The Lost Shores: phase 1, update
This is an absolute shambles. Wasting the little playing time I have with buggy events and with Anet placing restrictions and making them one time only.
What a complete mess Lost Shores has been – a NPE that may drive players away rather than attracting new ones.
That is 2 a.m. Japanese Tokyo time. How are we supposed to complete this?!? Bad form.
You can’t. The whole event is designed for Americans only. By making it a one off, one time event at a time that suits America, means that it is too bad for those of us that aren’t in America and usually asleep at that time.
Don’t worry too much though, it’s been a failure so far riddled with bugs. They would be better off swallowing some pride, cancelling it, fixing it, then relaunching it next week – and perhaps make it possible for the rest of the world to partake too.
I agree, I think it would be best to either extend the event, or cancel it and run it again, fixed, next weekend. We all have busy lives and making a one time only event so short really alienates a lot of your players, especially with it being so broken. I’m lucky enough to work freelance from home, so I was able to shift around my schedule to accommodate my play time, but my boyfriend has a job with a very strict schedule and if things are left bugged then he wont be able to participate at all. As it is, Im going to have to log into his account tomorrow and catch him up to Noll so that maybe he will get to play the rest of the event, as he wont get out of work in time to do it himself.
As far as extending the event goes, I agree whole heartedly. It will probably give Anet enough time to work out the kinks, and that will give everyone a better chance to participate.
Regardless, I’m sure the Anet team is trying really hard to get everything working right. Thank you for keeping the servers up while you attempt to get this sorted out!
Is Fahd still bugged? I’ve waited a lot in front of him, no event triggers, i’ve talked to the chest and it gave me nothing (now i can’t talk to it anymore) what am i supposed to do?
I hope you are aware that you’ll create another unbearable lag fest when Noll will be fixed. Eeveryone will be crammed where he is and it will be as unplayable as it was yesterday in Lion Arch…
Bad implementation on this one.
I hope you’ll learn to instance stuff or spread it out on a larger area next time.
I guess those public test realms were a bad idea after all.
… you are all welcome to come round my place, I just painted a wall, it’s very entertaining and fun.
Will supply cookies. )
“We’re very sorry about this and hope that you can continue to experience The Lost Shores and help us retake Lion’s Arch and repel the Karkas!”
Yeah Stephane, that’s the standard reply we are all very familiar with from you guys. Next time you gear up to release a fix or patch or any update whatsoever you should first make a banner out of that reply and splash-screen it over the forums so we don’t waste time pointing out the obvious game-breaking bugs you will no doubt be introducing at those times.
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet
(edited by jal.1286)
I defeated Canach, he tells me nothing. I cannot progress with the event.
Canach working but gives nothing -Yaks.
Please don’t do one time events again.
Everything is still broken on Emry Bay (outside of Noll which you clearly mentioned)
The Goonie who wasn’t in the movie.
Thank you so much for fixing Blingg, he was starting to drive me mad! I look forward to tomorrow!
We should start a “What were you doing instead of Lost Shore Events” topic… in my case I decided to go to the beach and have a sunny afternoon.
Best for all…
I just wish I’ll have enough time to try to complete the phase 1 when I get home from work today. I had no time yesteray cause I was at faculty and then went straight to work after that. I missed the one time event(I hate one time events now but still I didn’t miss out on much, luckily this time I didn’t skip work for this one time event like I did at the act 3 for halloween and only got a few second cinematic of mad king breaking the lion statue).
We should start a “What were you doing instead of Lost Shore Events” topic… in my case I decided to go to the beach and have a sunny afternoon.
Gave up on the whole shebang several hours ago in game, went to Frostgorge Sound to do some farming instead, then took the evening out to watch a movie or two.
Blah! I accidentally reported a post I meant to reply/quote jokingly and lighthheartedly to. Disregard it please. I meant to hit reply and was running through orr.
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!
Testing stuff.
It helps.
Fahd al’Eshadhi is still bugged. So, erm, thanks for the fix. I can’t even be bothered wasting the silver to go investigate the others. This game compared to other MMO’s is like sticking a candle in a kitten it might look prettier than it did but when you taste it its still a kitten
And I’m fully expecting you to delete the post and I honestly don’t care…so delete away.
Testing stuff.
It helps.
That’s our job. apparently.
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet
Lost Shores is truly a lost cause. The fix they said was on Canach and other NPC has not fully fixed the NPC, sure you can attack them now but what good is that when you get nothing of ’em? So, no progression. Noll is still bugged too. It was stressful enough yesterday just trying to get my skills to work during the opening event, but this just adds exasperation.
Dear Arenanet,
I’m writing this post because I feel the recent problems with your game are a lot worse than I had expected from you guys. So here follows my two biggests problems.
Firstly, please can these one time events trigger at different times depending on your server? It would be nice if other countries had a better chance to play them for the full duration. Luckily for me I can play 6 of the 10 hours this big event is supposed to go on for. But it does mean I will miss the finale and possibly miss the world change in action. I have no objection to on going events starting at the same time, but I really think one time events should be scheduled for different times (based on server location) so that more players can take part in the whole event, rather than having to miss part of it.
Secondly, I am a bit disappointed in the whole culling overkill still effecting this game. I love this game to bits, but I think this needs to be fixed before anything else as it can often spoil a lot of events, not to mention the constant frustration it causes in WvW. I did a Karka event yesterday and all I could see were name tags and skill effects. Why are these objects getting priority over things I think most players would consider more important visuals, such as character models? At the very least the priority order should be something along the lines of: nearby monsters/enemy players, party members, NPCs, then if there is enough memory/bandwidth/whatever other players can be shown. At the moment there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme nor reason as to who stays visible and who doesn’t. And when the area is full of players, nothing can be seen except names and spell effects. The more players there are the worse it gets, and it doesn’t seem to improve until there are less character models in the area. This issue should be at the very top of your to do list, as it is ruining the game for a lot of people.
I have been a big fan of your company, Anet, since almost day one of GW1. I implore you. Fix the culling asap and please try to be a bit more flexible about one time events. This is your game and can be run your way, but please remember that we are your paying customers and we expect a quality product that we can enjoy to its fullest. If you bought an amazing new TV, that could do things better than any other leading brand, to find you could only watch 3 channels or it could only be watched at 4 o’clock in the morning, would you be happy? I know games inherently have issues and I know there is a massive amount of stuff to account for, but these issues are game breaking and really have no place in this quality AAA product. I also feel that big events such as these (when you know a lot of people will be playing in the same area at the same time) should not be scheduled when you have issues such as the culling problem to fix. At the very least you should create some way to reduce the player count on these events until it is fixed, so people can at least see the event unfold.
I really hate to post complaints in forums, but I feel the game has some serious issues at the moment and I just wanted to express my current views. My feelings for the game, and unfortunately the company, have been negative lately. Not enough to stop playing the game, as I still love most of it, and the company as a whole is the most talented in the industry, but it is a feeling I never expected to have and it has disappointed me somewhat. I hope you can fix these issues quickly and can offer your customers some means of satisfaction over recent events, and I look forward to future updates with, if not issue free, issue reduced content.
Many thanks,
A loyal fan
So people broke your fix within minutes, on Blacktide for example, Noll just indefinitely lays on the ground spouting greets to a group of on-lookers.
It’s like you didn’t even read the post. It says pretty clearly that the Noll fix isn’t live yet and won’t be until tomorrow.
It is live, that is if you can call it a fix.
I think maybe you need to go back and reread their statement. They plainly said Noll isn’t fixed and won’t be pushing one in until Saturday. So it isn’t live.
Saballa still bugged – accepting items just not moving or ever giving the dialogue to progress.
canach on desolation still bugged,tried him on main and overflow…cannot interact with him..just says( xsorry to bother you)…..another day wasted as i only had some free time before real life kicked in….was there no alpha testing done before the launch???and to think we all thought a few months ago this was the wow killer!!!(fun days in the forum/reddit before game launch)….now….mad king bugs,this now ….getting very stale very quick….i didnt even use my 3 get a friend involved due knowing that i would be embarrassed if they left wow to play this at the moment being so bugged….welll thats my rant done….play time fin….back to real life
This whole thing, free trial weekend and new event/content, has been a complete disaster. Far from encouraging new players to sign up via the trial you will have scared them off completely.
If the company I work for ever released such a shoddy, untested pile of crap to a customer then heads would roll. There would be serious implications with regards to future business due to the damage to our reputation this debacle would have resulted in.
So these npc’s are supposed to be fixed huh?
Well tough luck, both npc’s that I still needed to do are still bugged (and thats not noll, I got lucky on that one). The underwater one is now stuck in his krait patrol event and that plant guy just does nothing.
Great job ‘fixing it’, can I get a refund on all that silver I wasted waypointing to these locations?
I’m still very grateful and appreciative to Anet for pushing out new and dynamic content like this every month.
I was at work during the big launch of Lost Shores and I’ve got a necro parked by Noll waiting for him to be fixed. But putting it all in perspective, this is no big deal.
Well, we all knew that it would be a one-time event :P Especially if the first 12 hours are gone away with NPCs bugged :S
Canach bugged again on Desolation. I’m giving up now this is a game not a flaming job
Well this seems like nothing but a whine post, so I guess I will throw in my two cents.
Thank you ALL Anet employees! I can’t even begin to imagine how tough it must be to activate and event right in the middle of LA and simultaneously trigger npcs/events appearing all over the world. I think its really cool and brings a new level of immersion to Tyria. I LOVE the “catch you offguard” cinematics, please keep them coming for all the holidays and new content! I’d also like to thank you for trying your best to do damage control while working under such a tight deadline. I can’t honestly say I ENJOY the idea of “one time events”, puts a lot of pressure on folks to show up or miss out on something REALLY cool like the Karka invasion. I know that my buddy is gonna be heartbroken when I tell him what he missed, but he had work at that time. Just keep up the really good work, you guys are doing and incredible job of making us a part of how the world we love to play in grows and evolves.
If you haven’t tried the fractals dungeon…you should. Pretty much amazing! The events had me steaming until I tried the new fractal thing…absolved any frustration I had. Give it a shot in the meantime. Trust me. ;D
I logged on some hours after the event started. I was suprised to learn that the inital event was already over. Done, finit. No comment.
I do the dungeon 7 times, no problems. Good.
The first thing I do then is try to complete the event chain – I expect something like Halloween, where you would be LOST if you didnt search the web for information about how to complete the halloween event. I search google, and ristrict my search to – nothing. I do the beach stuff, report back, and then find Blingg. He tells about Noll. I try to search LA for Noll. Nope, no Noll. I think, ok I will read the first mail and go there and look.
Because of this we’re going to leave the Phase 1 dynamic events (investigation of the Karka attacks) open even after Phase 2 starts
- To complete Phase 1, you have to complete the dynamic event chain leading to Noll before Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time; you will be able to complete the dynamic events after Noll once we’ve pushed the fix;
How do we know if we have completed the event leading to Noll? It seems to me the information you get in-game is useless. I got some mails from the game engine, regarding the event. The first mail tells me to go to go south of [Spiral Waypoint]. But nothing happens there, and the npc I am told to look for is not there either. So I look to the far south to be sure I have looked far enough to the south, and still nothing. I return to the south of the waypoint, and still nothing. By pure chance I return again, and suddenly there are karka’s attacking (who knows why?) and I can see the npc stand south of the waypoing. I talk to him, but still get useless info. The event ends, and I think ‘What was that about?’, ‘What now?’, ‘Did I learn what to do next? No’.
Later by pure chance, I notice an orange star south-east of [Spiral Waypoint]. I go there, and an npc seems to require some stuff that can be found on the sea floor. But nothing happens when you give it to the npc. I think the npc name is Saballa. I ask many different players, but no one knows what to do.
Sigh. This is worse than having a frustrating job that you dont like to do. This is a game where you are supposed to have fun and entertainment, right?
you can refer to the "wiki article about Phase ":>; for more information;
Hmm. Let’s see what the web page says:
Following the one-time event in which Karkas attack Lion’s Arch, players are tasked with investigating the reason for the atatck.
Examining the debris on the shores in Lion’s Arch in the right order (crates, then barrels) will yield clues. The final piece of debris, a waterlogged barrel, needs to be pried open with a metal bar that can also be found on the beach.
The clues lead to Consortium Director Blingg at the new Consortium Gift Shop point of interest in Lion’s Arch.
That’s it. So where is Noll? I ask other players and they tell me where he is, that he is bugged, and that he is permanently downed. How did they find out? Who knows.
Note that while I write this mail I checked the link again, and now, all of a sudden, the page contains a lot of information. If I check the history of the wiki page, it claims that the page DID NOT look like I just copy pasted above. So what is going on? Timestamp problems? Do the wiki-writers submit an entire batch of 24 hours edits in one go? Note that my browser clears EVERYTHING (cookies/cache/history/logins/etc) whenever I close it, and I close it very often (once every few hours sometimes more).
Could you please stop releasing stuff that is not tested (game/wiki/forum). I know that the industry has conditioned many online players to accept bugs, but to me, it is simply unacceptable. Plus, the information you provide on the wiki SHOULD have been/MUST be available in-game. Frustrating and disappointing.
Regarding the following link:
Almost every time I open the link, I get a different version, with different history.
If I look at the link from the page:
Then the link is showed colored red – as if it doesn’t exist at all. If I click on the link then I get different verions of the page/history.
The version I got just before I started writing this added EDIT was:
The Mysterious Karka attacks Lion’s Arch.
Collect Karka Shells for contribution and fight the Karka spawns Back.
Karka entering Lion’s Arch and Retreating.
The version I get when I check while writing this is a long page with maps and all. Ah well. What … is … going … on … here.
(edited by sorenrye.7238)
GW2 is a fun game, but the frequency of bugged NPCs in Personal Story, Dungeons and Special Events is unacceptable. There are few games that have frustrated me as much as this one when it comes to buggy content.
Yes they stated Noll is not up which means progression to the others is pointless. Simply hope you have enough time when they finally fix Noll that you can then progress the questline.
I truly wish they would learn that bunching up mobs + one time events = Orr dynamic event on steroids = no fun.
Nothing like not seeing the karka you are trying to kill only dying by the time they show up on the screen.
They really need to understand their game system with the players they have.
Spread them out so that people can actually enjoy the event.
Well this seems like nothing but a whine post, so I guess I will throw in my two cents.
Thank you ALL Anet employees! I can’t even begin to imagine how tough it must be to activate and event right in the middle of LA and simultaneously trigger npcs/events appearing all over the world. I think its really cool and brings a new level of immersion to Tyria. I LOVE the “catch you offguard” cinematics, please keep them coming for all the holidays and new content! I’d also like to thank you for trying your best to do damage control while working under such a tight deadline. I can’t honestly say I ENJOY the idea of “one time events”, puts a lot of pressure on folks to show up or miss out on something REALLY cool like the Karka invasion. I know that my buddy is gonna be heartbroken when I tell him what he missed, but he had work at that time. Just keep up the really good work, you guys are doing and incredible job of making us a part of how the world we love to play in grows and evolves.
Nice post, but was the ‘whine post’ thing necessary? Do you really think it would be a good thing if a forum, you know that thing where people can express their views and discuss stuff, was only good comments? So if people have issues they should just keep quiet and say nothing? So, a forum to you is just a website where you can post compliments?
I’m sorry, but it annoys me when people try to control others like that. Everyone has the same rights to post their comments on here as you, and if they have a negative view of the game then they should be allowed to express it. Saying it is a whine post does not add anything or change anything. The only thing people should have to do is be civil, and that effects people on both sides of a discussion.
So again, nice comments towards Anet, but please leave the snide comments at the door if you don’t mind.
i just finished the entire chain and i got 5 captain’s council commendations. I kid you not — i got many more just from adding blues to the forge.
I can second this. Not sure how not completing the quest chain might affect phase 2, but if you’re after rewards, don’t waste your time on it.
That said, I really like the idea behind these scavenger hunt style quests, and I do enjoy the story background they’re providing. Their implementation however… as others have said, it would have been great in a single player RPG and is totally not suited for an MMO.
To the hundreds that are currently cramming themselves into the tiny space that is the first floor of Canach’s house: He does seem to work actually, you might have to wait a few minutes, and after defeating him you will receive mail.
ok, let’s be realistic. anet has changed many things, INCLUDING releasing new live content WITHOUT requiring a server take-down, extended maintenance, etc.
when you try something new, you fail a few times until you get it all right. simple truth.
i’m impressed enough with anet’s drive, determination, commitment to new content, and further commitment to speedily fixing things that release broken. name me any other company that has given us, the players, that much concern.
if that means i deal with noll being broken, while they try to fix it? i’ll deal. i know, i KNOW that EACH event they release like this is just going to improve until they’ve got it completely right.
anet? thanks again, all of you — i’m here, and i’m staying.
I’ve wated 1 hour waiting for event near Noll!
Why U can’t test game before it was realesed???
Wow glad I woke up early or else I would of missed this phase 1 event completely. But could you please let phase 1 an 2 last the whole weekend cause it’s a Saturday morning an we know no one is gonna wake up early.
Still don’t know if i’ll be able to complete this by 12pm cause I got stuff to do and WAS hoping to complete phase 1 last night.
Quality new content, its free, it does not work, big surprise!
Guardian / Ranger / Mesmer / Necro / Warrior
Played since 1st online ‘demo’ months before the BWEs.
This event could have been designed to be far more accessible. You have fantastic instancing technology used throughout the personal story so why not use that?
It could have simply added a piece of wreckage to Lions Arch, and inspecting that wreckage could have kicked off the whole “invasion of Lions Arch” and the subsequent quest chain at any time (completable once per character), the only difficulty with this would be the broken lighthouse (which, in fairness, is not that huge a deal). Just have these kind of events/mini-stories appear as a side story in your personal story.
As an aside I love how the NPC in the now broken lighthouse still tells us that its the only surviving structure from the old Lions Arch… erm, do yourself a favour, don’t go upstairs.
The invasion was awfully disappointing due to the culling, action-lag and pop-up. Was that not known that that would be an issue? My friend (on the mac client) disconnected about 6 times during it.
In summation, thank you sincerely for the new content and I appreciate that you want to create a sense of a world changing event but the apparently inevitable bugs just strip the joy out of it completely. I really hope you learn from this and rethink/redesign any future “one-time” events so they are “one-time when you decide to start them” like the personal story rather than server/game-experience killing events we have now.
(edited by Pifil.5193)
Reporting from Fort Aspenwood:
Phase 1 is bugged; Noll is no where to be found, Canach cannot die.
Phase 2 is bugged, but you can still get all items: Fahd isn’t doing anything, but you can just check the chest below Fahd to get the shell.
Amate Et Protegite – Guardian
[Goon]ies – Fort Aspenwood
Umm, so I sent my friend this trial key cause he want to know more about the game. He logged on today and I kinda invited him to do the lost shore quest.
In the end he was like “why the faq should I pay $60 for a game full of bugs”…
Hi everyone,
We have now identified and applied fixes for the reported bugs related to the Lost Shores phase 1. This includes events for the NPCs Canach and Fahd al’Eshadhi, but not for Noll who is still bugged.
I was able to get the shell from Fahd and I was able to fight Canach, however, when I went back to speak with Ellen Kiel, I received no reward and her only text referred to Blinng.
I did some research and supposedly we don’t know where to find Canach until AFTER the Noll event. And it would appear that Ellen Kiel doesn’t recognize that you have defeated Canach since the event chain has been completed out of order.
So again, nice comments towards Anet, but please leave the snide comments at the door if you don’t mind.
I think that if I really write what I think, then I will not be allowed to post again. Check my previous post, I am not allowed to edit it – when I submit, nothing happens.
This event is a disaster. I really hope there are no more one time events after this. They don’t work well at all and I doubt I will be able to do this event due to all the problems I am having…
Do you guys even have a test server? If this is a one time event, and people cannot do it because of bugs, then it’s just nothing but frustrating… PLEASE don’t do this anymore, Anet. It’s not fun, it stresses people out trying to make it on time, and it’s not fair. This event is terrible. I missed the Halloween event due to one time drizzle as well. I might as well not attend any if this is how they are all going to end up. No one I know in the game was able to do this event either.
Love the game but…. Fail. -.-
Canach is attackable on Maguuma but does not give a post quest update or mail.
This. Canach is still BROKEN
I played up to Canach last night (11/16) in Tarnished Coast with no problems and zero lag. When I saw he was bugged, like other NPCs and events I’ve encountered in other areas as I’ve played, I waited around for a bit but then went back to leveling. It wasn’t the end of the world, I’m not going to rage quit GW2. I feel really bad that people might quit because of this simple problem. No one’s more frustrated over this than the developers obviously, so I just wanted to say that I appreciate what you guys are doing and I’m crossing my fingers for you. I’m excited to see the end of this event and to see more like it in the future. Keep on keepin’ on, Anet.