Xade Ankles Bane – Dual Dagger Elementalist
[Muffin Makers] Maguuma
If this doesn’t happen by Christmas, whoever is over Anet’s merchandising needs to be looking for a job.
And the progeny… really they should just sell us all the trick or treaters as mini pets because having them follow you would be beyond hilarious.
I’d definitely buy the halloween quaggan and the progeny as minipets if they allowed them…
I would definitely consider buying a quaggan mini-pet or something. A plush… hmm. Very, very tempting, though my dragon plush might be angry at being displaced.
So far, the kid npc’s are the best I’ve ever seen in any mmo ever. Yes, I would buy that for sure!!
I’ve wanted quaggan plushies forever omg I would melt of the cuteness of I could get one. I want normal ones and ones in costume too. ANYTHING quaggan would be good
Yes please, but lets be honest, I’d buy just about anything quaggan related!
Great idea!
As a grown man, with full time job, university degree, and anticipating my first grey hairs any day now, I would have no hesitation in purchasing one of these if they were ever produced
Haha some great stuff there, i’d have one on my desk!
I support this idea completely.
So….. Adorable… Must… Resist….
It needs to be a plush. I’d totally buy it, in fact, I’d buy 2 just so my friend can have one!
I would prefer the little Asura Cannibal and Aviator plush or minipets
Make this reality Cryptic, Please! I would definately buy that cute little Quaggan Pirate.
Also if you squeeze it let it say its “Quaggan is a Pirate, Yarrr” in that cute voice (though I would need one in german language because the voice sounds even cuter than the english one)
Dam cant edit, was too long browsing the sto forums tonight :P
I completely agree with this idea,
I would probably pay them 10 dollars for a Quaggan Ghost or Pirate mini pet…
ANet really missed an opportunity to make money, hopefully they noticed this and we will get some really cute Quaggan Elfs and Quaggan’s in PJ’s running around opening presents.
Adorable. But I would much more prefer a regular quaggan plushie.
Quaggans for all events in all sorts of styles as mini pets, and the most popular ones as physical toys.
That. Would. Be. AWESOME.
If I could get the ghost quaggan as a mini complete with vocals (when talked to) I could die a happy man. Although they would have to make the interact button different from default so I don’t always talk to him when I try to loot (now that I think about it they really need to add a loot bind)
I would buy it, I’d also buy t-shirts ect… chop chop A.Net! my money is waiting :p In fact I rather spend money in a real store and have a higher drop rate of things like holiday skins in chests.
I don’t think I’ve ever been compelled to post twice in a row on a forum but…
I want my Quaggan plushie!
I would absolutely love to have a Quaggan plush and mini pet, especially if they said “Quaggan’s a pirate, Arrrr!” every so often
OoooooOOoOOOOOOoooOOOOOOO!!!! Anet make it happen plx!
Hahah yes pls! Both minipet & plushie!
Should definitely open a store on guildwars2 merchandise.
don’t forget the plastic spider >.>
I have no money…
…but piwate quaggan…
…I would sell body fluids in order to be able to buy this. I am partly serious right now, edging into mostly.
I love the quaggan ghost. I’d pay money to have that as a minipet.
I would buy the quaggan in a second!
Ahem. I am going to be very bad and post to this thread a second time. We NEED quaggan stuff. It’s vital to… uh… cuteness!
Quaggan plushies? YES!
I would definitely buy a collection of halloween-spirited mini-quaggans and progeny
And I’m still waiting for any sort of Quaggan Plushy….
I want the ghost costume one so bad now. With a tiny little trick-or-treat bucket. If I could sew, I’d be on that right now.
Anet, please just TAKE MY MONEY!
As a massive Iron Legion charr with a penchant for hitting first and asking questions later, I fully endorse a tiny and adorable plush version of pirate quaggan.
Please note: both “tiny” and “adorable”. May your human gods have mercy on you if you disregard these details!
If Angry Birds can have plushies and stuff in every store, why not Guild Wars 2?
What we really need is a cute quaggan mini pet (no not the corrupted quaggan
They need to do a range of collectable quaggan plushies, reelase new ones every so often and who wouldn’t want to collect the whole set?
I think might actually NEED a pirate quaggan in my life for it to be complete. Just take my money ArenaNet take it!
Coo!!! I want one! Coo!!!
i didn’t know i wanted one until now.
now i’ll be forever unhappy until ANet gives me one.
I just want Quaggan minis.
I liked a lot of the kids and their costumes.
The two Quaggan (ghost and pirate)
The two Azura (cannibal and aviator)
The two Human girls (jester and circus/ringmaster)
I forgot about Cannibal. That kid has a cool mom and/or dad.
i love plushies i’d love that little guy to add to my collection. i’d personally love a hylek plushie too, cause i love frogs. although i suppose a hylek wouldn’t make as cute of a plushie as a quaggan!
I want to play as a quaggan. That would be fricken sweet.
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