The most frustrating aspect of Halloween rewards

The most frustrating aspect of Halloween rewards

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Quetz.4389


What is frustrating is that there is nothing to do with most of the recipes and materials from Halloween activities..

Apart from the weapons the items are pretty much garbage. The sigils have a weird bonus of 10% damage at night, and crafting one superior sigil costs more than a gold on top of getting the recipe to craft it. The runes likewise have awful stats, they focus on power but the other bonuses are to condition damage. The jewelcrafting necklaces are a joke, the recipes skip the platinum and mithril tiers for some reason and offer an exotic magic find necklace with that is only marginally different in cost and function from an opal orichalcum amulet, but instead of power/precision it’s the much less desirable power/condition damage but with a standard opal jewel.

The fact that these items are so uninteresting means that the rewards from bags and from chests are depreciated. Players can’t do anything with nougat, fangs or skulls that’s worthwhile unless they are investing over 100g in getting the permanent skins.

So where does this leave the average player if there are no middle tier rewards? There’s nothing interesting in the ToT bags except recipes for stuff we will never make, and the black lion chests are a gamble. The only reward that doesn’t require massive amounts of luck is the backpiece from doing the scavenger hunt.

The most frustrating aspect of Halloween rewards

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dutch Hunter.9753

Dutch Hunter.9753

The event just started so its to early to say what anet has planned just be patient like the rest of the people.

The most frustrating aspect of Halloween rewards

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vzur.7123


I know. It’s not “I gotta have this awesome stuff, why did they make it so hard?!” It’s more like.. you want us to farm our kitten off for this? If the issue were that these items were worth all that effort, it would be worse in a way.. but it’s not. It makes even more of a case for asking why any of this is so rare or difficult, when its just impractical fun stuff that most people wouldn’t want to use past halloween, anyhow.

The most frustrating aspect of Halloween rewards

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Thesalesman.8350


Its an event, who says you have to get something out of it. Imagine going on a concert IRL. You spend money, get wasted, you might even not like the music but you do something different than every other day and it passes and you get nothing material out of it except memories (or maybe not even those).

The most frustrating aspect of Halloween rewards

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vithaar.8637


plus my gawd there’s 6+ more days and 3 more acts… is not over people!

The most frustrating aspect of Halloween rewards

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NightShadow.1429


Actually ToT bags carry a rare chance to drop an everlasting halloween tonic. As well as various tonics/consumables and of course cc. So I wouldn’t say there’s nothing in them.

“Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,
and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”

The most frustrating aspect of Halloween rewards

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vzur.7123


Its an event, who says you have to get something out of it. Imagine going on a concert IRL. You spend money, get wasted, you might even not like the music but you do something different than every other day and it passes and you get nothing material out of it except memories (or maybe not even those).

People like stuff, that’s why there’s so much of it in these games. People like collecting, memorabilia, and new customization options.

Making an event that’s just pure fun, like going to a concert, sounds great in theory.. but I don’t know if its very realistic. I think they’d actually have to work a lot harder to make an event that much fun, and it wouldn’t really be practical to put put that much game-changing resources into it, just for a weeks worth of temporary content.

Maybe they should do an event, where no one gets any items, though. Maybe I’m wrong. Focus entirely on costume brawls and trick-or-treat doors, but don’t give any rewards at all. How would that go?

The most frustrating aspect of Halloween rewards

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Quetz.4389


I know there’s a weekend’s worth of content that will be fun, and the story so far has been fun, but how many people are actually happy with what they get out of the ToT bags? A slim chance for an endless tonic is not enough.

Also, nothing will take away from the sloppy implementation of the runes, jewelery and sigils. The bottom line is that right now fangs, nougats and skulls are selling for 40c each because there’s nothing interesting to do with them.

The most frustrating aspect of Halloween rewards

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BowmasterSol.3457


In regards to the Sigil of Night, I believe this is a pretty good addition. +10% dmg makes it the sigil for just straight overall damage boost, which is the theme of these Halloween stats: more raw unadulterated damage!

I can see why the “at night only” would turn people off, but it makes the sigil balanced. I get a huge feeling that people will learn to respect these. I’m assuming that the Mad Realm and all Underworld related realms are perpetually at night. Wouldn’t that alone make this Sigil more amazing?

I don’t see the jewelry as useless. It’s just a new stat combination focused on raw damage increase. This may not appeal to your character’s playstyle, but it can give hybrid builds a much needed boost without sacrificing magic find.

If the bottom line is that the rare mats are relatively cheap currently, then that is probably a good thing. I’m sure Anet intended for these mats to stockpile in great quantities in the trading post during Act I so that all players can have access to them. When the other Acts involve additonal ways to use these mats, the supply will go down and drive the price up. If Anet released every single use for these items during Act I, we might have seen an opposite effect and people would be saying how expensive and rare these mats are. I prefer the way things are going now.

Knowledge is power.