The Lost Shores: phase 1, update
Noll and Canach are bugged on Piken. At least for me. You can kill Canach but doesn’t give credit. Oh well.
Only had friday to enjoy this event, and now I can’t even complete the first part..
Pastkeeper Saballa can’t move, pls fix it.
Same bug here on Kodash. I give up, have fun tonight – I’m not wasting any more time on this.
I dont think Conche is bugged. He isn’t giving credit after being defeated because we all haven’t done noll yet.
okay this complete bull, i never say anything but this time i will. your telling us we have to complete the chain by 12pm today! which i can not, i have things todo, but yesterday when i had the whole day off it was bugged. and now i will miss out on it, because you could not fix the bug right. and even now there still not working right. so getting done by 12pm today is still not going to happen no matter what. that’s there has to be a better way, other then just saying your sorry. if a event only works for a few hours and not for the real time it is suppose to, that is cheating us out of it. we should get a auto complete for it and what ever rewards we missed out on if ur going to do it that way. i bought 3 copies on this game for my friends that i invite to play the game, well on my way back to work today they will be getting returned
Please extend the time! By the time you applied the fix I was already in bed so I can head to work in the morning… I will now miss all of Phase 1 and the entire event because of it. Terrible idea ArenaNet!
Pastkeeper Saballa still broken on Denravi – sits on a cage, rescue event won’t start, dialogue is not helpful nor related to Lost Shores, no way to get instructed to go find objects or turn them in to her.
Noll is still broken on Jade Quarry. He is there but unable to kill him.
Just for the people that are asking for an extended time and, somehow, missed what Anet said
“We’ve identified the fix for Noll’s event but this fix will require additional time to implement. Because of this we’re going to leave the Phase 1 dynamic events (investigation of the Karka attacks) open even after Phase 2 starts (Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time)”
If I’ve not finished Phase 1 because of Noll, can I take part in phase 2 event an 12pm PST?
As much as I applaud Anet for what they have brought to the MMO genre, the best part is I dont pay a sub for this. Never participated in an open world live event that wasnt meet with mass lag. Connection probs, broken mechanics etc. why Anet, with your Horrible priority rendering mechanics, would you play out an event like this? So much I could say, but its all pretty much been said. I tried to bite my lip, and not join the growing list of frustrated players post to this thread, but Im so completely disappointed how this is continuing to play out.
When I saw that there was new content coming out I was really looking forward to it. Then I noticed that we only had a weekend to complete most of the content, and on top of that most of the content was glitchy. I appreciate that you are currently trying to fix all of the issues that are coming up as quickly and efficiently as possible. But you really should consider the length of time that you have allotted for these
“phases” to be completed. Many of the people that I know had to work this weekend missing out on what could be great content. If anything, make these “events” a week or month long, if you want it to still feel exclusive (which is what I assume you were going for making it a weekend event), don’t make it just a weekend… at least you will give yourself some buffer room for any problems that could arise during the releases. Not to mention, giving your players who try to balance gaming into their social and work lives the opportunity to enjoy all the game has to offer. I would appreciate it if you would re-launch the event with a longer time frame to enjoy it.
Willing to wait for workable content.
We’ve identified the fix for Noll’s event but this fix will require additional time to implement. Because of this we’re going to leave the Phase 1 dynamic events (investigation of the Karka attacks) open even after Phase 2 starts (Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time), which will allow us to push a fix for Noll’s dynamic event later so that players can complete phase 1 of The Lost Shores event.
They already lenghten it. So its really not a problem.
I love the new dungeons. Aside from the fact that if you DC you can’t join it again, which made me waste a few hours, the team who made them should be commended for it. Good job guys!
About the event, looks like the game is hard on a lot of people when it’s such a big event in a small space, but I did enjoy the fight with the suicide crab thingies. I liked doing the story/scavenger hunt when it wasn’t bugged aswell.
So for me, despite really frustrating bugs and querks, it has been a positive experience. Mainly the dungeons were a blast with friends. I absolutly understand people coming to vent here after a frustrating experience, but please keep in mind that the frustration and bugs will pass and the content will stay.
events still bugged round two is coming yes round one is extended for how long? will i be able to start round two with round one not finished? anyone got any answers. im on jade quarry on noll’s event. when does round two end? how long til i do more ? will i be able to finish content or should i give up? so far it feels like a terrible event.sad thing was the thing i loved the most about gw1 was events and bought the game how awesome event in gw2 could be halloween was good but not awesome. this event rather blah so my thought are future event will probably be as blah thinking i may give up on event and this game in general.
You guys shouldnt put a time limit on non-holiday oriented events so that when things like this occur its not as bad.
This seriously, seriously feels like a beta stress test.
Quit puttin time limits on things that dont need time limits.
Fadh (the largos) still gets stuck in his patrol on Tarnished Coast… But his chest is giving the shell.
You guys shouldnt put a time limit on non-holiday oriented events so that when things like this occur its not as bad.
This seriously, seriously feels like a beta stress test.
Quit puttin time limits on things that dont need time limits.
Exactly. There’s no need to put a time limit for these events.
So two hours to phase 2 of this spectacular one time world changing event and we cannot even complete phase 1, which I really hope is not going to affect anything in the next phase.
I also hope that with phase 2 were not just going to get more bugs stacked on the currect bugs. Seeing as we are allready going to be backpeddling to complete phase 1 after phase 2.
:/ It was my free day, i was thrown out of game, frozen, and when i logged in i was in overflow that was also laggy, and event failed we could not kill the creatures.
I logged off as sad sad puppy.
This morning i logged in with everyone impatient and frustrated to finish events with 2/3 of people unable to do things because of bugged out quests even in overflow.
Please do this again with less lag and more time. Lets call it a stress test or so…
A week long something is still valid as one time event that won’t be repeated.
There is no need for extremes.
Time limited events with bugs… what a joke.
Seriously just because you can keep pushing patches doesn’t mean you don’t have to test things through. What’s your motto of “when it’s ready” about?
I’m done. We were in Fractals and one member got booted because of a bug, then we went on to part two which was one of the harder ones with just 4 people. Get past the HARDEST part, then all of our games crash. I’d rather play an mmo that is of lesser quality and is playable.
I haven’t been able to get past level 1 with as hard as they are and all the bugs
(edited by CrusaderRabbit.7460)
It’s now two hours until that pointless time limit, I have been up all night waiting in case a fix came through earlier since the deadline is at the crack of dawn, Brisbane time, and at this point I can see that I might as well have just set an alarm, but the further along you get into a certain course of action, the more invested you become, despite mounting evidence that you should cut your losses and move on. If the fix materialises less than hour before the deadline, I shall become vexed. If the deadline is extended without a fix in sight, further delaying my sleep, I shall become irate. I’m only glad I didn’t invite a friend to witness this embarrassment.
Well, my feedback on this event is that I firstly really like the idea of event weekends like this. It has a BWE feel; especially with all the free refer a friend trial codes. it feels reminiscent of beta entirely which was really fun.
however, my issue is this. I’m sure it was done close to christmas to possibly generate some holiday sales. let people try the game for free, and possibly get a few $$ out of it. I get that. However, because my main job is in retail, I won’t be able to be here for the rolling out of ANY of the acts. I’m missing out on pretty much 90% of this event just because of the time of year, i have to be at work a lot this weekend.
I really hope you guys do something like this in january or february when I will have a lot more time for gaming.
also, for the refer a friend codes 3 were awesome, but so far I have one person who said they wanted to play; i sent them a code, but they didn’t show up yet. Maybe she’ll play while i’m at work but meh. Then I had people asking me if i still had codes after I ran out. I’d like to suggest next time we can have 5 or 6?
Just for the people that are asking for an extended time and, somehow, missed what Anet said
“We’ve identified the fix for Noll’s event but this fix will require additional time to implement. Because of this we’re going to leave the Phase 1 dynamic events (investigation of the Karka attacks) open even after Phase 2 starts (Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time)”
yes we saw what they posted, however that was posted 9 hours ago. They gave a time extension that is now less than 2 hours away and the issue hasn’t been fixed, nor have they given an update since then. Non communication creates issues. They have been non communicative since then to say anything on delaying it further or going ahead as planned or what they intend. It is obvious there are issues but nothing obvious on plans.
Well, my feedback on this event is that I firstly really like the idea of event weekends like this. It has a BWE feel; especially with all the free refer a friend trial codes. it feels reminiscent of beta entirely which was really fun.
however, my issue is this. I’m sure it was done close to christmas to possibly generate some holiday sales. let people try the game for free, and possibly get a few $$ out of it. I get that. However, because my main job is in retail, I won’t be able to be here for the rolling out of ANY of the acts. I’m missing out on pretty much 90% of this event just because of the time of year, i have to be at work a lot this weekend.
I really hope you guys do something like this in january or february when I will have a lot more time for gaming.
also, for the refer a friend codes 3 were awesome, but so far I have one person who said they wanted to play; i sent them a code, but they didn’t show up yet. Maybe she’ll play while i’m at work but meh. Then I had people asking me if i still had codes after I ran out. I’d like to suggest next time we can have 5 or 6?
You actually are kind of lucky. The actual events are more frustrating than missing them.
What makes me sad about this game (which I wanted to love from the beginning and still try as hard as I can) is the obvious deficit in testing, QA, version control and release management.
Well, I’ve heard that WoW started even worse. But at that time I wasn’t playing an MMO.
When I saw that there was new content coming out I was really looking forward to it. Then I noticed that we only had a weekend to complete most of the content, and on top of that most of the content was glitchy. I appreciate that you are currently trying to fix all of the issues that are coming up as quickly and efficiently as possible. But you really should consider the length of time that you have allotted for these
“phases” to be completed. Many of the people that I know had to work this weekend missing out on what could be great content. If anything, make these “events” a week or month long, if you want it to still feel exclusive (which is what I assume you were going for making it a weekend event), don’t make it just a weekend… at least you will give yourself some buffer room for any problems that could arise during the releases. Not to mention, giving your players who try to balance gaming into their social and work lives the opportunity to enjoy all the game has to offer. I would appreciate it if you would re-launch the event with a longer time frame to enjoy it.Sincerely,
Willing to wait for workable content.
If they wanted, they could have limited your refer a friend for whatever the duration of the event was or for a week too.
But, even without participating in the Lost Shores content; one of my friends who came to try it out is already lvl 12 and planning on getting the game before the end of next week.
You actually are kind of lucky. The actual events are more frustrating than missing them.
before i went to bed last night, I had done the alchemy game in metrica province just fine. (the beginner level at least?), I went to kessex hills and did that little champion event with the karkas coming into town. that was fun.
I ended up distracted from the event in kessex because i was there on a char who hadn’t been through that zone. I ended up getting wanderlust in there again to uncover my map. XD
If Gukumatz gives you a container, and then the skritt steals from him and you drop it to fight the skritt, he won’t give you a new container.
You can’t gather his materials without the container.
I cannot proceed in this quest.
Anything I can do?
Edit: Yes, the bottle falls into your inventory. Woot! I can proceed.
(edited by TheLordQ.1857)
Fahd is bugged on Dragonbrand. There is a quest to assist him in defeating Krait patrols, but there are no patrols.
They kitten fixed Fahd by opening the chest
Can we please get an update on when the fix is expected and just what content will still be available after phase 2 starts? The last update said we need to complete the event chain leading up to Noll before 12 noon North American Pacific Time. Does that include Noll himself and all the steps after?
Is the intention to fix the Noll bug and then go live with phase 2, closing the window of opportunity to complete stage 1, or to keep the latter half of the investigation chain open after 12 noon when phase 2 goes live?
Apparently they twittered this evening
Apparently they twittered this evening
Just gotta love the fact that even they don’t use their own forums to communicate.. Thank you for doing Anets job and communicating on their own official forums.
On Gunnar’s Hold, Peacekeeper Saballa is stuck in the rescue quest. She refuses to leave the area of her cage, so we never even get to the Lost Shores event
Twitter links back to the forums, all they’ve said is that they’re going to push a fix through ‘this evening (GMT)’.
Apparently they twittered this evening
Just gotta love the fact that even they don’t use their own forums to communicate.. Thank you for doing Anets job and communicating on their own official forums.
Totally agree.
And I just want to add: as far as ‘world changing’ events go, this is the worst I’ve ever experienced. Yesterday the pirate ship sunk – I wasn’t there, because I already made plans for yesterday evening. I would’ve loved to be able to experience it today, but sure, I get it, one time is one time. However, when swimming to the ocean floor today, I couldn’t find a pirate ship anywhere. Had a friend show me where it supposedly sunk, but it wasn’t there at all… World changing my kitten #8230;
1) They posted on here the status of the event.
2) They extended the event and you do not need to complete it for anything
3) If you do complete it, you get a jug of karma. That’s it. Get over it.
Not gonna even bother with the next event. I had soooo much fun in the lagtastic bugfest that Lost Isles has been and will continue to be.
1) They posted on here the status of the event.
2) They extended the event and you do not need to complete it for anything
3) If you do complete it, you get a jug of karma. That’s it. Get over it.
4) world changing one time occurrences aside; the new zone and dungeon will still be available to us after this event is over.
also, since i work tonight and tomorrow night; i’m missing most of it anyways. I’m not even gonna bother sweating it as a whole. I just would like to have a weekend to play with my friends fall on a weekend i’m home more.
The Noll event is still broken on “The gate of madness” server. Please fix asap.
1) They posted on here the status of the event.
2) They extended the event and you do not need to complete it for anything
3) If you do complete it, you get a jug of karma. That’s it. Get over it.
Their post on the forums did not reflect the update on twitter. They never mentioned the time for the Noll update And aside from that their fixes didn’t hold. It’s still broken for a great number of people.
Also, I don’t care if its a jug of karma, a legendary sword, or a white pair of boots. I wanted to experience the events
(edited by CrusaderRabbit.7460)
Found this a big disappointment so far, problems:
Initial event 8pm (GMT on Friday) – Disconnected several times (approximately 8-9 times in first half hour), when actually logged in suffered horrendous lag. to point where I was completely naked (all gear damaged) almost immediately I could do anything.
Moved on to do investigation chain and got as far as Noll at about 9:30pm (GMT) and spent the next 7 hours stood in the Caledon Forest at a bugged Noll. In the mean time anything else going on was completely missed.
Logged in Saturday afternoon and Noll still not fixed, spent till 7pm (GMT) trying to do Noll event… no success and preying for the fix to arrive some time soon.
I will update on Saturday event and subsequent goings on should there be anything further to report.
P.s At current time I have just about killed nothing and collected nothing… not bad for an event thats been running almost 24 hours and I have spent 12-14 hours logged in
Saturday Event, 8:10pm, no event!
(edited by Dragonbone.4397)
People are standing around for hours for a single character to give them some text. Seriously? He tells you to talk to another guy, you coerce him and then report back. It all is about less than a page of text and you get a jug of karma.
Hi everyone,
We have now identified and applied fixes for the reported bugs related to the Lost Shores phase 1. This includes events for the NPCs Canach and Fahd al’Eshadhi, but not for Noll who is still bugged. We’ve also fixed the bugs of Miyani sending multiple emails, Blingg’s voice over being spammed, the Largos dynamic events and a few other bugs.
We’ve identified the fix for Noll’s event but this fix will require additional time to implement. Because of this we’re going to leave the Phase 1 dynamic events (investigation of the Karka attacks) open even after Phase 2 starts (Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time), which will allow us to push a fix for Noll’s dynamic event later so that players can complete phase 1 of The Lost Shores event.
This change in the organization of the event means that:
- To complete Phase 1, you have to complete the dynamic event chain leading to Noll before Saturday November 17 at 12pm Pacific Time; you will be able to complete the dynamic events after Noll once we’ve pushed the fix; you can refer to the "wiki article about Phase ":>; for more information;
- Some NPCs (primarily Canach and Inspector Ellen Kiel) will be duplicated for phases 2 and 3, and may appear simultaneously in Lion’s Arch and in Southsun Cove.
We’re very sorry about this and hope that you can continue to experience The Lost Shores and help us retake Lion’s Arch and repel the Karkas!
Fayd is still bugged on Storm Bluff Isle. Really cool idea for opening new content but the implementation is incredibly frustrating.
Doesn’t seem to be anywhere near as many people on Tarnished Coast server waiting for phase 2 of the event in LA as there was yesterday for phase 1.
As of now Noll is still bugged. I have to say I’m incredibly disappointed with how much of a bug fest this event is turning out to be. It took me hours to collect the items from the other races b/c of how buggy they all were. I turned them in for a few event tokens, felt like a tiny reward for such a giant investment of time.
Half of my Guild was there to participate in the LA Event yesterday afternoon. There was a ton of input lag and stress lag, but nonetheless from what I gathered everyone seemed to enjoy it thoroughly. Coming on here and seeing all this kittening about it is incredibly disheartening, and I hope it doesn’t discourage them from doing things like this in the future. I guess I really do have to stay off these Forums.
For what it’s worth though the story-telling with the cinematic sequences is a lot more epic imo (Fractals for example). We are having a blast, thanks for the sweet event ArenaNet.