account-wide) with the ability to raise it for ALL your characters….this was probably the best update for people who run ALTS (I started running alts after this update since my MF gear wasn’t limited to a single character anymore)….not to mention not having to carry yet another set of gear on my main! I was a little upset at first about the loss of my 300% MF on my one character, but having it spread account-wide was actually a blessing…I can now play any character in optimized gear and still get the same loot.

you may not have been reset personally but they DID reset achievement points you had players with around 20k+ points through repeatable things like agent of entropy reset down to 3k because of the changes they were making to the system and leaderboards

in regards to MF i have no idea where you are pulling 50% from, there was some luck essence gifted to every player , even those without any MF that if used right at the start would get you 20%, but given the scaling of input needed to get to higher percentages it wont even give you 1% when used later.

i have every class at 80, every tangible reward in the game is ONCE PER ACCOUNT PER DAY, combined with the grind to get BIS which is time gated in terms of months for one build on one character. meaning by design its kind of pointless to focus on more than one character at endgame if your interested in playing competitively.

if your just doing world completion or something you may like that you now get a little extra MF on all characters, but getting a partial MF set before the changes and eating some food would get you a similar amount to what many players are stuck with now

i wish the devs had a consistent vision and didn’t push out content they know is flawed

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


As I said, let me stay at maximum level (like they were able to keep maximum achievement points) and I will be very happy.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: eekzie.5640


Not everyone is getting at something when they ask a question. Read my comment, I didn’t say I didn’t get why they would differentiate, I said I don’t know how they would differentiate. Those are quite different. Read before you respond, sheesh.

My bad on that, and it’s hard to give examples of how to differantiate when there’s nothing to work with.

For instance, if they give us daily chests for each level above 30… they can just set the max to 20 chests. Easy.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: leman.7682


Boost me to 50 where I belong! This or I quit?! You heard me! I QUIT!



Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Healix.5819


ArenaNet had 2 options to implement the new mechanics:

1. Reset everyone to 30 and introduce new mechanics for 31-50.
2. Reset everyone to 50 (80 was obviously not intended), nerf 1-50 and introduce levels 51-70 with the new mechanics.

Considering the point of fractals was to create a hamster wheel for grinders, I’m not really sure why they didn’t just add on to it. Maybe they just thought that 20 levels of grinding on the same basic difficulty was too much.

Just imagine all the complaining there would be if the /deaths counter was reset.