Scaling MK Dungeon Difficulty?

Scaling MK Dungeon Difficulty?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: takatsu.9416


Not sure if people have been saying this already, but I believe many of us have also experienced the same thing but I have no doubts that the dungeon is actually scaling up in difficulty!!!

The first run, I did with a party as soon as the portals opened. Our server didn’t have any issues. Some people solo’d this dungeon. There were only adds pretty much on the first level with the doors. After that once u got to face MK, it was like a single target and the easiest thing ever. He also only ported once. None of the party members were downed.

A few runs at night, I noticed the mobs had increased while you were facing MK, as well he ported up and down three times or so. during this time as a level 45, some party members was downed once or twice.

Today however, everyone kept going down non stop (like you would in a real dungeon). While facing MK, there were a bazillion adds (mainly spiders) swarming you. It was difficult to survive the fall/drop downs because you’d get swarmed as soon as you land. As well Thorn ported over and over again, up and down the levels. And it was tough. Had some damaged armor. Probably went down about five times.

So as we near Act 4, I believe this dungeon is actually increasing in difficulty. From your experience beginning of act 3 til now, do you also notice this? Now it is most likely impossible to solo!!

I think this is amazing, ANet. I didn’t think that it would be like this! It’s even more exciting than ever!

Scaling MK Dungeon Difficulty?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Car.3805


No? I’ve farmed it about 40 times so far between yesterday and today and each time seems to be getting faster and faster because everyone knows what to do…barely anyone gets downed.

The increase in mob might be because you’re not killing them fast enough with certain groups?

Scaling MK Dungeon Difficulty?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xander.9024


I’ve ran it ten times, eight of those were solo, the other two was with a lvl 55. Each time it was exactly the same as the last, no increasing difficulty. Just my observations anyway.