Rate the Humans name above you
10/10 for invoking great memories. Talon Silverwing would be proud.
I have three humans:
Mesmer – Mind Of Cew (cue) Designed after GW1 character of same prof/name. Mesmers play mind games and Cew is my initials.
Guardian – Heart Of Cew Fits guardian better than the original dervish character.
Thief – Eva Nesco Eva means “life” and Nesco would just be a random surname, but the name actually comes from “evanesco” (e-van-es-co long vowels). Latin meaning to i.) vanish/disappear ii.) fade away/die out iii.) lapse.
Nice names 6/10 for your mesmer and guardian, but 9/10 for your thief, Eva Nesco. I like how you put the name together, and that it has a purpose. The roots of Nesco was quite interesting and fitting for a thief
My human female thief: Nika Letalis Umbra
Its pretty much because im a fan of Nika from guild wars 1, and letalis umbra comes from latin, meaning: lethal shadow
8/10 because I love names that sound like real characters and not a play on words. But I’m an RP fanboy so whatever.
Loxsus Soul for my human male Guardian. (Pronounced Locks-us if there was any confusion) and Kastion Soul for my thief.
Oh I like both their names! Specially Kastion, which sounds very beautiful in my ears! The rating I’ll give them are:
Kastion: 9/10
Loxsus: 8/10
I have two humans meself:
Junette Rosethorn (my necromancer) and Molly Tousle (my ranger)
While Junette Rosethorn was mainly a name I thought was beautiful and fitting for my necromancers personality and style, Molly Tousle actually have a little story around her name.
She grew up on the street and thus she didn’t care much for haircare and letted her curly hair grow wild and so it became a mess and the other kids on the street gave her the nickname Tousle. Now her hair ain’t as much of a mess anymore, but she got rather attached with the name and still call herself Molly Tousle
9/10 for both. Rosethorn is an awesome last name, and I like the backstory given on the other. Both very creative, and flowing.
Marcalo Balfour is the name of my human ranger. He’s a low ranked noble, and a very studious member of the Priory.
10/10 The name is a bit unique and matches your Ranger’s nobility.
My thief is named Zack Harte. Even though he of Ascalonian blood, he bears no hate towards the Charr. He is a well respected Lightbringer among his peers in the Order of Whispers.
Hurr durr made this post without rating the one above mine…
8/10 for Zack Harte. He sounds like he’d be a ladies man, shadowstepping into a room with a rose in his teeth! [/edit]
I got another human to lvl 80 recently, and his name is Beastmaster Jahn; an older adventurer who got a late start in life after helping his adopted parents run the local inn and tavern that they owned for a number of years. Jahn has always had an affinity for animals, but it wasn’t until he finally got out of Divinity’s Reach that he discovered he had a knack for developing bonds with what would normally be very dangerous animals. He decided to put these new talents towards the betterment of Tyria and joined the Vigil to fight the undead with his plethora of animal companions at his side.
(edited by Setun.4368)
edit: rating the name above Setun’s post.
Zack Harte – feels like Final Fantasy already. :p it brings the idea of a very dignified, noble & well respected person. Although it is not very unique.. 6/10
7/10. The name makes me feel that Jahn is a down-to earth & practical man, which fits his back-story. It is a little plain & simple, but Beastmaster Jahn fits the idea of a ranger very well. Would be better if ‘Beastmaster’ is an actual title in game :p
My female guardian is named Toggy Toorum. I was inspired by the heroic Toorum in the game ‘Legend of Grimrock’ who almost conquered the Grimrock dungeon single-handedly while leaving notes and warnings about the dungeon dangers. Sadly, he died on one of the levels and we(the player) finds his remains.
I just wanted a simple sounding name like Toorum so I decided on Toggy.
Toggy Toorum – Guardian
(edited by Bleu.5079)
8/10 Toggy Toorum: intrusting and kindof a tong twister in a way but fun to say. and poor guy leaving paper trails behind.
ok My human and mains name is Kenage Achalarus. commander Ken Legendary hero of Tyra, Elona, and Cantha. he was my main on my dervish. he slayed Abbadon with the help of Komier. killed the Linch two times. one at Fire ring island and the other time at Gate of madness. Kenage was saposto be manly. and i say kenage as Key-Nage Achalarus as Ach -al-arus
Background story: Kenage Achalarus is the son of Hosha Achalarus (savarian now in gw2) and step Brother of Boody C Murder. Kenage was born on the Farm of Fishing village http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Fishing_village_map.jpg and learned how to harvest and fight off Scales and bears with his Scythe. unfortunatly Kenage Achalarus and Hosha were killed in the Searing., while Boody was with prince Ruik on a charr hunt. Kenage awoke with His faughter in the Underworld. under the help okitteng Frozenwind and his Faughter Hosha Kenage was able to fight Dhumm in an epic 5 year battle in wich Kenage won and took the Scythe that belonged to Dhumm and broke throw the underwolrd to the Realm of torment and with his dad help lead the Maronite and Serents of Dhumm. when the portal to the relm of living opend from Komeir. Kenage escaped and travled to Elona in wich he meet his old pal Mhenlo He helped stop Shero tagachi and returned to Elona in witch he fought with komeir and Boody. and as Kenage said to Shero i have beat you once i shall destroy you even if you have the Linch on yourside you have not the power you once hade and myself Boody and my faughter will destroy you. and when abbadone was destroyed komeir and Lyssa blessed Kenage with the power of Emortality, illusion, misdirection, and control. Boody was blessed with the power of Destruction from Bathazar, and Fearing Voice from Grenth
Gw2 and beyoned: His legend is known all throw Tyra as the Legend himself. and Yes Kenage is the oldest member of the Order of Whispers he is after all 273 years old. 18 years before the searing. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Time_line
Im still wating for scythe’s cause you know Phantismal Reaper is a must and we need more mellie weapons
(edited by Kenage Achalarus.4276)
Dont really like “Kenage” Achalarus on the other hand sound quite nice +story.
Mine is.
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Thief
Name: Rynart
8/10, I think he needs a surname.
It sounds appropiate for a human and isn’t too flouncey, I guess is could be shortened to ‘Ryn’ if required in party chat. Sounds a bit like Reynard, which is the name of a sly fox in folktales, I guess this is where you took inspiration from.
Mine is Eleri Sunfire. She’s a charming Elementalist of noble birth who likes air magic and wanted to join the circus.
Eleri Sunfire – China Sinjen – Effie Kin – Elaina Fairborn
(edited by Eleri.9823)
8/10, I think he needs a surname.
It sounds appropiate for a human and isn’t too flouncey, I guess is could be shortened to ‘Ryn’ if required in party chat. Sounds a bit like Reynard, which is the name of a sly fox in folktales, I guess this is where you took inspiration from.
Mine is Eleri Sunfire. She’s a charming Elementalist of noble birth who likes air magic and wanted to join the circus.
Not giving it a score will leave it for the next Person to make it, just giving a quick response
U are spot on with “Ryn” :p everyone that i know calls me that. The Reynard thing i didnt really know either i just looked at the name and thought hey thats sounds great for my thief .
Eleri: 9/10, loving it the ‘Sunfire’. nothing is perfect, so that -1. otherwise, i will give 10
My Mesmer main- Mirror Willol. simply mirroring the word Mirror to create Willol (Wil-lol, laugh. visually representing one of useful mesmer skills icon ‘mirror image’).
Wanted to post my new thief’s name, pays homage to gw1 and one of my favorite builds
“Assassins Promise”
Above – 7/10, clever lol
It’s more a title than a name, but I like it: 7/10
With my chars I tried to go with the lore:
Engineer: Byron Duchaine
Guardian: Nathan Duchaine
Im not sure what lore youre talking about, nor are males really “my thing”, but ill go with a 7/10 for the first one and 8/10 for the second one, simply because duchaine sounds nice
I called my human and 3rd mesmer Alissah Whisperer.
Im not really looking to write a full biography or something, so i went with a. Simple common last name, and used my own first name. Only using her for pvp and maybe levelling when im bored
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/external?l=https%3A%2F%2Fdviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net%2Fuploads%2Fforum_attachment%2Ffile%2F77507%2Fpractical_armor.jpg here she is in the lower left corner ^__^
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
8.5/10 to Alissah Whisperer; it rolls nicely and I like the sound of it.
I’ve 2 humans, both females with different backgrounds:
Ann Blair (Elementalist, Street Rat)
Moira Sheeny (Elementalist (Yes, again), noble)
Hmmm I would say about 8/10 to both i like the Blair and Moira parts of the names has a nice tone to it….. I have human male elementalist
At the moment my name is loretin xD got bored after 20 min of name choosing so went with that but I look forward to changing it soon too ninthin ( my name I got from the random name generator in lotro) [btw taking any suggestions for last names! ]
(edited by aris.9567)
Loretin – 6/10
Ninthin – 7/10
Your first name has potential tho, I like the Lore start, the ‘tin’ not so much :P I’m usually very critical on my names, I can take days before I pick one… lol
My main character has the same nick as my character on GW1.
It is a female Guardian (Monk on GW1) named Aurora Evenstar.
" Aurora Evenstar " it’s like I heard this one before, oh well 8/10.
I’ve got a human female Guardian called Bonnie Bishop.
8/10 .Aurora Evenstar sounds more elven than human. I still like it, though.
Gothmog of Shadow (Necromancer)
7/10, it’s creative.
Rear Gear Sam (Engineer of the Vigil).
8/10, very catchy.
Antediluvine, elementalist. Was looking for something sorcery-ish.
8/10. I like it, quite original
Mine is Aria Kenneth. Elementalist.
8/10. Aria is female, Kenneth is male, so it’s interesting.
My male guard is Foldit
Female mes is Full Spectrum
Female necro is Superwhale
9/10 I like Aria. Kenneth is random but I like random
My human is a female thief named Karou.
The name comes from a book called Shadow & Bone. The character has blue hair and the story is based on chimera, an other world at battle and bones creating new bodies for the race. Weird to describe the book but I like it. She carries daggers in the story. So it works. So my character has blue hair, will be using godskull weapons and wears krytan armor.
8/10 Because I like reasoning and the sound of it, assuming I’m pronouncing it correctly.
My human ranger is Helmut Von Luckless. I originally came up with this name for my U-boat comander in Silent Hunter 3, and the name fits my noble upbringing in Divinities Reach.
Whiteside Ridge o/
8/10, themed and amusing, you can probably assume he’s Kurzick too so it fits with GW lore a bit to boot.
Pretty much all my characters are Human, most of them female except for my Engineer who rocks it up as a London mobster kind of vibe, but he has a little bit of a cheesy name, so instead I’ll post my Mesmer.
Roya Saira – A youngish looking olive skinned female human, Roya is a Persian name meaning vision, premonition or dream, and Saira is a Muslim name which can mean happy, beautiful or traveler.
7.5 …my reasons are a little esoteric.
Tomo Funes
7.5 …my reasons are a little esoteric.
Tomo Funes
Got to say 5, it reminds me of “Tomato” and “Fungus”, sorry >.<
Warrior – Conan Reok.
I like the Reok part. The Conan bit is a bit too common though :S
Score: 7/10
My warrior: Raya Wicks
Score: 8/10; I like the sound of it (Raya)
My necro: Saligia Data
“SALIGIA” is a mnemonic based on the first letters in Latin of the seven deadly sins: superbia, avaritia, luxuria, invidia, gula, ira, acedia.
10/10 – For creativity and originality. I really like it, Saligia. A culmination of the 7 sins, a force far greater than the sins. If not the darkest Evil.
My Human Guardian is named Gilfread. (Not pronounced as Gilfred)
Little backstory:
Gilfread started of as an imaginary character I created when I was young. He was strong, powerful and always had the strength to overcome any situation. Along with his friends he would fight to protect all those dear to him. Standing unfaltering against the most impossible foes he held close his morals and beliefs.
Gilfread was everything I wasn’t at the time, as I grew older I started becoming more like him. After all He is me and I am Him.
I got the name from confusing the names of two TCG characters and a Guardian fits the character perfectly.
I would gladly accept any suggestions my fellow players may have for a last name.
(edited by Gilfread.7269)
I’ve been writing a story for a while now and just got it copyrighted and one of the characters is called The Malicious Child, thats the name of my human mesmer.
4/10, don’t like straight self-explanatory names.
Named my Necromancer Onileare Qlyphoth, to stay at least a bit out of crowd.
5/10, it looks unique, but What does that mean and how do you pronounce that?
What do you mean “straight self-explanatory”. O.o
The names that give some definition about the person. StronkWarr, Silent Murderer are self-explanatory and Tommy (tho, not creative) / Legolas (LOTRish Legolas, not the thousands of legolases in video games) / Wynthser are not self-explanatory.
Qlyphoth is a Qliphoth with a pseudo Old English spelling to make a non-lore reference hidden (like Blizz do with most of their references).
Onileare does not mean anything and is a “stolen” name with a bit of pseudo Old English spelling (I like doing “Oldification” to take the names) as well.
Its hardly pronounceable but to stay apart from thousands of rising necros I had to make this name, and imo it fits pretty well.
Oh ok so i guess you dont like, superman, batman, spiderman, green lantern etc. besides its not her real name it’s her vigilante identity so that her real identity could be safe lol
Such as my necromancer, i used her real name and vigilante name because her full name was taken. So she ended up being called BLAIRE GENOCYDE.
4/10. Blaire is a cool name but the last name is so contrived.
Mangonius Greywind.
Like i said her last name is actually a piece of her vigilante name, not really her last name.
4/10. I like greywind but the first name is “fruity” if you know what i mean.
Regan Hail
4/10. Very unique. I have never seen someone named Regan before (might just be me?) and by adding “Hail” as a last name I could guess that she/he (Sorry to anyone who’s called Regan) is an elementalist? No? It may seem like a good name, but it doesn’t really have much excitement to it that you would expect from someone whose destiny is to kill a Dragon…
My Human Character is named “Sir Waleran”. Waleran was apparently a common Medieval name, and I think it seemed like a nice name. I wouldn’t mind being named Waleran. It sounds so Elite and Royal, which is another reason I named him this. The “Sir” prefix I added because of his status as a Noble (and also because just “Waleran” was already being used, but that dosn’t really matter).
5/10 – I keep reading Waleran as Whaler, although I do like the reasoning behind your choice, and any name with a sir, duke, lord (etc) prefix always gives a good impression of thought-through background.
Mine are:
Sinceris Lyssguard – Male Mesmer
Antoine Arrowlock – Male Thief
Lyssguard is a great name for a mesmer. And I like the double A’s of Antoine Arrowlock. It sounds cool.
8/10 from me.
And my female necromancer’s name is my current username.
10/10 malafide is a cool name. And i dont care why people worry about the name having to relate to the gw2 story so i dont care if you put mad queen lol
(And no regan hail is a warrior and i didnt put that name to relate to the story its to relate to the female knight in my story im writing)
Human female thief- Candace Kane
6/10 I like it for a human, but it doesn’t sound thiefy :p
Human female warrior → April Loxley
5/10 doesn’t flow off the tongue very well and doesn’t sound warriorish enough
I have a Mesmer named Lilly Le Blanche.
I chose it because it sounded incredibly snooty and fancy which is how i imagine a being Mesmer of noble descent would feel like.
8/10 j’aime noms des francais!
translates to Lilly the White and I like that as well.
Human female mesmer from the streets – Fiona Hexblade
7/10 Its a really fun name to say i can tell you that!
Necromancer: Carrionz
Mesmer: illusionation
Just a 4/10 for necromancer and 1/10 for the mesmer because the names were not very creative sorry!
My thief is called Husrah
(edited by Arvizal.8436)