Tarnished Coast Server
Meta Will Be Around For How Long?
Tarnished Coast Server
Pretty sure it’s gonna be 2 weeks because they said there were only 3 living stories update left for scarlet. Next LS february 4th (after we deafet the marionnette, so the current achievements shouldn’t be available anymore), then 18th (defeating Scarlet). Then class balancing update march 4th.
Yeah. It’s not much time which is why I’m scrambling to complete the achievements now before players move on and the Marionette becomes impossible to beat.
Yeah i love posting on here that i scrambled already and finished it today. Mari is dead to me hahahahahaa
Official word please? Come on, ANet, we know that you know the answer.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
I don’t believe they ever said officially that they were going to get rid of Scarlet. So yeah, stop with the misinformation.
I love how this is a timed event and to get all the AP I have to get lucky as it is out of my hands if I dodge everything and one group fails inside. Soooooooo stupid!
I think it would be more helpful if we stay on topic here.
ANet, please let us know the date until which the meta will be available.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Perhaps they might overlap similiar to the toxic alliance content. Then again that might not work story/lore wise.
That’s what i liked about the whole aspect of the tower, people were fighting outside and inside, some were in instances while others were farming offshoots. Made it feel like more of a unified tyria struggling to overcome the alliance.
Anyway, hopefully it’s longer than two weeks cos by the sounds of it the daily contribution to our meta is now more useful than ever.
2 weeks is so short for a hard living story like this. It’s not soloable, so we rely on our server/overflow’s success. Tried 7 times so far without luck. We really need luck for this one.
It should last until the thing is destroyed, and that depends on what the next living story is. I could see the marionette lasting anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks.
When it comes to events like this however, assume you only have 1 week to finish the event, since a lot of people stop participating after that. In general, you should assume events will only last for 2 weeks and any dailies will be gone a day earlier.
I don’t understand how this doesn’t get communicated yet. Every release we have to guess how long it’ll be around. This even happens with a lot of sales/limited gemstore items. In other games they just state in the patch notes or anouncements how long anything temporary is going to last.
Is it really that hard to state a date at the end of the release page?
Still waiting for an answer from a dev or an official comunication
Next update is February 8.
That doesn’t mean anything. Some metas last for 4 weeks and overlap with the next chapter, some achievements are only around for 2 weeks.
ANet devs know. Would be really amazing if one of them would reply to this thread.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Usually the 2 week metas are quite easy to complete, the ones with more difficult tasks (like this one) last 4 weeks running concurrently with the next meta for the last 2 weeks.
Hopefully that is the case here.
I don’t know why they don’t add a timer to it as with the dailies and monthlies.
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Outside of the optional dodge achievements, i would not say this one is difficult to complete. It is however a bit grindy in that you need 50 power cores from the stompers (tho the recent patch that makes the visible for a while after being destroyed helps there) as well as 25 of 5 different collectibles to open the chests in the lab (one of them you don’t get many off unless you do front line duty in a lane).
Yeah. It’s not much time which is why I’m scrambling to complete the achievements now before players move on and the Marionette becomes impossible to beat.
Thankfully, the daily can be done without defeating the puppet… I’m completely ignoring those other achievements, except the ones I can do without a lot of other people assisting me…
The power cores can be done in under an hour easily. Hardly a grind. You also get an automatic 10 when you go to the hideout. You can get the fragments by participating in the defend events and having AoE to tag mobs. I got enough within 3 events between mobs and the bags.
For the power cores, all you need to do is find a spot, loot it, guest to another server, loot it, guest to another server, loot it… wait 5 minutes and repeat or go somewhere else.
I don’t think they would want to say how long it’ll last, because that’ll giveaway the ending. If they say 2 weeks, we’ll know the ship either moves or gets destroyed. If they say 4 weeks, we’ll know it or she will still be there.
Mike Z said that for however long it is relevant.
So at the most you will have it until the season is over (March)
I love how this is a timed event and to get all the AP I have to get lucky as it is out of my hands if I dodge everything and one group fails inside. Soooooooo stupid!
I won’t even attempt the dodge achievements – the rest is very doable though, and you really only need 11. I’m at 8 already, so just 3 more days, 2 if I manage to defeat more of those probe defenders.
It’s really not that hard
Regardless of any official word, it’s in your best interest to do these the first week at least, after that once the majority of the player base has done it it’ll get MUCH harder to acquire the bodies necessary to complete the event.
I love how threads like “Golem mounts CONFIRMED!” or “Evil Puppet Lady: Thanks Anet!” get dev attention… and a simple question that comes up multiple times for every single release is getting ignored.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Maybe if we compliment them, we can lure them in.
If past trends are an indicator, we will have four weeks to finish the meta. However, the next meta will only have 2 weeks.
Next update is February 8.
I can’t recall Anet ever updating on a Saturday. I would double check your source if I were you.
Meta Will Be Around For How Long?
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~