Upset at the Consortium Chests

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: VampyreJack.9183


i will NOT be supporting TP any further. i’ve just dumped lots of money on over 16 consortium chests and was using Magic find…and i received not even one rare >_<. What a huge waste of money. There are supposed to be rare items, and even more rare mini’s…all i got were common shoulder and mask skins…both of which look completely stupid and sell for near nothing. If anet wants more TP money from me in the future, they should do something to fix this. How rare is rare supposed to be??? 16 chests and not one rare. absurd. Very upset.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


rare means rare, aka like 1% drop rate. Don’t pout, at least your getting something >.<

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Noviere.7309


Magic Find only affects creature kills. Nothing else.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Magic find does not help with those chests. It only helps with monster loot.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Haven’t people learned their lesson from the Halloween chests? >.> Spending lots of money on festival chests is an almost guaranteed way to lose money. If you’d like to take a punt, sure, go for it. But ONLY drop on it what you wouldn’t be upset to lose. For some, that’s $10. For some, that might be $100. For others, it might be nothing at all.

For everybody else who wants the skins, but doesn’t like the uncertainty, buy it from the Trading Post instead.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


You weren’t around for Halloween were you? See, they did this same thing with BLC and keys. And people were really mad. Players pretty much declared en masse that they were done buying keys.

So…Anet introduces a new chest for an event that doesn’t require keys.

Their solution to people raging over spending money to unlock chests on a gamble was to sell unlocked chests instead.

I think Crystin may have totally missed the point somewhere…but this still amused me and had me laughing out loud for a good few minutes. It just didn’t amuse me enough to make me want to spend money on a slot machine again.

The Kismet

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


RNG isnt fun. That was your politics Anet If I remember right.. Fun at first place..

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


Just like Halloween I am not willing to pay money for random chance for a skin. Once again, Riot games will get any money I decide to waste on skins this month.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Noviere.7309


As far as I can tell, I’ve now seen all of the skins… And I’m glad I waited! None of them interest me at all.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Khyron.8735


Is that kind of like dumping a thousand dollars in slots in vegas? You won’t win there either. Welcome to gambling.

Ad majorem gloriam! Ad infinitum!

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ursan.7846


What the…

This time they even stated that they will be rare.

“Weapon skins are rare, and mini pets are even rarer…” According to patch notes.

People this time around can’t make that BS statement “I was led to believe the actual chances were higher than what it actually is.”

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


The thing I find interesting is the really transparent shifting in items…

During Halloween, players were pretty unanimously disgusted over the chests. Usually chatter on forums doesn’t mirror what people are saying in /m. In that case basically everyone was raging everywhere.

So, a lot of the people who bought gems purchased the pet pack instead. Since those were the only “guaranteed” Halloween items and gems had already been purchased. This was a visible transition. At first there were a handful of pets on display and people screaming about keys. Then there was no noise about keys and a TON of pets EVERYWHERE.

Now, instead of taking that observation and coming to the conclusion people would rather spend money, and more money at that, on a sure thing…it was decided to just put the pets, items people like and bought by default because they weren’t a gamble, into a gambling mechanism that people didn’t want and are more reticent to spend money on.

GW2 is not Maple Story. Consider the audience.

The Kismet

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sender.7958


Just like Halloween I am not willing to pay money for random chance for a skin. Once again, Riot games will get any money I decide to waste on skins this month.

Except you don’t. Consortium chests drop from monsters and are also tradable on the TP.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Liliana Moore.4237

Liliana Moore.4237

16 chests and not one rare.

Are you having difficulties in understanding what “rare” word mean ?


Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: fizzypop.6458


You weren’t around for Halloween were you? See, they did this same thing with BLC and keys. And people were really mad. Players pretty much declared en masse that they were done buying keys.

So…Anet introduces a new chest for an event that doesn’t require keys.

Their solution to people raging over spending money to unlock chests on a gamble was to sell unlocked chests instead.

I think Crystin may have totally missed the point somewhere…but this still amused me and had me laughing out loud for a good few minutes. It just didn’t amuse me enough to make me want to spend money on a slot machine again.

Lol seriously. It’s like anet is out of touch with its player base, but then again they’ve been showing that since launch.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: DenverRalphy.4185


If you could reliably get those rare items within 16 chests, then they wouldn’t be rare. Had you opened a few hundred and not found any, then it’d be time to get concerned.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


Except you don’t. Consortium chests drop from monsters and are also tradable on the TP.

Pretty sure that the chests are account bound. But yes you can trade the skins on the TP.

I am not sure what point you are trying to make other than reinforcing the idea that paying money to the skin casino is a bad idea.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: hadzet.5720


I lost 60g on Halloween chests, I lost 80g on the forge.
Anyway people complain about the same stuff over and over again..just stop and learn from past experiences

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: mulch.2586


If people spent even a quarter of what they claimed to have spent on keys for the Mad King event, ANet would be positively stupid not to repeat.

There are people with hundreds of gold. Let this slurp it up.
There are people with credit-cards burning a hole in their pocket. Let this pad ANet’s accounts and keep our game healthy.

It’s just like a state lottery — “for entertainment only” turns into “tax on the compulsively ignorant”

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: hadzet.5720


opening any sort of store chest in this game is a gamble, you cant expect Black Lion Kits from every chest its also rare but thats why it costs the gems it costs. Rare means rare and the chances for a rare drop are still 1 %, 1 % that you cant raise with MF if looting these chests. besides the items in that chest are gonna be farmable from tomorrow on i spent my last 10g for the lulz just to see whats inside if you thought ud end up with a mini just by opening 16 chests everybody would do that. open 100 then we can talk

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Donari.5237


Well, I never got anything exciting in the Halloween chests, and even doing MK and Labyrinth netted me exactly 1 exotic. Today I used my November gem allowance to get maybe 12 chests and 5 dye packs. My first 10 chests got me a sharktooth sword, hello 7 g on TP. Then a European guildie who can’t buy gems right now due to a TP European issue wept, and I bought a chest to open for her. Another sword! She seemed happy No, I’m not saying “hey, they are easy to get.” I just happened to be on the good side of the RNG god this go round, as I so seldom am. Still, my miniscule empirical experience is that things do drop in the chests.

Apparently the skins and items will also drop off monsters on Lost Isle, so there will be non-cash ways for chances at them.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sender.7958


Except you don’t. Consortium chests drop from monsters and are also tradable on the TP.

Pretty sure that the chests are account bound. But yes you can trade the skins on the TP.

I am not sure what point you are trying to make other than reinforcing the idea that paying money to the skin casino is a bad idea.

Sorry wasn’t clearer. I agree the casino is exactly that, gambling and a bad idea. However compared to the Halloween event Anet at least seems to have taken note of community outrage, so this time players can get chests without resorting to buying bundles of BLC keys. As long as the drop rate of consortium chests is better than that of BLC keys then I believe this is an improvement.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: SoulTrain.2157


RNG isnt fun. That was your politics Anet If I remember right.. Fun at first place..

What does RNG stand for? i see that alot here on the forums thanks.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Random Number Game/Generator. In the context of games, it usually refers to any sort of “random prize” item.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: neon.4863


My first 10 chests got me a sharktooth sword, hello 7 g on TP. Then a European guildie who can’t buy gems right now due to a TP European issue wept, and I bought a chest to open for her. Another sword! She seemed happy No, I’m not saying “hey, they are easy to get.” I just happened to be on the good side of the RNG god this go round, as I so seldom am.

So you got 14g worth of rares out of 11 chests. 11 chests, with the current exchange rate, cost more than 14g to get (~15g will get you 10 chests). If you exchanged 2050 gems for gold (that’s how much it cost you for 10 chests + 1 chest, right?), right now you’d get around 14g too. Considering the price of the not-rare things you got, that’s only ~2.5g more. I wouldn’t call a 2.5g profit being on the good side of the RNG, unfortunately – and that’s stunning considering you got 2 rares in 11 chests, which should be an excellent turnout. As it turns out (pun not intended), you only got a tiny profit and it was actually a mediocre turnout. You’d need to get 3+ weapon skins (maybe 2+ pets?) for it to be worth it.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Kelthos Doombringer.9032

Kelthos Doombringer.9032

So you are upset that you didn’t get a rare from a chest that you knew came with a lot of RNG factors? Arena.Net even roughly told people the rarity of the certain items.

So, just because you bought 16 of them you felt entitled to one of the rare item? Tell us.. if you had only gotten one item, would you have still complained?

Are people on this forum become stupider/whiney-er, or is it just me?

Level 80 Human Necromancer

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ramei.2715


I made 5 gold selling the breathers and shoulder pads in the gem store. Kept 1 of each though.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


rare means rare, aka like 1% drop rate. Don’t pout, at least your getting something >.<

nah… every MMO i’ve played that has a significant player drop profile in it’s wiki the “rare” items are around 0.05% or less.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Miflett.3472


I know that everything that’s in the chests are able to be dropped by the lost shores monsters, but will these items still be obtainable after the event without needing to buy them off of the TP? I’ve already spent too much in this game too fast, and am very reluctant to do so again if these items aren’t just another one off type of thing.

Leader of Grim Omen [GO]

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


Honestly, it purely looks like Anet is travelling purely down the greedy gambling box path, especially after the disastrous halloween events. Honestly, if you guys spend even 1c on the TP to gamble and lose, its your own fault, I for one – will not be spending any amount of money.

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: mulch.2586


Honestly, it purely looks like Anet is travelling purely down the greedy gambling box path, especially after the disastrous halloween events. Honestly, if you guys spend even 1c on the TP to gamble and lose, its your own fault, I for one – will not be spending any amount of money.

Why would you call it disastrous? Rumor has it many many people bought gems for Mad King.

It’s not greedy on their part, but rather they’re playing in to humans’ covetous nature. A company exists to earn a profit. It’s not a moral failure or a sin. It’s a purpose.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: takatsu.9416


people in Halloween opened like 200 chests and got nothing… ROFL. and someone is complaining about 16 chests. Halloween people had more of a reason to complain bc the chests didn’t give anything event related. This time its unlocked and you get lost shores items as souvenirs.

Moreover, once again no one asked u to spend. And once again, rare drop rates are rare drop rates. When you go farming with full mf influence and kill mobs after a long event chain, how many rares do you get? 3? 5 on a lucky day? How many mobs did you kill? probably 100+ and this is with full mf influence…. Moreover, those rares really aren’t so rare, bc they exist for a long time. These are event and special items.

I don’t think Anet is doing anything wrong at all. They’re providing a way for players to gamble for something if they choose to and an optional way to make some money for themselves. However, most of us don’t use money for it, and will farm/save gold and trade for gems, and play the market as well to earn more gold and more gems and onwards. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this.

halloween i can understand it being a bit more frustrating but this is completely fine.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


You should try to reason with the people who got burned during the Halloween chest incident, and the obvious follow-up with the MC chests.

Come tomorrow, expect a crap storm of posts about people complaining – to me, I got burned once and not falling for it a second time, plus besides I don’t trust ‘gambling boxes’ since, if you’re a real gambler then you should know, the house always wins.

Lets see who really learned a valuable lesson

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Taika.1347


WTS useless crafting mats and masks!

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Jack.4360


Consortium chests and the like are for gamblers. If you don’t like to bet, don’t buy them.

Equinox Ecliptic [NOX]
Gunnar’s Hold

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: biggs.4702


People keep talking about ArenaNet “learning their lesson.”

What “lesson” was that? That they raked in the cash from the gem shop?

Yup, lesson learned.

ArenaNet has access to data you’ll never see. And they’re way, way smarter than you.

The obstacle is the path.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Kromica.2831


People actually want the crap skins that come from the chests? I might have to save some to sell in a few months.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: LanceLet.6428


I’m going to share this high quality pro tip with you guys since I like you guys.

If you’re looking for a skin.. exchange your gems into cash.. then buy the skin from TP…

I said it! It’s out there! Apparently this is hidden knowledge!

GL and see you in game.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: squared.1729


RNG boxes are not going to stop until players as one big collective STOP buying them out right. If everyone takes a stand and stops buying them, then maybe, just maybe, they’ll listen to us.

Personally I’d just like to see all event items in these chests put on the Gem Shop for purchase individually. We haven’t seen a single permanent cosmetic item go up on the shop since release. We’ve only seen town clothes for events.

It’s simple, just stop buying the chests no matter how much you want an item out of it. Chances are, you’re not going to get anything you want anyway. We’re just allowing ArenaNet to take advantage of us by buying these things; and they’ll continue to do so until we all collectively say enough by not buying them at all and hurt their income.

It’s all about making money, and if they’re not making any, they’ll finally notice we’re fed up with it.

~Squared002~ [BBB] – Blackgate

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Akhet.6527


I never saw this thread coming. Judging from the Halloween event, no player would ever be ready and willing to shed crocodile tears over an obvious chance-to-win item.


Varien Sundfor
Council Leader of Flux Capacity [FLUX]
Tarnished Coast

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Aye.8392


Let’s see… What’s different this time than from Halloween’s BLTC problems…

This time anything that is in the chest can drop from any mob on the Lost Shore — you can play the RNG game with real money or with time, your choice. You can also, from the beginning, forge the chest in the Mystic Forge. If you don’t want to risk cash don’t buy the Consortium Chest.

You can be upset all you want, but that doesn’t make it justified. You can also decide not to purchase chests. That’s a perfectly reasonable decision.
Sorrows Furnace

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: buki.3108


Do not buy RNG crap.
Do not buy RNG crap.
Do not buy RNG crap.

Hopefully after this event more of the community will be aware that these items are all rip-offs

In real life you gamble money… for money. Here you are gambling money for pixels that nobody really cares about. Stop wasting your monies – you’re better off exchanging gems for gold.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I got 2 rare skins out of the chests (12 opened in total). I may just be lucky this time around, but the drop rate seems to be much better than Halloween. I also like that they’ve added not only the chests as drops, but that you can craft more in the forge. Listening to feedback from the last fiasco, i think it’s a great improvement.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: HyDraLiNsK.2470




stomps feet

yeah, that’s you.

“This rose has thorns…. here they are!!”

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: TabMorte.5297


Frankly, I like the Consortium Chests and appreciate that ANet was very clear what’s on the tin – you will get a crafting mat and a skin (most likely shoulders). And every chest has just that. If you are a heavy crafter this is all sorts of awesome. If you are not interested in these things, don’t buy them, rather go onto the Guild Shop and pay game gold to get exactly what you would like.

I’m really not getting why this is so difficult for people to wrap their minds around. It’s a slot machine not a birthday party. You aren’t entitled to anything, in fact it makes it less special and cool when you do get your hands on it if everyone else has the same thing.

Golemancy 101: total and complete catastrophic
failure is still a monumental success, assuming
losses remain within acceptable parameters.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Gummy.4278


the problem is the way GW1 worked compared to the way these items work. For the most part(not everything mind you) if you played GW1 if something was rare you could farm it til you got it and that was the way it was for everyone and thus a mindset about farming was established, ten runs to get the frog on a stick.

I think a lot of people are still thinking in this mindset and are finding out very quickly that this is not something to be farmed and it is upsetting to be woken with the cold reality, that you are not in fact wasting time, this time its money, and it hurts more when you feel you wasted your money.

I know the old cliche “Time is Money” well I got a new one for these items “Save your Money on this Waste of Time” go to the trading post and outright just buy the items , you can still farm your own gold.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Caledore.6271


Do not buy RNG crap.
Do not buy RNG crap.
Do not buy RNG crap.

Hopefully after this event more of the community will be aware that these items are all rip-offs

In real life you gamble money… for money. Here you are gambling money for pixels that nobody really cares about. Stop wasting your monies – you’re better off exchanging gems for gold.

I too hope the community becomes aware of how much of a rip-off these RNG chests are, but I’m not so sure. F2P MMOs have been making a lot of money off of this type of mechanic (I saw it in Star Trek Online, for instance) and there never seems to be a shortage of people willing to put a lot of real money into a random chance to get a rare item or skin.

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: skullmount.1758


Do not buy RNG crap.
Do not buy RNG crap.
Do not buy RNG crap.

Hopefully after this event more of the community will be aware that these items are all rip-offs

In real life you gamble money… for money. Here you are gambling money for pixels that nobody really cares about. Stop wasting your monies – you’re better off exchanging gems for gold.


But there will always be stupid people who have the money to support the RNG chests, which will make Anet think its ok. I’ve lost my faith in ever being able to/want to buy holiday/event stuff from the gem store. They just keep going the way of other MMOs. Just listen to what the players want, and put the skins/minis/whatever as guaranteed buys and people will (gladly) buy them.

Darkhaven server
Please give us a keyring…

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Rouven.7409


I’m not going to buy the chests.

If something drops from a mob – yay. If not, fine.

This time around, unless the prices are very reasonable, I won’t buy any limited time event item from the TP either. Somehow I don’t want to support this.

I understand (or this is how I take it) that the minis were put in the chest as an extra incentive – that was the only part I was fine with at Halloween, selling the mini’s in the store.

On a side note – please start to make pieces (armour/weapons) fit to a theme. The tiki shield is nice, but it would not fit to anything else (aka complete outfit). Halloween was different there, a black grinning shield somehow fits to everything imho.

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Upset at the Consortium Chests

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ponzu.4570


i also just dump money into around 20 chests,all greens… and they look the same from light to heavy,ugly too,doesn’t feel “exclusive” at all,been a long time i’ve felt ripped off in MMOs i’ve spent money into

lvl80 sylavari Engineer
Crystal Desert