*SOLVED* - Please help. All acts cleared without my doing.
The acts are independent of individual characters. You can go through the quests for Acts 1 and 2 as you wish, but Act 3 is going to be active whether you did Act 1 or 2. It’s not like a single player game where it waits for a single person.
As for your issue with Act 1, are you sure you’re in the right places and you’re interacting with the “Interesting Space”, which will spawn the ghost?
Yes. I am sure. I am watching a walkthrough video to make sure I was in the right places. I use the matter meter, and nothing shows.
If another player in the world uses their Meter, then the ghost shows, and I can then talk to them and get the next note. But I can’t bring them up on my own.
Maybe your server has bugged on that issue? A friend of mine did it yesterday fine
Not trying to be flippant, but are you sure you have candy corn in your bag to power the matter meter? If so, then yea send in a bug report and perhaps ask in map if someone is close by that can give you a hand with it.
Ha Ha. Yes. I have plenty of candy. Thanks for asking. ( I work in IT, so I understand asking the simplest of questions first. lol)
For instance, I am on the 4th location (Blackroot Gut), and I found out where to go (via the walkthrough) and the ghost is already visible without using any scans.
This is so frustrating as I am the type of player who likes to take the time and quest.
Thanks for everyone’s help.
If the ghost is already visible, that just means that another player was here just before you and spawned the ghost. You don’t miss out on anything if that happens; in fact, you saved yourself a Candy Corn!
In the middle of the plaza in Lions Arch, the Lion statue is gone, and the “Mad Kings Realm” is already open.
How did this happen?
You mean how could things possibly happen in Tyria without you specifically doing them?
Welcome to the wonderful world of multi-player games.
All the original ghosts are still there, all the previous quests / events / items are still available.
yeah, someone already activated the ghost. i know you want to explore and reveal things by yourself, but it’s not going to happen in GW2…it’s an active world constantly affected by other players.
GW1 on the other hand was pretty much all private instances
Alright. I guess I was being impatient. Mods, feel free to remove this thread.
Thanks for everyone’s help.