Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Abe.2986


The main issue with the Marionette is a spawn timer with 2 hours, combined with requirements that people execute the event. If Lliadri the Concealing Dark was on a 2 hour spawn window, the amount of people who actually would have been able to complete it would have been next to none. The bosses in the rings can one shot you. You can’t learn about what can one shot you without being one shot. Not only that, but you also need teamwork in many of them. A holo-deck mode, or practice, where people could Learn on something faster than a 2 hour window would help tremendously with this.

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


I agree 100%. The fight mechanics aren’t too difficult to learn, but you only get a shot at 1 or 2 of them (max.) every 2 hours. If your play time is limited, this is not enough.

If the main boss fight HAS to be on a 2 hour timer, then the wardens (or champions with the same mechanics) should be available for practicing elsewhere in Tyria.

Although, to be honest, I’m with the people who are saying, “If players want to do this fight more often than once in 2 hours, let them!” – timegate the rewards, don’t timegate the experience!

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Lasica.5068


This seems to be the current excuse for failure. Oh the event’s only been out for a week people will get better.

Having done it 35 times now the attempts are getting worse as time goes by, not better. When the event first came out it was common for 3-4 chains or a kill and a generally supportive map chat. Now it’s 1-2 chains and people sniping at each other and whinging.

Why make sense, when it’s so much more fun to make nonsense?

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


That’s pretty much the opposite of my own experiences over the last week.

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: bravoart.5308


This seems to be the current excuse for failure. Oh the event’s only been out for a week people will get better.

Having done it 35 times now the attempts are getting worse as time goes by, not better. When the event first came out it was common for 3-4 chains or a kill and a generally supportive map chat. Now it’s 1-2 chains and people sniping at each other and whinging.

Most people are coat-tail raiding with certain servers/boss guilds now.

If you haven’t got your Marionette win by now, and lack the moral ambiguity to bail on your server to stack a specific overflow on a specific server, you’re probably not going to get it.

Not fun at all, in my honest opinion.

Finally I recalled the stopgap solution of a great princess who was told that the
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: digiowl.9620


Yeah, each update where ANet introduce a gimmick fight they expect everyone to just jump in at the deep and swim. Not helped this time by individual failure ends potentially failing it for everyone, including those that may have had their only chance for the day (or maybe week).

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I think some sort of minimal competency requirement would be helpful. Kingdom of Loathing had (has? Is it still around?) a simple grammar test before you were allowed to type in chat.

It takes roughly five people to fail the event from start to finish for the entire map of well over a hundred people. And having watched those people on other platforms, it’s pretty obvious to everyone they do not read map chat, do not read the boss descriptions, do not read guides, do not read the forums, are not observant enough to notice boss mechanics, and probably have no idea they were the ones that caused so many people to fail.

If these people had SOMEthing to prevent them from just wandering in to whatever they feel like and randomly swinging a sword, that would make a lot of people less frustrated, including the clueless people that have been barred from the content.

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Vol.7601


The main issue with the Marionette is a spawn timer with 2 hours, combined with requirements that people execute the event. If Lliadri the Concealing Dark was on a 2 hour spawn window, the amount of people who actually would have been able to complete it would have been next to none. The bosses in the rings can one shot you. You can’t learn about what can one shot you without being one shot. Not only that, but you also need teamwork in many of them. A holo-deck mode, or practice, where people could Learn on something faster than a 2 hour window would help tremendously with this.

I disagree. These bosses are incredibly easy, except for the 4th regulator which requires a bit more dodging and situational awareness.

If every new player read the champ descriptions under the nameplate, they would get an idea.

“Can only be attacked from behind” Well I guess it means what it means!
“Invulnerable while spinning, places mines” Hmm well how to make it vulnerable? run over mines!
“Launches bombs” Dodge them!

It’s really not that hard.

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


…the attempts are getting worse as time goes by, not better.

I’m amazed by this and that has been what I’m seeing also.

Wurms have turned into a pop 1 head for the bronze and leave fest.

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: laokoko.7403


They did say one of the boss is temporary. So the whole part about it’s only been out 1 week…

I went to 1 of the popular US server and I saw 1 person there waiting at wurm. I’m not sure where the people are. Maybe they all ditch for a better overflow.

I think over all many people are actually enjoying the event. If you don’t mind almost guarantee failure but can still enjoy yourself. There wont’ be a problem. Im’ not sure the rewards is even that great to care.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: LuRkEr.9462


The main issue with the Marionette is a spawn timer with 2 hours, combined with requirements that people execute the event. If Lliadri the Concealing Dark was on a 2 hour spawn window, the amount of people who actually would have been able to complete it would have been next to none. The bosses in the rings can one shot you. You can’t learn about what can one shot you without being one shot. Not only that, but you also need teamwork in many of them. A holo-deck mode, or practice, where people could Learn on something faster than a 2 hour window would help tremendously with this.

I think only two of the platforms have bosses with one shot mechanics that are easy to avoid. Don’t stand in red circles and you won’t die.. most the deaths I see on the platforms are people who don’t know how to dodge or move out of the obvious. This boss is downed most rounds on JQ server anyway and I suspect many others. Its not a hard fight, in fact its quite easy requiring minimal team effort other than maybe the kiting the champ over mines or separating players into 25 in each lane. Other than that its mostly kill whats in front of you, don’t stand in the red, win.

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Fafnir.5124


The main issue with the Marionette is a spawn timer with 2 hours, combined with requirements that people execute the event. If Lliadri the Concealing Dark was on a 2 hour spawn window, the amount of people who actually would have been able to complete it would have been next to none. The bosses in the rings can one shot you. You can’t learn about what can one shot you without being one shot. Not only that, but you also need teamwork in many of them. A holo-deck mode, or practice, where people could Learn on something faster than a 2 hour window would help tremendously with this.

which is why you kite the out side edge and do range dps. 3rd boss or 4th boss?

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Vol.7601


The main issue with the Marionette is a spawn timer with 2 hours, combined with requirements that people execute the event. If Lliadri the Concealing Dark was on a 2 hour spawn window, the amount of people who actually would have been able to complete it would have been next to none. The bosses in the rings can one shot you. You can’t learn about what can one shot you without being one shot. Not only that, but you also need teamwork in many of them. A holo-deck mode, or practice, where people could Learn on something faster than a 2 hour window would help tremendously with this.

I think only two of the platforms have bosses with one shot mechanics that are easy to avoid. Don’t stand in red circles and you won’t die.. most the deaths I see on the platforms are people who don’t know how to dodge or move out of the obvious. This boss is downed most rounds on JQ server anyway and I suspect many others. Its not a hard fight, in fact its quite easy requiring minimal team effort other than maybe the kiting the champ over mines or separating players into 25 in each lane. Other than that its mostly kill whats in front of you, don’t stand in the red, win.

The only one that comes close to a one-shot mechanic I would say is the 3rd regulator – the one that launches bombs.

If you stand close to one bomb it will take you to 50%. You have more than enough time to get out of range but if you stand in the range of two consecutive bombs then yeah you will get downed.

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: digiowl.9620


The issue with the bombs is that they produce no AOE circle.

And i think the 4th one, the overgrown horror, is nasty in its insidiousness. The shout/scream (thankfully cone AOE marked now) do little to no direct damage but put out a pile of confusion. And the periodic AOE produce a secondary black AOE that puts out torment.

End result is that if you move you die, if you stay still you die, and if you attack you die. And not every profession have a easy way to clear out multiple conditions in a single go.

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: tom.7468


I have yet to fail the wardens, i have been downed a few times and died once on the one that throw bombs. I was lagging so much they didnt even render. And the camera zoomed all in because i was on the corner. But i find it pretty tasteless how you can even compare them to liadri. Liadri was 10000x harder the ooze and deadeye was harder than the wardens too. Im sure the ones who cant beat the wardens would never beat liadri. I was farming pavilion with 5 gambits. And every time i found a arena with little queue. Someone who was trying to do liadri came ONLY because i was farming there. It would had been much better for them to do it with other people trying to beat liadri but no.
I failed this event a lot because others cant beat the wardens GG Anet.

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


I zoned into the bomb one once into the downed state. I’m assuming I appeared next to a bomb that was put out there during the time it took me to get into the gate.

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Abe.2986


The point is not whether it is “easy”. The point is that learning REQUIRES failure. and experimentation. It requires more for some than for others.

Example: Hey there’s a black surface on the ground. Is this something I want to stand in? Do I need to lead the boss into it? Does it give me a buff? I don’t know if its the first time I come to an event (or even the 5th time if I’ve never seen this particular boss before). I do know it isn’t a RED circle. So it might be a good thing. I stand in it. It hits for a massive amount of damage. Downed. Lesson learned. Oh, I just ruined this for everyone on this chain.

Did I do something wrong here?

I am a warrior. Things tend to die very quickly when I use my greatsword. Every other champion I’ve encountered in this event has been chopped up pretty easily. I go into boss 3. He swings around. Oh..downed. Ruined chain. for everyone. Next time I’ll dodge, block, or use a ranged weapon.

What was done wrong here?

Having learned boss 3 I now enter boss 5. In this instance I used my ranged weapon, but now I don’t have enough DPS to finish in time. Fail.

These are reasonable examples. Not everyone will go to Dulfy or youtube and research how to do things. My feedback is only that there be an area to practice, in a time-limited event where your chance of success is determined by the bottom 10% of the population.

The worm on the other hand is really hard, but is permanent content. In this case, I think its fine. There is plenty of time to learn.

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Boss 4 is rather easy to me. (Melee him when the black radius is on the outer circle, ranged when it’s on the inner circle. Fight with your back to the regulator so you’re safe from the sword attacks.) Boss 3 is the one that always gets me. The problem is that I can’t see how wide the bomb radii are, and thus don’t know if I’m standing in a safe spot or not. I have to guess, and that’s not easy to do with the Mari spewing lightning everywhere and the Warden using its one-shot leaps.

As far as the successes getting rarer is concerned, I think this will actually be the case more and more as people get their achievements and move on to the Wurm or back to their usual GW2 playstyles. I still do the Mari fight once a day, but I no longer camp it out at every available opportunity (because it’s exhausting, and I want to do other stuff than just camp out in the main server for 1.5 hours beforehand!) Multiply that by however many experienced players are doing the same, and that’s depriving a large number of Mari fights of valuable experienced players who know what to do.

(edited by Zaxares.5419)

Unforgiving Mechanics Require Practice.

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Elrey.5472


The issue with the bombs is that they produce no AOE circle.

And i think the 4th one, the overgrown horror, is nasty in its insidiousness. The shout/scream (thankfully cone AOE marked now) do little to no direct damage but put out a pile of confusion. And the periodic AOE produce a secondary black AOE that puts out torment.

End result is that if you move you die, if you stay still you die, and if you attack you die. And not every profession have a easy way to clear out multiple conditions in a single go.

The 4th boss is really easy to dodge ALL damage, he’s probably the easier champion in the whole event. The cone AoE can easily be avoided unless you are really…. really… slow. Then, the other AoEs can be around him in the center or around the edge in the outside circle. To get 0 damage from this champion you just need to do either a dodge towards center or a dodge outside center.
I personally don’t see where is the “hard” part of that. You can avoid all the attacks of that enemy since they’re all about 3 simple mechanics.

The 5th or 3th champ, however, their attacks are for sure random, but the 4th one? no way.

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