Hi all! specially Anet—
• More time to polish the living world content. With more time, they can make sure that all of the content being released is bug free and to the highest quality possible.
• More time to balance the classes. At the moment, some are suffering an in-game
racisms (I would call it: Class-ism), and for good reason. Some classes just cant
compare with the big boys (warrior, guardian, mesmers) and because of the ANET
MANIFESTO, I was lead to believe that all classes would be viable for all content.
• More time to fix things like armor bugs, weapon glitches, and PVE issues. For
example, my Aether bow has been dislocated on the back when stowed for about a
year so far.
• More time to re-work the TP. It is still in a very primitive stage, where I cant filter
armors to show only the ones my toon can actually wear…
• More time to fix the rest of the dungeons, specially those rarely visited, and there
are tons of comments regarding the dungeons that Anet cant simply ignore. They
cant possibly say that the dredge fractal is just fine. While some disagree about this fractal, I can say that the vast majority “dreads” (pun intended) this fractal.
• More time to talk with their player base and find the things that annoy them. There’s a lot of hate going on in the forums… and while I do feel bad for Anet having to deal with tons of kids that just complain without explaining what they are complaining
about, there are valid comments out there worthy of consideration.
• More time to create a compelling story. How did Scarlet fit into the nova reactor
incident? I now have a feeling that Scarlet is behind every act of terrorism on Tyria,
because she somehow is the mastermind of everything bad that goes on in GW2.
What I want to say to the dearly beloved Anet team, is that, if you guys need more time, I’m pretty sure most of the community would GLADLY give it to you. You dont need to give us content every two weeks, give us content every month, make it awesome, and go back to your roots!
We love you Anet, you made our favorite game possible. Please do not break our dreams by putting out tiresome content, bad or uninteresting stories, and an uneven balance between classes!