Act 3 Event Timing

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Firebird Gomer.9563

Firebird Gomer.9563

I think you’re either underestimating the total population of players worldwide or you’re overestimating the players who can’t make it. Anet has the population metrics and seeing as how the time and day they chose has the most concurrent players, that means more are playing than not at that time and day. And the Community feel of thousands of players can easily be achieved despite cutting out a portion of the populace.

Nope I dont underestimate the total population nor do I overestimate those who cant make it (and for Anet saying its the best time they are only hoping cause they don’t know what people may have planned for that time or day)….. I look at how many posts have been made about this issue and how many people reply in agreement how terrible this is (and I believe this a small portion of people compared to what don’t bother to answer and just choose to leave the game because another big faceless company show they don’t care (after years of saying they care))….. Yes Anet has information on the population at any time but again it is cutting of a portion of the Community that WANT to be a part of it but can’t and its not just those who might be asleep its those who will be at work as well or spending time with family…. And I think your gonna find that Anet realise that they have made a mistake and won’t (hopefully) do something like this again…..

Actually the Hunger Games event from Beta Weekends and the Infection Event from Beta Weekends are examples of huge, one time only events that are interactive. If you didn’t take part in those, it’s hard to explain but I’m sure videos can be looked up online. Basically it can be entire Server involving without it simply being NPC interaction. Another example would be the opening of AQ.

Yes I took part in these….. But then the times they were run were good for my time zone….. But I also remember how many people were upset cause they couldn’t take part as they were not able to (and I agreed with them in posts)…… Those TBH are not the same…… Anet state on the front page of the forums “DO NOT MISS Act 3 of Shadow of the Mad King” and yet give no choice for those people who have to miss it….. The other unfortunate statement that Anet have badly worded is "At least this way, everyone has a chance to experience it in the game, without having it spoiled by the rapid availability of video on the Internet.” This is true everyone has a chance to experience it except those who have to sleep before going to work or school… Or those who have kids or those who will be leaving for work as the event starts. Again this is a case of destroying Communtity envolvement…… It doesnt matter if it is 1 million people missing out or 1 person missing out, because simply that person or those people have been EXCLUDED from the COMMUNTITY that Anet professes to be concerned about…..

I’m not denying that there are not other options.. but any other choices would logically dilute the effect of the event at best.

No, other choices would be better in the fact that now those people who can’t be part of it will just go watch it on youtube….. Which funnily enough Anet state they didn’t want people to do……

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: jameslu.9023


This is effectively isolating many of their Oceanic and Southeastern Asian players. I’m also very certain this will be the first in a long line of “one-time events” in the future. WoW’s had events posted on Youtube, I don’t see Blizzard going to such extremes. Having played the original GW, I’m terribly disappointed in ANet’s decision.

Be free as a bird.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


Coming from a oceanic players perspective, I’m pretty disappointed. We payed for this game just as much as people in America and Europe and yet we have a one time only event which a lot of the oceanic community won’t be able to participate in. I wish it was like a few more of these events spread out over the day.

P.S I would rather be spoiled by videos on youtube and then go and participate in it > not participating at all.

Q: Will there be stuff in this ‘one time’ event that will go towards our EotMK title?

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


Okay by now it feels like some folks think that ignoring people who voice legitimate complaints about real grievances will make them go away.

…and they’re absolutely right thinking that.

(edited by Radene.3194)

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Warrax.5967


good job, once in a time event in the night\morning of monday (work day) GREAT! With such events ANET will for sure get a lot more customers.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Q: Will there be stuff in this ‘one time’ event that will go towards our EotMK title?

“Attend the party”

So yeah, if you miss it, no EotMK either.


Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


Q: Will there be stuff in this ‘one time’ event that will go towards our EotMK title?

“Attend the party”

So yeah, if you miss it, no EotMK either.

Are you sure of that? If so, please link.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: nysta.6713


you’re all missing the “Whatever happens is going to be on livestreams instantly and then on YouTube about five minutes later.” bit. i think this is a prelude to the next level of mmo gaming events: don’t bother showing up. just watch it on youtube.

my question for this is: will there be a video for each class? and each race? i don’t want to roll a charr on youtube.

thanks, anet. i’ve always said it’s better to watch home movies of parties and celebrations than to actually be involved in them. once-off events are awesome.

i hope you all get nightcapped to death this week.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nubenai.5127


The amount of hyperbole in this thread is ridiculous. People claiming that Anet is deliberately trying to kill GW2 because they’ve decided to set the timing of this “one time event” at such and such hour? I live in Europe, and not every timing is perfect for me either. Act 1 for example started way late (or early, depending on how you see it) in the evening, around 5 or 6 GMT if I remember correctly, which meant that I couldn’t make it. Who knows what I missed?

Just because I wasn’t there the moment it happened didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy it. I’ve done every possible Halloween achievement so far, and being late to the party had no effect on me being able to do so at all.

The one-time event will NOT be linked to any Halloween related achievements. It’s the activities within act 3 and 4 that will allow you to complete these, if you so desire.

Nobody even knows what this “special event” is going to be about. All this speculation and raving about what you’re potentially missing out on is leading nowhere.

I pre-purchased the game, I played the beta weekends, and I happened to miss the major events at the end of them. I’m not demanding they should do a re-run of those events just so I can experience them for myself, sure it would be nice, but being a one-time thing is probably part of what made it memorable for the people participating in the first place.

Not to mention the fact that they’ve added a mini-game this Halloween that’s eerily similar to it.

You people need to chill out with the hyperbole and the entitlement, honestly. Their logic behind this decision might not have been flawless, and I don’t think the spoilt argument holds any water either.

However I do respect their design decisions, and if they want to make it a one-time thing, then that’s what they’re gonna do. This won’t affect your ability to enjoy the Halloween content they’re offering at all.

Act 2 had events that opened the doors to the mad kings realm, and I’m pretty sure not everyone could attend those either, regardless.

I seriously doubt this event is going to be the only thing in act 3. In fact I know it’s not, because that’s what they’ve stated in their announcements.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nubenai.5127


Q: Will there be stuff in this ‘one time’ event that will go towards our EotMK title?

“Attend the party”

So yeah, if you miss it, no EotMK either.

The party is act 3. The event that starts off act 3 is not considered the party.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


I pre-purchased the game, I played the beta weekends, and I happened to miss the major events at the end of them.

Not comparable. After that everything was wiped. In this case, missing it remains a permanent mark on your character.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


Act 1 for example started way late (or early, depending on how you see it) in the evening, around 5 or 6 GMT if I remember correctly, which meant that I couldn’t make it. Who knows what I missed?

They weren’t one time events, it wouldn’t have made a difference if you joined instantly or if you joined in 30 hours time.

However I do respect their design decisions, and if they want to make it a one-time thing, then that’s what they’re gonna do. This won’t affect your ability to enjoy the Halloween content they’re offering at all.

So what? You’re saying that I will have the same amount of enjoyment whether I am at this one time event or not?

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nubenai.5127


I pre-purchased the game, I played the beta weekends, and I happened to miss the major events at the end of them.

Not comparable. After that everything was wiped. In this case, missing it remains a permanent mark on your character.

How is missing this event any different? It won’t give you a permanent title saying “lol I wasn’t at the Halloween event”. It won’t be tied to any achievements, which means you can still get the emissary title. The ONLY thing you may be missing out on is some form of cosmetic reward, if even that.

The beta ending events didn’t have any sort of reward, and I doubt that this one will either.

The point is you don’t know what’s going to happen, so speculating and being hyperbolic about it is solving absolutely nothing.

IF the event is of such character that it gives out legendary weapons to all those who attend, or if it gives the players the ability to raise their levels by another 5, THEN you should come here and complain.

Complaining just for the sake of it because you can’t attend to an event that may just be a purely cosmetic fun thing, is not solving any problems.

This event is just the START of act 3. There will be other activities, comparable to acts 1 and 2, which will no doubt run until November 2nd, when the week-long event ends.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


I pre-purchased the game, I played the beta weekends, and I happened to miss the major events at the end of them.

Not comparable. After that everything was wiped. In this case, missing it remains a permanent mark on your character.

How is missing this event any different? It won’t give you a permanent title saying “lol I wasn’t at the Halloween event”. It won’t be tied to any achievements, which means you can still get the emissary title. The ONLY thing you may be missing out on is some form of cosmetic reward, if even that.

Can you please show me proof that this one time event will have nothing to do with the title? I am yet to find it (been searching all day).

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


The ONLY thing you may be missing out on is some form of cosmetic reward, if even that.

And since this game is about cosmetics in a large part, that clearly makes no difference at all.

Well played, well played.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nubenai.5127


Act 1 for example started way late (or early, depending on how you see it) in the evening, around 5 or 6 GMT if I remember correctly, which meant that I couldn’t make it. Who knows what I missed?

They weren’t one time events, it wouldn’t have made a difference if you joined instantly or if you joined in 30 hours time.

Except it would’ve made a difference, because the first few people got to control the market of candy corn and other Halloween related goodies, making large amounts of money during the first few hours the event was live.

If anything I’d say missing that is something that makes a difference. If you were among the first, you could potentially make a lot of gold doing it.

This event will in all probability be purely cosmetic, not tied to any achievements, and just be a fun thing.

Sort of like the end-events for the beta weekends.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


Act 1 for example started way late (or early, depending on how you see it) in the evening, around 5 or 6 GMT if I remember correctly, which meant that I couldn’t make it. Who knows what I missed?

They weren’t one time events, it wouldn’t have made a difference if you joined instantly or if you joined in 30 hours time.

Except it would’ve made a difference, because the first few people got to control the market of candy corn and other Halloween related goodies, making large amounts of money during the first few hours the event was live.

If anything I’d say missing that is something that makes a difference. If you were among the first, you could potentially make a lot of gold doing it.

This event will in all probability be purely cosmetic, not tied to any achievements, and just be a fun thing.

Sort of like the end-events for the beta weekends.

So what will the “attend the party” achievement be for? Or is that on like the 31st?

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nubenai.5127


The ONLY thing you may be missing out on is some form of cosmetic reward, if even that.

And since this game is about cosmetics in a large part, that clearly makes no difference at all.

Well played, well played.

So I’m guessing you’re one of those people who complain about missing out on the special hats every year in Gw1 too then?

If they gave out Exotic weapons to everyone who attended, then yes, it would make a difference, because then you could sell those for profit, or put them in the forge and potentially get a legendary precursor.

At that point I’d say whoever missed out on it is at a disadvantage. A cosmetic skin like the devil horns, will give nobody an in-game advantage what so ever, thus, it doesn’t make a difference.

Actually, they’ve given out Halloween themed horns for everyone already, so they’re probably just gonna run with something akin to the end-events of the beta weekends.

Which gave no reward.

(edited by Nubenai.5127)

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nubenai.5127


Act 1 for example started way late (or early, depending on how you see it) in the evening, around 5 or 6 GMT if I remember correctly, which meant that I couldn’t make it. Who knows what I missed?

They weren’t one time events, it wouldn’t have made a difference if you joined instantly or if you joined in 30 hours time.

Except it would’ve made a difference, because the first few people got to control the market of candy corn and other Halloween related goodies, making large amounts of money during the first few hours the event was live.

If anything I’d say missing that is something that makes a difference. If you were among the first, you could potentially make a lot of gold doing it.

This event will in all probability be purely cosmetic, not tied to any achievements, and just be a fun thing.

Sort of like the end-events for the beta weekends.

So what will the “attend the party” achievement be for? Or is that on like the 31st?

The party itself will be either act 3 in its entirety, which will have some quest you will have to do for some NPC (mad king, perhaps?) not unlike the scavenger hunt of acts 1 and 2. So if it’s the Halloween title and achievements you’re worried about, I’m pretty sure Anet isn’t stupid enough to make them linked to a one-time event like that.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Frotee.2634


When the main argument is “making it a one time only event is unfair because some people won’t be able to make it”, well….there’s not much they can do about that. There will always be people who won’t be able to “make” a specific time. Stop whining about that.

I CAN understand whining about making it happen at a time that is hugely inconvenient to whole continents though. People always have a choice on whether or not they allow themselves to be spoiled by youtube etc., but they don’t have (much of) a choice on whether or not they need to get up early on mondays to go to work (or school).

We’ll just have to live with the way it is executed though – and at least most european players really don’t have a reason to complain oO I, for one, woul be hugely inconvenienced if the event happend at 12 CMT – 19 (or 20, as I live in Germany) GMT is perfectly fine though.

Polka will never die

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


Act 1 for example started way late (or early, depending on how you see it) in the evening, around 5 or 6 GMT if I remember correctly, which meant that I couldn’t make it. Who knows what I missed?

They weren’t one time events, it wouldn’t have made a difference if you joined instantly or if you joined in 30 hours time.

Except it would’ve made a difference, because the first few people got to control the market of candy corn and other Halloween related goodies, making large amounts of money during the first few hours the event was live.

If anything I’d say missing that is something that makes a difference. If you were among the first, you could potentially make a lot of gold doing it.

This event will in all probability be purely cosmetic, not tied to any achievements, and just be a fun thing.

Sort of like the end-events for the beta weekends.

So what will the “attend the party” achievement be for? Or is that on like the 31st?

The party itself will be either act 3 in its entirety, which will have some quest you will have to do for some NPC (mad king, perhaps?) not unlike the scavenger hunt of acts 1 and 2. So if it’s the Halloween title and achievements you’re worried about, I’m pretty sure Anet isn’t stupid enough to make them linked to a one-time event like that.

You’re right, that is the only thing I am worried about, not getting the title. I really hope it isn’t apart of a one time only thing.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: XiaMae.9874


It’s pretty much impossible to satisfy everyone due to ANet wanting this event to only happen once. But as they said, the time they chose satisfies the “highest possible percentage” of the active playerbase, and this is generally a peak time. They seem confident that “most” players will be able to make it, which I have to assume is in the thousands or tens of thousands (at least), compared to the ~50 people who are vocal about their discontent.

It’s a shame (and I say this with absolutely no sarcasm) that many people won’t be able to make it due to schedules, the hurricane, timezones, etc., but the fact is that most will be able to. Even if they did change the time, or make it occur more than once, there are still going to be people who aren’t able to make it for one reason or another. You just can’t satisfy everyone.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


The ONLY thing you may be missing out on is some form of cosmetic reward, if even that.

And since this game is about cosmetics in a large part, that clearly makes no difference at all.

Well played, well played.

So I’m guessing you’re one of those people who complain about missing out on the special hats every year in Gw1 too then?

If they gave out Exotic weapons to everyone who attended, then yes, it would make a difference, because then you could sell those for profit, or put them in the forge and potentially get a legendary precursor.

At that point I’d say whoever missed out on it is at a disadvantage. A cosmetic skin like the devil horns, will give nobody an in-game advantage what so ever, thus, it doesn’t make a difference.

Actually, they’ve given out Halloween themed horns for everyone already, so they’re probably just gonna run with something akin to the end-events of the beta weekends.

Which gave no reward.

I don’t know, are you guessing that? Or is that just a cheap and thinly-veiled attempt at trying to paint me as, say “a baby throwing a tantrum” (which seems to be the current FOTM insult) without actually saying it?

I see having more options for my character’s customization as an advantage.

If you think stats are the only thing that one can see as advantageous, there are other MMO’s for that.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ageia.5843


Ok, I understand people on Asian servers being upset by this. I don’t understand EU servers being upset. Noon PST doesn’t that make it like…8pm there? Isn’t 6-9 pm like, prime time for gaming?

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


Ok, I understand people on Asian servers being upset by this. I don’t understand EU servers being upset. Noon PST doesn’t that make it like…8pm there? Isn’t 6-9 pm like, prime time for gaming?

Some of us have prior commitments we can’t change at such a short notice. And I think we’re well within our right to express our displeasure at the notice being short and lack of alternatives without being called names.

Thank you.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ageia.5843


Ok, I understand people on Asian servers being upset by this. I don’t understand EU servers being upset. Noon PST doesn’t that make it like…8pm there? Isn’t 6-9 pm like, prime time for gaming?

Some of us have prior commitments we can’t change at such a short notice. And I think we’re well within our right to express our displeasure at that without being called names.

Thank you.

I didn’t call anyone names. That said, people on US servers have ‘prior commitments’ as well. Those aren’t reserved for just EU server players! That, my friend is called life. As it happens, the event happens at 2pm my time, and I’ll have to miss it for a prior commitment as well. US time zone. shrug my problem.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


That, my friend is called life. As it happens, the event happens at 2pm my time, and I’ll have to miss it for a prior commitment as well. US time zone. shrug my problem.

Some people put up and some people speak up.

I do not think it should be your problem (or mine) in the first place, I think Anet made a very poor decision by executing it this way, since the alternatives are plentiful, and I think their reasoning that “We don’t want this to be spoiled” is very very flawed, because I’ll take an event I’ve been spoiled on over an event I can’t even attend any day.

And yes, you didn’t call anyone names, which is a lot more than I can say for many others peers at the thread

And yes, I have been called names for saying basically the above.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cubeo.4308


I have read through this whole thread and the one thing I do not understand is why people complain that it is at the same time for everyone.
I can understand that people complain that they can not participate, but having the event start at different time would just cause all the people to flood the servers where the event is currently starting. And this is not just a theory, all the gw1 players will agree with me. During haloween and wintersday it was pretty popular to go to district 1, or at least as close to it as possible, to get one of the first startings and if there were enough people, you could still make it to district 89 for the event again. They just want to prevent this. And as a matter of fact, with separate times, there would be like another ton of people complaining that their server has the event 2 hours later and they are not first.

As I may as well say something to the other possibilities:
The first thing to understand is, that we do not know what this event will be. I was supporting the idea having it every 3 hours for 24hours, but, as someone already mentioned, what it is that kind of event that was during the end of betas? I loved those events, but having them every 3 hours would probably ruin them.
For those who complain about not getting the rewards, I will return to the statment, that “we do not know what this event will be”, so unless you have some very clasified specific information about getting a reward for this event, I say to you: have a litle faith in anet and do not fear so much. I can understand your point, and probably would have the same opinion as you, if I were in your position, but I am pretty much convinced, that the only reward will be the participation itself.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Claudius.5381


[QUOTE]: The fact that ANet has then decided to pull the “Spoilt” card has made it quite obvious that ANet do not think ahead, or simply don’t care about their Oceanic player base.[/QUOTE]

Population comparison:

Europe: 740 million
North America: 530 million
Australia: 28,5 million

Seeing this number I think ArenaNet may care about the Oceanic population (if you really meant Oceania, I assume you meant Australia). But if they have to choose between the gamers of a population of more than half a billion or 28,5 million (time-wise) it is obvious what they have to do.

If there is reason for pulling the Spoilt-Card or not can only be judged after the event. You and I don’t know what ArenaNet has in store for us.

[QUOTE]Coming from a oceanic players perspective, I’m pretty disappointed. We payed for this game just as much as people in America and Europe and yet we have a one time only event which a lot of the oceanic community won’t be able to participate in.[QUOTE]

No, you didn’t. To be more exact: You personally did, but Australia/Oceania did not compared to all European and/or all North American players. Australia/Oceania very probably is only a small fraction of all players. ArenaNet could not survive without North America or Europe as market for the game. But it could do without Australia/Oceania.

That is not to say that I like that. But I can understand that – as hard as it is for Australians/Oceanians.

(me = European)

(edited by Claudius.5381)

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Selluna.5168


Sorry Claudius. What’s the population of Asia again? Or even just China? It will be 3am for them.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Claudius.5381


The quoted people argued only for Oceania/Australia.

Ask them.

It illustrates how everybody only thinks of his own problems.

And does Arenat sell this game into Asian countries? I thought I had read that they didn’t, but I have no source for it.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Selluna.5168


Sorry I live in Australia, not everyone thinks of only their own problems. My point was just to illustrate that giving us the population numbers of how many people live in these continents is completely pointless. Australia/Asia could easily have as many actual ‘players’ as those continents. Half my guild is Australian or Asian in fact. By your statistics I should have like 1 Aussie for every 20 NA people. And that’s just not the case.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Hexicz.8450


The quoted people argued only for Oceania/Australia.

Ask them.

It illustrates how everybody only thinks of his own problems.

And does Arenat sell this game into Asian countries? I thought I had read that they didn’t, but I have no source for it.

In my guild on SoS we have people from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand and more.

So yeah, the game is somehow available in those regions although I do not think they are officially supported…which makes sense why they aren’t catering to them.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: nysta.6713


i’m also more disturbed by the whole ethos of the game from the beginning was to encourage us all to enjoy the game together. and to feel included as gamers. for me, this is taking that whole “together” thing too far by demanding everyone log on at a ridiculous time.

considering it was widely acknowledged that wvwvw is a 24/7 thing from anet, i’m just surprised they’d script an event that deliberately excludes a large portion of their gaming population. it seeds only bitterness and strengthens the whole divisiveness we’ve seen thanks to wvwvw.

i really can’t see why, if we’re being told to hop off to youtube rather than be included, everyone couldn’t be youtubed the opening event. or, i mean, a cutscene and then a looped event in the obvious spot it’ll be playing out.

i know the american gamers are chuffed to feel some self-importance again after the wvwvw slap-down, but if this was reversed and it was going off at 3am your time on a monday evening (edit: morning), you’d all be screaming too, rather than sitting there with smug grins.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Claudius.5381


[QUOTE]By your statistics I should have like 1 Aussie for every 20 NA people. And that’s just not the case.[/QUOTE]

No, of course not. That is not how statistics work. On European servers many more people are European than the relation of 740:530 would suggest. And on German servers most people are German, though the population of Germany is only about thrice as large as the Australian.

What the numbers don’t say is how many Australians relative to their continent’s population play GW2 compared to North America. It is theoretically possible that the rate of Australians playing GW2 is twenty times the rate of North Americans playing GW2, making the number of Australian GW2 players roughly equal to the North Americans.

But is it probable or realistic? I don’t think so.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: XiaMae.9874


considering it was widely acknowledged that wvwvw is a 24/7 thing from anet, i’m just surprised they’d script an event that deliberately excludes a large portion of their gaming population. it seeds only bitterness and strengthens the whole divisiveness we’ve seen thanks to wvwvw.

I guess no one read my post in this thread? :/

It’s not that the foreign players are insignificant in general, but I think people might be mistaken thinking that ANet is “deliberately excluding” the majority from attending this event when it’s just the opposite. They want to do this once, and for that they assessed what time the majority of the playerbase can attend. Not everyone is going to be happy with this, obviously, but they did what they could for the majority. Why in the world would ANet spend time and money scripting an event that most of the playerbase wouldn’t see?

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Selluna.5168


Dude no one said the proportion of people on the EU servers would be 740:530. That would be silly, why would NA people want to play on EU servers?

I would assume proportions of EU servers would be 9 Eu: 1 Anything else. However, on the American servers, I would be surprised if it wasn’t at least 7:3 American to Australia/Asia. Which still makes Aus/Asia a decently big chunk of Anet’s playerbase.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


May I suggest, though I’m sure it’s been considered, setting and activation time for the event. Then checking each player as they enter lion’s arch. If they have experienced the event they go to normal lion’s arch. If they have not, they are moved to a group instance with a batch of players that have also not experienced the event. (Kind of like the clock tower group instance.)

Anyway, I know it won’t make a difference now. But it’s an idea for the future. Perhaps there are certain qualities to this event that make such a solution impracticable or undesirable.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Selluna.5168


To XiaMae:

The question is why in the world wouldn’t they pick a time that even more majority of people can see? League of Legends world Tournament (whose stream took up 5% of the total bandwidth of the US while it was on btw) was run on Saturday for NA. Do you know why? Cause they’re considerate and don’t put it on Monday for all of Australia and Asia. Even putting it at the exact same time but on Sat/Sun instead of Sun/Mon would’ve been alot better, since most people don’t need to run off to work on Sundays.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: XiaMae.9874


May I suggest, though I’m sure it’s been considered, setting and activation time for the event. Then checking each player as they enter lion’s arch. If they have experienced the event they go to normal lion’s arch. If they have not, they are moved to a group instance with a batch of players that have also not experienced the event. (Kind of like the clock tower group instance.)

That’s not a bad idea! I played a game once where a special one-time cutscene played upon character log-in. No one knows what this upcoming event is exactly, but handling it in this manner in the future wouldn’t be a bad solution.

And Selluna:

I don’t know what percentage of GW2’s playerbase is from Australia/Asia (or any other region for that matter), I’m just saying that I trust in ANet’s decision that the majority-majority is being covered at the time they chose. I (and ANet for that matter) could be wrong on that, and it seems logical to me that they’d pick a time that the majority-majority is available. The large amount of time it takes to code these things equals an equally large amount of money, and I doubt they would waste either of these resources on an event that most people couldn’t see. I’ll back out of this line of conversation simply because no one knows enough to give a definite approximation of how many people exactly will not attend this event, and from which regions.

(edited by XiaMae.9874)

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


{snip}…so they’re probably just gonna run with something akin to the end-events of the beta weekends.

Which gave no reward.

You’ve repeated this argument a few times, but since everyone knew there was going to be a wipe between the beta events and the start of the game proper, there was no point to giving them a persistent reward, while there is to an event within the game proper. Your analogy is flawed because the contexts are wildly different.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241

Blanche Neige.7241

I don’t know what percentage of GW2’s playerbase is from Australia/Asia (or any other region for that matter), I’m just saying that I trust in ANet’s decision that the majority-majority is being covered at the time they chose. I (and ANet for that matter) could be wrong on that, and it seems logical to me that they’d pick a time that the majority-majority is available.

Anyone with some basics in consumer’s economics will tell you this is not the good way to do it.

In the entertainment business, if you ask yourself “will this satisfy the majority of my customer?”, you may well be running straight into a wall. The majority can be anything between 50.1% and 100%. No business want to displease up to 49.9% of its customers.

The real question you must ask yourself is : “How can I make something so it will please as many of my customers as possible?” In this case, ArenaNet is definitely not doing it the way it should. Doing it differently (repeating the event) would have pleased many more customers than how they choose to do it.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Corti.6857


I’m in Japan and all my friends here have had no trouble purchasing GW2 online.

It’s too bad the event will be at 4am Monday. I wish they would of done it Saturday at noon PST. I can easily do 4AM Sunday but 4AM Monday? Not a chance in hell.
I know there is no achievement but I have a feeling everyone will get some nifty little item that I’ll probably want and not be able to get.

Maybe Anet will become smarter about one time event planning and learn that Saturdays are the best for everyone worldwide. You’ll get more people logging on in the Asia/Oceanic region because it will be a Sunday.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


Anet, I find your official response to the decision to not split events up on a per timezone basis, to be completely weak. Other companies tried to argue this case, and it bit them in the kitten

You make it sound like any decision to split the timing of an event based on actual real world timezones would effectively force every other player who isn’t in that timezone to watch a youtube vid. Which is completely and utterly false. IF a player decides to do that, then that is like them choosing to watch a video of a boss fight prior to taking part in it. That’s THEIR decision to make. No one is forcing them to do it. And therefore that is not something that you need to concern yourselves with.

The fact is that the Americans are getting to see the event on a SUNDAY at NOON, whereas Europeans are required to be online at 8pm on a Sunday night. Now for a lot of people Sunday night is a busy time of the weekend. It is often a time of the weekend when a lot of people are settling their families down for bed / putting their feet up to relax prior to the working week beginning. Then there’s the Oceanic players, I feel for them.

Now, whilst it could be argued that players don’t HAVE to see the event “live” because it’s essentially their choice to make, that’s beside the point. It is in YOUR best interest for players to WANT to be online without feeling inconvenienced too much. You shouldn’t be aiming to make players feel like they have to go out of their way to be online (due to bad choice in timing on your behalf) just to experience a once-in-a-year event at a time that may not be very convenient for a lot of players.

Face it Anet, you screwed up. Now please stop acting like Bioware with their Bumper Fun Book of Excuses, and take this issue into consideration for future events.

Remember: you are making your game for your customers throughout the world, NOT just for yourselves and your “local” customers.

(edited by Tarkaroshe.8370)

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gibson.4036


Haven’t read the entire thread, but just in case it was missed, this timing isn’t just bad for players from other continents. It’s also at probably the worst time in a weekend for people who attend religious services or spend Sunday afternoons as traditional family time in the US.

I realize that we are an increasingly small minority, but there is another segment of the population who will only get to watch it on YouTube.

The “spoilt” reasoning makes little sense. The event could be scheduled to run four to six times across the day, and anyone wanting to experience it fresh could avoid looking up spoiler videos.

Either way, those of us who can’t make Noon PDT are going to be watching it on YouTube. It’d be nice if ANet would let us experience it as well.

ANet, please take this into consideration for future events. I’m a huge fan of this game, and would love to enjoy your holiday events as much as I do the regular content.


Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Frotee.2634


Ah, on a side note: I think I remember someone stating that this “one time only” event merely marked the beginning of Act 3 – under the assumption that it might just be something like the fountain in LA finally bursting open to reveal the Mad King Thorn (finally freed after several centuries), it would kind of make sense to only have this once

Polka will never die

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shostie.6435


Clearly some people don’t know what “primetime” means. 12:00 PM PST is not primetime in the US. It is primetime in Europe.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


Ah, on a side note: I think I remember someone stating that this “one time only” event merely marked the beginning of Act 3 – under the assumption that it might just be something like the fountain in LA finally bursting open to reveal the Mad King Thorn (finally freed after several centuries), it would kind of make sense to only have this once

From the official post:

This is why each act is a phase, or a period of time, rather than a moment in time.

The one major exception is the beginning of Act 3, which is something that I think most people will want to be around to see.

This infers that 7pm GMT isn’t just the start of Act 3, but there is something happening at the start of Act 3 which is a one-time only thing for this event this year.

Now, whilst it may make sense for each player to see it once, that doesn’t mean that it MUST occur at the same time for everyone. There are ways and means to have this “event” occur at a more convenient time for all.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: igneous.8153


Didn’t they say it was not about primetime, but rather about peak worldwide concurrency, which is precisely at 1900GMT?

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Celesica.5790


My only comment here is… the event starts at 3AM my time (Asia), and I have work at 7am. But I really want to attend this and I really want to see what this one-time event is. Should I attend or not? Welp… whatever. ANet won’t care.