200 chests? that's brutal.

200 chests? that's brutal.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vanguardian.4921


Took me one story rewarded key to get my greatsaw skin good times.

200 chests? that's brutal.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573



I spent 30 bucks for nothing and I think this is funny.
Well played sir.

200 chests? that's brutal.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: StormMcCloud.1587


I got the shield off of 5 keys.

Capt Insano
Getof Fenris

200 chests? that's brutal.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I got the shield off of 5 keys.

ok. Now i hate YOU. lol

That’s literally the only thing I want and a good financial sense is ruining my chances to get it. lol

200 chests? that's brutal.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vanguardian.4921


Thing is.. I don’t know why people went in spending so much money.. i waited to see what the droprate was like, decided against buying keys, then opened one chest not expecting anything good at all and blam, greatsaw.

200 chests? that's brutal.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Thing is.. I don’t know why people went in spending so much money.. i waited to see what the droprate was like, decided against buying keys, then opened one chest not expecting anything good at all and blam, greatsaw.

I think it’s ok to spend alot of money IF you know what you’re getting yourself into.

I knew and capped myself off at 30 dollars to try again with 20 or so after I get paid. No luck, no problem. Personal responsibility/accountability goes a long way and it’s a shame people can’t practice both.

200 chests? that's brutal.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solirus.1754


If it makes you feel better the prices are dropping rapidly on the trading post and will likely continue to do so as the event goes on. The shield is only 20g, which can be made in a day or two of hard work. The only overly expensive one at this time is the Greatsaw, which will likely drop down to 30g-ish in time.

200 chests? that's brutal.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: StormMcCloud.1587


If it makes you feel better the prices are dropping rapidly on the trading post and will likely continue to do so as the event goes on. The shield is only 20g, which can be made in a day or two of hard work. The only overly expensive one at this time is the Greatsaw, which will likely drop down to 30g-ish in time.

Good thing I already sold my shield for 25g, lol.

I got the shield off of 5 keys.

ok. Now i hate YOU. lol

That’s literally the only thing I want and a good financial sense is ruining my chances to get it. lol


Capt Insano
Getof Fenris

200 chests? that's brutal.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vanguardian.4921


Thing is.. I don’t know why people went in spending so much money.. i waited to see what the droprate was like, decided against buying keys, then opened one chest not expecting anything good at all and blam, greatsaw.

I think it’s ok to spend alot of money IF you know what you’re getting yourself into.

I knew and capped myself off at 30 dollars to try again with 20 or so after I get paid. No luck, no problem. Personal responsibility/accountability goes a long way and it’s a shame people can’t practice both.

You are my hero. I don’t have much else to say.

200 chests? that's brutal.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Masher.8051


i have one key… what are the odds of me getting a new skin? :|

200 chests? that's brutal.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


If it makes you feel better the prices are dropping rapidly on the trading post and will likely continue to do so as the event goes on. The shield is only 20g, which can be made in a day or two of hard work. The only overly expensive one at this time is the Greatsaw, which will likely drop down to 30g-ish in time.

ya. I’ll probably end up selling my stocked up rare mats (cuz I need to face the music that getting a legendary is a LONG ways out for me lol)

That shield right now IS my legendary and if my only obstacle is making the dough to buy it, then I am OK with that. lol

So long as we’re talking 80g and under.

Not like “Dawn” prices here lol

200 chests? that's brutal.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: azmodeus.3409


i was going to spend $30 on keys, but got $30 in beer instead, best decision ever.

200 chests? that's brutal.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Thing is.. I don’t know why people went in spending so much money.. i waited to see what the droprate was like, decided against buying keys, then opened one chest not expecting anything good at all and blam, greatsaw.

I think it’s ok to spend alot of money IF you know what you’re getting yourself into.

I knew and capped myself off at 30 dollars to try again with 20 or so after I get paid. No luck, no problem. Personal responsibility/accountability goes a long way and it’s a shame people can’t practice both.

You are my hero. I don’t have much else to say.

lol Well the fact of the matter is if people honestly want the skins that badly and the drop rate is that horrible for them (like me) then they should just buy it off the TP. The costs really aren’t that terrible as someone else said and yes, they will go up after the event but not to such heights that they’ll be Precursor status. Cmon now.

Plus there’s still a week left. Plenty of time to farm some gold before the prices fluctuate indefinitely