I fought Mai Trin the first since LS and...
“Horrik! Unleash the cannons!”
Her opening dialogue doesn’t flow properly and that annoys me.
True. She’s blabbing on about releasing the airships and escaping before “enemies” get here while we’re just standing in front of her brandishing our weapons menacingly. XD
“Horrik! Unleash the cannons!”
“Aye aye, captain.”
NSPride <3
Her opening dialogue doesn’t flow properly and that annoys me.
I agree but then again when I jump up and down I sometimes have the voice of a male asura so… what can you expect >.>
I do like her voice though otherwise and the character seem to be a lot better and could of been smoothed out and improved. Scarlet there is no hope for.
Poor Scarlet. So much hate, when she’s just a puppet for Mordremoth. It’s not easy being a minion.
Vella Absconditus | Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest
Seafarer’s Rest