No Mad King in cutscene (just an empty hole)
Yeah, I spent the effort of recording the event, uploading it to youtube, so people can comment and tell me how much I failed for recording a BUGGED event.
I didn’t see him, but that didn’t bother me, even though I was up by 4AM. I’d see him before. What I did see of the cutscene was enough for me.
ANet put effort into these things, how are they going to know it’s going to be bugged for some people? They can’t just chuck it into the game and test it. They take risks with these things.
They have it on YouTube already anyway, just watch it there.
Yeah same thing happen to me, just ended up seeing many different views of the hole in the floor.
Wazla ~ Asura Engineer
Jade Quarry
It was not bugged for everyone, I got a lot of screenshots if you would like to see.
Might be an idea to check out your graphics card.
i made a vid of the cut scene if you wanted to see it. can watch in 1080p.
he didn’t appear for me either, but! i still thought the cut scene was exciting and don’t regret staying up for the event.
We got to see the Lion explode anyways! ^.^
i think this whole part of the event was great. Some of you are just big ol’complainers! Don’t you ever look on the bright side of life? And be less fussy grumpy old man “get off my lawn” kids?
i made a vid of the cut scene if you wanted to see it. can watch in 1080p.
Thank you Daddy, I was one of those guys who were confused by empty hole and people shouting “that was awesome!”.
Now I know what I missed, even though i was there…
He just popped out of the hole and repeated what he did in the cutscene about 2 minutes ago
Yeah cutscene was buggy for me too. As well as the sound was cutting out in taht area cause so many people, so cutscene had no audio.
But did manage to see this while standing in the plaza later…scared me. O.o
I think you are right. My husband and I have almost identical computers (and the same video card). He saw the Mad King climb out of the fountain, I saw the green smoke, ghosts and sparkies. I am happy people put it on youtube, so I can enjoy it anyhow
By default, my video settings have ‘animation’ set to low.
Just before the cut scene occurred I had switched them to Medium because I was interested to see if I was missing anything on the lion statue. It turns out I was missing a glow around the whole lion, and black liquid spiriting out of the fishes.
Luckily I was one of the people who got to experience the whole cut-scene.
Out of interest, as I’m wondering if a random decision helped me see the whole thing. Those of you who just saw a hole, are your animation settings on Low?
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
Yeah, my boyfriend and I experienced the bug too…
Henge of Denravi
By default, my video settings have ‘animation’ set to low.
Just before the cut scene occurred I had switched them to Medium because I was interested to see if I was missing anything on the lion statue. It turns out I was missing a glow around the whole lion, and black liquid spiriting out of the fishes.
Luckily I was one of the people who got to experience the whole cut-scene.
Out of interest, as I’m wondering if a random decision helped me see the whole thing. Those of you who just saw a hole, are your animation settings on Low?
All my settings are maxed out except shadows. And I have zero problems as far as other graphical issues. So dunno what happened. >.<
shouldn’t somebody come in at this point and say we should stop being entitled to seeing the Mad King, since he wasn’t promised?
Sillyness aside: I didn’t see him either and am glad i can watch it on YT, despite the dev’s saying I would prefer to have been there… since I was.
i made a vid of the cut scene if you wanted to see it. can watch in 1080p.
ok, this makes the cutscene ‘slightly’ better than the waste of time it was without the Mad King in there…
By default, my video settings have ‘animation’ set to low.
Just before the cut scene occurred I had switched them to Medium because I was interested to see if I was missing anything on the lion statue. It turns out I was missing a glow around the whole lion, and black liquid spiriting out of the fishes.
Luckily I was one of the people who got to experience the whole cut-scene.
Out of interest, as I’m wondering if a random decision helped me see the whole thing. Those of you who just saw a hole, are your animation settings on Low?
had it all on max, and about 25 fps as it started.
Should have been ok for graphics.
Yeah, my boyfriend and I experienced the bug too…
Thanks for posting a video of the bugged one. I was wondering exactly what you’d seen.
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
Yeah I had huge lag problems and I saw no cutscene so I just watched it on youtube
Game is NOT optimized well – Anet, you created such a beautiful game but these kinds of things put people off, please try to fix those optimization issues and handling such large events.
Yeah I had huge lag problems and I saw no cutscene so I just watched it on youtube
Game is NOT optimized well – Anet, you created such a beautiful game but these kinds of things put people off, please try to fix those optimization issues and handling such large events.
I’m still not convinced that they should have gone the hard way and time it for everyone at once.
Would have been technically less straining if it was in each time zone seperate, and I can’t say I found it worth all that much to plan it as a single timed event.
(even with the Mad King in it, that is…)
Yeah. I didn’t realize there should have been a Mad King in that hole until I read the forum. Currently watching what I can on YouTube.
I blame my graphics card rather then ANet. My computer is just on the edge of playability at the best of times. Still doesn’t stop me from feeling the disappoint.
I blame my graphics card
Did you even read the other posts here…?
I didn’t see the mad king either. my comp isn’t on high graphics so maybe thats why. BUT. dont fret, bc the Mad King appears every once in a while RIGHT IN LIONS ARCH IN THAT HOLE. I saw it happen two times. So you still get ur chance of seeing his big pumpkin head :P
I think there was nothing to complain about missing the “one time” event anyway… its being repeated xD
Heres the opening cut scene that ran at exactly mid-day for everyone who missed it.
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA
Takatsu, whether or not there is a reason to complain about the cutscene not working properly for everyone can be argued about (of course, ideally, they should work, but things can happen). ArenaNet, however, does need to know that it did not work for everyone, so they can try and figure out why and hopefully prevent it from happening in future events.