Halloween Exotics madness?

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


So, did i miss something? Why did halloween exotics price drop to…like 20-40g if the cost to make them is about 200g? Do they drop somewhere now?

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Detyrious.5873


There was a massive price drop 3 hours ago.. curious..

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


I would like to know the explanation of this…because if this is another bug/exploit then Anet should really test much more their patches before releasing them.

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: GoldenTruth.2853


The 2 chests from the mobs in the labyrinth have a chance of dropping the items (I got a Crossing from one)

Alara Vesmir – Guardian
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant

(edited by GoldenTruth.2853)

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: ccdsurf.8639


maybe its good ol’ economics. No one wants to pay, price drops

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Melchior.2135


The 2 chests from the mobs in the labyrinth have a chance of dropping the items (I got a crossing from one)

All of the sudden, I give a crap about this event again! Nice!

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


Now i ask myself why they made them craftable to later on drop them on event chests without even saying anything…i find it quite silly, i feel actually bad for people who crafted that stuff.

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Geikamir.6329


Why would they let them drop, but make the mats cost hundreds of gold?

Toons: Foreseer, Geikamir, Rapscallion, Specimen, Scythian, Zeau, Ärtifact, and Replica.

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Taurethion.7302


Ouch, a little rough on the people who sank a bunch of gold into crafting them!

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Syn.3459


The 2 chests from the mobs in the labyrinth have a chance of dropping the items (I got a Crossing from one)

i have to say that’s great to hear, the whole event was a massive flop but now people who don’t have the hours to grind for ~150g worth of mats(or even not have to participate in the event because there craftable at any time..) can now grind the events in hopes of getting one of the weapons

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


i have to say that’s great to hear, the whole event was a massive flop but now people who don’t have the hours to grind for ~150g worth of mats(or even not have to participate in the event because there craftable at any time..) can now grind the events in hopes of getting one of the weapons

They should at least have made them soulbound don’t you think? I find it quite silly…really. Actually i’m glad this happens because otherwise i wouldn’t get any of these skins…but what’s next…legendaries dropping from a chest aswell?

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: takatsu.9416


uhhh you guys realize that Anet responded to player complains?? didnt u see how many people were complaining about not being able to get anything? the drop rates of BLC so rare and they were spending hundreds of dollars into it? how bout all the extremely harsh things calling anet malicious and onwards? and not getting rewarded for being part of the halloween event… saying Anet is trying to make people spend their resources and onwards. there is so much complaining.

Yes the drop rates are a bit too much right now and people will be farming the heck out of this but Anet is trying to be really nice and give u guys things for free….. now you’re complaining you’re being given too much??? omg. that is just unreasonable.

also i dont think this will last forever. itll probably change by act 3

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


Well, did you even think about people who spent hundreds of gold crafting one to find a few days later they wasted hundreds of gold?
These exotics were meant to be crafted, they didn’t come from BLC or anything…so if they were gonna do this why make them craftable to begin with? I’m happy i got my arachnophobia for like 30g…but i feel sorry for those who spent hundreds for no reason at all.

(edited by Sleepy.2647)

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Augustwemust.9436


they are NOT lvl 80 though…

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


I’ve seen people linking precursors on chat during these events, not sure if trolling or if they drop aswell from the chest…oh god this is gonna be fun to watch

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: PlagueParade.7942


What is the 2nd act reward when you finish it? Or are these 2 chests considered to be them?

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


The two chests are from two events in mad king’s labyrinth, these events appear every half hour or so and chests have very high chance of dropping exotics, halloween ones from crafting included and probably legendary precursors too.
Either way, get your hands on these halloween skins now that they are cheap…because i believe this wasn’t intended.

(edited by Sleepy.2647)

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kressara.2059


there not level 80 because there only there for the skins

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


uhhh you guys realize that Anet responded to player complains?? didnt u see how many people were complaining about not being able to get anything? the drop rates of BLC so rare and they were spending hundreds of dollars into it? how bout all the extremely harsh things calling anet malicious and onwards? and not getting rewarded for being part of the halloween event… saying Anet is trying to make people spend their resources and onwards. there is so much complaining.

Yes the drop rates are a bit too much right now and people will be farming the heck out of this but Anet is trying to be really nice and give u guys things for free….. now you’re complaining you’re being given too much??? omg. that is just unreasonable.

also i dont think this will last forever. itll probably change by act 3

well its a assumption they listened to people for all we know they had this planned from the start but people complained up a storm on act 1 of 4 total acts.

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


New build incomming…possible fix to the “exploit”? Let’s see…
Meanwhile mad moon sells for 15g…the recipe costs more than that ^^

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Augustwemust.9436


and there goes the “fun”.

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


As you can see halloween exotics price has raised a lot since this patch, so get them while they are still “cheap”.

Halloween Exotics madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: ccdsurf.8639


can you buy/craft a mad moon that isn’t level 80?