(edited by guide.1487)
Halloween Event Guide Part 2 (Spoilers Included)
Clue 9: Bloodtide Coast – Sorrowful Waypoint
From Sorrowful Waypoint you’ll want to head southwest to the only wooden ship on your map that is out in the ocean. Ontop of the wooden sunken boat in the ocean you will want to want to use the Aqueous Scan. Inspect the Suspicious Location after you use the scan and a haunted door will spawn as well as start an event to kill a bunch of Candy Corn monsters that flood out of it. After you finish this event speak with Seamarshal Bennu to complete this task and collect the ninth clue.
If you’re having trouble viewing my picture above click on it to enlarge it. Same goes for the picture right below this sentence.
Mad Memories IX: Pains of Love
Clue 10: Harathi Hinterlands – Seraph’s Landing Waypoint
This is probably the easiest of all the clues in part 2 to get. What you need to do is port to Seraph’s Landing Waypoint and head to the southern part of town. Go up the stairs and into the southern most building where you’ll find a carved pumpkin and a bunch of hay bales. In this room you will want to use your Candy-Powered Matter Meter’s Corporeal Field Scan. Doing this will uncover Rufus who will give you the tenth clue that you’re after.
Click to enlarge the screenshot below to get a good look of the room with Rufus.
Mad Memories X: Tax-o-Lanterns
Clue 11: Harathi Highlands – Seraph’s Landing WP or Bridgewatch Camp Waypoint
For this clue you can port to either of the two aforementioned Waypoints. Whichever one you choose you’ll want to head to the blue X on my map which is to the east of Arca Lake, just southeast of the bridge going over the river. Use your Candy-Powered Matter Meter here to start the “Extinguish the flames in the village lost to time” event. For this event you need to kill nearby enemies to get a Water Bucket. The Aqueous Scan on the Candy-Powered Matter Meter are rumored to work as well although I did not try them.
After you extinguish all of the flames Portia the ghost will spawn. Talk to her to get the Eleventh Clue.
Note: The Suspicious Location will spawn on the bridge nearby. Or is at least rumored to (I was standing at the ghost’s location when the event started so I can’t say for certain.
Mad Memories XI: Flames of Renewal
Clue 12: Sparkfly Glen – Fort Cadence Waypoint
For this one you will need to port to the Fort Cadence Waypoint in northern Sparkfly Glen. Once here head down into the Shattered Keep to the bottom floor of the crypt. Here you will need to use your Etheric Scan to reveal a Suspicious Location nearby the ghostly treasure. Inspect it to spawn Wynn nearby, a ghost whom upon speaking to him will give you the twelth and final clue that you need.
(edited by guide.1487)
Thanks, this was really helpful.
you realize we already did a makeshift guide in the first half an hour here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/halloween/Halloween-Act-2-Info-Compilation
but you have clear and elaborated description so thanks. but we had been trying to keep it condensed and collected bc we’ll see repeating threads over and over. as well we can direct people to http://dulfy.net for the scavenger hunt which has pictures and all the details.
oh disregard my post, i didn’t realize you were referencing your site. so now we can reference your site every time we need guide info
That would be great Takatsu! =)
I’m also working on guides for the clocktower/labyrinth, I should be done with them within 24hrs!
Updated a few things and added some info to the guides
Anyone know what happened to the doors that lead to the Mad King’s Realm? They were all over Gendarran Fields and now they’re gone. I figured they take turns spawning in other zones but i don’t see them anywhere else.
I put together a guide for the Mad King’s Labyrinth. I know I am leaving some things out, still gotta learn everything about it too; just like you guys!
I know of two champs in there, the central and SE. I’ve asked if there are more but no one answers so I assume there aren’t. However i plan to figure that out as I go over the entire zone to map out where the pumpkins there are.
I’ll be getting more guides uploaded as the day goes on!
Made a few updates to the Pumpkin Carver Achievement Guide:
Also since I know saying it anywhere else will draw unnecessary hatred, I can’t believe how much complaining there are on these forums and how the “helpful” or “i love this event” posts just fade away from so many complaints.
If you guys don’t enjoy the event, don’t do it! Jeeze!
Added a Clocktower guide to my website. Not as much a guide but more a how to reach the clocktower and tips and tricks to overcoming the challenges you’ll face there.
I created a video for Queensdale covering all of the easy to find locations for Pumpkins to carve. Carving Pumpkins is part of the Pumpkin Carving Achievement of the Halloween event, you need a total of 150 to get the achievement.
for this act 2, do you have to complete act 1 and get the first 6 clues, or can you just start at clue 7?
If you’re aiming to be complete, then your guides ignore a ‘huge’ amount of Halloween content.
There are Halloween Meta Events going on in Travellers Dale (South-West Gendarren Fields) and in Blackroot Cut/Delanian Foothills (North-Eastern Kessex Hills).
Both of these events have a selection Dynamic Events, and seem to be being generally overlooked when anyone mentions phase 2.
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
I have a list of all the Halloween “Meta” Events locations just not all of the actual event guides yet. A list of them can be found here:
Also for DjSkittles, Yes you need to complete part 1 before you can start part 2
Added a video on how to reach the Mad King’s Realm to cover up any confusion at all for getting there (a lot of people are confused with how the events are tied in with accessing the realm)
Thanks for the guide. Ive used your site for several years for EQ leveling of alts. I used one of your guides back in WoW too. This ones done great as well!
/end suck up ..
Feel free to give me super secret information if you find some :0
Hey Gortar! Always nice to hear from a long time fan! I’m glad my guides have helped you for so long =)
Anyway, I got a lot of videos and other Halloween guides planned for today especially since act 3/4 comes out today. Stick around and keep an eye on the thread for updates
A quick rundown of all the pumpkin locations in Lion’s arch:
Next video, despite it taking so long is planned to be for all the clues in part 2 of the halloween event
Part 3 is live!
Looks like this part is only a dungeon so I will be sitting it out for making a guide. I’m not a fan of group content in the slightest but I still have some part 2 guides to finish anyway
Updated a few things with my Halloween Guide as a whole.
Also since I have heard of the instance being solo’d (Mad kings one) I may give it a whirl tomorrow as long as the Hurricane doesn’t knock out my power.
An update, depending on how bad this hurricane is I may lose power and be unable to cover any other part of this halloween event.
I have my fingers crossed that this is not the case, however!
Just got my power back from the Hurricane. I’ll try and get some guides up tonight!
Act 4 just started earlier today!