(edited by Arcaz.4392)
New to GW2 but have played various MMOs.
Heya mate,
You should post what server you are playing on and your schedule. It will help the few of us that actually read the posts, before the copy/paste guilds get to you. lol
Knights of Ares [ARES] - Apply Now
Website: http://knights-of-ares.enjin.com/
Thanks fella.
I’ve got one problem though, I haven’t got a server as of yet. I was hopefully trying to get something before starting.
But are you in the EU or the US? What timezone?
Sorry, just read your edit ;-) .
I am not sure what kind of guild you are looking for, so see for yourself if it is anything you would be interested in.
We are Modern Family and play on Desolation. We aim to keep our roster at a medium size with approximately 30 members. This allows us to get to know eachother well, while still being able to get things done. We have weekly WvW, Dungeon and Guild Mission (guild bounty and guild trek currently unlocked, guild rushes soon) nights. Once a month we have a social guild event where we boost your karma jugs, take a screenshot for the website and do a fun activity.
You can have a look at our website for a bit more information. Feel free to contact me here or in game (Esya.3427) if you have any further questions or are interested.
(edited by Esya.3427)
Hey there.
If you’re interested in World v. World, you might want to consider an American server. I am Dutch myself, but still play on Kaineng (which is a NA server). The benefit of this is that you will have less (if any) queue times when joining a map.
My own guild focuses on introducing players to WvW: teaching them the basics, and providing an environment where they are not afraid to make mistakes. The guild is quite new but our members are in the double digits, all active and friendly players.
We understand that many players are not in WvW all the time, so we do other things together as well. We have contests on our forum, several unique PvE events (in addition to the game’s guild missions) and our own Teamspeak channel, just to name a few.
The only things we ask from our members is to be motivated to improve and to represent while we’re in World v. World or if you join a guild event. If you’re doing something else we’d obviously love to see you represent as well, but it’s not mandatory in any way.
If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message!
Good luck with your choice.
Due to my new account I can’t send a private message yet but I did try messaging you Esya.
I am interested though but I guess i’ll have to try and catch you in game, thanks!
Not quite sure what server you will be on but I will go right ahead and post.
Heya! Writhe [WRTH] is a small casual guild looking for new recruits. We currently have 40 members. Most of our players are new players learning the game. We have a group of experienced players who help guide them through leveling and learning the game mechanics. There’s no such thing as a stupid question with us. If you need help learning more about your class or just want people to hang out with we might be right for you.
We do a lot of event camping and WvW. We’re working on getting guild missions going but to do that we need to help everyone in our guild level and learn more about the world first. If you’re interested in joining you can send me a PM on here or in game.
Located: Darkhaven
Voice: Raidcall
Hey Arcaz! If your still looking for a guild, I think that you should consider Vincere Est Totum. We are a friendly guild with 240+ helpful and friendly players, who are willin to help teach, level and equip you. We can help you get into the game and if you want to in the future, we can really show you a lot of fun stuff that we do in WvW.
We are on Fort Aspenwood, which is in Tier 2 (of in 6th place (of 25) for WvW even though we face larger numbers. We can help you transfer also if you choose to join us.
If your interested in learning all aspects of the game and becoming apart of a team that wants to have fun and kill the enemy, then MSG me here or in game at Ser Craig.
We require you to have TS3 for WvW, we also have a personal vent we use, and a guild forum.
Sea Of Sorrows
Due to my new account I can’t send a private message yet but I did try messaging you Esya.
I am interested though but I guess i’ll have to try and catch you in game, thanks!
I sent you a PM and tried to whisper you in game, however you do not seem to be fully logged into the gameworld? This could be a bug or maybe you did not create a character yet and played that? Trying to see what is going on that prevents us from whispering. If you create a character and play with that, we should be able to send tells.
Hello Arcaz,
The server you choose will set the conditions for your gameplay in WvW. Take a look at http://mos.millenium.org/matchups . This reflects the tiers as they stand now. The rating scheme will change soon but the current populations and ratings are clearly reflected by the current performance of each server. This leads to distinct differences in play style in higher and lower tiers. There is a que frequently to get into WvW at higher tiers and most battles involve much larger forces. On lower tiers you have more small man groups and greater freedom to manuever. Each server has its culture and level of organization. Most have public voice communications.
PVE is also determined by the server culture. Some run frequent events with multiple guilds that clear whole areas or work in cooperation for guild missions. The playing population during your prime time will have the largest impact on that.
I am on Devonas Rest (NA) server. We are a tier 7 server and have many helpful guilds.
Devonas Rest has the team dynamics you are looking for as a home.
Server video – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/links/Welcome-to-Devona-s-Rest/first
Our guild Black Rose Legion has a collection of folks from across America that have found a good home with us. We have some Canadians and a Brit on our team as well.
Some of our other Guilds have Brits as well but We don’t have a primary presence in BRL during your main play time.
There are also many other fine guilds on Devonas Rest that work in coordination with BRL. They each have their specific dynamic but I would recommend contacting them as well. I am listing links to their recruiting pages below to give you a broad choice of options for your transfer.
Our Guilds include the following
Red – Large an inclusive with a broad focus on all aspects of the game.
DDLG – Vibrant and rampaging DDLG has a very dynamic membership
SoCo- Solid, steady long term historic multi platform guild with a foundation of teamwork, expertise and support for new members.
GVNC – Organized and multi faceted. GVNC works all aspects of the game and runs a tight ship
TBE- Young and aggressive, they have committed and knowledgeable leadership that leads their members as a team.
Dark – New guild developed from the leaders of a guild that experienced some migration. They are small but growing.
WoS – A new guild built from the merger of two substantial guilds
I hope that with these options before you there will be an opportunity for you to find a home and join us on the battlefield! Good luck gaming and take a long view of the game. Don’t rukitten.
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L