Fractals dungeon players restricting others.
isn’t this the same like joining an arah explorable group and expecting them to do ac story mode with you because you are only level 30?
No, it is like expecting a system where you don’t have to rush to tag a mob to complete a quest that involves killing 100 boars to get 10 livers.
Fractals on the other hand is already requiring people with full exotics/legends to go with them for even lv 1 fractal. If you don’t have exotics, you are left out. I can’t do it even if I had the gear as my machine can’t support gw 2 much longer.
So I’m left behind again because no one cares to help anyone. I see it every day and experience it myself as well.
If I could get the ascended gear, I don’t have to pay for exotics/Legendaries. I believe the ascended stuff is a good idea in principal if it was done better as it helps the disenfranchised on here get good gear.
Its a sad day for GW 2.
Firstly, that’s a lie. People are even willing to group with non-80 lvl to do fractals. No one mentioned about full exotics.
Secondly, exotics are not that hard to get. You should have enough karma to buy three items in Orr right away as you hit 80. Also you can gett full rare items from TP for around 1,5 gold.
If I could get the ascended gear, I don’t have to pay for exotics/Legendaries.
There will be only ascended rings and back items for now. So you still wanna have exotics as your end-game items.
Running around in lvl 60 blues and not wanting to spend some time and money on uprading your gear is your problem.
I have full Rare lv 80 light armor thank you and it was made for me when I provided the materials. I have also full lv 80 master work jewelery and green (lv 80 staff) rare (lv 80 wvw daggers) and exotic wepons (a tident that is lv 78).
1.5 gold is a lot for someone with only 8-10 gold on their ele. Orr is too hard not because its difficult, its because it annoying (re-spawns just after you killed them, CC, maze like areas, poor map design) costs too much to repair/move around compared to drops/chest loot and can be too laggy in the zergs trying to get that armor.
Making rares or exotic at tailor and jeweler 375+ is too expensive now to be worth it being that ectos are even higher than ever. Its more economical to sell unneeded rares and exotics than to salvage.
Why can’t anyone be nice and just take the less fortunate along? Oh wait, there is guilds for that, yet said guilds have the same people like you.
How about all of us that are not up to par with your standards quit the game 100% and you have no one but yourselves? We outnumber you in population here, I guarantee it.
I really can’t understand how people who are just looking fot people to run specific dungeon levels have become “elitist”, “selfish” etc.
I can understand why some people don’t like the whole concept of tiered progression. But why insult the ones who actually likes or simply deals with it? Dat community, hating you for playing GW2 the way you want.
@Yumiko Ishida, I actualy started playing GW2 during Halloween event. So I am still a very big newb. Still I have no problems running around Orr solo, getting exotics for karma and spending 2 out of my 5 gold on items. There’re a lot of problems in this game but getting high-end gear ain’t one of them. Really.
(edited by Isslair.4908)
I’m level 60 and have not hit a dungeon yet. I suspect by the time I hit 80 there will be numerous new dungeons put into the game. I’m a slow leveler due to two kids and a full time job running my own business. Oh and I got a late start on Mac. So I always just wrote off ever getting into a dungeon and that never bothered me. If I get to do one then cool but if not it doesn’t bother me. Is there a queue system to get into a dungeon? Seems like that would fix some concerns people have.
For your enjoyment of the game and story, if that’s your cup of tea, it’s actually best to do the story mode of dungeons when they are first offered to you.
So we heard you liked treadmills and gated contents….
This is one of the craziest form of gated content/threadmill I’ve seen since FFXI. Fracturing the community in tiny little pools of players forcing people to run this douzens and douzens of times (or more) if they want to help others to catch up, on top of crazy expensive gears to be able to venture deeper in.
And you thought WoW and SWTOR were bad with it…
On Friday and Saturday morning, I ran around a friend that I’d invited to the free trial, working on leveling him up. Turns out that was a bad choice because I missed phase 1 of the event. Then, Saturday afternoon, I had been working on improving my highest level character, up to 54 from 50.
So I finally got around to FOM Saturday night. I was advertising myself available for a first time run. A group invited me, and as I was typing up a question, booted me. The reason? I wasn’t high enough level.
Seriously people? I can understand you don’t want a level 2 character coming along, but (a) I’m level 54 for crying out loud, and it brings up another question – (b) how are the folks playing the free trial supposed to join in? None of them are level 80!
I feel like the dev team wasn’t really thinking about this. “It’s okay, we’ll just sidekick people up to 80 and they can all play it”… but if the players won’t bring along someone that “isn’t good enough” (eg, maybe had to work the first day while the others were leveling up the dungeon, or just bought the game this week and don’t have a high level character yet, or whatever)… and I always dread when new “improved armor” gets released, because it means someone’s going to insist that you have the newest best thing before they’ll talk to you.
Also, I wish I could give Syringa a prize for saying this so well:
I wouldn’t mind doing a solo version that gave no loot but progressed my lvl so I could join higher lvl groups. At least I could get to my actual skill lvl and not some social lvl determined by if I have a lot of friends or luck in pugs.
I don’t need to be “run” through a lvl or have the dungeon be easy mode. I just want to be able to play and complete the content. And in dungeons you can’t do it by your self. And making most of the good players not want to play with you really hinders that.
Have you been paying attention to the rest of the game? Mobs? Loot? XP? They’re shared (heck, in the first couple weeks there were people who gave high end loot to random people in the same zone with them if they couldn’t use it). Quests? Done dynamically with others to achieve a common goal. Healing and rezzing? They give you xp to give you a benefit for helping someone out.
Fractal levels? I’ve got mine, go find someone to run at whatever arbitrary level I’m not at. Do you see the disconnect here? There needs to be a system to encourage people working together beyond thinking how can I get the most loot for myself as fast as possible?
So? Did you see some random lvl 80 go to CF because you need help with it? No? Weird, huh. In every aspect of the game people help each other to achieve common goals. Not your goals or my goals. Our goals. But since you are so nice, how would you like to help me get a -insert dungeon here- set? I mean, you don’t need anything from -insert same dungeon here-, but I do. So, leave your server name in your next post, I’ll find you and you have to run any dungeon I feel like, because otherwise you are just being mean for not wanting to help me progress my char. And I’ll also tell my guildies about your nice offer, so you can keep running dungeons you don’t need anything from. That’s what GW2 is all about, right?
Fractals do it better though because in progressing some one ells you still progress yourself.
Doing an explorable that you have no intresst in the gear for dosnt do that
Are people seriously complaining that others are doing things on an increased difficulty level? …and wanting players who are experienced on their teams?
No, people are complaining that Anet built a new set of content that actually encourages this behavior.
The general idea behind Anet’s design philosophy before this patch has been to encourage teamwork and helping out your fellow player. Yet, for some reason, they decided that creating a dungeon that fractures the playerbase (this was part of the complaints revolving around the Ascended gear, and this is something that I knew would happen, but nobody wanted to listen) was a good idea, despite the fact that it flies in the face of what this game was meant to be, from day one.
“The general idea behind Anet’s design philosophy before this patch has been to encourage teamwork and helping out your fellow player. "
Never happened ever. Not once since beta 2 or 3… No one ever parties up with you unless you nag over and over in map chat especially in the three maps of Orr (took me forever to get help to finish the first two maps and I’m waiting for this new event to die down to even have a chance to get help on the final one and Arah dungeon story). Guilds don’t even do it either. They treat you like kitten and tell you to play a new easier class (guardian/warrior lol) or L2P solo. For dungeons, its required, for maps? No so much.
Encouraging teamwork and helping out your fellow player isn’t the same thing as creating formal groups.
So we heard you liked treadmills and gated contents….
This is one of the craziest form of gated content/threadmill I’ve seen since FFXI. Fracturing the community in tiny little pools of players forcing people to run this douzens and douzens of times (or more) if they want to help others to catch up, on top of crazy expensive gears to be able to venture deeper in.
And you thought WoW and SWTOR were bad with it…
And yet you dont have to do any of that to enjoy every other aspect of this game….
Other games you cant say that about as there often isnt any thing ells
Well, awesome – I wanted to wait with doing this dungeon until I get my GPU replacement >_> Hopefully my guild is still actively playing by then…
sigh Wouldn’t it be nice if we had more players who just enjoy helping others doing something for the first time, enjoying the content, instead of always going for the most profitable activity? (I just spent the last 2 hours accompanying a friend I invited, running around Metrica province…and I had so much fun )
The good news is that there are no increase in tokens at least level 4.
It is increased at level 6.
I understand the thrill of running with elite groups, I’ve done it in other MMOs and it’s a rush when you can finish a nasty boss by the skin of your teeth. But I don’t have the fixed schedule that I had when I did that. Some days it’s a day shift schedule, some days I’m up nights. I haven’t been able to find a guild that fits me and does dungeon runs, or has enough people on during the night when I’m usually able to play. So I PUG, which is horrifying in this game.
I’m willing to bash my head against easier content with a PUG to help teach new players and get myself ranked up, since I have no dungeon guild, only a small family/friends guild whose players are usually on opposite schedules from me. But I’m already seeing that elitism creep in, and I’m going to be awfully cranky if my work/school schedule precludes me from grouping with the decent PUG players who match my skill level.
Are people seriously complaining that others are doing things on an increased difficulty level? …and wanting players who are experienced on their teams?
No, people are complaining that Anet built a new set of content that actually encourages this behavior.
The general idea behind Anet’s design philosophy before this patch has been to encourage teamwork and helping out your fellow player. Yet, for some reason, they decided that creating a dungeon that fractures the playerbase (this was part of the complaints revolving around the Ascended gear, and this is something that I knew would happen, but nobody wanted to listen) was a good idea, despite the fact that it flies in the face of what this game was meant to be, from day one.
“The general idea behind Anet’s design philosophy before this patch has been to encourage teamwork and helping out your fellow player. "
Never happened ever. Not once since beta 2 or 3… No one ever parties up with you unless you nag over and over in map chat especially in the three maps of Orr (took me forever to get help to finish the first two maps and I’m waiting for this new event to die down to even have a chance to get help on the final one and Arah dungeon story). Guilds don’t even do it either. They treat you like kitten and tell you to play a new easier class (guardian/warrior lol) or L2P solo. For dungeons, its required, for maps? No so much.
Encouraging teamwork and helping out your fellow player isn’t the same thing as creating formal groups.
Yep. I need the teamwork and having people help me out part. I get enough social stuff with Role Playing in the taverns of Divinity’s Reach. Never was my complaint there or in any thread on here.
sigh Wouldn’t it be nice if we had more players who just enjoy helping others doing something for the first time, enjoying the content, instead of always going for the most profitable activity? (I just spent the last 2 hours accompanying a friend I invited, running around Metrica province…and I had so much fun
You had that fun helping a friend. That’s the difference. Have you ever tried helping a complete stranger? There is a reason people avoid it. For one, communication is worse(you wouldn’t have voice com with smb you never met before). For two, a lot of people fail at following basic instructions. For three, people do help others. It’s just that people are more prone to help those they know and not strangers. Because strangers tend to take your help for granted and become abusive if you can’t help them right away. I learned how bad being nice and helpful is in my previous MMO when my block list got full 2 days after the server found out my party was helping people finish the hardest dungeon in the game for story Q. The tank, the ranger and me(healer) were getting publicly insulted and harassed every time we refused to run smb through that dungeon. Even though we’d already helped over 100 people with it. And this topic proves that the GW2 community isn’t much better. Everybody acts like others owe you help and starts insulting when that help isn;t given. Tell me, what reason would anybody have to be the nice guy?
To be sure, many in our current age feel they are owed something by others without any effort to earn such things. Unfortunately, it is also true that the virtues of compassion and generosity are both abused and seen as the province of fools. It seems this is the natural consequences of designing gated content and it will unfortunately, drive more people away from, than lure towards the game.
The real pity is that Anet did so many things extremely well…and then fell right back into the WoW trap of gear treadmilling and all its associated pitfalls.
We’ll see how this plays out tomorrow for most servers. But I’m guessing these things will happen in no particular order ~
If your on a low population server and want to run fractals, no more overflow server either so the player will be forced into these decisions ~
1) Transfer to a “higher” population server
2) Transfer to a very high population guild/Raid guild
Either of which is a bad choice, I’m a guild leader and since our guild is casual we’re already starting to lose members to hardcore raid types to run constant fractal runs and/or people are transferring of the server which is just a bad really.
Server guesting will not fix this problem period, low population servers now need a permanent way to join Lions Arch overflow at the click of a button regardless of their current zones population in order just to probably run low level fractals.
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -