"Queen's Jubilee" Next content update
Those are centaurs. Queen Jennah will be involved somehow.
109813_0777 Special Access Pass! 109813_0825 Gain entry to the Royal Terrace in Divinity's Reach. * Asura Gates to All Cities * Crafting Stations * Bank and Guild Bank Access * Mystic Forge * Merchants * And more! All within easy reach, for those who enjoy the ultimate convenience.I have to ask; what’s the point of adding all of those? Are they trying to turn DR into the LA? Everything in that spoiler seems like an unnecessary addition to me, but maybe I’m missing something.
I’ve been wondering about that as well. Doesn’t DR already have all that stuff? Are they moving them all to once point, is it not really part of DR (thus needing them), what is it for
From my understanding it’s everything on that list at one single location, which doesn’t exist right now. Some places are close, but not all items.
I get that, but is it needed? Do we really want to pull players out of LA? If we do, do we want to cause a stink with potential “why LA? Why not BC? Or The Grove?” complaints? Again, it just doesn’t strike me as a necessary addition to Lion’s Arch.
Seems to be related to this that I just saw in my twitter feed.
Queen Jennah is a basic kitten and I am yawning already that she’s going to be featured in the next Living Story
Queen Jennah is a basic kitten and I am yawning already that she’s going to be featured in the next Living Story
Yeah I’m also not a fan of hers, but hopefully the plot revolves around Krytan politcs without actually involving Jennah, kind of the like how the personal story rarely included her.
I want to know why Rox is attending the Queen’s Jubilee. Is it some kind of separatist plot? I don’t think she is in a diplomatic position for the charr so why specifically her unless she has some kind of mission to accomplish for Rytlock? What mission would the charr have in Kryta?
I’m glad they’re giving attention to DR and I honestly wouldn’t mind it becoming a more popular capital city. I always thought DR was the most drop-dead gorgeous city. It’s a shame people don’t run around it on a regular basis. I’d take it over LA any day.
It’s standard diplomatic practice for government representatives to be invited to official events. As Kryta and the Charr Legions are actively seeking to seal a peace treaty between themselves, it would be extremely disrespectful for Queen Jennah not to extend an invitation to the Charr, and it would be extremely rude for the Charr not to send a representative to attend.
As someone who has had extensive contact with humans, the Charr High Legions may have picked Rytlock Brimstone to be their representative, but he’s unable (or unwilling) to attend, so he sends Rox in his stead.
Seems to be related to this that I just saw in my twitter feed.
Woohoo! Another month of celebrations and partayzzzzz
But seriously. Something better happen in this ceremony that doesn’t only impact 1/100th of Tyria for 1/24th of the year; that is, something that is actually compelling and permanent. I love this game and the idea they are trying to progress, but it’s a Living Story, not #TyriaLikesCarnivals.
I trust ANet to create compelling content this time around, despite their previous failings (see: Southsun, Dragon Bash). Looking forward to the official release tomorrow.
“Anet Dev confirms – Rapier probably next patch” ????
It’s standard diplomatic practice for government representatives to be invited to official events. As Kryta and the Charr Legions are actively seeking to seal a peace treaty between themselves, it would be extremely disrespectful for Queen Jennah not to extend an invitation to the Charr, and it would be extremely rude for the Charr not to send a representative to attend.
As someone who has had extensive contact with humans, the Charr High Legions may have picked Rytlock Brimstone to be their representative, but he’s unable (or unwilling) to attend, so he sends Rox in his stead.
I hope it’s more than that. The possibilities of why a low ranking “boots on the ground” type charr would be involved in a largely Krytan event (it actually states they are openly inviting other races but I don’t think Rox is the diplomatic type) are exciting. I don’t think many of us expect the next month to go by without conflict.
The release page is now live
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Now that we know it is Rox, I have to bring this up again: THOSE HORNS!! That looks VERY wrong.
Hot Air Balloons – Begins August 6
Need a lift to Divinity’s Reach? The Queen’s court has sent out hot air balloons to transport celebrants! Find one of these balloons out in the open world, and use it to find the party in short order.
Please, please don’t make this “take 150 balloon rides” achievement. God knows we’ve had enough mindless “do X 150+ times” achievements to last a life time.
account-wide currency wallet! finally!
also bonus reward/boss loot and watchwork looks nice
account-wide currency wallet! finally!
… and just like that, I have an additional bank slot. <3
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Huh. Looks like I’m going to be going home for the first time in a long while. I’ve been out exploring for so long, I’ve almost forgotten what Divinity’s Reach looks like. Nice of the queen to send out baloons to pick up people like me.
And I am loving that wallet thing. I’ve got badges and stuff clogging up my bank vault, when they really ought to be organized as a currency.
just when i bought new bank slot they do this xP
Wallet will be nice, opens up a lot of space, but what with gold on the bank? that stays as it is, or gets removed and achievement switched to wallet?
Also with the visit in divinities reach, will we fiinally see bar brawl working?
Also with the visit in divinities reach, will we fiinally see bar brawl working?
One can only hope. But I’m sure it would have said so on the release page.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Also with the visit in divinities reach, will we fiinally see bar brawl working?
One can only hope. But I’m sure it would have said so on the release page.
Yea bit the stories come in 2 updates generally, so perhaps the update after 2 weeks later. (hint hint please get it done arenanet)
The arena they built on the Great Collapse looks neat. I am kinda sad to see it gone though. If felt like the npcs around there were foreshadowing a cool/creepy story regarding the event.
I still want to see the crypts below Divinities Reach as described in the first novel.
What is WRONG with those horns?! Tell me, how could that Charr be physically possible? He’s facing perfectly to the left, showing his profile. That means his right side horns are roughly a foot further forward than the left ones?
The loading screens have all been a little hurf-blurf since Kekai Kotaki left. Anet needs to bring him back, and Daniel Dociu for landscapes AND Horia Dociu for those sweet cutcenes. Sigh… so much talent drained.
Good artists have high value.
account-wide currency wallet! finally!
also bonus reward/boss loot and watchwork looks nice
I’m curious how the wallet thing is gonna work. is it going to be just another bank tab accessible from anywhere, or is it something like the collectibles tab? Either way, it’ll still probably have a limit of 250 for each slot…
Please give us a keyring…
Finally decent content since madking/wintersday and not located in LA !
Kodus to HG on Kaka island.
What is WRONG with those horns?! Tell me, how could that Charr be physically possible? He’s facing perfectly to the left, showing his profile. That means his right side horns are roughly a foot further forward than the left ones?
The loading screens have all been a little hurf-blurf since Kekai Kotaki left. Anet needs to bring him back, and Daniel Dociu for landscapes AND Horia Dociu for those sweet cutcenes. Sigh… so much talent drained.
Good artists have high value.
It’s just concept art.
Three cheers for the story abandoning Kiel and moving away from Lion’s Arch! It will be great to see a charr and a norn back in the story, I’m looking forward to whatever they get up to.
Account Wallet for Currency
I just peed my pants
Read Wingless, a fantasy comic about a knight’s journey, here!
Three cheers for the story abandoning Kiel and moving away from Lion’s Arch! It will be great to see a charr and a norn back in the story, I’m looking forward to whatever they get up to.
So when do we get an Asura hero story? (Screw Sylvari, Trahearne killed any want for a Sylvari hero)
Please give us a keyring…
Yeah, we already have far too many human females, hopefully this chapter can introduce a compelling asuran or sylvari character (or Canach comes back as a sort of antihero – it would sure beat most of the other “heroes” we are stuck with). If Rox and Braham are acting as diplomats of some sort, or are just pulled to Divinity’s Reach for the celebration, it’s possible a new sylvari or asura character is in the same boat.
Now that we know it is Rox, I have to bring this up again: THOSE HORNS!! That looks VERY wrong.
Where in that text is it confirmed its Rox? Still think it looks like a centaur. Maybe this storyline will have some progression on the Human/Centaur war front.
Nevermind me. Just took a look at the actual banner image, no the wallpaper. Much easier to see both her features and Braham in the background.
(edited by Alleluia.1320)
Where in that text is it confirmed its Rox? Still think it looks like a centaur. Maybe this storyline will have some progression on the Human/Centaur war front.
Oh it’s Rox unfortunately. Art fail.
Good to go back to good old DR =)
The Knights Temple [TKT] — Aurora Glade
Good to go back to good old DR =)
Yeah, lately I have been there for a Quest or two on a new char, and I was
amazed how citylike it felt. How was I able to forget that?
Sounds incredibly boring, tbh…
A whole bunch of “ride x ballons”, “ignite y beacons”, very low random chances at new armor/weapons, WvW still ignored (it WAS praised as one of the game’s core features after all).
The only thing that seems somehow worth it is the account wallet. But i wasn’t expecting anything so they exceeded my expectations…yay.
/edit: Those pink swords on one screenshot look like a lazy retexture of the Fellblade sword. ArenaNet is losing interest in adding new stuff to the game. (Well, they haven’t even fixed/balanced the old stuff, shows pretty clear how much they care)
(edited by Iavra.8510)
Prepare for lotsa quotes.
The Charr on the right, is ROX… probably drawn by a different artist
http://i.imgur.com/TxnF8wo.jpgI don’t understand how it’s not incredibly obvious to people that this is Rox. Has it been that long since Flame and Frost?
The unusual shaped horns, the gold rings at the base of the horns, the red braids, the skull on her left shoulder. I understand she looks like a centaur there, but she is also clearly Rox.
I was wary to believe you, but it looks like you were right! Rox just looks very… manly, and as many have mentioned, centaur-esque. I really thought this update would involve some sort of treaty/cooperation between the humans and centaurs. Still, it’s great to see these characters returning instead of tossed into the history books after a single arc including them.
Where in that text is it confirmed its Rox? Still think it looks like a centaur. Maybe this storyline will have some progression on the Human/Centaur war front.
Well, it’s not confirmed, but the bow on her back looks just like Rox’s devourer-themed shortbow. Plus, that is most definitely Braham on the other side. My guess is that Queen Jennah invited these recent heroes to her jubilee to commemorate their victories… Maybe they’ll even be allies/enemies (o_o) in the Queen’s Gauntlet! I hope we see other returning characters, mainly Marjory Delaqua!
The arena they built on the Great Collapse looks neat. I am kinda sad to see it gone though. If felt like the npcs around there were foreshadowing a cool/creepy story regarding the event.
I get that; I used to really hope that the Great Collapse would have a major role in a future Primordus-themed update, in which destroyers start coming up into Divinity’s Reach (obviously a big issue). But it still seems pretty neat and will bring a lot of people to the city; plus, that glass bird structure surrounding it looks freakin’ cool.
account-wide currency wallet! finally!
I’m curious how the wallet thing is gonna work. is it going to be just another bank tab accessible from anywhere, or is it something like the collectibles tab? Either way, it’ll still probably have a limit of 250 for each slot…
This is what I’m most excited about, and I think it’ll work more like the collectibles tab. It’d be, uh, OP to have it be a whole new inventory-like tab, and that’d draw people away from spending gems to buy new bank tabs or bag slots. No, I’m pretty sure it’ll be more of a list of currencies, and maybe they won’t actually be withdrawable, so that the currency is ready whenever you need it? For example, instead of needing to open the wallet and alt-click a new stack of dungeon tokens, you would just have to talk to the dungeon vendors and automatically your amount of tokens is presented and ready to use (much like actual gold/laurels/karma work now). Actually, if it was in this format, then technically there wouldn’t be stacks of things at all, and then you could hold more than 250 dungeon tokens/badges of honor! The more I think about this, the more excited I am. I just hope it will be more of a tiny wallet icon in the inventory panel (perhaps along the bottom bar to replace the current listing of currencies) that you can open whenever, rather than an actual inventory item. However they implement it, I can’t wait!
Sounds incredibly boring, tbh…
A whole bunch of “ride x ballons”, “ignite y beacons”, very low random chances at new armor/weapons, WvW still ignored (it WAS praised as one of the game’s core features after all).
The only thing that seems somehow worth it is the account wallet. But i wasn’t expecting anything so they exceeded my expectations…yay.
WvW isn’t being ignored. They added a specialization to it. O.o
WvW isn’t being ignored. They added a specialization to it. O.o
I hope that was sarcasm. These abilities take 1 person about 10 mins to implement and are nowhere near enough what WvW needs (larger maps, variety, less blobbing, balance, orbs, bugfixes, performance improvements, better rewards, something to actually spend badges on, …)
WvW isn’t being ignored. They added a specialization to it. O.o
I hope that was sarcasm. These abilities take 1 person about 10 mins to implement and are nowhere near enough what WvW needs (larger maps, variety, less blobbing, balance, orbs, bugfixes, performance improvements, better rewards, something to actually spend badges on, …)
It wasn’t sarcasm. WvW has gotten something every update. Just because they haven’t all been the things you in particular wanted doesn’t mean it is getting ignored. Its getting polished slowly, just like the rest of the game.
And, personally, I am happy with the new addition as I like to primarily supply, repair, and build defenses whenever I play WvW.
(edited by Alleluia.1320)
account-wide currency wallet! finally!
also bonus reward/boss loot and watchwork looks nice
I’m curious how the wallet thing is gonna work. is it going to be just another bank tab accessible from anywhere, or is it something like the collectibles tab? Either way, it’ll still probably have a limit of 250 for each slot…
Might be viewable from your inventory. It sounds like it’ll make badges and tokens into currency since a mod said it wont have stacking limitations. They also said that it’ll be just like having Gold. Nowhere in sight but the amount you have is displayed.
It wasn’t sarcasm. WvW has gotten something every update.
One measly traitline per update is not “something”, it’s trash.
I mean, even if it doesn’t have to do anything with the WvW mode in particular: There are golem minis. Why the heck do i have to pay those guild thingis for them when badges of honor would be much more fitting. Also unique back items, armor and weapon skins, something that can ONLY be got with those badges. It’s not like we want to do those dungeons over and over for skins we like.
(edited by Iavra.8510)
Jennah has more than Fifty-years old? o.O lol …. She has no appeareance for this xD
(Jubilee, as some are saying, is a comemoration for a fifty-year in a position).
A Golden Jubilee is 50 years.
The Queen of England celebrated her Diamond Jubilee last year, which is 60 years.
A jubilee is just another word for a celebration of an anniversary.
I hate to get on the negative train but I am getting tired of mini game after mini game update. A new zone would be awesome. The features listed sound great and do have me excited, but the promise of more mini games does not.
I hate to get on the negative train but I am getting tired of mini game after mini game update. A new zone would be awesome. The features listed sound great and do have me excited, but the promise of more mini games does not.
I agree, but I don’t even think the features are all that interesting. Also, I already said it in this thread (on page 1) but no zones are likely to be added the entire rest of the year.
(edited by wookiee.4631)
I hate to get on the negative train but I am getting tired of mini game after mini game update. A new zone would be awesome. The features listed sound great and do have me excited, but the promise of more mini games does not.
I agree, but I don’t even think the features are all that interesting. Also, I already said it in this thread (on page 1) but no zones are likely to be added the entire rest of the year. Maybe it’s time for me to take a break from this game. meh. :/
I already mentioned this in another thread but yeah they need to tone this down. They want to add new content? Great! Tool around with existing dungeons or add new ones or new fractals ( I know we get one with Cutthroat that’s good) . New zones would also be nice as well. I wouldn’t mind waiting a month or three while they cook up some great new LASTING content.
I’m a quality over quantity kind of a guy and am always willing to pay a little more or wait a little longer for something really nice, it pays off.
(edited by MastaNeenja.1537)
or new fractals ( I know we get one with Cutthroat that’s good)
You may or may not know, but we actually get three: Molten Facility from Flame & Frost, Aetherblade Retreat from Sky Pirates, and the one we pick from Cutthroat Politics. They’ll all be released at the same time. Unless by “new”, you meant “stylistically new”?
or new fractals ( I know we get one with Cutthroat that’s good)
You may or may not know, but we actually get three: Molten Facility from Flame & Frost, Aetherblade Retreat from Sky Pirates, and the one we pick from Cutthroat Politics. They’ll all be released at the same time. Unless by “new”, you meant “stylistically new”?
Yeah I heard we were getting those but I omitted them from my previous post, so as to stay on point. I do want to revisit the molten facility.
…stylistically new, that is a good way of putting it.
My question is what will they do with the fractal that doesn’t get chosen from Cutthroat surely that won’t go to waste.
My question is what will they do with the fractal that doesn’t get chosen from Cutthroat surely that won’t go to waste.
The only thing they’d be wasting is the concept. I doubt that they’ve started work on either yet. And, I honestly believe that we’ll get both offered from Cutthroat eventually. Their both too good to mention and never implement.
My question is what will they do with the fractal that doesn’t get chosen from Cutthroat surely that won’t go to waste.
Colin confirmed that they won’t be returning to it to really put some weight on the players’ decision. Can’t remember the source, don’t want to go hunting
@ wookiee I would think they’d have them partially created but then again they haven’t made a release date for the fractal so they may have not even started. The ultimate troll wold be to tie the two candidates at the polls that would take a lot of coordination though
@ dargosian If they did do that it would make things a bit interesting, and actually feel more permanent. It would also set a standard for future events similar in nature.
Dear and sweetest Anet….I do love you.
My favourite city, and her dear majesty Queen Jennah in one update….marvellous.
I am pleased with this one, and those clockwork guards look pretty good.