Starting to feel alone in this game...

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Dr Hawk.1485

Dr Hawk.1485

Server info – Located in Sorrow’s Furnace
Time Zone – GMT -7 Mountain Time


So I bought a game that has gotten me back into MMO’s. Fun gameplay, cool story, and not a complete button mash/macro fest. I don’t know if any of you heard of it but that beside the point. I realize I am burning out. And not from the game. Any MMO I play I love to do it with friend’s or acquaintances. In this game I have sadly neither, or rather one who lives across the world and makes it difficult to sync playtimes. So I come here looking for some comrades to play with. Let’s get to business:

Who am I?

I am a 4 year EVE veteran, primarily covert ops for hire but corp work as well. Other mmo;s include the generic. WoW, ToR, Mabinogi, Vindictus, etc… I also am a big enthusiast of FPS games and adventure. Dark Souls and DayZ being my big interests atm. As such I enjoy teamplay and cooperative spirit (Sunbro’s ftw!) so you can be sure I won’t be looking to abuse you guild or just be a Solo Saul. At the same time I do like to lone wolf it and explore, so don’t be surprised if I run off to chase a fly or something. I am easily distracted. I am already fairly well versed with Guild Wars 2 and will not assault you with n00b questions. I may ask you what might be optimal for A? Or can B affect C? Logically based questions.

What am I looking for?

This might turn some people off. I want a fun group to play with. As such this means I WILL NOT commit to some “MUST BE ON 24/7 AND HAVE +10,000 RATED GEAR OR WE KICK!” guild. I will say this right out. I have 3 jobs. I am a 3d artist/Game level Designer, Contract electrician/cable runner, and security guard. I have a thing called a life. It sucks but is needed. HOWEVER, I am still a hardcore gamer, being that when I am done I come home and play anyway. Just be aware I might be out of town or busy and cannot come to your raid RIGHT NAOW! Other than that, I just want some friendly, fun, mature people to play with.

Anyways I hope I am satisfactory for you requirements and I look forward to meeting prospective friends! I may be reached here on the forums or at my skype account. lxdrhawkxl One last thing is to comment on your favorite activity, so I know you actually read this and not copy paste a generic requirement message. I look forward to your replies!

Edit -

Hey Dr Hawk…

So I was rereading your post, and thought I would ask, what is your favorite activity? I noticed that although a few of us posted what we liked to do, you never posted yours!

Just thought I would ask (and help bump you back to the first page for any other prospective posters). Good luck again with your guild search!

Mwari :o)

In-Game tends to be anything really. EVE got me into PvP, and the threat of losing everything made it both a high risk, high reward experience that has yet to be matched in any other game I have played except DayZ. I love PvE WHEN ITS FUN. An example would be Borderlands 2. Never have I done a quest that involved me getting explosives for a 13(?) year old girl, who also happens to be a crazy SOB. If its a fetch quest then go die in a fire game… And I love exploring. Dark Souls is the paramount for me when it comes to exploration. Finding Ash lake UNDERGROUND was one of the coolest things I have seen in a game.

Out of Game

I love swimming and am an avid free-diver. My current apnea record is 4 minutes underwater, and I am always trying to find ways to top my best (and make sure I do it safely so I don’t die :P) I also love the outdoors and fishing, and have done several survival courses. I have this big fear that I will end up like “the generic gamer” the media paints us to be: Fat and unfit. So I do everything I can to challenge that, plus I get a kick out of actually explaining to someone why a reef knot might be a bad idea for a binding knot :P

(edited by Dr Hawk.1485)

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: blur.7918


Read up on us, we might appeal.

But, in short, you aren’t expected to show up to anything, unless you’ve “signed up” for it on our forum, eg: if someone says, “Let’s do a dungeon on Thursday night at 7pm…” and you say OK, and are one of the five people scheduled to go, yeah, people would be annoyed if you don’t show up! But presumably you wouldn’t sign up to an event if you couldn’t go.

In other areas, like the mass WvWvW sessions we do on Friday and Saturday nights (US time), anyone’s welcome to show; but no one’s expected. We get about 20-30 people on Ventrilo for those (on average).

Anyway… take a look. We also don’t care what level you are, or what gear you’re running. We find guilds that do care about that stuff to be pretty… weird.

Lion’s Arch Irregulars

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Psyro Breathes Fire.7823

Psyro Breathes Fire.7823

You should join Assassins of the Blood Oath we don’t care about the levels we have a vent and we don’t require you to use the website to plan anything just use the guild chat =D. See you in game.

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Aye.8392


That’s a pretty good Looking for Guild Post, it made me chuckle. I like it.

AI is on Sorrows Furnace, so if you want to come check us out and see if you enjoy the banter, make some friends, get some groups — there’s nothing to lose. It’s a fun guild with a great mix of people.

Favorite activity… hmmmm… For me it’s probably table dancing in the guild hall before heading out to what we call Occupy Tyria play dates. That’s where 10 or 20 of us go into the same zone, do events, kill stuff, gather stuff, and make nuisances of ourselves in map chat. Fun

Here’s our guild recruitment post:

You can even join us AND some of the others here. At the same time. Because A-Net is awesome like that.
Sorrows Furnace

(edited by Aye.8392)

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Gameslave.1567


Don’t know if you willing to transfer servers,

Our guild, Twisted Descent, is just starting to recruit members. We range from mid twenties to late thirty’s. We’re just looking for a small group, 20-30, who have night time / evening schedules, spouses, children, school. My gf and I have a 3yr old so we’re mainly on in the evening into the night. Most of the others are married, in a relationship and/or have children. We want to provide a guild that is relaxed, fun, yet still progressive and competitive for mature ppl. Those who can’t be on all the time and aren’t looking for too much but still want to to progress without it feeling like a second job. Thanks for your time. We look forward to talking with you ingame.
-erevis (gameslave.1567)
Server- Isle of Janthir

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Mwari.8016


Hey Dr Hawk…

I see that Sacrilous hasn’t posted yet, so I figured I would… we like to double team people at times on the forums!!!

Anyway, just thought I would offer some information about Disarray. We are located on the Anvil Rock Server, and all activities are optional. you can catch us running DEs, Explorer Dungeons or WvW (for just a few examples). Most of our players are spread across the US/Canada, and we mostly play in the evenings to early morning. We also use Vent for communication (for the most part) because we are normally too busy playing to type books in chat.

As for your question (and I hate the copy past application offers as well)… my favorite activity in game is probably Explorer Dungeons… outside the game…. that one is a bit more difficult. I would have to say trying new foods. My dream job would be going around to different countries, trying authentic foods (like Andrew Zimmern – Bizarre Foods on Travel Channel)…. Unfortunately I am stuck in a desk job and instead of working, trying to recruit for an awesome guild!

If you would like to get any more information on Disarray, feel free to PM me here on the Forums, and/or visit our website at Hope you find a great guild for your home in GW2!

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Seyella.2506


Hi Dr Hawk!

It sounds like our guild might be just what you’re looking for! Check out this link . . We are located on Sanctum of Rall.

New Outriders is a multi-game guild comprised of a variety of players. We have guild activities and quest together, but we all have times when we do “our own thing” as well.

My favorite activity in the game is exploring – so many times I’ve headed out with the intention to accompish something, only to find myself wandering off wondering “what’s around the next corner”

Anyway, hope to hear from you soon! I’d love to chat with ya!

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


Hi, let me introduce you to my guild.

The Sic is a multi-gaming community that has been around for a little over 7 years now. Our goal has always been to create a family like community of friends that work together and help each other out. We like to have fun and joke around, so if you can take a joke and dish out some of your own you’ll be just fine. Now be warned we’re not for everyone(elitists, whiners, egotistical people, etc.).

Ways To Contact Us :

Website : TheSic.Org or you can whisper me or Caysee here or in game on the Sorrow’s Furnace server.
Also Try : for some of the random video’s posted over the years.

What The Sic offers :

- A Ventrilo Server.
- Interaction with our administrators and knowledge of games.
- A comfortable place to make your mark and be not have to worry about offending anyone.

What do we ask from you :

- Be active in game/on vent.
- 16+ years of age
- A microphone is preferred, but if you don’t have one we only require you be able to listen
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions
-Speak your mind.

We’re from Sorrow’s Furnace.

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Lunasun.2491


Hello Dr Hawk,

My favorite activity is to dance naked in Lion’s Arch ;P

I have read your post and wanted to reply and offer you a spot in our small cosy laid back guild.

We have only 32 members atm, and we are steadily growing, but we still maintain to keep the family feeling.

Most of our members are 18+ right now, I would not mind taking younger members, as long as it wont be the majority of our roster.

Although we are small, we have a very active group of people now, we play every day and mostly play together in party.

We have RaidCall, and all actives are on there on a daily basis as well.

Please take a look at our forums:

Guild name: We R In Style
Server: EU Underworld

I would say, give it a try, and who knows, you might like our little crazy bunch

in game character: Xena Love/Luna Loves, whisper me any time.

Guild Leader of: We R In Style – Server: Underworld

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: StarsLife.7320


Heya Dr Hawk

Jaded[Jade] on Darkhaven is recruiting active, friendly, and mature members. We are a family-style guild looking to form long-term friendships through PvE and PvP. We have active forums and a vent server. We’re a laid back, easy going bunch and are enjoying our Jaded adventures together in GW2!

Things you can expect from joining Jaded:

- Friendly Guildies
- Dungeon parties
- Light PvP, both WvW and Structured
- An abnormal love for Quaggans

Jaded is mostly comprised of members between the ages of 18 and 81.
We are most active during North American evenings, mostly East coasters with a current average online between 20-30 players out of 90’ish members.

Take a gander over at our forums over at:

If we sound like the right home for you, introduce yourself at our forums, contact some of us in-game through whispers and/or the in-game mail system. We’ll get back to you asap to answer any questions you may have.

Guild Co-Leader – Vecuu Raine
Guild Co-Leader – Raelin Flameseeker
Guild Treasurer – Shira Nolar


Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


Quite a few passing robotic recruiting contest …

People are too serious of their knowledge.

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


About CGU :

CGU (Crimson Guards United) Gaming has been established since 2003. Our goal has been aimed towards uniting friends and expanding our game play on multiple gaming platforms.

Ways To Contact Us :

Website :
Ventrilo : IP – Port – 3883
E-mail :

Check Out and subscribe to our other channels as well :

Check Out Our Other Network Sites :


What CGU offers :

- A Ventrilo Server
- The opportunity to network with a wide range of diverse gamer’s
- In-game Events
- A well organized group of leaders to help strengthen your abilities as a member and a gamer
- Well organized events and monthly giveaways even if your not a member

What do we ask from you :

- Be active for our weekly meetings
- 15+ years of age
- Please have a headset/mic to communicate with (exceptions may be made)
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions

How to apply :

Come on our Ventrilo server and speak with a admin with the title G.C. (Global Council)

Ventrilo : IP – Port – 3883

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Dr Hawk.1485

Dr Hawk.1485

Some good responses, I will follow up soon…

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Dr Hawk.1485

Dr Hawk.1485

Might choose soon, waiting for any last minute posts.

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Mwari.8016


Hey Dr Hawk…

So I was rereading your post, and thought I would ask, what is your favorite activity? I noticed that although a few of us posted what we liked to do, you never posted yours!

Just thought I would ask (and help bump you back to the first page for any other prospective posters). Good luck again with your guild search!

Mwari :o)

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Dr Hawk.1485

Dr Hawk.1485

Hey Dr Hawk…

So I was rereading your post, and thought I would ask, what is your favorite activity? I noticed that although a few of us posted what we liked to do, you never posted yours!

Just thought I would ask (and help bump you back to the first page for any other prospective posters). Good luck again with your guild search!

Mwari :o)

In-Game tends to be anything really. EVE got me into PvP, and the threat of losing everything made it both a high risk, high reward experience that has yet to be matched in any other game I have played except DayZ. I love PvE WHEN ITS FUN. An example would be Borderlands 2. Never have I done a quest that involved me getting explosives for a 13(?) year old girl, who also happens to be a crazy SOB. If its a fetch quest then go die in a fire game… And I love exploring. Dark Souls is the paramount for me when it comes to exploration. Finding Ash lake UNDERGROUND was one of the coolest things I have seen in a game.

Out of Game

I love swimming and am an avid free-diver. My current apnea record is 4 minutes underwater, and I am always trying to find ways to top my best (and make sure I do it safely so I don’t die :P) I also love the outdoors and fishing, and have done several survival courses. I have this big fear that I will end up like “the generic gamer” the media paints us to be: Fat and unfit. So I do everything I can to challenge that, plus I get a kick out of actually explaining to someone why a reef knot might be a bad idea for a binding knot :P

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Araliun.5024


Embrace your LaZy DNA:

Leader – The IMPERIUM of LaZy NATION

Starting to feel alone in this game...

in Guilds

Posted by: Xavier.2356


Hello Dr. Hawk,

I am currently running a friends and family guild and it sounds like you would be an excellent fit. Like you, we consist of a bunch of mature adults (mostly in our 30s) with jobs, family, and other responsibilities which come with life, but we still love gaming! My guild has zero required events or anything really other than we ask that you always remain respectful towards others. We do a little bit of everything but tend to be primarily PvE focused with some WvW mixed in. We really like grouping together to do all kinds of things because it just makes the game more fun and social.

Check out our bio below and if you are interested please contact me in game or on the forums. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Home World: Maguuma
Guild Name: Heroic Heroes of Heroism [HHH]
Focus: PvE and PvP (mostly WvW)

VoIP: Ventrillo

Prime time: 8 PM – 12 AM Eastern, and anytime on weekends

Our guild has one rule: thou shall not be a prick.

Heroic Heroes of Heroism was founded by several friends who have known each other, and have gamed together for well over 10 years. As adults, at this point in our lives many of us have full time jobs, significant others, and / or children of our own. While our personal lives and entanglements may take up much of our time and attention, there still remains at least one constant: we love to game together and interact with like minded people!

We wanted to create a Guild Wars 2 guild where all kinds of great and friendly players could pool together to enhance their gaming experience, regardless of whether your schedule is busy or flexible. A place where all players involved felt like they were a part of a meaningful community of great people. Above all else, we just want to PLAY and have a great time doing it! We do not have any mandatory events which require you to commit regular play time, but we highly encourage our members to organize optional nights and activities as long as your fellow players in the guild are kept in mind.

If you want to join a group of mature, open minded, and at times hilariously demented people (in a non-murderous kind of way), then we would love to have you on-board to take this ride with HHH. Hell, we’ll even cater to anti-social cat lovers!

Please feel free to contact us via in game mail, whisper, or a PM on the forums.

Dr Higgs Boson/Xavier.2356