The Lost Shores: phase 1, update
Why don’t you guys just delay the lost shores events till next weekend and get the thing working correctly. Give everyone another shot at doing things in order.
It’s not a big deal that we need to wait but it’s kinda lame that we can’t play it as intended.
Fahd al’Eshadhi event is still bugged on Crystal Desert. His event started, but at the end, after fighting him, he just gets stuck on how he needs to collect himself. No item given out.
You can loot the chest after defeating him to get the shell, that’s how I did it 5 mins ago.
That is 2 a.m. Japanese Tokyo time. How are we supposed to complete this?!? Bad form.
Wouldn’t it be 2 AM somebody’s time no matter what time they chose? Not really logical there.
I suppose it was a good ideia to extend the event until 19 november so that everyone that couldn’t experienced the event’s yesterday had the opportunity to
That is 2 a.m. Japanese Tokyo time. How are we supposed to complete this?!? Bad form.
Wouldn’t it be 2 AM somebody’s time no matter what time they chose? Not really logical there.
Neither was starting the event at noon on a Friday, since normal people have real world obligations. But in any case, I never claimed to be Spock :-p
It takes forever to do the Canach part anyway to halve the amount of time between instances?
(edited by Daemon.7682)
Fahd’s timer doesn’t end as far as I can tell, he just keeps counting down. I did this on 2 toons. I did get the shell though after defeating him and looting the chest so at least we can advance.
Noll is still bugged on HoD server. Please stop trying to push out new content if we cant even complete it in the time frame. Some people have jobs, kids, etc so they cannot just hope it works.
(edited by gamefreak.5673)
Canach is still bugged, a lot of people can’t progress. Invited people left & won’t come back again. No lost shores for me this weekend. Thanks, guys.
“We’ve identified the fix for Noll’s event but this fix will require additional time to implement.”
Canach just worked on Crystal Desert about 5 minutes ago. Also was able to get the shell from Fahd’s chest.
Thanks for the update…..
At least we don’t have a short deadline to meet before this event never happens again. It means the hours waiting at these bugged events is’nt really an issue…..
Seriously, releasing hugely buggy events and telling people they only have one weekend to complete them all is bad.
canach bugged – YET AGAIN… (Blacktide)
_We’re going to leave the Phase 1 dynamic events (investigation of the Karka attacks) open even after Phase 2 starts (Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time)
To complete Phase 1, you have to complete the dynamic event chain leading to Noll before Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time_
Woo, conflicting information!
Canach is not working in Vizunah Square [EU] and all the overflows servers that i’ve been too
I also got the shell from Fahd’s chest, but no event took place, just went there grabbed it and left, not sure if it’s supposed to be this way.
Edit: Canachas event just started working, Vizunah Square [EU].
Commander of Blacktide
(edited by HERO.2057)
It seems that the problem is the big numbers of players trying to progress with these NPCs simultaneously to me.
If this really is a stress test – it has been successful. If it isn`t, well you better deal with it as one.
Canach’s working on Jade quarry, he just has a cooldown before he goes back to being killable guys, it’s not instant.
Why don’t you guys just delay the lost shores events till next weekend and get the thing working correctly. Give everyone another shot at doing things in order.
It’s not a big deal that we need to wait but it’s kinda lame that we can’t play it as intended.
Knowing them I say it’ll still be bugged beyond any expectations.
I will not be surprised if my friend decides not to stay in GW2.
Canach took about 5 minutes to start, but I could complete it. No problems with Eldashi, the dynamic event might still have glitched him after it started.
Hi everyone,
We have now identified and applied fixes for the reported bugs related to the Lost Shores phase 1. This includes events for the NPCs Canach and Fahd al’Eshadhi, but not for Noll who is still bugged. We’ve also fixed the bugs of Miyani sending multiple emails, Blingg’s voice over being spammed, the Largos dynamic events and a few other bugs.
We’ve identified the fix for Noll’s event but this fix will require additional time to implement. Because of this we’re going to leave the Phase 1 dynamic events (investigation of the Karka attacks) open even after Phase 2 starts (Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time), which will allow us to push a fix for Noll’s dynamic event later so that players can complete phase 1 of The Lost Shores event.
This change in the organization of the event means that:
- To complete Phase 1, you have to complete the dynamic event chain leading to Noll before Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time; you will be able to complete the dynamic events after Noll once we’ve pushed the fix; you can refer to the "wiki article about Phase ":>; for more information;
- Some NPCs (primarily Canach and Inspector Ellen Kiel) will be duplicated for phases 2 and 3, and may appear simultaneously in Lion’s Arch and in Southsun Cove.
We’re very sorry about this and hope that you can continue to experience The Lost Shores and help us retake Lion’s Arch and repel the Karkas!
Great. Now every player just needs to check the forum to know, or forever be screwed over.
You know players are going to assume they can “just do it tomorrow when patched” not knowing they need to have it done up to a point to get credit. My guildies went to sleep under that assumption.
Would be wonderful to have stuff work and times extended properly when failed content is released.
Intimidate Inspector Noll STILL bugged on Aurora Glade, and you continue to refuse to fix it. The event has limited time, and this is extremely unfair and upsetting to players. PLEASE FIX IMMEDIATELY.
Stormjayde – 80 Necro; Myste Dawn – 80 Ranger; Mysterayne – 80 Engi
Aurora Glade EU Server
Why don’t you make all these encounters instances like in our Personal Story… then all the PROBLEMS will be solved. Nice and easy… Having an npc out in the open with a hundred players attacking him isn’t fun and it is obviously causing a lot of problem. So why not make it instanced?
Why don’t you guys just delay the lost shores events till next weekend and get the thing working correctly. Give everyone another shot at doing things in order.
It’s not a big deal that we need to wait but it’s kinda lame that we can’t play it as intended.
Knowing them I say it’ll still be bugged beyond any expectations.
I will not be surprised if my friend decides not to stay in GW2.
“Our free trial event is now live and it’s not too late to invite a friend to experience Guild Wars 2 for free! Enjoy standing around broken NPCs while waiting for things to work in this ground-breaking new MMO!”
Great impression. Show how content is released bugged lol.
Just direct your friend away from the Lost Shores content and pretend it doesn’t exist. It might as well not exist anyway, with how it is running. The rest of the game is quite attractive, if you ignore missing out on temporary content.
Still broken. Event has popped twice and people are getting credit but the mobs die instantly of course and you can’t talk to Noll afterwards.
What happened to events scaling? There are like 50 people standing here, yet the mobs have 10 hp and die immediately…some have posited that they die so fast that the game can’t trigger the next part of Noll’s script. This is ludicrous.
It’s like you didn’t even read the post. It says pretty clearly that the Noll fix isn’t live yet and won’t be until tomorrow.
I was typing my post as the most recent update went up. Look at the timestamps. Everything else I said about the event scaling is still valid, it is ridiculous that people can’t even get credit b/c the NPCs die so fast. I had to change my spec to all turrets just to max my DPS for the split second the event is active.
_We’re going to leave the Phase 1 dynamic events (investigation of the Karka attacks) open even after Phase 2 starts (Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time)
To complete Phase 1, you have to complete the dynamic event chain leading to Noll before Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time_
Woo, conflicting information!
Does not seem conflicted to me. As I understand it, if you get to the part of the chain where you have to talk to Noll before 12 pm Nov 17, you are fine and can still continue on after that when they have fixed him. It says you have to complete the chain leading to him before that time, not the part past him.
But I do hope they fix Noll soon, because he is stuck in a downed state on Piken Square
(edited by xerca.6135)
It says Phase 1 is “open after Phase 2 starts”. But then it says while open, you still hve to have done half of it before tomorrow.
Phase 1 isn’t “open” if part of it ends.
I cant find Tyrro. everyone says hes at the dungeon but hes not.
thanks for fixing bingg…more than annoying that was
Northern Shiverpeaks server, Canach is still bugged I think. He is killable, but I have done it about 6 times and have not gotten the mail with the map of Southsun cove. My husband did it at the same time and he got the mail with the map. A lot of people are saying the same thing, they are saying they are not getting mail after finishing battle and getting the exp.
I really think the update should be sent via in game mail. There are a lot of people hanging around trying to do Noll. Its causing a lot of raging and frustration and none of them are even aware of this forum.
Woah you fixed blingg ty so much !!
Xwitchblade <> Charr <Warrior>
We’ve identified the fix for Noll’s event but this fix will require additional time to implement. Because of this we’re going to leave the Phase 1 dynamic events (investigation of the Karka attacks) open even after Phase 2 starts (Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time) …. -snip-… To complete Phase 1, you have to complete the dynamic event chain leading to Noll before Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time; -snip-
Unless I’m reading this horribly wrong, this information seems contradictory? Apologies if I’m misunderstanding, but if not, I think this needs to be cleared up.
(EDIT: Sorry, see MaDDoc’s post below. To complete phase 1, you will have to have progressed up to the point where you meet Noll. Stuff past that point in phase 1 will still be available post phase 2. )
Needless to say, the events can’t progress if Noll isn’t fixed and from my experience, he’s basically bugged both on our home server (Aurora Glade) as well as the overflow. Hopefully the additional time ArenaNet requires to fix it, won’t place it in an unreasonable time-frame to complete it before it’s gone.
I have to say that this has been a rather disappointing affair so far, but I’m looking forward to whatever fix they’re trying to implement … l just hope it doesn’t come too late.
(edited by Makovorn.1706)
I’m really curious about the reward for this pile of garbage. If it’s anything lower than an ascended ring (even tho i’m against the introduction of the new tier) , I’m not going to play any event they put out for a long time.
We’ve identified the fix for Noll’s event but this fix will require additional time to implement. Because of this we’re going to leave the Phase 1 dynamic events (investigation of the Karka attacks) open even after Phase 2 starts (Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time) …. -snip-… To complete Phase 1, you have to complete the dynamic event chain leading to Noll before Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time; -snip-
Unless I’m reading this horribly wrong, this information seems contradictory? Apologies if I’m misunderstanding, but if not, I think this needs to be cleared up.
Needless to say, the events can’t progress if Noll isn’t fixed and from my experience, he’s basically bugged both on our home server (Aurora Glade) as well as the overflow. Hopefully the additional time ArenaNet requires to fix it, won’t place it in an unreasonable time-frame to complete it before it’s gone.
If you have completed the events leading up to Noll, and that you are standing and waiting for him where he is supposed to spawn, you have nothing to worry about, everything from that point onwards will still be able to be completed after Phase 2 has started.
We’ve identified the fix for Noll’s event but this fix will require additional time to implement. Because of this we’re going to leave the Phase 1 dynamic events (investigation of the Karka attacks) open even after Phase 2 starts (Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time) …. -snip-… To complete Phase 1, you have to complete the dynamic event chain leading to Noll before Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time; -snip-
Unless I’m reading this horribly wrong, this information seems contradictory? Apologies if I’m misunderstanding, but if not, I think this needs to be cleared up.
Needless to say, the events can’t progress if Noll isn’t fixed and from my experience, he’s basically bugged both on our home server (Aurora Glade) as well as the overflow. Hopefully the additional time ArenaNet requires to fix it, won’t place it in an unreasonable time-frame to complete it before it’s gone.
If you have completed the events leading up to Noll, and that you are standing and waiting for him where he is supposed to spawn, you have nothing to worry about, everything from that point onwards will still be able to be completed after Phase 2 has started.
Thanks bud! For some stupid reason I missed the “leading to” part. Thanks for clarifying.
- it clearly states Noll is not fixed, #2 there is a chest below Fahd you need to loot to find the shell.
Thanks for working at an attempt to fix it, I know its not easy working on this stuff and you guys at A-net can only prepare for so much. Other companies(Blizzard, ect) would also have glitches like this when they release expanding content and when they do have glitches, instead of doing what A-net is doing(keeping the server up and trying to fix the server with the server up), the other companies would of just taken their server down until they are satisfied with their attempt at fixing it.
We’ve identified the fix for Noll’s event but this fix will require additional time to implement. Because of this we’re going to leave the Phase 1 dynamic events (investigation of the Karka attacks) open even after Phase 2 starts (Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time) …. -snip-… To complete Phase 1, you have to complete the dynamic event chain leading to Noll before Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time; -snip-
Unless I’m reading this horribly wrong, this information seems contradictory? Apologies if I’m misunderstanding, but if not, I think this needs to be cleared up.
Needless to say, the events can’t progress if Noll isn’t fixed and from my experience, he’s basically bugged both on our home server (Aurora Glade) as well as the overflow. Hopefully the additional time ArenaNet requires to fix it, won’t place it in an unreasonable time-frame to complete it before it’s gone.
If you have completed the events leading up to Noll, and that you are standing and waiting for him where he is supposed to spawn, you have nothing to worry about, everything from that point onwards will still be able to be completed after Phase 2 has started.
“Leading to Noll” as in having the map piece or after his (pre)event?
i just finished the entire chain and i got 5 captain’s council commendations. I kid you not — i got many more just from adding blues to the forge. I can’t believe I put myself through this, and took a day off for it.
Ok, made ‘Special’ time to do the main event kickoff, and the silver lining was that the lag sorta helped me get some nice screens of me appearing to solo an egglayer.
Other than that, after logging on about 6 different times during the last 14 plus hours, I got zilch as far as the event storyline goes.
Have not been able to get on a Fractal team yet either.
Did get and exotic Lionguard greatsword. At the cost of 1300 commendations it, and all the other Lionguard exotics, ought to come in multiple versions and a selection of different stats but still very nice.
Rating to date on event storyline = MAJOR FAIL.
Hear the new dungeon is nice.
I am glad Anet is sorry about the event storyline. Really sorrry. However you should be so seriously super-supremely sickly-er sorrrrrier than you are. You should be as sorry as this event is so far. If that is humanly possible. (Ok it’s 4:25 AM and I need a nap!)
How many more events have you planned for the upcoming months where you give yourselves NO room for error, timewise? Do you at Anet REALLY BELIEVE you can meet that standard of performance?
People calling for this trainwreck to be repeated after it is finally fixed should consider that a redo is probably impossible given the announced plan to have something ‘Special’ every month.
Based on results thus far, I think going to 12 Hour Events that cannot possibly be fixed, and can be just quietly be allowed to die (no achievments attached so the achievemnt hungry do’t suffer apoplexy) might be the way to go till you get your act together. You get to meet your goal of having ‘Specials’ every month (the BL Trading stuff can be left up for cash flow of course) and we get to ignore them with minimal angst.
There is SO MUCH praiseworthy about the game, why keep stepping on your whatever with a crippled foot in your mouth every month?
On a happier note Great Job on the Bots.
Gonna get that nap now. I’ll return later today with a song in my heart and Zero expectations for the event. Can’t fall off the floor.
Thanks for working at an attempt to fix it, I know its not easy working on this stuff and you guys at A-net can only prepare for so much. Other companies(Blizzard, ect) would also have glitches like this when they release expanding content and when they do have glitches, instead of doing what A-net is doing(keeping the server up and trying to fix the server with the server up), the other companies would of just taken their server down until they are satisfied with their attempt at fixing it.
Other companies do PTRs, closed tests and have sane testers to prevent really progress breaking bugs like Noll. Not some “fire-and-forget” style of patching.
People need to ease up on kittening, yes the event isn’t working right and I hope you will be able to prepare better for future events, still considering how much we are already getting for free, I can appriciate the effort behind such massive event, even if some of it’s parts are broken.
After trying F2P for Star Wars: The Old Republic, where you must pay 5 bucks for hiding head slot and pretty much every aspect of the game is limited, unless you pay cash or become subscriber, I somehow appreciate much more how much we are given without having to pay for it.
Thanks for working at an attempt to fix it, I know its not easy working on this stuff and you guys at A-net can only prepare for so much. Other companies(Blizzard, ect) would also have glitches like this when they release expanding content and when they do have glitches, instead of doing what A-net is doing(keeping the server up and trying to fix the server with the server up), the other companies would of just taken their server down until they are satisfied with their attempt at fixing it.
Other companies do PTRs, closed tests and have sane testers to prevent really progress breaking bugs like Noll. Not some “fire-and-forget” style of patching.
Yeah in some kind of magical fairy land maybe, other companies have PTRs and testers and still release broken content.
Honestly, I was expecting more from Anet with this event after the successful and fun Halloween event. It’s been a complete debacle so far.
Event kick-off was a complete lag fast. Something needs to be done about limiting the number of people in the next event or instancing the event better. The choice to put one NPC in a tiny little house with 3000 people crowing in wasn’t a good move either. There should be no excuse for the number of broken NPCs. Was this event even QA/QCed prior to release? Very poorly implemented event for such a high-quality game.
I would suggest packing up the event, rewarding the community with something for their patience, and relaunching it after proper testing.
I’m surprised that so many people are getting so upset and being so incredibly disrespectful to the Anet team. First of all, the game itself has only been out for two months. Less than that, actually. We’re lucky you’re getting new content at all. They didn’t have to do this for their players, but they did. We’re all pretty lucky in that respect, too, since there’s no subscription in this game.
This game is here for your enjoyment. They could easily just turn off the servers while they fix stuff and give you no access at all. And, let’s not forget, these are human beings who are working hard to correct mistakes, just like every kitten one of you would have to do. We should all endeavor to enjoy the parts of the game that do work, and be happy that we have the opportunity to play new content so soon after a game’s release in the first place.
{{ Aiobhan || Reneigh Fury || Ciansidhe }}
Thanks for working at an attempt to fix it, I know its not easy working on this stuff and you guys at A-net can only prepare for so much. Other companies(Blizzard, ect) would also have glitches like this when they release expanding content and when they do have glitches, instead of doing what A-net is doing(keeping the server up and trying to fix the server with the server up), the other companies would of just taken their server down until they are satisfied with their attempt at fixing it.
Or disabled until fixed…. especially when dealing with ppl that apparently cannot read judging by this thread
But seriously to have learnt nothing at all from the Mad King and the game so far…. skillpoints…. dungeon entrances – 3 months on…. bugged on a regular basis waiting for a maint. They are copying the Blizzard way in the lets spam fix after fix without actually dealing with the issues though and then encouraging us to invite a friend to witness the car crash O.O
I would find it VERY interesting to know what EXACTLY is broken with the NPCs.
Hi everyone,
We have now identified and applied fixes for the reported bugs related to the Lost Shores phase 1. This includes events for the NPCs Canach and Fahd al’Eshadhi, but not for Noll who is still bugged. We’ve also fixed the bugs of Miyani sending multiple emails, Blingg’s voice over being spammed, the Largos dynamic events and a few other bugs.
We’ve identified the fix for Noll’s event but this fix will require additional time to implement. Because of this we’re going to leave the Phase 1 dynamic events (investigation of the Karka attacks) open even after Phase 2 starts (Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time), which will allow us to push a fix for Noll’s dynamic event later so that players can complete phase 1 of The Lost Shores event.
This change in the organization of the event means that:
- To complete Phase 1, you have to complete the dynamic event chain leading to Noll before Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time; you will be able to complete the dynamic events after Noll once we’ve pushed the fix; you can refer to the "wiki article about Phase ":>; for more information;
- Some NPCs (primarily Canach and Inspector Ellen Kiel) will be duplicated for phases 2 and 3, and may appear simultaneously in Lion’s Arch and in Southsun Cove.
We’re very sorry about this and hope that you can continue to experience The Lost Shores and help us retake Lion’s Arch and repel the Karkas!
You have to be absolutely kidding…
First you can’t see the phase changes unless you are logged on and in a certain single area which becomes an ultimate lagfest when it should just be instanced so the players could see it whenever they get to log in that day.
Second, 2 quest chains both of which became bugged after 1 iteration then you wait so long to patch them that most people went to bed and then by time we wake up they are bugged again… only to be told that hey unless you get these done you can’t get credit and move forward in phase 2.
People work, people sleep, and cant’ always be on for the 1 time the event wants to work so we can meet your ridiculous timeline which is excluding good portions of your player base. The one time event was a big issue with the holloween event and instead of learning your lesson from all the negative feedback you make it even worse this time around.
Your post here makes it real easy for me not to play the rest of the weekend as I will be shut out from continueing the phased content as the only playtime I had available was met with bugs. Thanks so freaking much!
That is 2 a.m. Japanese Tokyo time. How are we supposed to complete this?!? Bad form.
You can’t. The whole event is designed for Americans only. By making it a one off, one time event at a time that suits America, means that it is too bad for those of us that aren’t in America and usually asleep at that time.
Don’t worry too much though, it’s been a failure so far riddled with bugs. They would be better off swallowing some pride, cancelling it, fixing it, then relaunching it next week – and perhaps make it possible for the rest of the world to partake too.
Arenanet, if I were you’d I’d do like the poster above suggested and change the date.
And perhaps in general stick to constant content in the future. That way if it’s bugged everyone can play it when it’s fixed. Putting a 1-3 window on things just leads to disasters.
Pro Murphy: 44 Guardian
Coneybear: 80 Ranger [RETIRED 11/15/2012]