22 Chests opened, nothing unique

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lamont.5973



“You are not guaranteed to receive a rare item after opening a Black Lion Chest. You have a chance to get a unique/rare item. Some people are luckier than others. The Halloween skins are tradeable, so if you aren’t able to get them in a Black Lion Chest, you can obtain them on the Trading Post.”

Seriously? This is ANet’s answer for a crap drop rate? No one is complaining that we don’t get a rare skin from every single chest – we are complaining about the drop rate for something that costs around a buck fifty to even try doing.

I have 140 of these things sitting in inventory because the drop rate for keys is so abysmal I can’t do anything with them and I’m not about to spend 200 dollars opening them with a drop rate like this.

Frankly, I’m deleting them and all future chests I get to save inventory space.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: WeLoveKanjimari.6725


Thank you all very much for your feedback about this issue. We’ve already informed the team about all the concerns expressed in this thread, and they’ll look into it. Thanks again.

Wait wait wait.

What does this imply?

They’ll look into the fact that people are kitten off that drop rates are so low that paying the minimum amount of real world cash required to buy keys (10 dollars) doesn’t net a chance at even a single drop?

AFTER we already paid and got nothing? :| That makes me feel a lot less like I wasted my money, yeah.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Atreides.3709


Good morning guys,

It seems to me that the one bit of feedback that ANET needs here is this:

When you, in your philosophy regarding no monthly fees, explained that you want the game to be supported by meaningful content that people wanted to buy, the idea was that you would deliver on that promise.

What you are seeing in this thread is that people are highly dissatisfied with the product that you released. In the future, you need to have a very delineated description of what you are getting. You cannot expect a gambling mentality to go very far for content.

We never, as ANET fans, thought that the gem store would be a place where our money might get us content. Granted, you were up front that we were taking a chance; however, look at your product in the open marketplace and forum—it is one that people are very, very dissatisfied with now.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sef.6918


I’m not disappointed by the costume brawls. They rock!

LOL seriously?! what is the point in them, its not even worth wasting your time on. Why didnt they bring out a normal dueling option… sigh Q.Q

I dont mind the rare skins because they will be a very rare thing to see in the future and i like that about mmo’s + i got 2 of the sword and a scythe and a shield in 52 chests

Anyway this is only the beginning of act 1, give it time to unfold, it will get better!

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: JohnnyV.9526


How many people here haven’t bothered to read dev comments? All of the halloween content hasn’t even started yet… it’s not like what we’ve seen so far is everything. Try reading once in a while… the mad kings kingdom hasn’t even opened up yet. The best content of the event isn’t going to start until the 28th.

As for the chests… oh well. Live and learn.

I don’t know why I bother to log into the forums… the vocal majority seem to be the least informed and the most presumptuous.

There is maybe 1% of actual player base that posts in forums? Maybe? 99% of the 1% is kitten kitten complain kitten and moan.

1 act is open people.

Probably my favorite part of all the whining, the fact we’re only really 1/4th of the way through the event and most people think that this is it.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kephas Isidore.5926

Kephas Isidore.5926

Care to rephrase that in a way that doesn’t make you sound like an ignorant little rich brat burning thru daddy’s credit card?

I’m 31 years old, with a wife and a handsome twenty month old son. I have a mortgage and other bills to pay like several adults. I also spend ten hours each Sunday volunteering with high school kids, so in practice I’m working six days a week.

I join casual guilds because I’m past the stage where I can no-life with the rest of the hardcores. We’re a single income family at the moment, I lack disposable income to spend on the gem store. On an objective level, some aspects of this event which aren’t a fit for me. I’m not complaining though, because I’m enjoying the rest of the game and the event.

Tell me though, do you care to rephrase your initial assumption that I quoted now that people who disagree with you might not be children?

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: nostagmus.9851


How come people read “there is a chance” and interpet it as “a big chance” instead of “a small chance”?

ANet did not specify the rarity of the skins. Consumers assumed that the chance would be big. Although it wouldn’t hurt to specify level of rarity (as I believe actual numbers to be spoiler-like) in terms of “rare” or “very rare”, it’s generally a bad practice to assume good odds (as a user of a system) when it comes to chance and heave a lot of money into it from the start.

There might be some bad PR from this, but I suspect that the noise from the people in this forum far from represents the full playerbase of the game. Considering that the people contributing to this thread make claims of opening “hundreds” of chests, the sample size compared to the total number of chests opened would probably be very small.

Adding to this that only the people that fail to produce skins are vocal, the data may very well be biased as well.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kolache.3964


“I like how I present viable statements and people say “are you getting paid by them”?”

Making the legalistic statement that “any chance is still a chance”, implying that odds are irrelevant deserves ridicule.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


Haven’t had a chance yet to actually do anything with the recent changes yet (it started too late and have to work early), but from what I’ve been reading in all the threads, yeah I’m getting really mad and disappointed. I was really expecting something like the GW1 events, with everything EASILY available to everyone. Now with this event, they’ve added yet another thing that goes against their “philosophy”. I was really looking forward to this, but not really so much now.


Ahem, it’s cosmetic. They don’t cost anything. You choose to spend money. Or time. Or not. You can get stuff together and finish next year. Many options. They are not all instant gratification options. Maturity needs to be applied.

Enjoy the free to play game content, and work towards cosmetics if you choose. There are 6 silver weapons to use if you want to have “fun”. They last for 4 hours.

First world problems… woe to be us.

Please stop with the “it’s only cosmetic” bullkitten arguments. Why the hell even have them if they’re only going to be available to the top 10% (estimating, but can’t be too far off). Some of use really want them but don’t have either the real money, time, or ingame gold to even remotely be able to acquire them. They should be easily obtainable (and not just temporarily) for everyone. They should also not be in the stupid RNG items with such a low drop rate. All that does is prove that Anet only want to make quick money (yes I know they need $ to operate, but they could have made just as much by offering them individually in the store).

Uh… it is only cosmetic. There is nothing else to say.

Except maybe this: you want it? Then work to get it and stop being lazy and complaining. You can start this year, set whatever materials you get aside, and finish next year.

If you really must have these skins, then you know the various options you need to do to get them.

You say the skins should be easily obtainable? I say no. I like them to remain unique. Will I get one? Next year. It’s not a big deal, unless you’re a child. Kids like everything asap.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


People assumed it would be a better chance to drop because most of us spent real money on the keys, not in game gold. Therefore, we assumed the because anet wants us to continue putting real money into the game, that they would reward us accordingly. They did not.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kephas Isidore.5926

Kephas Isidore.5926

People spend 100’s of dollars on BL keys and turn around and say “the people who have no issue with this because they use their daddy’s credit card”. It doesn’t matter whose money gets spent, so long as it’s not theirs I guess.

How much have I spent on this event? Zero. How much will I spend? Zero. Because I’ve played more than one MMO, I know how these systems work.

But go ahead and complain about spending 200 bucks on keys to get a cosmetic skin, which itself should highlight a problem; assuming that skins were more obtainable, no one here sees an issue with that people are ready to spend that much money in the first place?

Anyway, I’m out. Obviously the majority of the people who post here are more inclined to think that they were cheated out of their mystical cosmetic RNG obtained skin, so whatever I’m saying will fall on deaf ears.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrLee.6892


This post is all in good fun, if you took it differently then that’s your problem! :P

I like to think of this event like this…

If you are the 99% we get Horns.

If you are the 1% we get the cool skins/toys/everything!!

So if you are rich in game and in real life, you pretty much get to have it all! If you’re broke in game and in real life….

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BaergusMaximus.6904


You are correct in assuming that a customer probably wouldn’t ask for his/her money back on a lottery ticket. However, this is a game that people spent up to $150.00 to get, not a five dollar piece of paper with some numbers printed on it. ANet claimed to be a visionary gaming company that would cater to the players that purchased the game. They come off as a customer service oriented company (don’t get me wrong, they do a great job of resolving technical issues) at first glance, but employ many of the tactics that an F2P game does.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kolache.3964


“Anyway, I’m out. Obviously the majority of the people who post here are more inclined to think that they were cheated out of their mystical cosmetic RNG obtained skin, so whatever I’m saying will fall on deaf ears.”

Thanks. BTW, you have a chance to guess my username/password. If you do, you can have all my stuff.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sytherek.7689


I bought five keys on lark with in-game gold→gems→keys, and got nothing useful. Such is life, yawn, no big deal.

I wouldn’t mind the chance of holiday chest drops being stupidly low, if ANet put some quality control into releasing their software. Too many simple, silly bugs that could have been caught with a public test realm of a solid QA process.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478


Ridicule it if you want, any chance is still a chance. ANet may have been disingenuous (aren’t all companies’ marketing departments disingenuous?) but they didn’t misrepresent. I won’t be buying keys. I don’t play the “random box” game. I never have in any other MMOs, and I won’t do it here. There’s a reason I’ve been to Vegas multiple times, and have never gambled there even once, not eve slot machines.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


People spend 100’s of dollars on BL keys and turn around and say “the people who have no issue with this because they use their daddy’s credit card”. It doesn’t matter whose money gets spent, so long as it’s not theirs I guess.

How much have I spent on this event? Zero. How much will I spend? Zero. Because I’ve played more than one MMO, I know how these systems work.

But go ahead and complain about spending 200 bucks on keys to get a cosmetic skin, which itself should highlight a problem; assuming that skins were more obtainable, no one here sees an issue with that people are ready to spend that much money in the first place?

Anyway, I’m out. Obviously the majority of the people who post here are more inclined to think that they were cheated out of their mystical cosmetic RNG obtained skin, so whatever I’m saying will fall on deaf ears.

Thank god. You feel entitled to tell us that we’re stupid for spending our money on the game (Which is what Anet wants us to do, btw. They must be stupid too.) You have provided nothing to the conversation beyond “Haha, learned your lesson i hope. Haha, stupid people spent their money on the game and expected to get something”. Anything we have written has fallen on deaf ears, because you keep coming back with the same argument, without addressing any of the points brought up in the conversation.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Donato.1209



Ahem, it’s cosmetic. They don’t cost anything. You choose to spend money. Or time. Or not. You can get stuff together and finish next year. Many options. They are not all instant gratification options. Maturity needs to be applied.

Enjoy the free to play game content, and work towards cosmetics if you choose. There are 6 silver weapons to use if you want to have “fun”. They last for 4 hours.

First world problems… woe to be us.

LOL pretty much sums it up. Its so funny how someone gets a rare item then automatically everyone wants one and all the sudden its the most important thing in the world.

People they are RARE items, not some party gift thats waiting for you in the mail. If everyone got them then none of you would even care. When was the last time you thought to yourself, Man im really glad I got a free celebration hat…

From now on I hope Anet just decorates LA and thats it. no special items or pets just some simple decor… maybe then people will stop complaining (lol like thats possible)

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: cherrie.8907


Kephas Isidore, yes I am aware that “this is one element of the game where they are emulating other companies”, that’s pretty obvious.

My point is: they don’t have to. There are plenty of games that do exactly the same thing and they could – like they did in GW1 – find a niche and cash on people who appreciate different approach. Especially since – let me stess that one again – they both said they will continue the model of shop from GW1 (which they didn’t much, apparently) and stated many times they are not like the others.
Again, if I appreciated this sort of thing, I’d be playing [insert korean grinder here], but I am not there and I am not the only one who thinks that way.
And again: “everyone is doing it” is never a valid argument.

For the record, I’ve opened 3 chests this event and I am unlikely to open any more because neither do I like the skins nor I find the drop rate amusing.
But the fact that I personally was not hit hard on my wallet here does not mean I can’t notice something about their marketing/practices I more than not appreciate.

And it’s also not that I don’t want ANet to earn money.
By gods, I want them to take loads of my money, like they did in GW1, the only game I’ve spent real money in game shop and a lot, really.
But this is not the way to get my money.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson

(edited by cherrie.8907)

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Valderro.6389


Here’s the solution:

Step1 Open the TP page
Srep2 Type ‘skin’ into the search box
Step3 Find the skin you want
Step 4 Buy it with gold

I can’t understand all this complaining when the skins themselves are tradeable, and some going for a very reasonable 1-2 g up to a maximum of 25-30 g for the desirable shield and scythe skin.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Stark.1350


I’m not sure where the grand mystery is here. I played Everquest 2. I spent hundreds of dollars on their card packs to try and get some of the awesome house items and mounts they had in there.

I knew they were going to be rare. Sony never stated that they were rare, I just figured common sense dictated that.

Has common sense been tossed out the window here?

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Opening chests with randomized loot is a gamble in any MMO, these are just slightly higher stakes than usual. You inserted coins into a slot machine and didn’t get jackpot.

Too bad.

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rob The Spellbinder.9581

Rob The Spellbinder.9581

I thought this update would be a lot of fun. But it seems like my options for getting the cool new weapon and armor skins are either:

1. spend $200 on gems and hope I get lucky
2. Spend 300g to craft the mini legendary that is the Halloween weapons.

The event chain is bugged so I can’t do that either. If I had known this event was going to be… grind 24/7 for a week straight for a slim chance at being able to get 1 item I wouldn’t have even logged in.

go away

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: heydayhero.1230


I opened around 40 chests and i got nothing unique from them. how does that work. i spent over 50.00 bucks and got not much for it.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


So much unwarranted entitlement. Grow up guys. I thought the OP was going to talk about something like the event not being fun, or costume brawl. But obviously his fun is dictated by whether or not he can get weapon skins. Which is ridiculous.

Just because you aren’t disappointed by Anet obvious like of grinding now, doesn’t mean the rest of aren’t. Some of use find it fun using/collecting the skins, though not at the high amount of work that they require, unlike how it was with GW1.

Exactly. While I never played GW1, I’ve heard a lot of praise, and it kind of sets the bar for what should happen. I don’t feel entitled to an awesome holiday event, I feel disappointed and let down because the majority of what I find fun feels out of my reach.

I think this sentiment is the real problem. Instead of playing the content and enjoying what they added (which even 1/4th of the way through, is awesome) you are not having “fun” because you cannot get the rarest items in the event? If that is your idea of fun then you are going to have a bad time in life. Do you get mad when other people win the lottery? Do you not find work “fun” if you don’t get a promotion every week?

Its this sense of entitlement that is really disgusting, play the game for fun. Gaming should be for the journey and not for the destination, remember its all just pixels anyway.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


Well thank you to everybody who made me money by buying loads of Chests on the TP!

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eicherjw.3926


I opened 57 of my 63 chests, it cost me 50 bucks in keys. I got the sycthe skin for staff (Goes great with my eles arah set) and some medium armor shoulders with bull skulls.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cavalorn.3721


I opened 38 chest (30+8 bonus key) with 2700 gems. Nothing useful except a rifle skin.
Sure, i got various BL Kit, gathering tools, boosters, but i expected more unique EVENT things… I saved these gems to obtain unique things, i will never do it again on Christmas.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: clydey.4963


I’m not impressed that the weapon/armour skins will be out of my reach because I refuse to either spend a decent amount of money on gems for items I may or may not even receive (RNG has never been kind to me, I’m just that unlucky) or spend large amounts of gold because said items drop at a low rate that the supply will be low and the demand will be extraordinarily high.

Shan’t let it ruin the fun I will have for the event itself, but it would have been a lot more fun if said items were payable for a set amount of gems or obtained by reasonable means. In the end this money grabbing tactic is very low of Anet and it is very disrespectful of their fans. I expected far better from them.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Spinex.3695


One key for free, two skins. Boom. Yes I am a jammy git.

Don’t buy keys and expect to win anything, its luck of the draw.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I’m wondering if this is even legal…. Isn’t it actually gambling to sell a product for real world money based on chance of an item that one considers valuable? I imagine it’s a thin line when you are talking about digital items, but i would think that a company cannot make a profit based on chance.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

I opened around 40 chests and i got nothing unique from them. how does that work. i spent over 50.00 bucks and got not much for it.

Why you even spent 50 bucks for keys? What memory will remain to you when the event is finish? Your waste of money and a couple candies with nonworking speedbuff? Leave it to who was enough smart to use the key founded for free, and not dropping nothing will go over this event with a couple candies forgot on a slot of the bank.
Congrats Anet, best event ever (sarcasm inside)

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: nostagmus.9851


People assumed it would be a better chance to drop because most of us spent real money on the keys, not in game gold. Therefore, we assumed the because anet wants us to continue putting real money into the game, that they would reward us accordingly. They did not.

As far as I know, there is nothing indicating an “improved state” or “improved drop rate” for BT-keys purchased with real money as compared to the ones acquired from in-game events. Just as there is not text that I know of that tells the customer that purchasing a BL-key with real money would yield better results.

In the end, RMT-derived keys simply lets a customer make more attempts faster. They do not increase the probability of success for the attempt.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Curae.1837


The chests have ALWAYS been a gamble. Just that there’s shiny stuff inside now…
I can see where people are coming from, and I also would rather have seen the skins up for sale instead of gamble. I personally refuse to pay to gamble anymore for gears and such. Sure, if I had keys I’d open some chests to try my luck, if I get a skin, awesome. If not, I got other goodies.

I played another mmo where well… everything was a gamble, people were opening chance packs all day hoping to get something rare. (and the chances were about 98,8% chance at crap, 0,001% chance at X, 0,002% chance at Y, etc. And those are actual numbers from their database…)
I’m actually guessing compared to that, the droprate is quite decent ^^"

I’d love to have one of the skins but I can live with not getting one. There’s plenty of content added to enjoy besides those skins.

“When we remember that we are all mad.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: ecwoodrow.7034


OMG! The week long event has been up for a whole 11 hours and I haven’t gotten everything yet. I’m so angry at Anet. And how dare a non subscription based game force me to choose between buying gems from the store or grinding for a week to get my loots! /sarcasm

Atsug Em – [RvR] – lvl 80 Engineer – IoJ
Tryggon Gathol – [RvR] – lvl 80 Warrior – IoJ
Sechnal – [RvR] – lvl 80 Ranger – IoJ

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrLee.6892


So much unwarranted entitlement. Grow up guys. I thought the OP was going to talk about something like the event not being fun, or costume brawl. But obviously his fun is dictated by whether or not he can get weapon skins. Which is ridiculous.

Just because you aren’t disappointed by Anet obvious like of grinding now, doesn’t mean the rest of aren’t. Some of use find it fun using/collecting the skins, though not at the high amount of work that they require, unlike how it was with GW1.

Exactly. While I never played GW1, I’ve heard a lot of praise, and it kind of sets the bar for what should happen. I don’t feel entitled to an awesome holiday event, I feel disappointed and let down because the majority of what I find fun feels out of my reach.

I think this sentiment is the real problem. Instead of playing the content and enjoying what they added (which even 1/4th of the way through, is awesome) you are not having “fun” because you cannot get the rarest items in the event? If that is your idea of fun then you are going to have a bad time in life. Do you get mad when other people win the lottery? Do you not find work “fun” if you don’t get a promotion every week?

Its this sense of entitlement that is really disgusting, play the game for fun. Gaming should be for the journey and not for the destination, remember its all just pixels anyway.

Ok stop with this “entitlement” talk already. (Thanks to Mass Effect 3 for that!) :P

I do agree there should be a “rare” chance to get items. But you should be able to get these items by completing events, puzzles, ect by the end of the event.

I do not enjoy playing the lottery, so I do not enjoy it in any game I am playing.
Opened 50 chests and not one cool holiday item… come on really? Heck I would be happy if I got a basic looking pumpkin head hat or pet!!
If I am paying real life money they should throw us SOMETHING. Even if its a small item!
If people where getting some kind of item after opening 20 or so chests don’t you think that people would buy more keys? Instead we see talk about people opening 200+ and still getting nothing. I know I won’t be buying any more keys just because of that, and because of that AN is making less money.

They should make it so you have other ways to obtain items, that aren’t ridiculously expensive.

But because of this “flaw” dosen’t mean I am not having fun! This is a really cool event, and so far I AM having a blast!! Love the changes to LA and around the world!

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Varen.8507


I’m wondering if this is even legal…. Isn’t it actually gambling to sell a product for real world money based on chance of an item that one considers valuable? I imagine it’s a thin line when you are talking about digital items, but i would think that a company cannot make a profit based on chance.

Lol come on bro.. you buy the game and you have a random chance of loot on every mob. So by your reasoning any MMO is illegal.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Qaletaqa Hania.2598

Qaletaqa Hania.2598

I’m wondering if this is even legal…. Isn’t it actually gambling to sell a product for real world money based on chance of an item that one considers valuable? I imagine it’s a thin line when you are talking about digital items, but i would think that a company cannot make a profit based on chance.

I’m wondering about the same thing, alltho they’ve probably used a loophole. But meh they’ll lose more in the end then the people who bought keys with real money.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jnaathra.6549


Here’s the solution:

Step1 Open the TP page
Srep2 Type ‘skin’ into the search box
Step3 Find the skin you want
Step 4 Buy it with gold

I can’t understand all this complaining when the skins themselves are tradeable, and some going for a very reasonable 1-2 g up to a maximum of 25-30 g for the desirable shield and scythe skin.

They ugly/common skins are 6g each.

The rare/nice skins are in the 50g range.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Evil Geek.6904

Evil Geek.6904

RNG in a cash shop item is obviously a cash grab, gambling isn’t something I choose to support either. I used to love you Anet now I’m not so sure….You’ll be getting absolutely no gem purchasers from me during this event, and well done for tarnishing what should have been a wonderful time.

I’m not blaming the players for gambling away their cash and having no self control, ArenaNet put the system in place, they are the ones that enable the gambling and therefore need to take 100% responsibility for the bad press this is receiving.

I feel bad for supporting the company now on other forums in the way I have, I thought you were different, but obviously not.

So my recommendation to people thinking about the game is: Great game just don’t trust what they’ll do with the cash shop.

F2P titles can get away with this kind of cash grab because they don’t get any other income, I’m not seeing the difference with your B2P cash shop now except it cost me an extra £65?

Brilliant game, sadly marred by the inclusion of cash shop RNG, please do the right thing and get rid of it.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: thetoetag.5183


I’m not disappointing at all. I love what A-nets done.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Badger.3279


1 chest and got a chainsaw

Boni dage – Engineer
Erom Em Tabfren – Asura Engineer (yeh I made a second one)

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zorik.2150


So much unwarranted entitlement. Grow up guys. I thought the OP was going to talk about something like the event not being fun, or costume brawl. But obviously his fun is dictated by whether or not he can get weapon skins. Which is ridiculous.

Just because you aren’t disappointed by Anet obvious like of grinding now, doesn’t mean the rest of aren’t. Some of use find it fun using/collecting the skins, though not at the high amount of work that they require, unlike how it was with GW1.

Exactly. While I never played GW1, I’ve heard a lot of praise, and it kind of sets the bar for what should happen. I don’t feel entitled to an awesome holiday event, I feel disappointed and let down because the majority of what I find fun feels out of my reach.

I think this sentiment is the real problem. Instead of playing the content and enjoying what they added (which even 1/4th of the way through, is awesome) you are not having “fun” because you cannot get the rarest items in the event? If that is your idea of fun then you are going to have a bad time in life. Do you get mad when other people win the lottery? Do you not find work “fun” if you don’t get a promotion every week?

Its this sense of entitlement that is really disgusting, play the game for fun. Gaming should be for the journey and not for the destination, remember its all just pixels anyway.

I think the real problem is, everyone has different opinions and points of views, and no one wants to understand that thats ok. You’re enjoying the holiday event so far, and thats great. Im happy people are enjoying it, and I hope they continue to. However, not everyone is, and there shouldnt be a problem with critiquing the event so that everyone has the ability to have a good time. It has nothing to do with getting the rarest items. I use to play Rift and I loved their holiday events. Even if I was level 10 or lower, there was always something I could participate in that was fun and felt rewarding and worth my time. I spent hours and hours collecting the holiday currencies to buy fun and entertaining cosmetic items. I never once got lucky and got the rare mounts to drop for me, but that was fine, I had some trinkets I liked and worked hard for. Thats what I enjoy doing. Its what I find fun in a game. I dont know how many times Ive purchased transmutation stones to change my outfit thus far, and I really dont want to think about how much money its cost me, but I enjoy it. Im not asking to be handed a complete set of legendary items or whatever you consider the shiniest shiny. Im completely fine with working for it. I work two jobs near minimum wage, and I dont complain. I dont particularly like my job, but I do it. I do however, like to know that my entertainment is going to be, well, entertaining. And right now, for me, its not. And it seems other people feel the same. I prefer bringing it to ArenaNets attention so that everyone can have fun instead of just having a bad time. I dont think thats unreasonable.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: thetoetag.5183


Everyone kittening just wanted the weapons so that they could sell them once the Halloween event was over anyways.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DarkusRogue.3027


My lucky normally sucks, but I opened 20 boxes and got the 1 handed sword and the shield skins.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: skullmount.1758


Haven’t had a chance yet to actually do anything with the recent changes yet (it started too late and have to work early), but from what I’ve been reading in all the threads, yeah I’m getting really mad and disappointed. I was really expecting something like the GW1 events, with everything EASILY available to everyone. Now with this event, they’ve added yet another thing that goes against their “philosophy”. I was really looking forward to this, but not really so much now.


Ahem, it’s cosmetic. They don’t cost anything. You choose to spend money. Or time. Or not. You can get stuff together and finish next year. Many options. They are not all instant gratification options. Maturity needs to be applied.

Enjoy the free to play game content, and work towards cosmetics if you choose. There are 6 silver weapons to use if you want to have “fun”. They last for 4 hours.

First world problems… woe to be us.

Please stop with the “it’s only cosmetic” bullkitten arguments. Why the hell even have them if they’re only going to be available to the top 10% (estimating, but can’t be too far off). Some of use really want them but don’t have either the real money, time, or ingame gold to even remotely be able to acquire them. They should be easily obtainable (and not just temporarily) for everyone. They should also not be in the stupid RNG items with such a low drop rate. All that does is prove that Anet only want to make quick money (yes I know they need $ to operate, but they could have made just as much by offering them individually in the store).

Uh… it is only cosmetic. There is nothing else to say.

Except maybe this: you want it? Then work to get it and stop being lazy and complaining. You can start this year, set whatever materials you get aside, and finish next year.

If you really must have these skins, then you know the various options you need to do to get them.

You say the skins should be easily obtainable? I say no. I like them to remain unique. Will I get one? Next year. It’s not a big deal, unless you’re a child. Kids like everything asap.

Except that you have to have alot of high cost items, just to get the recipe (from what I’ve read). How the hell are us who only have a few hours a day to play, supposed to participate in the events (which do sound like fun) and still try to even remotely acquire the materials for even the recipe to create the “legendary” Halloween items? They’ve excluded a large portion of the game community doing it that way.

Also you must not have played the events in the original GW. Festive hats (while only given on one day, in the first few years anyways) were free (if you were on that day) or only cost a few holiday items (easily obtained, and not expensive), and other special skins (namely Wintersday items), were given as quest rewards (not really possible in GW2 with the lack of actual quests) or you only needed a few items (candy cane shards namely, which you got from doing the quests and as loot drops).

Darkhaven server
Please give us a keyring…

(edited by skullmount.1758)

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Snerf.1650


Like many people, I am seriously disappointed with how Anet is handing the black lion chests.

I understand you need to make money in the cash shop. Fine. Do it with skins for gems at a STANDARDIZED rate.

However, sticking neat content into the boxes as rare gambling fodder is just gross. And doing it with such a small drop rate is just the icing on the cake. This is promoting unhealthy gambling behaviour and is completely unnecessary.

The Anet RMT philosophy was that you could REASONABLY get the same items through just playing the game. I cannot REASONABLY or reliably get the weapon skins through just playing the game. 40g that the GS skin is going for is insane.

This is really putting a damper on the otherwise fantastic job Anet has done with the art design and world building of the event.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

That was enough clear, most are angry for the uber large amount of money on sale, expecially when no more available, so unique on sale. Just a little is angry because not wearing a stupid chainsaw sword noone gives a kitten to see more than 10 seconds and move on

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BaergusMaximus.6904


I wanted them to show that I was at the first halloween event

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Varen.8507


I do have a serious question to those that are supa salty bout this. So they listen to the QQ and up the drop rate. Do you think they can just give everyone keys back or something? I hope they up the drop rate, then 5 mins later you see another QQ thread as long as this one about how “it doesn’t help me I’ve already used my keys”. What do you expect to get out of this thread? Honestly.