08/23 YB-SBI-NSP
With most of SBI’s population manning seige behind walls, we kill what we can. Uplevel or otherwise.
So you keep on holding down them Keeps bro! Once outside your precious walls , we will farm you.
Have a magical day!
Oh hi XOXO bads, we’ve farmed the kitten out of you before, and we’ll do so again. Looking forward to dropping 8-bit nukes on your bodies again this week! <3
With most of SBI’s population manning seige behind walls, we kill what we can. Uplevel or otherwise.
So you keep on holding down them Keeps bro! Once outside your precious walls , we will farm you.
Have a magical day!
Oh hi XOXO bads, we’ve farmed the kitten out of you before, and we’ll do so again. Looking forward to dropping 8-bit nukes on your bodies again this week! <3
O , are you from SBI ? I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you without that permaarrowcart attached to your side.
Hope to see you soon, kid!
I don’t know about you, but i’d love an arrow cart attached to my side…That’d be awesome.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
All I see from Yaks and SBI is horrible players in zergs if there are any players from those servers who think they are good would love to get some duels in as trolling 30 man baddie zergs is only so fun. Feel free to send me a tell if your up for some 1v1s
I would love to, but sadly tonight is BO2 night with my friends back home in MI… Maybe tomorrow night?
Sure I should be on tomorrow evening just send me a tell
What class do you want to duel? I can bring anything other than Ranger or Engineer. they don’t all have dueling builds but who cares, in it for the fun.
Bring w/e you want I will probably log a few dif toons to get some practice on classes I don’t play much
oh? when is this little club?
I don’t even get home from work till midnight MST so sometime after then if they are still on.
Yaks’ Bend
The Sixth Degree {TSD}
OMG using seige to defend and zergs to take other towers is soooooooooooooooooo stupid in WvW.
pfft Noobs…4 man kitten like REAL players.
Really guys? 2 upleveled, guildless charr rangers firing cows at each other in Overlook. Can only attach one screen, so going with the one with the treb facing backwards towards inner keep.
Character and account names are Flame Legion Archer (Julian.7985) and The Demon I (Cynthia.6837).
Really? Best guess is SBI alts, since SBI owns SM atm, but really?
Foolsworn (M) | Dehtl (M) | Iofo (G) | Foolburt (W) | Fooloop (T)
Fools Foolentine (EN) | Fooliqi (EL) | Fooniols (N) | Foylshen (R )
Really guys? 2 upleveled, guildless charr rangers firing cows at each other in Overlook. Can only attach one screen, so going with the one with the treb facing backwards towards inner keep.
Character and account names are Flame Legion Archer (Julian.7985) and The Demon I (Cynthia.6837).
Really? Best guess is SBI alts, since SBI owns SM atm, but really?
With free trials going on right now, every servers will get trolls, just like your server, YB and SBI. We actually lost many golems with trolls putting them randomly everywhere and suiciding them into hostile territory.
Don’t be so quick into accusing people and let’s be polite and have fun!
Such a familiar site this week. do you guys ever get tired of zergs n siege + hiding in the towers ?
In other words, we play WvW?
Ok , just checking , so its the SbI norm to hide in a tower when facing 4 people.
Thank you for letting me know that is “your style wvw”.I sit spam you more now, ty.
XOXO must be the type of guild that hunts down uplevels in packs of 4, then puts youtube videos up to show 1337 sauce they are? Keep on keeping on gentlemen.
[XOXO] is the [CHAR] of NSP, from what I’ve seen so far. I bet they troll their own server mates too.
Yesterdays jazzy jazz goin down. I love watching the other servers ketten-talk but fail to back it up. Ignore the badness in this vid.. I forgot how to theef obviously
Yesterdays jazzy jazz goin down. I love watching the other servers ketten-talk but fail to back it up. Ignore the badness in this vid.. I forgot how to theef obviously
Yea…. because everyone is very egocentric and we have this “weird” need & urge to record ourselves to show it off lol
(edited by Art.9820)
Yesterdays jazzy jazz goin down. I love watching the other servers ketten-talk but fail to back it up. Ignore the badness in this vid.. I forgot how to theef obviously
Yea…. because everyone is very egocentric and we have this weird need & urge to record ourselves to show it off lol
Video editing is fun. This game is fun. Killing people is fun. Being outnumbered is fun. Sorry i like to play the game and show various scenarios that i get involved in. Oh wait im not sorry at all, you are just mad.
Yesterdays jazzy jazz goin down. I love watching the other servers ketten-talk but fail to back it up. Ignore the badness in this vid.. I forgot how to theef obviously
Yea…. because everyone is very egocentric and we have this weird need & urge to record ourselves to show it off lol
Video editing is fun. This game is fun. Killing people is fun. Being outnumbered is fun. Sorry i like to play the game and show various scenarios that i get involved in. Oh wait im not sorry at all, you are just mad.
Yea me mad >:( RAWR, but somehow I wonder who is really mad :P ah well.. I’ll just wait for another video of yours after seeing your server fail bad ;P
By the way I bet you were the last 20 min refreshing this topic just to see if anyone answered u hahaha
(edited by Art.9820)
Yesterdays jazzy jazz goin down. I love watching the other servers ketten-talk but fail to back it up. Ignore the badness in this vid.. I forgot how to theef obviously
Yea…. because everyone is very egocentric and we have this “weird” need & urge to record ourselves to show it off lol
Wow Danny must be like the first person to ever record himself playing a video game.. How very “egocentric” of you Danny, you must be a horrible person.
Fun video of [One] trolling around, starring our morning crew.
You NSP guys are persistent as all hell!
Yesterdays jazzy jazz goin down. I love watching the other servers ketten-talk but fail to back it up. Ignore the badness in this vid.. I forgot how to theef obviously
Yea…. because everyone is very egocentric and we have this “weird” need & urge to record ourselves to show it off lol
Wow Danny must be like the first person to ever record himself playing a video game.. How very “egocentric” of you Danny, you must be a horrible person.
yup the thin line between sharing and showing off
Fun video of [One] trolling around, starring our morning crew.
You NSP guys are persistent as all hell!
Now this is what I acknowledge as “recording for fun” lol, man now that I think of… I wish I had recorded yesterday’s NSP fail, 25 NSP against 10 of us in a T2 tower and they all died at the gate haha it was epic
Now you should learn something and actually include your failures but I guess you gotta eat, ego ego ego ego nomnomnom
(edited by Art.9820)
does anyone else enjoy posting videos as much as i do?
Now you should learn something and actually include your failures
but I guess you gotta eat, ego ego ego ego nomnomnom
Why do that when he can post all those awesome 2v1 wins against uplevels?
Yesterdays jazzy jazz goin down. I love watching the other servers ketten-talk but fail to back it up. Ignore the badness in this vid.. I forgot how to theef obviously
Yea…. because everyone is very egocentric and we have this “weird” need & urge to record ourselves to show it off lol
Wow Danny must be like the first person to ever record himself playing a video game.. How very “egocentric” of you Danny, you must be a horrible person.
yup the thin line between sharing and showing off
Fun video of [One] trolling around, starring our morning crew.
You NSP guys are persistent as all hell!
Now this is what I acknowledge as “recording for fun” lol, man now that I think of… I wish I had recorded yesterday’s NSP fail, 25 NSP against 10 of us in a T2 tower and they all died at the gate haha it was epic
Now you should learn something and actually include your failures
but I guess you gotta eat, ego ego ego ego nomnomnom
Ill bite ole Arty boy,
Watching some of both videos. Dannys video shows reaction and skill vers other players. you have to think as you fight and know what your fighting or you fail.
Chris’s video shows nothing more then stacking up and mashing Aoe’s inside of mobs of red. Not caring what the situation is or reacting to nothing, just MASH MASH MASH.
Im not even sure i understand how people play this way. I like to read and react to people trying to use different builds and strategy’s in a smaller scale setting.
Step away from your zerg, you will learn your class and be a better player for it.
that is all , ty.
does anyone else enjoy posting videos as much as i do?
Yesterdays jazzy jazz goin down. I love watching the other servers ketten-talk but fail to back it up. Ignore the badness in this vid.. I forgot how to theef obviously
Yea…. because everyone is very egocentric and we have this “weird” need & urge to record ourselves to show it off lol
Wow Danny must be like the first person to ever record himself playing a video game.. How very “egocentric” of you Danny, you must be a horrible person.
yup the thin line between sharing and showing off
Fun video of [One] trolling around, starring our morning crew.
You NSP guys are persistent as all hell!
Now this is what I acknowledge as “recording for fun” lol, man now that I think of… I wish I had recorded yesterday’s NSP fail, 25 NSP against 10 of us in a T2 tower and they all died at the gate haha it was epic
Now you should learn something and actually include your failures
but I guess you gotta eat, ego ego ego ego nomnomnom
Ill bite ole Arty boy,
Watching some of both videos. Dannys video shows reaction and skill vers other players. you have to think as you fight and know what your fighting or you fail.
Chris’s video shows nothing more then stacking up and mashing Aoe’s inside of mobs of red. Not caring what the situation is or reacting to nothing, just MASH MASH MASH.
Im not even sure i understand how people play this way. I like to read and react to people trying to use different builds and strategy’s in a smaller scale setting.
Step away from your zerg, you will learn your class and be a better player for it.
that is all , ty.
Haha because I zerg a lot buddy… you seem to know me very well! I think you missed where I said 10v25 thought…. or maybe just ignored it for convenience? oh well who knows…. but yeah the thing is that I have enoyed killing most of xoxos in wvw seems like you guys can only hold in bunker groups, so please don’t come here and act like you’re really skilled xD that is just hilarious when it comes to 1v1 you are awfully bad you are way to dependable of your bunkers builds….. but hey! in the end you guys manage to cap camps…. attaboy!
(edited by Art.9820)
does anyone else enjoy posting videos as much as i do?
If you believe what we [one] guys do is all spam aoe buttons, you’re sadly mistaken.
Tons of things go behind large group combat, and that right there is more or less considered small group, we had probably about 10 of our guild running over NSP there.
Just to prove your concept wrong, I will even offer to pay for your transfer so you can experience it first hand. I love when people join us and are like “well kitten, thats how its done”.
does anyone else enjoy posting videos as much as i do?
Ugh, no one makes me feel bad at Guild Wars 2 as much as SPCA does.
does anyone else enjoy posting videos as much as i do?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Coxp3nlowEWOW LAD GUY THATS SO EGOTISTICAL
Bro, do you even HS?
Daklap Elementalist|Man Crushin Thighs Warrior
Naw.. i was raised by zergers back in the day.. i still have a habit of mashing my 1 key
Yesterdays jazzy jazz goin down. I love watching the other servers ketten-talk but fail to back it up. Ignore the badness in this vid.. I forgot how to theef obviously
Yea…. because everyone is very egocentric and we have this “weird” need & urge to record ourselves to show it off lol
Wow Danny must be like the first person to ever record himself playing a video game.. How very “egocentric” of you Danny, you must be a horrible person.
yup the thin line between sharing and showing off
Fun video of [One] trolling around, starring our morning crew.
You NSP guys are persistent as all hell!
Now this is what I acknowledge as “recording for fun” lol, man now that I think of… I wish I had recorded yesterday’s NSP fail, 25 NSP against 10 of us in a T2 tower and they all died at the gate haha it was epic
Now you should learn something and actually include your failures
but I guess you gotta eat, ego ego ego ego nomnomnom
Ill bite ole Arty boy,
Watching some of both videos. Dannys video shows reaction and skill vers other players. you have to think as you fight and know what your fighting or you fail.
Chris’s video shows nothing more then stacking up and mashing Aoe’s inside of mobs of red. Not caring what the situation is or reacting to nothing, just MASH MASH MASH.
Im not even sure i understand how people play this way. I like to read and react to people trying to use different builds and strategy’s in a smaller scale setting.
Step away from your zerg, you will learn your class and be a better player for it.
that is all , ty.
Haha because I zerg a lot buddy… you seem to know me very well! I think you missed where I said 10v25 thought…. or maybe just ignored it for convenience? oh well who knows…. but yeah the thing is that I have enoyed killing most of xoxos in wvw
seems like you guys can only hold in bunker groups, so please don’t come here and act like you’re really skilled xD that is just hilarious when it comes to 1v1 you are awfully bad you are way to dependable of your bunkers builds….. but hey! in the end you guys manage to cap camps…. attaboy!
Lol Obsession you really should stop bunkering with that mega 15k hp… Honestly l2p Obsession quit hiding behind your bunker mesmer.
You should ask MEX about our 5v5’s last night that each ended in under 30 seconds.. Also ask them about the lvl 24 XOXO Ranger who beat their 80 necro in a duel…
Oh and if you want some 1v1’s I’m sure there are plenty of XOXO who would be glad to put their tbag where your mouth is.
Oh and @chris —-- LOVE YA!! Miss ya here on NSP!
Now this is what I acknowledge as “recording for fun” lol, man now that I think of… I wish I had recorded yesterday’s NSP fail, 25 NSP against 10 of us in a T2 tower and they all died at the gate haha it was epic
Me too, it woulda been super fun to watch you stand on an AC. You must be really good!
Daklap Elementalist|Man Crushin Thighs Warrior
Lol Obsession you really should stop bunkering with that mega 15k hp… Honestly l2p Obsession quit hiding behind your bunker mesmer.
You should ask MEX about our 5v5’s last night that each ended in under 30 seconds.. Also ask them about the lvl 24 XOXO Ranger who beat their 80 necro in a duel…
Oh and if you want some 1v1’s I’m sure there are plenty of XOXO who would be glad to put their tbag where your mouth is.
Oh and @chris —-- LOVE YA!! Miss ya here on NSP!
I’m lost and am I supposed to be a mesmer called Obsession or I have an obsession for something?
oh and tbag? THANK YOU now I have a better idea of XOXO hahaha
Anyways I should answer you with the same language level….
Guys me haz neu game mode in which I’m l33tz! 33v33!!! noobzrs no one can beat us!
Now this is what I acknowledge as “recording for fun” lol, man now that I think of… I wish I had recorded yesterday’s NSP fail, 25 NSP against 10 of us in a T2 tower and they all died at the gate haha it was epic
Me too, it woulda been super fun to watch you stand on an AC. You must be really good!
Oh yes it was! but sadly I only dropped supply crate & engi bombs at the door and boom! you’re dead but now I regret it… so many bags missed sigh… if only I had been on an AC…. oh wait nvm I still got a lot of bags <3
(edited by Art.9820)
Fun video of [One] trolling around, starring our morning crew.
You NSP guys are persistent as all hell!
Chriiisss <3 I hope to see Lee and Star and everyone else before the week ends! haha Miss you guys heaps!
p.s. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRnKfmhz4FY
Memories huehue
Angelic Synergy [Holy] | Super Parkour Critter Alliance [SPCA] | Princesses and Knights [Fate]
(edited by NightCircus.2014)
If you believe what we [one] guys do is all spam aoe buttons, you’re sadly mistaken.
Tons of things go behind large group combat, and that right there is more or less considered small group, we had probably about 10 of our guild running over NSP there.
Just to prove your concept wrong, I will even offer to pay for your transfer so you can experience it first hand. I love when people join us and are like “well kitten, thats how its done”.
If you want to hide your action bar, you will need to blur out the entire bottom half of your screen. Since you mouseclick abilities the tooltips show what you are using which totally defeats the purpose of blurring out your action bar.
Also, clicking some of your weaponskills and CLICKING TO ENTER/EXIT DEATHSHROUD. Please teach us all more about how it’s done.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
(edited by Oozo.7856)
If you believe what we [one] guys do is all spam aoe buttons, you’re sadly mistaken.
Tons of things go behind large group combat, and that right there is more or less considered small group, we had probably about 10 of our guild running over NSP there.
Just to prove your concept wrong, I will even offer to pay for your transfer so you can experience it first hand. I love when people join us and are like “well kitten, thats how its done”.
If you want to hide your action bar, you will need to blur out the entire bottom half of your screen. Since you mouseclick abilities the tooltips show what you are using which totally defeats the purpose of blurring out your action bar.
Also, clicking some of your weaponskills and CLICKING TO ENTER/EXIT DEATHSHROUD. Please teach us all more about how it’s done.
He also forgot to blur it out for about a minute:
Daklap Elementalist|Man Crushin Thighs Warrior
So I was about to have fun then i looked at the clock. xD Time for bed…. Well Hope to have some fun as I am now on a different time schedule as College will have me tuesdays/thursday 8am-4pm(ctrl) no more late nights for me.
To the Yaks Golems drivers. Sorry for killing you guys I just didn’t want SBI to have a larger force to come and kill ours. And soon I will be in your BL Vale. If you see tons of ACs in Vale I was there lol.
If you believe what we [one] guys do is all spam aoe buttons, you’re sadly mistaken.
Tons of things go behind large group combat, and that right there is more or less considered small group, we had probably about 10 of our guild running over NSP there.
Just to prove your concept wrong, I will even offer to pay for your transfer so you can experience it first hand. I love when people join us and are like “well kitten, thats how its done”.
If you want to hide your action bar, you will need to blur out the entire bottom half of your screen. Since you mouseclick abilities the tooltips show what you are using which totally defeats the purpose of blurring out your action bar.
Also, clicking some of your weaponskills and CLICKING TO ENTER/EXIT DEATHSHROUD. Please teach us all more about how it’s done.
Get your head out of your tail bro, I was hoping the account name Chris.4527 here, and the Chris character name in game would make sense to people. I am not the recorder, but there is no reason to insult other players because they play differently than you.
The recorders nerd level is not as high as yours, or mine, its okay.
If you believe what we [one] guys do is all spam aoe buttons, you’re sadly mistaken.
Tons of things go behind large group combat, and that right there is more or less considered small group, we had probably about 10 of our guild running over NSP there.
Just to prove your concept wrong, I will even offer to pay for your transfer so you can experience it first hand. I love when people join us and are like “well kitten, thats how its done”.
If you want to hide your action bar, you will need to blur out the entire bottom half of your screen. Since you mouseclick abilities the tooltips show what you are using which totally defeats the purpose of blurring out your action bar.
Also, clicking some of your weaponskills and CLICKING TO ENTER/EXIT DEATHSHROUD. Please teach us all more about how it’s done.
Get your head out of your tail bro, I was hoping the account name Chris.4527 here, and the Chris character name in game would make sense to people. I am not the recorder, but there is no reason to insult other players because they play differently than you.
The recorders nerd level is not as high as yours, or mine, its okay.
I watched that video for 24 seconds and then had to close it.. The zerging was just too much. My poor little ol heart couldnt handle it and i had 7 strokes.
Lol Obsession you really should stop bunkering with that mega 15k hp… Honestly l2p Obsession quit hiding behind your bunker mesmer.
You should ask MEX about our 5v5’s last night that each ended in under 30 seconds.. Also ask them about the lvl 24 XOXO Ranger who beat their 80 necro in a duel…
Oh and if you want some 1v1’s I’m sure there are plenty of XOXO who would be glad to put their tbag where your mouth is.
Oh and @chris —-- LOVE YA!! Miss ya here on NSP!
I’m lost and am I supposed to be a mesmer called Obsession or I have an obsession for something?
oh and tbag? THANK YOU now I have a better idea of XOXO hahaha
Anyways I should answer you with the same language level….
Guys me haz neu game mode in which I’m l33tz! 33v33!!! noobzrs no one can beat us!
Now this is what I acknowledge as “recording for fun” lol, man now that I think of… I wish I had recorded yesterday’s NSP fail, 25 NSP against 10 of us in a T2 tower and they all died at the gate haha it was epic
Me too, it woulda been super fun to watch you stand on an AC. You must be really good!
Oh yes it was! but sadly I only dropped supply crate & engi bombs at the door and boom! you’re dead
but now I regret it… so many bags missed sigh… if only I had been on an AC…. oh wait nvm I still got a lot of bags <3
Obsession is the one you quoted and claimed to be a bunker. I should have known you wouldn’t be able to grasp the reference even though it was in his signature.
If you believe what we [one] guys do is all spam aoe buttons, you’re sadly mistaken.
Tons of things go behind large group combat, and that right there is more or less considered small group, we had probably about 10 of our guild running over NSP there.
Just to prove your concept wrong, I will even offer to pay for your transfer so you can experience it first hand. I love when people join us and are like “well kitten, thats how its done”.
If you want to hide your action bar, you will need to blur out the entire bottom half of your screen. Since you mouseclick abilities the tooltips show what you are using which totally defeats the purpose of blurring out your action bar.
Also, clicking some of your weaponskills and CLICKING TO ENTER/EXIT DEATHSHROUD. Please teach us all more about how it’s done.
Get your head out of your tail bro, I was hoping the account name Chris.4527 here, and the Chris character name in game would make sense to people. I am not the recorder, but there is no reason to insult other players because they play differently than you.
The recorders nerd level is not as high as yours, or mine, its okay.
What difference does that make? You presented the movie as something which is good, which is proof that you are bad.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
Wow, this thread got really annoying really fast
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)
@ arty boy.. just because you can’t kill us. Doesn’t mean we run bunker spec. Let the arrowcart cool down for a week or two and learn the game.
@ Chris.. sry pal , thx for the invite , but pass. If that video is what you define as fun then please mash more.. o .. sorry I am mistaken .. please click more.. haha. That’s not for me.
Ill just keep fighting the zergs and pointing and laughing at the tower monkeys that are to scared to come out.
I’ve given the /sit to just about all of you 2x by now.
Bunker..lol……..L2p .. k
HEY SBI!! Resorting to cheating now to take our bay in NSP bl? Zoom glitch much? Lousy, rotten, cheating, bunch of…….
Kill a few: there won’t be a many
(edited by Riondron.1069)
HEY SBI!! Resorting to cheating now to take our bay in NSP bl? Zoom glitch much? Lousy, rotten, cheating, bunch of…….
That’s not a zoom hack…
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)
HEY SBI!! Resorting to cheating now to take our bay in NSP bl? Zoom glitch much? Lousy, rotten, cheating, bunch of…….
You know there’s a large open space right above the gate?
feel free to justify it however you want. ac’s are not supposed to be able to target past a wall, unless you play in windowed mode, and adjust the size of the window (which is not part of the games intentional design). oh and thanks for speaking up. now we know who did it……
Kill a few: there won’t be a many
HEY SBI!! Resorting to cheating now to take our bay in NSP bl? Zoom glitch much? Lousy, rotten, cheating, bunch of…….
That’s not a zoom hack…
Look at the red ring on the far left in the first pic, and the ring on the far right on the second pic, Both look to me as if someone is using either a zoon hack or the windowed mode exploit. I was not there to see this first hand so am going by what the pictures show. This isn’t something that can be policed by any server or guild. I do not believe SBI, or the SBI guilds would condone the use of exploits or hacks. Every server has their bad apples even if they aren’t aware of those individuals are doing such things.
PB Officer
feel free to justify it however you want. ac’s are not supposed to be able to target past a wall, unless you play in windowed mode, and adjust the size of the window (which is not part of the games intentional design). oh and thanks for speaking up. now we know who did it……
There’s a giant space right above the gate below the wall that gives you clear view of the ground. You don’t need line of sight with the AC. just a clickable spot within range of the ac.
yes, I now all about the gate hole. but, I was unable to get a screen of the ac shots that were WELL beyond the gate hole targeting. like 50ft past the wall. I was too busy trying not to get ripped apart by the 2 ac’s targeting me, sorry.
Kill a few: there won’t be a many
Unless there’s other screens showing better proof, we’ll have to agree to disagree. Those 2 spots are easily clickable in full screen mode on my 23" monitor and there’s nothing showing exactly where the AC was placed.
And no, I wasn’t part of that group. At work bored.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not laying blame on all of SBI. I’ve had some very good, fair and square fights with you guys since the reset. But, when we are almost always outnumbered, and crap like this happens, it just steams my clams.
I want you SBI guys to know about it, and try to call out the ones doing it to tell them to stop. Behavior like that makes ALL of us look bad as a community, not just as individual servers. Good luck.
Kill a few: there won’t be a many
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not laying blame on all of SBI. I’ve had some very good, fair and square fights with you guys since the reset. But, when we are almost always outnumbered, and crap like this happens, it just steams my clams.
I want you SBI guys to know about it, and try to call out the ones doing it to tell them to stop. Behavior like that makes ALL of us look bad as a community, not just as individual servers. Good luck.
Well, it turns out you can’t actually lay blame at anyone on SBI because that’s simply not a zoom hack. If you have any other pics that show anything other than targeting through the open space above the gate then we can talk about whether or not any shenanigans are going on but there is nothing in those screenshots that resemble a zoom hack. Until you’ve had your keep lord killed by ACs from outside the wall don’t talk about being zoom hacked, you just don’t know what it looks like apparently.
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)