(edited by Milwaukees Best.6541)
New Gw2 Player looking for guild
Would you be keen on joining the Raiders of the Mist? RAID is based in the tarnished coast (since you didnt specify a server I’m assuming you’re ok to move around). We do mainly dungeon running and WvW but we’re mostly pretty relaxed and do whatever people feel like doing. We are currently trying to get new members and become a bigger presence on the tarnished coast. Check out our website, and if you are interested message me in game or on the forums. Thanks
Here is some info about my guild
Let me know in game if you have any questions or here. Thanks for reading.
Devils Sunder.1692
Hello Cor,
I have read your post and wanted to reply and offer you a spot in our small cosy laid back guild.
We have only 24 members atm, of course we are willing to grow a bit more in the future, but still keep the family feeling.
All our members are 18+ right now, I would not mind taking younger members, as long as it wont be the majority of our roster.
Although we are small, we have a very active group of people now, we play every day and mostly play together in party.
We have RaidCall, and all actives are on there on a daily basis as well.
Please take a look at our forums: http://werinstyle.shivtr.com/
Guild name: We R In Style
Server: EU Underworld
I would say, give it a try, and who knows, you might like our little crazy bunch
in game character: Xena Love, whisper me any time.
http://werinstyle.shivtr.com/ https://www.facebook.com/WeRInStyle
Home World: Yak’s Bend
Guild Name: Death Enforcement Agency [DEA]
Voice Chat: http://www.raidcall.com
Focus: Mainly PVE, some PVP, guild events
The guild abides by two simple rules.
1) Respect others.
2) Represent the guild.
DEA on Yak’s Bend is a very active, casual guild that was made for players who enjoy grouping up and playing the game with other people a majority of the time.
We have over 200 members and a lot of them are friends and family. Guild events are at least once a week in which we get in groups and do entire zones, but none are mandatory.
We are mainly PVE, but there are some who pvp and we have members of all levels.
We use Raidcall for voice chat, it’s super easy to set up and get chatting.
You can contact me in-game or you can apply on our website.
Guild Website: http://deathenforcementagency.enjin.com/
In-Game Contact: Rowdyrowdy / BobbyK.9730
Broken Chains is PvX guild on the Tarnished Coast sever. Our goal is to provide a good group of gamers and friends to any people we group with. We are here to make the experiences in-game more enjoyable by offering teamwork and camaraderie. We have our own website and vent server, if interested or have questions you can send me a PM here or on the website. You can also contact Molly Stray or myself in-game. Happy hunting and look forward to grouping with you.
Hey Milwaukees Best,
Aeterna on Ferg Crossing may be just the home for you. We have 90 members currently, all of whom are active. The guild is mature, though we do have another 17 year old that fits in well. We have constant 10-30 people online, no matter the time of day. With a focus on wvw, we also run a plethaura of dungeons, do plenty of karma farming and pvp when time allows!
We expect some from our members,
1) Respect others, both in guild and out
2) Be on Ferg Crossing server
3) Represent Aeterna on all characters
4) Download / use mumble for voice comms.
This is our recruitment topic with a lot more about the guild and even a short wvw video that one of our highly decorated war heros has created. You’ll like it, she is an elementalist too.
Hello Cory
Imperium Misfits is on the Ring Of Fire server and could be the home for you We are a socail guild who all friendly bunch of people with our own mumble server and website http://www.impmisfits.co.uk We have constant amount of people online though out the day we do WvW, PvP and Pve we are all willing to help if you need it, we work on group committy
We Have few things we expect of our member:
1) Represent Imperium Misfits
2) Sign up to our website http://www.impmisfits.co.uk
3) Be on The Ring Of Fire Server
4) Respect all other members
5) Download and Join our mumble server
Contact me in game: Roik
Here’s another option for you to have a looky at:
Happy guild hunting.