My fellow Tarnished Coasters, why has our server dwindled? Where has the nostalgia and respect of fellow role players vanished? Is there no role play etiquette anymore? Where are the rules from Arena Net that help maintain a welcomed environment on our humble server or others with the same community support?
It seems within the last six months, our server has declined. I see all kinds of bad names running around. Names that are more suitable in World of Gear Check on a strictly PvP server. And don’t even get me started on the non sense Guild names and their corresponding tags. I saw Stifflers Mom yesterday and I just really want to question what she was doing in Tyria.
Did Arena Net not set out to help the role play community have a safe haven for role play? Was it deemed that all servers should accommodate this and that is why servers weren’t labeled? I mean, at the very least they could have thrown tags on role play servers so clowns wouldn’t come there with their un-polite attitudes, barrens map chat and 10 year old mentality without respect to role players.
Yes, this is me ranting. Because I remember a Tarnished Coast that was widely a polite community of people who always said Thank You, You’re Welcome and didn’t run around Tyria with a name like “Wtf Man Lol”. I myself am not a huge heavy role player but I chose to roll on Tarnished Coast because it was determined to be the unofficial role play server. Typically you find a much more mature crowd within role play communities. That seemed to be true for at least the first 4 months on TC.
Honestly, I think most don’t have a clue the server is what it is. The only way they would know, is if they were a part of the forum community or someone told them. So I don’t really blame the individual. I blame Arena Net for failing a role play community that wished to designate a server for these exact reasons. We don’t have a problem with Stifflers Mom, what we have a problem with is what she brings to a community.
I am going to Petition Arena Net to label our beloved server as well as others, perhaps even create new servers specific to role play. This way, without question people understand they are creating a character on a Role Play Server. It only seems fair for all involved that up front they realize the type of server they are creating a character on. It also seems wise to designate this for guesting as well. Our server seems to get trolled by plenty of guests that seem to intentionally want to fog up our environment.
I’ll be creating similar threads and reaching out to other Guild Leaders on the server over the next week. Collectively I’d like to get as many people involved for support on this as possible. Are you with me?