5 gambit ach with Eng - Super EZ
Hi, thank you for your advice. I have engi 63 and it is still too hard for her to do it. Do you think that if I level her to 80 and buy her rare zerker gear I would succeed too? I really don’t wanna spend money or tokens for exotic which will be almost worthless in few months ahead
Most definitely, Mortifer. Your turrets and elite skill completely trivialize this fight, and those don’t scale with your stats.
Nameless Inversion/Ascension/Evasion/Ruination/Impression/Perdition/Compassion/Tactician
Guild Wars 2 will be an amazing game when it’s finished. Compare Prophecies to EotN!
I had a lot of room for error on my very first try. You probably can trait 0/0/30/20/0 and have enough healing to keep you alive and turrets to help you out. Let me know how it goes.
I’m a bit late to the party, but I just got my 5 gambits achievement following your directions (I had bookmarked the thread just in case I ever make it to tier 3). I got the 3 gambits one as well as frailty+squeamish on my own, but sort of hit a wall there.
After retraiting for bombs, it was a breeze. Thank you for sharing!
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