Mad Mems: only for high level characters
Ask a friend with a high level character to help you? A single level 80 could clear it out and get you to them.
Yeah, get help. Or strip naked and make the run!
There has been many low levels that made it :P avoiding and stuff and stripping naked xD i went to Orr on my level 30 like that XD didnt die too much. there’s also lots of players and zergs in those areas getting pages. Of course best if you have a guild and join other higher level players. After all this game is about collaboration, with all our DE and group stuff. It’s not REQUIRED though, bc u can make the run naked like others have done :P
What about Act III? Is it over after Act II or is there more? Maybe the end of it requires a level 80 solo fight? What’s the use in running it if I get something I can’t use because I’m too low level?
I haven’t explored Harathi Hinterlands on any character, so you’re advising me to basically spoil the whole map by using an online map to figure out where to run — or else you’re advising me to try and explore an entire level 45-55 map naked.
And for what? What do I get at the end? A level 80 back brace I won’t be able to equip for weeks or months?
Was it ever mentioned anywhere that you had to be a high level character to complete this quest? I now find out I wasted all my time spent on this over the last week. Boo on Anet, and thanks for nothing.
I like that the event takes you to different zones, it was more fun that way. I dont understand where the sense of entitlement of every low level mules comes from suddenly, the game had content you cant do at lower levels, the events are no different. Do the stuff with characters that are high enough, get help from other players or if you actually dont have a character high enough enjoy the rest of the game since there is plenty of it left, and do the rest of the event next year.
The book says completed edition i don’t think there are any more book page related quests. And i believe right now the Mad King Labryinth is quite pointless but Act 3 will probably take place in there? so everyone would be boosted and scaled to level 80 to participate. That would only make sense or else the boost to 80 is kind of unnecessary. So keep your hopes up.
There are players who don’t explore maps at all and only focus on levelling/farming etc. I think Anet is right to force people to explore certain maps they haven’t been to. hopefully other holidays in the future will feature non-human zones or something. I don’t think the game should only about levelling and stuff like that. This is asking players to explore these zones.
Low levels is tough, but do you think they can just leave everything in starting zones? There wouldn’t be even enough space to hide things. That would be immensely boring for everyone. I think it makes it even more fun for low levels bc its the risk of being one shotted like life and death and it was mad fun when i had to use everything i’ve got and carefully take a long time to make my way to Orr without getting ANY aggro at all. I think that makes the game interesting.
I can’t see why everyone wants everything handed on a platter or spoon fed. People also complain about not knowing where to go, even though there are guides and info online from ppl nice enough to provide it, or try to think of what clues mean.
The tougher it is, the more fun it is. like the clock tower, its like 99% fail rate, which is FUN. because its challenging but also u see everyone fall with you XD and its funny. when you do make it bc u fluke it its just like the most amazing funniest thing ever.
Can’t we be optimistic and enjoy some of these things? Not everything should be spoon fed. Esp not a halloween event. esp because halloween should be scary and dangerous.
Takatsu is not about being spoon fed everything. There are various ways to make something fun or harder without having to throw the lower levels into 30-40-50-60 zones.
If it had been an event that would go on for say the next 2-3 weeks, or just some random special event for the higher levels then yeah i would completely agree with you. But its not, its a holiday event, and it should be for everyone. It wont happen again untill a year from now, and whos to say we’ll be around for that.
Who said anything about being entitled? I’m offended by that remark. I simply want to be told ahead of time I’m not ready for something.
I did it on my level 10 without a problem so… yeah it’s called gets your friends and your guild mates to help you
Takatsu is not about being spoon fed everything. There are various ways to make something fun or harder without having to throw the lower levels into 30-40-50-60 zones.
As I see it the completed memoirs are intended for mid level characters. I conclude that from the placement of the various memoir chapters in mid level zones. I am glad did not slap required levels on the quest so someone that wants to get help from friends has a chance at getting it this year instead of waiting for halloween 2013.
Sadly too many players see it differently. I just hope when they design the next holiday events decides to go with level requirements instead of restricting their designs to the newbie zones to make sure every level 5 can get there.
I did it on my level 10 without a problem so… yeah it’s called gets your friends and your guild mates to help you
Then please, post the screenshot of you with the act 2 book.
This was just more bs from anet.
Also yes you could have it in low level areas. There are too many that have no one in them. Put 3 books in each starting area, and you can completely avoid the artificial level requirement that was put in for no more reason than to arbitrarily make this event as screwed up as possible. think the lore might not fit. Sure, sparkfly fits..but not ascalon? Please, anyone that mentions lore hasn’t a clue about the lore.
My sister did it on her level 11 Ranger, lol. Seriously, this is too hard for you?
This should not be a problem since you don’t have to fight anything to get these pages. Also, it’s not ANet fault that you are low lvl, lvling is very fast in GW2. And as others mentioned before, you could just ask someone to help you get there. Since the Act 2 book is called “Mad Memoires: Complete Edition” I don’t think Act 3 or 4 will bring new pages into the world.
Its entirely possible to do it on a lower level character even without a guild / guide. Just run your way to each objective avoiding enemies (you don’t have to avoid combat entirely as long as you keep away from projectile enemies, enemies won’t catch you as long as you don’t engage in combat even if they’re chasing you), and once you reach the entrance of the area wait for a higher level player or two to come by and follow behind them the whole way. If you have any support abilities, be nice and use those to at least help somewhat even though you won’t be able to damage enemies and should avoid actual combat. And obviously use a guide, you can’t really afford to be searching around at a level where enemies murder you.
I’m not saying it isn’t annoying, not at all. I would have absolutely preferred an event thats fully available to all players (the way that the Mad Realm is available to all players via level scaling ala PvP). I’m firmly of the belief that holiday events should be open to all. But, ya know, make the best of what you’re given.
This should not be a problem since you don’t have to fight anything to get these pages. Also, it’s not ANet fault that you are low lvl, lvling is very fast in GW2. And as others mentioned before, you could just ask someone to help you get there. Since the Act 2 book is called “Mad Memoires: Complete Edition” I don’t think Act 3 or 4 will bring new pages into the world.
My problem isn’t that it’s a different level. It’s not even Anets fault. I blame myself on thinking about it further. I expected the same company that we had in gw1. That is my own fault. Now that I know what I’m dealing with though I will just adjust my own habits accordingly.
I’m sorry, but this is entirely false.
I’ve completed the scavenger hunt 100% on a level 9 (first half) then at level 14 (second half). It was a blast! Popped on Demon’s Souls soundtrack, and made it an intense journey.
I also did it with a level 4 (first half), and plan to complete it as a level 9 (second half) with my other alt.
It wasn’t nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. Just make sure you go by water as often as you can, pick up -close- waypoints, and if there are fights wait around until you see a few level appropriate players go in first then follow behind them.
The -only- time I had a problem was in Bloodtide Coast with the Risen Kraits since they were ranged. I just chose a different path since there are two different zone ins you can go to.
Not at ALL for higher levels. I’ll post screenshots with my books to prove it if necessary.
EDIT Added Screenshots. I’m level 15, because afterwards I went ahead and did a few heart quests
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
This should not be a problem since you don’t have to fight anything to get these pages. Also, it’s not ANet fault that you are low lvl, lvling is very fast in GW2. And as others mentioned before, you could just ask someone to help you get there. Since the Act 2 book is called “Mad Memoires: Complete Edition” I don’t think Act 3 or 4 will bring new pages into the world.
If you are in the area you get attacked on some of the events. I think it would be great if the next phase requires completing all of the temple events to complete. That would actually be pretty funny.
I’m sorry, but this is entirely false.
I’ve completed the scavenger hunt 100% on a level 9 (first half) then at level 14 (second half). It was a blast! Popped on Demon’s Souls soundtrack, and made it an intense journey.
I also did it with a level 4 (first half), and plan to complete it as a level 9 (second half) with my other alt.
It wasn’t nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. Just make sure you go by water as often as you can, pick up -close- waypoints, and if there are fights wait around until you see a few level appropriate players go in first then follow behind them.
The -only- time I had a problem was in Bloodtide Coast with the Risen Kraits since they were ranged. I just chose a different path since there are two different zones you can go to.
Not at ALL for higher levels. I’ll post screenshots with my books to prove it if necessary.
I tried waiting, but veteran shadow skelk spawn on the boat. They shadow step to me and one shot me, on my level 30. Again, my own fault though.
Total length of Halloween event = 10 days.
Time needed to level character from 1 to 80 from a fresh start = 7 days.
Time needed to level character from 1 to 80 if you already have crafting mats for cheap XP = 1 day.
I’m not sure I see the problem?
My problem isn’t that it’s a different level. It’s not even Anets fault. I blame myself on thinking about it further. I expected the same company that we had in gw1. That is my own fault. Now that I know what I’m dealing with though I will just adjust my own habits accordingly.
Oh come on, now you’re just being rediculous. It’s all pretty centered around the cities and the highest area you need to get to is only 55-65, it’s not like they are sending new players strait into Orr :S Grow a pair and start running. ANet didn’t do anything wrong by making people explore the world if they want to do this part of the event. You can always go into a Haunted Door where you will find plenty of Halloween content. But still the pages are easily doable on low lvl characters.
Getting really sick of people who think that everything in the game should be available for and doable by anyone.
My problem isn’t that it’s a different level. It’s not even Anets fault. I blame myself on thinking about it further. I expected the same company that we had in gw1. That is my own fault. Now that I know what I’m dealing with though I will just adjust my own habits accordingly.
Wait, wasn’t pretty much all the substantial free new content in GW1 aimed at characters who’d already completed at least one campaign? Or did I hallucinate all of that Winds of Change stuff?
Getting really sick of people who think that everything in the game should be available for and doable by anyone.
There is a reason in this case, as their live stream before the event communicated that the events are accessible to all levels.
I tried waiting, but veteran shadow skelk spawn on the boat. They shadow step to me and one shot me, on my level 30. Again, my own fault though.
I would suggest to wait until peak hours then. I had -zero- problem with that boat. There were 3 -4 people there, and I hung out at the back. I was able to get the page without 1 death. Also, when I did die people were very kind and ressed me without a hassle.
Total length of Halloween event = 10 days.
Time needed to level character from 1 to 80 from a fresh start = 7 days.
Time needed to level character from 1 to 80 if you already have crafting mats for cheap XP = 1 day.I’m not sure I see the problem?
Just going too far tbh. You don’t need to be 80 -what so ever.- Posted my screenshots of my level 15, and 9 both with their books. Very fun adventures as a low level alt and this quest.
When life gives you lemons… throw as hard as you can, have great aim, and play to have fun!
This should not be a problem since you don’t have to fight anything to get these pages. Also, it’s not ANet fault that you are low lvl, lvling is very fast in GW2. And as others mentioned before, you could just ask someone to help you get there. Since the Act 2 book is called “Mad Memoires: Complete Edition” I don’t think Act 3 or 4 will bring new pages into the world.
My problem isn’t that it’s a different level. It’s not even Anets fault. I blame myself on thinking about it further. I expected the same company that we had in gw1. That is my own fault. Now that I know what I’m dealing with though I will just adjust my own habits accordingly.
You know I am from GW 1 too! And I would remind you that the consequences concentrating the events in a lowbie zone accessible by everyone was that we NEVER got anything good. No items we could use in combat etc. These books are actually useful. They were an upgrade for my Asura Engineer from the 1G Guild Backpack and she will use it for a long time to come.
It’s a matter of balance. IF the events truly are something anyone can do. At most we can get is a unique skin. Not an item with stats that will be useful even at level 80. Indeed, the stats, in fact, are comparable to a level 80 item. Think about that for a moment, that book is equivalent to a level 80 item. Do you really, really, really think that your low level character deserves to get an item that is equivalent to a level 80 item just because its a holiday item?
Item with stats means we have to work for it and yes, not everybody can get it. Only thing this amount of whining will achieve is that come Winter’s Day, we are going to get stuck with skin only rewards for quests that don’t take us beyond the starting area of each race! I hope you whiners will be happy then!
Total length of Halloween event = 10 days.
Time needed to level character from 1 to 80 from a fresh start = 7 days.
Time needed to level character from 1 to 80 if you already have crafting mats for cheap XP = 1 day.I’m not sure I see the problem?
Then don’t see the problem if you don’t want to. Do I tell you how you should enjoy the game? If you enjoy skipping all the content and rushing to the end so you can get out of PvE as soon as possible that’s your choice.
I like to play and enjoy the game the way I think it was intended: fighting the mobs you’re supposed to fight (like the champion spider at book 6), figuring out the puzzles (like the pressure plate one which I didn’t get to enjoy on my first char because it was already solved) and exploring the maps. I’m not interested in spoiling a $60 A title in 7 days, having friends baby me through challenges, looking up all the solutions and directions on the web and then moving on to whatever title comes out next month.
I spent literally thousands of hours playing GW1 over the years, and I expect to spend a lot of time in GW2, so I’m in no rush to get to level 80 — my chars are levels 45, 35, 39, 30, and 43 on my main account and 8, 6, 12, 7 and 9 on my mule account, and I’ve played 372 hours on the main account over 58 days. I haven’t explored Harathi with any chars yet.
What I was originally complaining about was that we weren’t told that this quest was not designed for levels 1-15. That’s not to claim you can’t get through it as a level 9, even solo/naked, but you can’t tell me that was the dev’s intent. I think they intended that the quest be too hard for levels 1-15, yet they advertised the quest to everyone in LA and make it seem like it’s going to be 100% no combat at first.
I don’t expect or want all the parts of the special event to be appropriate for all levels, or all the awards to be stuff we all get, I just think they should make it clear what’s what before you spend time on something you aren’t intended to be able to complete.
Is it really to much to ask that they put a level number on the event like they do for every other event in the game?
Total length of Halloween event = 10 days.
Time needed to level character from 1 to 80 from a fresh start = 7 days.
Time needed to level character from 1 to 80 if you already have crafting mats for cheap XP = 1 day.I’m not sure I see the problem?
Then don’t see the problem if you don’t want to. Do I tell you how you should enjoy the game? If you enjoy skipping all the content and rushing to the end so you can get out of PvE as soon as possible that’s your choice.
I like to play and enjoy the game the way I think it was intended: fighting the mobs you’re supposed to fight (like the champion spider at book 6), figuring out the puzzles (like the pressure plate one which I didn’t get to enjoy on my first char because it was already solved) and exploring the maps. I’m not interested in spoiling a $60 A title in 7 days, having friends baby me through challenges, looking up all the solutions and directions on the web and then moving on to whatever title comes out next month.
I spent literally thousands of hours playing GW1 over the years, and I expect to spend a lot of time in GW2, so I’m in no rush to get to level 80 — my chars are levels 45, 35, 39, 30, and 43 on my main account and 8, 6, 12, 7 and 9 on my mule account, and I’ve played 372 hours on the main account over 58 days. I haven’t explored Harathi with any chars yet.
What I was originally complaining about was that we weren’t told that this quest was not designed for levels 1-15. That’s not to claim you can’t get through it as a level 9, even solo/naked, but you can’t tell me that was the dev’s intent. I think they intended that the quest be too hard for levels 1-15, yet they advertised the quest to everyone in LA and make it seem like it’s going to be 100% no combat at first.
I don’t expect or want all the parts of the special event to be appropriate for all levels, or all the awards to be stuff we all get, I just think they should make it clear what’s what before you spend time on something you aren’t intended to be able to complete.
Is it really to much to ask that they put a level number on the event like they do for every other event in the game?
You got the first book no? Then there’s your reward. You went as far as your level could carry you. The higher level book is for players of higher levels(Hence the stats on it).
And lastly, the game has been out for two freaking months. How are you not at least lvl 40 yet?
And I don’t think ANet should have to explicitly say with huge font that X Event is for X Level. Go figure it out yourself. You have a brain and a heartbeat no?
Total length of Halloween event = 10 days.
Time needed to level character from 1 to 80 from a fresh start = 7 days.
Time needed to level character from 1 to 80 if you already have crafting mats for cheap XP = 1 day.I’m not sure I see the problem?
Then don’t see the problem if you don’t want to. Do I tell you how you should enjoy the game? If you enjoy skipping all the content and rushing to the end so you can get out of PvE as soon as possible that’s your choice.
I like to play and enjoy the game the way I think it was intended: fighting the mobs you’re supposed to fight (like the champion spider at book 6), figuring out the puzzles (like the pressure plate one which I didn’t get to enjoy on my first char because it was already solved) and exploring the maps. I’m not interested in spoiling a $60 A title in 7 days, having friends baby me through challenges, looking up all the solutions and directions on the web and then moving on to whatever title comes out next month.
I spent literally thousands of hours playing GW1 over the years, and I expect to spend a lot of time in GW2, so I’m in no rush to get to level 80 — my chars are levels 45, 35, 39, 30, and 43 on my main account and 8, 6, 12, 7 and 9 on my mule account, and I’ve played 372 hours on the main account over 58 days. I haven’t explored Harathi with any chars yet.
What I was originally complaining about was that we weren’t told that this quest was not designed for levels 1-15. That’s not to claim you can’t get through it as a level 9, even solo/naked, but you can’t tell me that was the dev’s intent. I think they intended that the quest be too hard for levels 1-15, yet they advertised the quest to everyone in LA and make it seem like it’s going to be 100% no combat at first.
I don’t expect or want all the parts of the special event to be appropriate for all levels, or all the awards to be stuff we all get, I just think they should make it clear what’s what before you spend time on something you aren’t intended to be able to complete.
Is it really to much to ask that they put a level number on the event like they do for every other event in the game?
You got the first book no? Then there’s your reward. You went as far as your level could carry you. The higher level book is for players of higher levels(Hence the stats on it).
And lastly, the game has been out for two freaking months. How are you not at least lvl 40 yet?
And I don’t think ANet should have to explicitly say with huge font that X Event is for X Level. Go figure it out yourself. You have a brain and a heartbeat no?
Read my post. Say “oh”. Move on.
Yea it for high level only, this really annoying. Act 2 maps are levels 35-56. My character is level 46 and could not finish without help. >:/
— Gwen