It's your choice!!

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

Wasabe and D W are missing a pretty basic point of contention here.
1 – ANet sent out an email saying black lion chests were stocked with Halloween items.
2 – The gem store itself had an add for black lion chests touting their Halloween upgrade.

This led people to rightfully assume THEY WOULD GET HALLOWEEN ITEMS FOR THEIR MONEY.

Yes, it sucks the weapon skins have a stupid low drop rate that most people weren’t exactly expecting given the nature of Anet’s Halloween events since…I don’t know…ever.

But remove those from the equation for a moment. And consider that people who spent good money on keys did not receive a single Halloween themed item at all . No candy corn, no trick or treat bags, absinthe, squash serum, witches brew, nothing.

Yes it was someone’s choice to buy 6 keys and they shouldn’t have rightfully expected to get all six weapons out of the gate. But with the promotions and advertising put out those people did have a right to expect something related to the event.

That was not an unreasonable expectation by any means given the information players had. And that’s why people feel slighted.

Consider for a moment publix always sells bags of their bakery cookies. And then puts out ads saying those bags have been stocked with girlscout cookies, so you go buy half a dozen or so. You don’t get any peanut butter patties or thin mints. Oh well, luck of the draw. But then you find out there was not one single girl scout cookie of any kind at all in any of the bags. That kittening sucks. People like girl scout cookies.

People understand it was a choice. And people are upset they were misled my marketing into making that choice.

This ^.

The advertisment did not state that these would be rare. The ad stated that these would be included in the chest drops. Does that mean they would have to be in each one? no. But when you see people tried and didn’t get one out of 50-100 does that seem fair? NO. We got a ton of stuff that we didn’t even care about. If we cared about it we would have bought the keys before the event. People bought these for the event.

When a company miss advertises the customer has every right to complain and be upset. That is a difference to your concept of entitlement.

I don’t expect to get everything in the game. However I truly feel they used Miss leading advertising to get a ton of money from their customer base.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SmOkE.2805


Here is a hint for everyone and anyone complaining: It’s a “GAME” if you don’t like it, don’t play it. Don’t try to get a skin from a BLC. Do dungeons, PVP, WvW. Don’t participate in the Halloween event, then guess what, you have nothing to kitten about…

Pretty effin simple….

the complaints are about the real money. Real money isn’t ‘a game’.
The mistake made here was that they thought people would accpet the same droprates for real money event items, as they do for dungeon drops or so.
reality check: they don’t.

And to take your own advice: it’s a FORUM. if you don’t like people saying things you don’t want to hear, don’t read them. Just as effin simple I would say.

1) Make more money, don’t be a broke kitten !! If you can’t afford it don’t buy it?? (not directed at you, just in general.)
2) Agreed…

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: takatsu.9416


Okay understood, so people aren’t getting anything related to halloween in the BLC and this is like false advertising. That i can agree with. And Anet should include more halloween stuff inside these BLC, regardless of rarity. But if it’s about skins, don’t complain about it

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: igmolicious.5986


Here is a hint for everyone and anyone complaining: It’s a “GAME” if you don’t like it, don’t play it. Don’t try to get a skin from a BLC. Do dungeons, PVP, WvW. Don’t participate in the Halloween event, then guess what, you have nothing to kitten about…

Pretty effin simple….

I think people are just trying to give some constructive criticism. The fact of the matter remains that the more money people pump into ANet, the more money they will have to improve the game. If folks are dissuaded from spending money, that hurts everyone in the long run. While there may be some people who are demanding some sort of compensation (which I personally think is a bit unrealistic), most of us are just trying to let ANet know ways that they could improve future events.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Telenn.6945


As much of the items in gw2 are supposed to be won via gambling with real life money the odds for each item needs to be stated. That how gambling works surely.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DumpTruck.2945


but the fact is that people aren’t giving constructive criticism. they are whining and moaning they they didn’t get anything. and saying that Anet prayed on their weaknesses. if it were more constructive than their wouldn’t be so much civil unrest in the community.

Bleedingmascara – Lvl 80 Ranger
Fort ASSpenwood – The Many Beards of Liam Neeson[MBLN]

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wasabee.5031


Please don’t mix up between constructive feedback/opinion and whinning.

And you know the difference.

People do appreciate constructive feedback, criticism but not whinning.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


Although I agree that the whining is ridiculous in nearly all cases on these forums, I disagree with your post to stop them.

From a business stand point, the loud few who complain are very important for providing valuable feedback. When I first got a job working as a customer service agent for an American cell company (I am Canadian, not that it matters), I was told that the customers who hurt the company most are the amiable ones. That is, the customers who are disgruntled by something, but keep quiet about it.

That aside, as a fellow player, I think the whining in the past couple of days regarding purchasing keys and complaints about posting in pacific time zone instead of GMT are some of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. I agree with the analogy to a lottery ticket.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: igmolicious.5986


I’m not going to argue on the constructive criticism and whining — there is, and always will be, both present. I’ll just say that most people aren’t making demands of ANet, they’re just stating their disappointment in a facet of the game, and letting them know what would alleviate that disappointment.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


What people seem to forget is that Anet prayed upon GW1 past and line their pockets with this. Had they stated it was a rare drop and not simply a chance then I could have agreed with them. They didnt and took advantage of a previous relationship and burnt trust and loyalty in one swoop.
No I havent got keys nor would i buy them.It seems like a shady deal to earn a quick buck at throwing 8 years under the GW2 bus.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jerlis.1507


There is no other option but gambling and this is why makes people whine. Give an alternative option and everyone will be happy

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: igmolicious.5986


What people seem to forget is that Anet prayed upon GW1 past and line their pockets with this. Had they stated it was a rare drop and not simply a chance then I could have agreed with them. They didnt and took advantage of a previous relationship and burnt trust and loyalty in one swoop.
No I havent got keys nor would i buy them.It seems like a shady deal to earn a quick buck at throwing 8 years under the GW2 bus.

Again, I really don’t think that was an intention. I’m definitely willing to give ANet the benefit of the doubt on this, as they have a great track record for being customer-conscious. I think in this one regard, they kind of dropped the ball in terms of thinking the process through from the consumer’s perspective.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: rickets.1386


People like the OP are missing the point. I don’t care about my $30. But, Anet gave me and many others absolutely NO incentive to spend more money ever again. It’s going to be hard to make money and keep the game running if you don’t give the people willing to spend money a reason to do it.

And for the stubborn people that won’t spend real money ever and come into these forums and call us dumb and whatnot…who do you think is paying for these content updates…that’s right it’s the players who will spend real money to support a game they enjoy. Do you honestly think it’s in Anet’s best interest to anger people who are willing to buy Gems, we are voicing our opinions in hopes Anet will want to make better business decisions in the future.

rickets 80 elementalist
crickits 80 ranger
crickets 80 warrior – current main

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shenrei.2057


This honestly doesn’t surprise me. Gambling is something that should only be done when you have lots of disposable income.

I haven’t bought a single key and I’m happy about that. What can you expect really when NEXON is in charge of the cash shop.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: EnemyCrusher.7324


GW1 odds were different from these…

What were the odds of…
Getting a minipet from a Zaishen Strongbox or a Gift of the Traveler?
Getting an Armbrace from a Coffer of Whispers?
Getting a Crystalline Sword from the chest in the Hall of Heroes?
Getting an everlasting tonic from the Zaishen chest?
Getting a Mini Polar Bear from the Wintersday chest?
Getting a Frog Scepter from Bogroot Growths?
Getting a Voltaic Spear from Slavers’ Exile?
Getting a Bone Dragon Staff?

People were fine with gambling for rare items in GW1. Now that they can see each other whining about it on official forums, they all seem to feel entitled to all rare items with no gambling and little effort.

Light of Honor [Lite] – Founder / Warmaster
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


GW1 odds were different from these…

What were the odds of…
Getting a minipet from a Zaishen Strongbox or a Gift of the Traveler?
Getting an Armbrace from a Coffer of Whispers?
Getting a Crystalline Sword from the chest in the Hall of Heroes?
Getting an everlasting tonic from the Zaishen chest?
Getting a Mini Polar Bear from the Wintersday chest?
Getting a Frog Scepter from Bogroot Growths?
Getting a Voltaic Spear from Slavers’ Exile?
Getting a Bone Dragon Staff?

People were fine with gambling for rare items in GW1. Now that they can see each other whining about it on official forums, they all seem to feel entitled to all rare items with no gambling and little effort.

Could you buy Coffer of Whispers from the cash shop?

The Kismet

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Snerf.1650


GW1 odds were different from these…

What were the odds of…
Getting a minipet from a Zaishen Strongbox or a Gift of the Traveler?
Getting an Armbrace from a Coffer of Whispers?
Getting a Crystalline Sword from the chest in the Hall of Heroes?
Getting an everlasting tonic from the Zaishen chest?
Getting a Mini Polar Bear from the Wintersday chest?
Getting a Frog Scepter from Bogroot Growths?
Getting a Voltaic Spear from Slavers’ Exile?
Getting a Bone Dragon Staff?

People were fine with gambling for rare items in GW1. Now that they can see each other whining about it on official forums, they all seem to feel entitled to all rare items with no gambling and little effort.

Were these things sold in a cash shop?

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DumpTruck.2945


no-one forced your hand in spending cash. there is an option to buy gems with gold. if you burned through your gold (such as i did) and resorted to buying with cash that is your choice not the devs. i stopped when i dropped my account gold down to 50silver and decided if i didn’t get one by then i wouldn’t get one. i haven’t spent cash and i understand the disappointment, but seriously if you spent cash you only have yourself to blame.

Bleedingmascara – Lvl 80 Ranger
Fort ASSpenwood – The Many Beards of Liam Neeson[MBLN]

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Snerf.1650


no-one forced your hand in spending cash. there is an option to buy gems with gold. if you burned through your gold (such as i did) and resorted to buying with cash that is your choice not the devs. i stopped when i dropped my account gold down to 50silver and decided if i didn’t get one by then i wouldn’t get one. i haven’t spent cash and i understand the disappointment, but seriously if you spent cash you only have yourself to blame.

I haven’t spent cash on this, and many people echoing me haven’t either.

It is the principle that we are fighting against. We aren’t sad because we got burnt, we stayed away from the practice while commenting to Anet in these forums our issue.

People that don’t make their voices heard are begging to be ignored.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


I’m not fond of a lottery system to get items in a game. I’m strongly against a lottery with real world money to get items in a game. As such, I have chosen to not support it, and thus not buy any key.

In other hand, those who bought a lot of keys were not doing it for charity. Most likely were doing so hoping they would be among the few to get a rare skin, and thus be able to sell it for a very high price at the Trading House, making a profit considerably bigger than they would have if they had simply converted the gems to gold.

This is why all the complaints from those who bought a lot of keys are, IMO, hipocrisy. It’s one thing to say, “I do not agree with a lottery system so I won’t support it”. It’s something entirely different to say, “I agree with a lottery system as long as I get a lot of rare stuff and the others don’t”. Those who bought a lot of keys thinking it would be an easy path to rare and valuable skins got exactly what they paid for.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Snerf.1650


I’m not fond of a lottery system to get items in a game. I’m strongly against a lottery with real world money to get items in a game. As such, I have chosen to not support it, and thus not buy any key.

In other hand, those who bought a lot of keys were not doing it for charity. Most likely were doing so hoping they would be among the few to get a rare skin, and thus be able to sell it for a very high price at the Trading House, making a profit considerably bigger than they would have if they had simply converted the gems to gold.

This is why all the complaints from those who bought a lot of keys are, IMO, hipocrisy. It’s one thing to say, “I do not agree with a lottery system so I won’t support it”. It’s something entirely different to say, “I agree with a lottery system as long as I get a lot of rare stuff and the others don’t”. Those who bought a lot of keys thinking it would be an easy path to rare and valuable skins got exactly what they paid for.

No one here is saying that they did this though. Most people are regular players who have saved up a few keys through normal play that find it unacceptable that rewards are being given only to the extremely luck or extremely rich. That’s just poor design.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: igmolicious.5986


no-one forced your hand in spending cash. there is an option to buy gems with gold. if you burned through your gold (such as i did) and resorted to buying with cash that is your choice not the devs. i stopped when i dropped my account gold down to 50silver and decided if i didn’t get one by then i wouldn’t get one. i haven’t spent cash and i understand the disappointment, but seriously if you spent cash you only have yourself to blame.

A few others have said it, but I’ll repeat it as well, most folks who spent money don’t so much mind that they spent money. We are just lacking incentive to spend any MORE money. I’m personally happy to spend money on something I enjoy, so long as I feel like I am getting something for my money. I don’t regret spending money on keys, I just don’t see myself buying any more keys with the current system. I’d wager to say that’s the general feeling of the majority of folks who have issues with the chest gamble system. We’d LIKE a reason to give ANet our money, but there really isn’t one right now.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DumpTruck.2945


i support the constructive criticism, but i do not support the whining and the people that claim to be victimized. if you are upset, conduct your unrest with logical and conclusive explanations. not this unrelenting banter about being scammed and abused by a system that YOU have the choice to use. You are responsible for your own actions not the developers of the game.

Bleedingmascara – Lvl 80 Ranger
Fort ASSpenwood – The Many Beards of Liam Neeson[MBLN]

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Snerf.1650


i support the constructive criticism, but i do not support the whining and the people that claim to be victimized. if you are upset, conduct your unrest with logical and conclusive explanations. not this unrelenting banter about being scammed and abused by a system that YOU have the choice to use. You are responsible for your own actions not the developers of the game.

I’m quite curious as to what you see as whining and what you see ans constructive. I’ve seen very little whining and lots of constructive criticism myself.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Entity.3408


I didn’t waste any money on the keys as I waited to see what happened to others. Needless to say, I won’t be picking up those 5 keys I considered.

Though I do think everyone has a right to complain as long as they don’t just spit venom in their posts. This is feedback for Anet and it’s at least some vent for the ones who did decide to spend silly amounts of money/gold on keys.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DumpTruck.2945


well if you have read any of the post that has 800+ replies. the general consensus is that the devs took advantage of their addiction to gambling and they prayed on the weak. and now the ones that are “spitting venom” are now in game using exploits to block other players from enjoying the other 90% of the event. the BLC were just a small fraction of the event and now we can’t enjoy the rest.

Bleedingmascara – Lvl 80 Ranger
Fort ASSpenwood – The Many Beards of Liam Neeson[MBLN]

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


RNG (Random Number Generator) is a staple device used by every MMO. If you haven’t run into it before, this will be a good lesson regarding how it works. Random is random. You could get a weapon skin in the first chest you open, or you could not see one until you’d opened 1,000 chests.

I’m not surprised that some people are disappointed. I was disappointed the first and second and yes, third time I bought keys to open BLC chests. But I stopped there.

I’m seeing posts from people who have opened 80, 300 or more chests and who are now posting that they’re really upset. I’d be really upset, too, but at myself for being silly enough to keep going beyond the point that I could financially or emotionally afford.

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: dahkot.3579


I’m just waiting for the first person to whine about the devs preying on their addiction to video games and making it require time to play , then more time to play more.

I knew the AN devs were sitting around in a dark room plotting to try and ruin folks lives , first it will be Gamblers Anonymous needed , then Gamers Anonymous , finally it will drive people to drink more and AA meetings required.

The AN offices should be picketed immediatley for their lack of sensitivity.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


no-one forced your hand in spending cash. there is an option to buy gems with gold. if you burned through your gold (such as i did) and resorted to buying with cash that is your choice not the devs. i stopped when i dropped my account gold down to 50silver and decided if i didn’t get one by then i wouldn’t get one. i haven’t spent cash and i understand the disappointment, but seriously if you spent cash you only have yourself to blame.

I did spend cash. I don’t mind spending cash to support Anet and future content. But that’s not what this is about. Even though I buy gems with supporting the game in mind, it’s not a charity donation. I expect to get something for that money. Namely I expect what is advertised. In this case it was Halloween “stuff” from the Black Lion chests. Not getting something rare I can deal with. But getting nothing Halloween related at all after opening 20-30 makes me feel taken advantage of. Plain and simple. I never cared for Black Lion chests. I bought them for this specific holiday, for the themed festive stuff specifically.

I used girl scout cookies as an example before and I will again: Every year people buy girl scout cookies because 1.) they are good 2.) even though there are equally good cookies elsewhere, the money is supporting something. Now pretend you buy $60 in girlscout cookies and when they deliver them you actually get some walmart brand cup-cakes. Well you didn’t buy cup-cakes, you didn’t want Walmart brand stuff. You bought girlscout cookies and that’s not what was delivered. For a lot of people, this will make them rethink supporting that organization in the future.

Beings fans doesnt mean you shouldnt have expectations of a company as a consumer.

The Kismet

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: dahkot.3579


no-one forced your hand in spending cash. there is an option to buy gems with gold. if you burned through your gold (such as i did) and resorted to buying with cash that is your choice not the devs. i stopped when i dropped my account gold down to 50silver and decided if i didn’t get one by then i wouldn’t get one. i haven’t spent cash and i understand the disappointment, but seriously if you spent cash you only have yourself to blame.

I did spend cash. I don’t mind spending cash to support Anet and future content. But that’s not what this is about. Even though I buy gems with supporting the game in mind, it’s not a charity donation. I expect to get something for that money. Namely I expect what is advertised. In this case it was Halloween “stuff” from the Black Lion chests. Not getting something rare I can deal with. But getting nothing Halloween related at all after opening 20-30 makes me feel taken advantage of. Plain and simple. I never cared for Black Lion chests. I bought them for this specific holiday, for the themed festive stuff specifically.

I used girl scout cookies as an example before and I will again: Every year people buy girl scout cookies because 1.) they are good 2.) even though there are equally good cookies elsewhere, the money is supporting something. Now pretend you buy $60 in girlscout cookies and when they deliver them you actually get some walmart brand cup-cakes. Well you didn’t buy cup-cakes, you didn’t want Walmart brand stuff. You bought girlscout cookies and that’s not what was delivered. For a lot of people, this will make them rethink supporting that organization in the future.

Beings fans doesnt mean you shouldnt have expectations of a company as a consumer.

Example doesnt stand up for a second.

If the Girl Scouts that sold you the cookies told you as you bought them that you were buying a chance , and chance only , to get Girl Scout cookies , otherwise would be generic crap then yes its the same.

AN didnt suddenly bait and switch , they said all along it was a chance.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DumpTruck.2945


@dahkot thank you was going to say the same.

Bleedingmascara – Lvl 80 Ranger
Fort ASSpenwood – The Many Beards of Liam Neeson[MBLN]

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


Example doesnt stand up for a second.

If the Girl Scouts that sold you the cookies told you as you bought them that you were buying a chance , and chance only , to get Girl Scout cookies , otherwise would be generic crap then yes its the same.

AN didnt suddenly bait and switch , they said all along it was a chance.

No the example DOES stand. Thats what people are failing to get. Anet sent me an email saying Black Lion chests were stocked with Halloween things. They had a banner in the market advertising the chests.

People reasonably believed that the chests would be halloween themed. No where was anyone told the only things in the chests would be rare skins with a 0.05% drop rate.

I was expecting tonics, consumable food, party items, alcohol. Anything of the like. Thats what is insinuated when you tell people something is “stocked” with holiday themed things.

You are viewing this from the percetion of knowing the weapons were the only themed things in there, and that they were known to have a low drop rate. Neither of which are true or could have been discerned from the marketing that players had.

The Kismet

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Snerf.1650


If the girl scouts sold bags that had a 1% chance of giving cookies and a 99% chance of giving dirt. But didn’t tell people that they had a 99% chance of getting dirt. I bet you tons of people would be mad.

That’s what is happening here. And that’s why we have a legitimate complaint.

Personally, I would even go farther and prevent that stuff from happening in the first place. Make it simple. You pay x dollars, you get y service or product. That’s all. Fair and transparent business.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: dahkot.3579


@dahkot thank you was going to say the same.

All I have to say is that might be the best guild name I have ever seen. If I wasn’t in one a really enjoyed already I would immediately transfer and sign up for the MBLN.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wyrdthane.6801


if your sick of reading about it, then dont read about it..


It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


I have only seen 1 post, in another thread, that mentions gambling as an addiction. Gambling does stuff the brain, blah blah blah. The majority of the complaints are not that we are being preyed up, just that we feel taken advantage of. Yes, it was our choice. Yes, we made that choice. Does that change the fact that we trusted Anet to ensure that we didn’t feel screwed over that choice? No. We put real money into a Game, expecting at least a reasonable return for it. We didn’t get that return. We didn’t get any return. Just a “Thanks for your cash!”

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lucif.2479


I’ve played plenty of free to play games with a cash shop that sold packs that dropped rare stuff at a really low rate. Like REALLY low. It ranged from .01%-.03%. It’s like 50 bucks for a 100 or something. I’ve opened over 7000 of these packs and didn’t get a single rare item lol (on a private server of course). Barely anyone complained because they knew the risks. If you’ve opened 5 black lion chests and didn’t get anything don’t you think that either the rate is low or you’re unlucky? At what point do you realize “oh gee the rate is low” yet some people continue to open 10, then 15 then 20 then 30 packs :/. That’s called stupidity or addiction.

Furthermore from a business standpoint, if ANET were to make the drop rate 100% then they would definitely not be making good profit. It also makes these rare drops from these chests more ‘rare’. Hey it gives you something to work for right? Weren’t people complaining about the longevity of the game? Go farm gold or something and get more keys. If you got everything right away you’d run out of things to do and gosh i do not want to see anymore of those threads lol.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DumpTruck.2945


@dahkot thank you was going to say the same.

All I have to say is that might be the best guild name I have ever seen. If I wasn’t in one a really enjoyed already I would immediately transfer and sign up for the MBLN.

thanks i appreciate that. we only have like 8 active players all our other guildys left after a month of playing to play borderlands 2 we are trying to get leader and are going to start recruiting soon.

Bleedingmascara – Lvl 80 Ranger
Fort ASSpenwood – The Many Beards of Liam Neeson[MBLN]

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wasabee.5031


“Jackpot today is $100 million dollars, by buying this ticket, you will have A CHANCE to win that $100 million dollars” sounds familiar?

Greed driving, people went all out, spent thousands of dollars for tickets and watched thousands of dollars went down the drain. Who to blame here? You made the decision to spend your money for that tickets.

In this game, you can farm items, sell them and use gold to trade for gems, then gems for keys or you can choose to use $$$ to buy gems then gems for keys. It’s your choice. Once you made the choice, don’t whine if things go against what you wish/hope for.

You play against possibility/statistic here. If you see A CHANCE and think that you can get it with the set amount of money, (no offended) you need to go back to school and study statistic again. That’s what RNG for. You bet your money on RNG system, you have to foresee the consequences.

You can voice your opinion in a constructive feedback to ANET to improve the game but whining about ANET rip off, mislead, etc. IMO is not supportable.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kaderin.7584


Main point is that it’s not “fun” for anyone seeing as that the amount of gold wasted on “chance” is ridiculously low, the OP himself said that he grinded for the weapon with hardwork, but the problem here is that ASIDE from hard work there is a ridiculous low chance to “play lottery” and get it.

I bet that if Jormag’s breath needed to farm mats AND then you had to play lottery to get it such as from the mystic forge that the OP wouldnt find it very funny either.

It’s sickening to read this kind of fanaticism, you love the game and thats great but it doesnt mean that the game its perfect, and if it does something to take the fun away for other people they are entitled to express so.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DumpTruck.2945


I’ve played plenty of free to play games with a cash shop that sold packs that dropped rare stuff at a really low rate. Like REALLY low. It ranged from .01%-.03%. It’s like 50 bucks for a 100 or something. I’ve opened over 7000 of these packs and didn’t get a single rare item lol (on a private server of course). Barely anyone complained because they knew the risks. If you’ve opened 5 black lion chests and didn’t get anything don’t you think that either the rate is low or you’re unlucky? At what point do you realize “oh gee the rate is low” yet some people continue to open 10, then 15 then 20 then 30 packs :/. That’s called stupidity or addiction.

Furthermore from a business standpoint, if ANET were to make the drop rate 100% then they would definitely not be making good profit. It also makes these rare drops from these chests more ‘rare’. Hey it gives you something to work for right? Weren’t people complaining about the longevity of the game? Go farm gold or something and get more keys. If you got everything right away you’d run out of things to do and gosh i do not want to see anymore of those threads lol.

I have the same opinion the only reason why I’m “complaining about the complainers” is because it is now spilling out of the forum into the game, resulting in grievers bugging out events and making it almost impossible for anyone to enjoy the other parts of the event. yes it sucks you spent money and got nothing but that is the way of gambling. Anet may or may not “fix” the unrest but it hasn’t even been 24 hours into the event. they haven’t had nearly enough time to try and fix anything. I’m presuming their PR team is working on a statement to the community and also trying to figure out how they are going to fix the mess. if something is jacked up, you can’t fix it on the spot. there are steps to fix and prevent the problem from happening. now lets just sit back and see what Anet decides to do.. they may surprise us with what they have to say and what they are going to do to fix this.

Bleedingmascara – Lvl 80 Ranger
Fort ASSpenwood – The Many Beards of Liam Neeson[MBLN]

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


well if you have read any of the post that has 800+ replies. the general consensus is that the devs took advantage of their addiction to gambling and they prayed on the weak. and now the ones that are “spitting venom” are now in game using exploits to block other players from enjoying the other 90% of the event. the BLC were just a small fraction of the event and now we can’t enjoy the rest.

that’s not the general consensus, that’s you highlighting the posts you handpick.

The whole addiction thing to gambling was a side track of a few posts, not the large majority at all.

Spitting venom suggests we’re griefing without reason.
You’re spitting venom with your very post of exagerating… if people don’t agree they often don’t take the other serious, as you fall to now.

I’m not sure who the npc blockers and such are in the game right now.
But the more you link them to the people complaininghere, the more it will become the outlet to do so. Enforcing it yourself here.

You might want to consider that things like blocking npc’s simpl start because someone discovers that they can. Simple as that. It’s fun for many.
Just like you seem to exagerate and pull things out of proportion here, it seems fun for you as well to grief others when they disagree with you.

It’s clear I’m rather against the whole affair, I’ve proven that rahter a lot tonight.
But i can guarantee you I would never ever grief another player over it in game.
So let it be very clear, that if they are indeed the very griefers of the BLC affair, that i don’t support them ruining the game experience of others.
Their beef is with Anet, not the players.

I try to reason with inflamatory people like you here on the forums where the discussion belongs.

And it’s not about how big a % the BLC affair is in the total event, that’s besides the point.
It’s about getting in-game drop rates, when you’re invited to spend real money for event items.
People don’t accept the same low drop chance as they do in the game itself, not when they are spending real money on it.
That’s the heart of the matter.

If this many customers are not happy, something was done wrong. If you think they are right or wrong isn’t relevant to them.
Companies shouldn’t do things that make their most paying customers this angry.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rustavin.4205


The issue is not choice. The issue is informed choice. No odds posted? No informed choice. (That applies to analogies from lottery tickets to Las Vegas, by the way. All of which have very precise numbers freely available, before you lay down a single red cent.)

It’s a low-information scam. Legal, yes, at least for the moment; in several countries there’s pending legislation that may change that. But no less a scam for its legality.

This game’s real-money aspect wears thinner and thinner all the time.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lucif.2479


well if you have read any of the post that has 800+ replies. the general consensus is that the devs took advantage of their addiction to gambling and they prayed on the weak. and now the ones that are “spitting venom” are now in game using exploits to block other players from enjoying the other 90% of the event. the BLC were just a small fraction of the event and now we can’t enjoy the rest.

that’s not the general consensus, that’s you highlighting the posts you handpick.

I agree. General rule of humanity: when something goes wrong you tell 8 people, when something goes good you tell 3 or something along the lines of that. I half pay attention in class lol. Those posts with 800+ posts are probably all the same people arguing with each other and their mothers anyways. blah

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DumpTruck.2945


I’ll give you the benefit in saying that the majority of the grievers are just doing it because they found it out or think it is funny.

my main concern is that the outcry for a reward for spending a certain amount of money or gold that was spent on a chance at an item is ludicrous. the community is upset yes and in my more recent post i stated that i presume that the devs and PR team may be coming up with a “fix” for this.

it is too soon to tell whether or not they are just trying to make a quick buck or were oblivious. something is going to happen soon and it is too soon to make judgements on the Anet and Ncsoft team.

Bleedingmascara – Lvl 80 Ranger
Fort ASSpenwood – The Many Beards of Liam Neeson[MBLN]

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DumpTruck.2945


and yes it was a mistake on my part to point out the worst of the posts. i do apologize for that. but in general this whole thing is based off of less than 24 hours of the patch. things will be fixed and things will not. only time will tell what is going to happen..

Bleedingmascara – Lvl 80 Ranger
Fort ASSpenwood – The Many Beards of Liam Neeson[MBLN]

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


I’ll give you the benefit in saying that the majority of the grievers are just doing it because they found it out or think it is funny.

my main concern is that the outcry for a reward for spending a certain amount of money or gold that was spent on a chance at an item is ludicrous. the community is upset yes and in my more recent post i stated that i presume that the devs and PR team may be coming up with a “fix” for this.

it is too soon to tell whether or not they are just trying to make a quick buck or were oblivious. something is going to happen soon and it is too soon to make judgements on the Anet and Ncsoft team.

On that level I can completely relate to what you’re saying.

It’s not ‘too soon’ for me, since i think they already made a big mistake in my eyes. But of course the only important thing from here on is how they will handle the situation next, as you rightfully state.

They can completely turn it around if they want, or simply admit they were wrong here or there and promise to be more clear in the future.
Or they could do nothing… (which I find the least likely scenario).

Currently in the overflow so can’t check the griefers myself yet.

What is a bit dangeorus about the complaints about them is that if you link them too much to the BLC affair, they will become the BLC affair. And than it will get worse, just out of sheer spite.

Without going into much detail, but do you happen to know about the Braindeadly Youtube contract drama a while back?
Doesn’t matter if you don’t, but simple version is: because a WoW hunter movie maker couldn’t get out of a contract with a Youtube company, all of a sudden all his fans started disliking filmclips other game moviemakers produced.
To hurt the company, they massively hurted and ruined clips gamers made. Mass disliking a Youtube clip the minute it is launched, totally ruins it forever by the way.

I would hate such a thing to happen here, that the event is ruined for players because of a mistake or misjudgement the company made.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DumpTruck.2945


yes i remember that youtube nonsense and of course the community has an adverse affect on the game and companies. that is why I’m will to “bet” the dev team and PR are franticly working to fix this before they lose all the support they worked so hard to get in the first place. i am also upset that i didn’t get anything but i know i was taking a risk and i have only myself to blame. i’m not on here trying to get my money back or demand compensation, i’m just trying to talk some sense into people that aren’t being realistic of the time constraints of developing a fix and writing an official response to the community.

Bleedingmascara – Lvl 80 Ranger
Fort ASSpenwood – The Many Beards of Liam Neeson[MBLN]