Human female and clock tower
My female human kept bumping her head on invisible blocks and falling into the goo. Don’t know if this is the same problem you’re having.
Worst spot was jumping up to the last set of stairs before the clock, constantly failing because no matter where I jumped from I would hit my head and not make the jump. Didn’t have the problem on my female Norn.
I know I’m not allowed to but this one made me laugh a bit. I hope that’s okay for the spokespersons of the ‘giving feedback’-movement.
That’s an odd observation, but for some reason I felt the same when I switched from my human male main to female alt. The female character felt like she didn’t have as much power in her jump, didn’t jump as far or high as the male. With the male, I hardly ever had problems jumping onto the second cog, but with the female I always seem to fall just short of it. It’s not logical, but it does feel that way.
Probably due to the difference in character size and I’m jumping earlier than I normally would.
Yep. I couldnt get through the hole either.. Female Human, shortest smallest body.. :/
Ha ha you guys are funny. I’ve done it countless times on my famale character.
Had no problems doing this on female character. Asura however is a bit more difficult, but still doable.
It’s still strange I think. I couldn’t do it with any of my characters. Maybe it’s my keyboard.
It’s still strange I think. I couldn’t do it with any of my characters. Maybe it’s my keyboard.
Nah, i have that problem too. I made it to the end about 12 times now but not once have i been able to jump to the Clock Hole. Always crashing into the clock ( yes, crashing) and falling down to the acid pool.
Im using a Female Norn for all of my CT runs.
I don’t think this has anything to do with your gender/race. Seems to happen to a lot of people of all types.
In the video at 7:10, watch the pieces form into the jumping platform. Watch as they rotate, pause for a second, then finish. This is a sign that the instance is bugged. When this happens, you will not be able to jump through the window.
I’ve done it over 100 times and can confirm there’s no difference with human females.
I’ve always thought the same, my human female char doesn’t seem to physically make jumps when i jump from the same spot and same direction as someone else (this isn’t just for clock tower). And I end up being extremely jumping puzzle challenged. However, I think i’m just bad at it… because after many many tries, when I finally jump off the exact spot and face the exact right direction i made it… to my surprise. While others can just get it first try.
Is there anything that makes it harder on the human female model? Not sure… but, if my skills were better i could probably make certain jumps xD And i’m certain human female characters have finished the clock tower. it’s not really an absolute issue that makes us incapable of doing it xD
I’ve done it with a human female, a sylvari female, and a norn female, all seems the same to me, didn’t have any problems on the last jump.
Helped a friend with a normal height female human guardian…just did it fine…same with a norn…a char…and an asura :|
I had no problem with my female human, but I did it on the 26th, maybe there are glitches now.
Never had a problem with my character’s geometry causing me difficulty in the puzzle. Finished it about 20 minutes after I started.
Human female. Fun puzzle. Inform your friend that he’s bad at platformers.
Hm – no problem with female human here too. But you know that you have to wait until the glass is broken? Dont jump the first time you see the clock.
Issue for me appears to be latency, finally made it inside on the 5th try. Human female as well.
Human female, done it today about couple of hours ago without problems. Took me around 1 hour of tries. For me it was fun event.
Update: Made a Male Human yesterday, and do the CT puzzle perfectly in 1 try, got the end and just jump like usual and got in the hole. Change character right after to my Female Norn and got to the top in 1 try, jump like usual, hit the clock tower hole and fail to get in.
Something is definitely wrong here
I had the same problem with my asura female. failed 5-6 times before i notice
i have to run a bit and jump.
Never had this problem. Over 50 completions with female characters.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
Girls can’t jump, everybody knows that.
P.S. – Seriously, now, female sylvari have a point of contact with the ground that is about half a step behind them, when running. I’m not sure if human females do, too, but it’s possible, since the models seem to share some animations. This means you can usually jump when you’re already slightly off the platform, but it also means you’ll land half a step behind the place where you think you’ll be landing. Once you get used to it (practise on a non-timed puzzle) you’ll get the timing right.
P.P.S. – The clock hitbox face gets bugged, sometimes. If you jump into it (after it breaks, of course) and get teleported back to the start, leave the instance and go in again (making sure you didn’t get sent back into the same one – chek the names of other players in there).
Glass ceilings, now in your favorite online games . =D
Account sharing is illegal, as far as I know. Posting about doing it on an official forum isn’t the best possible thing one can do.
I did not know about that and completed Mad King Clock Tower with my human female. Glad I did not know.
Account sharing is illegal
So when did the government pass laws about video game accounts?