(edited by Usagi.4835)
05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA
Get over yourself seriously. You said it last week and have reiterated your feelings quite clearly again today: “TC can’t win/take first without FA’s help.”
I… What? Often no one can win without another server’s “help” in this tier because the three servers are so closely matched… it has been like that in T2 for a while.
It seems strange to me that it’s okay to say that FA and TC are fundamentally incapable of double teaming another server for more than 20 minutes, but advancing the notion that all three of us have ‘teamed’ with other servers at some point is met with incredulity and derision. I’m not trying to take anything away from TC’s win by describing some of the factors that contributed to it. I’m sure most of you have already chosen not to believe this, but I actually don’t lay DB’s loss entirely at the feet of the 2v1 between Wednesday and Thursday. In my mind, we had a chance to win right up until the point TC started completing upgrades on our garrison.
So you’re not trying to take anything away from TC’s win but surely you’re not so dense as to think that bringing it up repeatedly doesn’t give the impression that that’s what you think and that people won’t take offense to your posts?
See above.
Oi, this is what makes communicating on the web so strangely difficult…. >.<
Offering retrospective commentary shouldn’t always constitute crying or excuse-making, which is why I’m constantly emphasizing that I understand the strategy and don’t hold it against those who benefit from it. I’ve done it myself, as I say in one of the posts of mine that you quoted above.
TC has done what it takes to win in this tier. DB has done what it takes to win in this tier. Those are the facts that matter, everything else is just the details; how it happened and why. 2v1’s don’t always meaningfully impact the match outcome, but DB withered under this one and it did. We lost the match when we lost control of our home BL on Wednesday night, and failed to recap any meaningful ground for way too long. Whether the double-team persisted before, through or beyond that doesn’t really matter at the end of the week.
I’m out. Sorry again for whatever. Honest.
(edited by Arkanfel.8403)
FA and TC 2v1’ing DB you say?
Meanwhile, earlier in the week:
((I don’t think a single FA person ever q-q’d about this on the forums either^ ^. When you get focused, you get focued by both sides often. Happens all the time ~))
It’s like that scene in Enemy Mine where the alien says "Your Micky Mouse is one big stupid dope!" and all Dennis Quaid can do is walk away with a priceless look on his face.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
Oi, this is what makes communicating on the web so strangely difficult…. >.<
Offering retrospective commentary shouldn’t always constitute crying or excuse-making, which is why I’m constantly emphasizing that I understand the strategy and don’t hold it against those who benefit from it. I’ve done it myself, as I say in one of the posts of mine that you quoted above.
TC has done what it takes to win in this tier. DB has done what it takes to win in this tier. Those are the facts that matter, everything else is just the details; how it happened and why. 2v1’s don’t always meaningfully impact the match outcome, but DB withered under this one and it did. We lost the match when we lost control of our home BL on Wednesday night, and failed to recap any meaningful ground for way too long. Whether the double-team persisted before, through or beyond that doesn’t really matter at the end of the week.
I’m out. Sorry again for whatever. Honest.
No need to apologise. I’m not mad and it shouldn’t really matter to you if I was anyway. Beyond the content of some of your posts, you’re adorable anyway.
in other news, I acquired a hair dye kit and made my beard even whiter, and it is magnificent.
I must see Santa’s new beard!
this isn’t even my final form
Rofl. +1
(edited by Urrid.4593)
Oi, this is what makes communicating on the web so strangely difficult…. >.<
Offering retrospective commentary shouldn’t always constitute crying or excuse-making, which is why I’m constantly emphasizing that I understand the strategy and don’t hold it against those who benefit from it. I’ve done it myself, as I say in one of the posts of mine that you quoted above.
TC has done what it takes to win in this tier. DB has done what it takes to win in this tier. Those are the facts that matter, everything else is just the details; how it happened and why. 2v1’s don’t always meaningfully impact the match outcome, but DB withered under this one and it did. We lost the match when we lost control of our home BL on Wednesday night, and failed to recap any meaningful ground for way too long. Whether the double-team persisted before, through or beyond that doesn’t really matter at the end of the week.
I’m out. Sorry again for whatever. Honest.
No need to apologise. I’m not mad and it shouldn’t really matter to you if I was anyway. Beyond the content of some of your posts, you’re adorable anyway.
Lol okay then.
I guess, “coalition” was a bad word to use. I don’t mean you guys are literally sitting in TS3 together working together, I mean you could be, but I highly doubt it.
What I mean is all week FA and TC have been pushing DBL and EB leaving us to do nothing but defend, poorly. TC barely enters FABL and FA barely enters TCBL. And if they do, the most either take is a couple camps and maybe a tower.
While DBL is getting hit from FA on the east and TC on the west and EB is getting the same treatment.
Add all that to the fact that some of our key guilds/commanders not rolling out in full numbers, which is very evident and the fact that the forum warriors on here from DB painted a pretty large bulls-eye on DB’s back.
Oh, and lets not forget that for some reason DB pugs can’t be bothered to get into the community TS3 and get some kitten coordination running. I mean if TC and FA have the time to get in our TS3 and listen to where we’re going I can’t see why our own server can’t.
Wait, wait… You’re being serious?
And TC voip spies to boot? Gahahahaha this is priceless. All my +1’s.
This double team idea is fun to read about… Bottom line, DB was focused because of weakness. It doesn’t take any sort of crazy conspiracy theory about the servers cooperating – both FA and TC are fully capable of smelling the blood in the water and… CHOMP.
It’s a 1v1v1 setup. EVERY server on EVERY tier deals with two opponents.
Tarnished Coast
Actually right now it is a 2v1. Sorry DB We were attacking DB keep when 4 tc joined and told our FAers to go ahead and take it and that they would not attack. TC just cheered. So DB GTFO
Actually right now it is a 2v1. Sorry DB
We were attacking DB keep when 4 tc joined and told our FAers to go ahead and take it and that they would not attack. TC just cheered. So DB GTFO
Yup, they just typed it up in /say chat and FA was all like “Thanks you lovely chaps!”
Oh, what I actually meant was NARF!
What about the 3v0?
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
Actually right now it is a 2v1. Sorry DB
We were attacking DB keep when 4 tc joined and told our FAers to go ahead and take it and that they would not attack. TC just cheered. So DB GTFO
You can do it! We believe in you!
This double team idea is fun to read about… Bottom line, DB was focused because of weakness. It doesn’t take any sort of crazy conspiracy theory about the servers cooperating – both FA and TC are fully capable of smelling the blood in the water and… CHOMP.
It’s a 1v1v1 setup. EVERY server on EVERY tier deals with two opponents.
DB had a bad week. It happens. I’m sure their commanders are seriously burnt out after pushing as hard as they have over the last 6+ weeks.
FA wants 2nd place.
TC wants to win by a big, fat margin.
DB is worn out and demoralized.
Who do you think is going to get focused? This scenario is OLD OLD OLD in WvW. We shouldn’t be repeating the same old worn out lines over and over. It’s only a 2v1 in the sense that TC and FA both have a lot of points and DB does not.
If DB was at the strength they were 3-4 weeks ago, this would not be playing out the same way. We’d at least have an even split on our hands at this point.
What about the 4v-1?
On hiatus from GW2 since mid-July 2013
TC wanted first, we got it. Did DB expect us to chew on FA’s sides all week so DB could could have a runaway match?
That said, I played way too much and had way too much fun. Thanks everyone who died with me and thanks for being patient. I am not too used to T2 commanding but someday I might get the hang of it.
(edited by Urrid.4593)
DB had a bad week. It happens. I’m sure their commanders are seriously burnt out after pushing as hard as they have over the last 6+ weeks.
FA wants 2nd place.
TC wants to win by a big, fat margin.
DB is worn out and demoralized.
Who do you think is going to get focused? This scenario is OLD OLD OLD in WvW. We shouldn’t be repeating the same old worn out lines over and over. It’s only a 2v1 in the sense that TC and FA both have a lot of points and DB does not.
If DB was at the strength they were 3-4 weeks ago, this would not be playing out the same way. We’d at least have an even split on our hands at this point.
No idea…in DAOC it was always strongest realm that got focused, not weakest…bad game design, I guess
I guess, “coalition” was a bad word to use. I don’t mean you guys are literally sitting in TS3 together working together, I mean you could be, but I highly doubt it.
What I mean is all week FA and TC have been pushing DBL and EB leaving us to do nothing but defend, poorly. TC barely enters FABL and FA barely enters TCBL. And if they do, the most either take is a couple camps and maybe a tower.
While DBL is getting hit from FA on the east and TC on the west and EB is getting the same treatment.
Add all that to the fact that some of our key guilds/commanders not rolling out in full numbers, which is very evident and the fact that the forum warriors on here from DB painted a pretty large bulls-eye on DB’s back.
Oh, and lets not forget that for some reason DB pugs can’t be bothered to get into the community TS3 and get some kitten coordination running. I mean if TC and FA have the time to get in our TS3 and listen to where we’re going I can’t see why our own server can’t.
..What I find more intresting is the question ………..Do you really believe your own propoganda…or in russian dezinformátsiya.
TC and FA decided (independently or not doesn’t really matter to me) they wanted DB to finish last, so they focused us.
This is where your position turns into a whine.
It is the nature of WvW (especially the way matchups work currently) for the 2nd Place Server to be focused. The 1st Place Server will focus their most immediate threat. The 3rd Place Server will focus the best target of opportunity if weak, and the 2nd Place Server if they are in striking distance.
Everybody wants to finish 1st. Nobody wants to finish last. Was DB focused most of this week. Yes. Was the reason DB got focused that everybody decided DB “needed” to finish last? Not at all.
I already said as much. 2v1 play was clearly intended by the devs as per their map design and matchup choices. I’m not really even getting into the reasons why it happened, I don’t care. I’m just saying that it happened and the people saying it didn’t are either lying to us or fooling themselves.
I think people are reading way too much into my comments. I was initially responding to someone who was claiming that DB was not being double teamed, and that TC and FA were fundamentally incapable of doing such a thing.
When people from DB say TC and FA are in a coalition or the like you can understand why that makes DB seem whiny….i would hope you can understand that.
One person, not people. And we disown him :p
TC and FA decided (independently or not doesn’t really matter to me) they wanted DB to finish last, so they focused us.
This is where your position turns into a whine.
It is the nature of WvW (especially the way matchups work currently) for the 2nd Place Server to be focused. The 1st Place Server will focus their most immediate threat. The 3rd Place Server will focus the best target of opportunity if weak, and the 2nd Place Server if they are in striking distance.
Everybody wants to finish 1st. Nobody wants to finish last. Was DB focused most of this week. Yes. Was the reason DB got focused that everybody decided DB “needed” to finish last? Not at all.
I already said as much. 2v1 play was clearly intended by the devs as per their map design and matchup choices. I’m not really even getting into the reasons why it happened, I don’t care. I’m just saying that it happened and the people saying it didn’t are either lying to us or fooling themselves.
I think people are reading way too much into my comments. I was initially responding to someone who was claiming that DB was not being double teamed, and that TC and FA were fundamentally incapable of doing such a thing.
When people from DB say TC and FA are in a coalition or the like you can understand why that makes DB seem whiny….i would hope you can understand that.
One person, not people. And we disown him :p
Ouch. Disowned.
Tarnished Coast Server
X had a bad week.
Y wants 2nd place.
Z wants to win by a big, fat margin.
X is worn out and demoralized.Who do you think is going to get focused? This scenario is OLD OLD OLD in WvW.
It’s like a soap opera where the plot is the same thing every week. Only here, it’s an opera in the shower and someone has to pick up the soap that was dropped.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
I’m very curious about the recent trend of DB being so absent in the afternoon EDT. Last Thursday and Friday we were knocked very low, and again the last 3 days this week. Are finals over or something? But I have to believe DB has an equally proportionate number of collegiates as TC and FA. It’s just odd to me.
Alittle history, FA and TC been fighting each other along time, and we TCers have been called “roleplayers” and not in the nice meaning, while FA been pompius eletists, full of them self, to be honest, both servers can be full of them self, but despite all this competition between these two servers, we still have alot of grudge, but i think we learnt to respect each other.
At moment TC and DB have numbers, in my eyes FA been playing smart, they been lurking defending and scouting up weak targets, couse DB and TC been going at each other full force, and FA been taking what they can, consolidating their numbers, and focusing where they can, im alot on TC doing my best to organice use when thingsare calm, and i can tell you, FA has several times tried to grab things fast, while we focused our numbers else where, i know several of the comanders, so i call in people when a push is comming, and FA will commit in battles they can win, so they regroup and hit else where… i call that smart !
And finally, if DB decides to rofl stomp our border land, time and time again, TC aint going to roll ower and lift the skirt, we are going to kick back, and we are going to kick so hard you will need to sit down and pee.
We dont need to beat em, just fight em !
Fey Sparrow – Warrior
If i nag about things, its only couse i care ;P
With no proper alliance system in place, it is foolish for anyone to think 2 whole servers have unanimously agreed to 2 v 1 their entire server.
If you do figure out mind control to achieve that, let me know. I’m interested in learning.
Otherwise, it just happened to be strategic coincidences that give that “I’m a 2v1 victim” impression.
Because no matter how you try to justify it, there is no system in place for it.
There will always be 2v1 is a 3 way match, just thakittens a coincident that both decided to focus on the same target at probably much about the same time. The probability of this happening isn’t low.
It is happening throughout all the tiers in all servers.
Hello everybody,
Due to the recent reset of the WvWvW match-ups, we will now close this thread and invite you to start a new one. Indeed, we think that by doing this, it will allow the discussions to be refreshed and to start on a new and friendly place.
Also, please do not forget to check this topic before posting in another thread.
Thanks for your understanding and have fun in the upcoming fights!