(edited by Tryden.6738)
Vindictive on Darkhaven (18+, WvW, dungeons)
I’m really new to GW2. I really enjoy WvWvW and PvP in general. In the past I’ve usually been a healer. I haven’t quite found my niche in-game yet but am interesting in joining your Guild. I have applied via your website.
Welcome aboard! We have a lowbie team running right now. We’ll get you set up
Hello, I would like to join as well. I’ve played GW2 for a couple of weeks and have been trying to find a home. I’m mostly interested in WvW, so I think Vindictive would be a good fit.
I’ve applied on your website (username: konid), but please let me know if there is anything else I need to do to receive an invitation! Hope to hear from you soon.
Hey Konid! Can you send me a PM or in-game tell? For some reason your website app isn’t showing up. (Glad to have you aboard!)
Count me in. I’ve seen a few vindictive guys during my travels and they’ve been very cool! I’ll head to your site asap to apply. Cheers!
Got your app mateo. Welcome aboard! I’ll add you in game and send you an invite (:
Been looking for a guild to get into, I’ll send my app over soon. o.O
Welcome Krampus! Was good running with you tonight. Hope you enjoyed the guild!
And welcome to all our new members. We’re still looking for players who want to be part of a newly formed guild. Lots of lowbie teaming and WvW/PvP. Hit us up if you want an active, social guild!
Seen you guys running around in game and would like to join your guild. When ever Ive followed you guys in game there hasn’t been a time that you haven"t rezed me or helped out somebody. So please shoot me and App!
(edited by dasspy.9214)
Hey das spy. I remember you from last night (the hunter, right?). You’re definitely welcome to join!
For everyone else: we still have plenty of space. Check out our website: http://vindictive.guildportal.com
(edited by Tryden.6738)
Welcome to the guild all newcomers. Hope you enjoy your stay ^^
This is guild is pretty cool. I joined yesterday and everyone’s been very friendly and helpful. I also get the sense that the guild’s managed really well, so I think it’s definitely worth looking into.
Glad we picked you up, Red. (:
Some awesome new people have joined in the last few days. Still growing, and hoping to start doing regular WvW and dungeon runs every night soon. Of course, we’re still aiming to grow the roster. Shoot me a tell in game or check out our forums if you’d like to join: http://vindictive.guildportal.com
^If this testimonial from someone who’s been with Vindictive for years doesn’t sway you, I DON’T KNOW WHAT WILL.
So many things, man. Vindictive has been a great community for longer than I can remember. Join up, I swear you won’t regret it.
True story. Many stuffs and thingies to be had with us.
Hey all, As a Member/Leader of Vindictive since its conception, I can personally attest to a few things.
1) We abhor public intoxication.
2) We Hate community and friendship.
Also, its backwards monday at Casa De Stomp.
Reverse all of the above. And Below.
I Hate you if you join (see what I mean?)
Oh, cake and pie. Viva la resistance
Cake and pie are a limited time offer, of course.
Still looking for members. Starting to do nightly WvW and dungeon runs now. Mature, friendly players are always welcome.
(edited by Tryden.6738)
Hey guys! New member of Vindictive here; just wanted to let everybody know that the guild is great. Everybody here is friendly and helpful, and the nightly WvW raids are off the hook! Been having a blast so far. Hopefully more people decide to join up and experience the awesomeness!
We could always use more bodies for the basemen— oh wait, wrong thread. Come and join us! WvW! Dungeons! Definitely no homicides happening in this guild!
Glad to be back with Vindictive again after a run in City of Heroes and Aion. Great, helpful and active bunch. Definitely a good group of folks to join!
Got about a dozen people together for WvW tonight. Was a blast.
Anyone interested be sure to check out our website: http://vindictive.guildportal.com
I am a beautiful, special flower! I have worth! Self worth!
At Vindictive, we like helping everyone find their self worth.
(Now get back in your cage before I hurt you, Renek)
If you think about it, James Earl Jones and Morgan Freeman tickling each other would pretty much be the best sounding thing ever. Oh yeah, and this guilds awesome
Running AC and WvW was fun last night
(edited by RedViper.4751)
Hey all, my app on the website doesn’t seem like it is submitting properly. Any suggestions?
^ I had a similar issue when I first submitted my app. I’d suggest adding ‘Tryden.6738’ into your contacts and whispering him in-game.
What RedViper said
Or just give the site a few minutes. Sometimes Guildportal just gets overloaded. I’m home from work in an hour or so if you’re on. If you prefer to talk to someone in game before that, PM me and I’ll and I’ll send you their names.
(edited by Tryden.6738)
Cool, thanks. I’ll hit you up later Tryden. I’m doin some Thanksgiving cooking so I might miss you today, but I’ll get up with you.
Right on. Happy (American) Thanksgiving! I’m Canadian. I understand if this causes you to withdraw your application (we are a weird people who celebrate Thanksgiving in October, after all).
Nah, most of my gaming on WoW has been with Canadians! Pretty good gamers up there…lol.
I like you already. (:
This looks like a fun guild to join. I just transfered to Darkhaven to hopefully be part of this group! Main info about me: I’m 24yo Canadian, I play a couple of FPS, GW2 and League of Legends. Im pretty helpful and like doing PvE aswell as PvP. I currently have 2 characters over lvl40, raising my 3rd to lvl40 to get all 3 orders banners. I’m looking for a laid back guild that likes running dungeons. See you all ingame!
Another Canadian. YES. I can get behind this.
I have been a member of Vindictive for many years now and this is a wonderful group of people. They’re like family to me. You can’t go wrong here.
This looks like a fun guild to join. I just transfered to Darkhaven to hopefully be part of this group! Main info about me: I’m 24yo Canadian, I play a couple of FPS, GW2 and League of Legends. Im pretty helpful and like doing PvE aswell as PvP. I currently have 2 characters over lvl40, raising my 3rd to lvl40 to get all 3 orders banners. I’m looking for a laid back guild that likes running dungeons. See you all ingame!
This is a great guild and from what you are looking for you should fit in well. We have been doing a nice mix of WvW/PVE and dungeons. Hope to see you in game ^^
Had a great night of WvW today. Just wanted to let everyone know we’re slowing down a bit with the recruiting. We want to make sure we stay at a level where everyone knows each other and we maintain a tight-knit feel. If you’re still interested in joining, however, message me in game or on the forums and we can chat about it. (:
Twillight Arbor DOWN! We arent just a PvP guild Stop on by sometime and give us a yell. We wont bite….
People are mature, leader is a total pro. We are doing some AMAZING fights in WvWvW. Join us, you won’t be disappointed
What countries do most of your players hail from? Around which timezones are most people active?
What countries do most of your players hail from? Around which timezones are most people active?
Almost everyone is from the U.S. or Canada. We have one player from Portugal. We love him dearly.
Guild is split pretty evenly between players in PST and EST.
What countries do most of your players hail from? Around which timezones are most people active?
Almost everyone is from the U.S. or Canada. We have one player from Portugal. We love him dearly.
Guild is split pretty evenly between players in PST and EST.
Cool. Added you to friend list, will PM you for a guild invite when I see you on.
Sounds good. I’m just about to hop on. (:
Welcome aboard everyone, it’s great to have you all.
I’ve been running with this group a fair bit recently for dungeons and some good old WvWvW. Decided to join, haven’t looked back. Fun group of people, you should join too.
We’re starting to run Fractals a lot, so level 80s are particularly in demand. All you level 80s holla at us. (:
I transferred over to join Vindictive. They run dungeon’s daily. We have a blast in WvWvW.
Level at your own pace. Most of us have a high level and a stable of alts we want to work on.
We have a website, and a vent for coordinating, or just plain shooting the breeze.
I play mainly EST, but there are quite a few that seem to play much much later in the evening than I do.
I will warn you. The other night I was having so much fun, I didn’t realize it was 4am. ACK!
Check us out if you have a good sense of humor and want to enjoy the game.
See ya in Tyria,