10/11 Gunnar's Hold | Vizunah Square | Kodash
Also a big ty to guild [Run] from VS that didn’t join our fights against WL.
I’m disappointing to see some kittenes using and abusing of bugs. I understand the fun by testing it on some fights but for 2+ hours? Unfortunately, reporting these idiots is like kitten ing against the wind.
Props to this Gunnar’s asura mesmer from [OX]. I found some good roamers in this guild but, as usual, there is always a black sheep.
You’re probably talking about me. I tried this for fun but right now everyone is messing around with this glitch so WvW is really dumb right now until they hot fix it.
Maybe but it’s not a reason to keep using it for so long.
EB is a trollfest right now. I’m just having fun vs the SnCf group. Never seen anything like this.
Same just happened in GH BL taking our garrison back. Single Mesmer General from Sncf wiping about a dozen of us continously. Well done, good falling skills.
(edited by Menz.9135)
Thank you for GvG [VM], was kinda intensive
Gj anet. They didnt nerf the meta builds, on the contrary they buffed them while now “Mesmer-terrorists” are just annoying.
Bybye WvW and PvP.
They really seem to want us to leave the game.
My motivation is low right now, reading about all the bugs, imbalances and the incompetence.
Sadly Camelot Unchained still has a long way to go.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
What is everyone on about? They finally buffed dps on mesmer! I had some nice 1vX fights last night on my lvl30 mesmer and had fun watching mesmer groups jump on each other on EB. Even if I got killed by an occasional 82k chaos storm. Mesmer duels are now all about higher ground advantage
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
My motivation was so low already that I wasn’t there to see the bug in action.
But I’m sure that’s a L2P issue. Just dodge, invul skills, etc.
i didn’t understood why we got so many mesmer last night on EB. Now i understand.
BTW i’m very please to see good guilds (FURY/RAGE) on EB between 7PM/9PM. i got pleasure playing against you !
Vizunah Square Commander
Founder of Vizunah.net & TS PVE : ts.vizunah.net
Of course. It’s obvious to see 30k+ damages per tick (20k+ in WvW). It’s totally a L2P issue.
I heard many horror stories about Vizunah in the past but now that we faced them i can safely say that they were not true.
Vizunah is a very fun server to play against
Good luck to kodash and Vizunah at gold league and i am sure you guys will do great.
Shoutout to the Mesmer of [TDS] and the Necromancer of [Buka], some nice duels this afternoon!
Leader of Business Class [BC]
Sadly, I arrived too late, just when you took the VS zerg on the head.
Shoutout to the disagreeing Kodash thief near Vizu spawn camp on Gunnar’s map.
Gratz, good skill.
[Psy] has some of the saddest perplexity roamers I`ve seen for a while… you guys just love to abuse the meta or is this still the cool thing to do on Gunnars?
“I can stack 20 stacks of confusion on my target for like … forever, im so strong and such a good player, too!”
Apart from that, nice roaming action this week, very fun and challenging!
Best regards
Ah, generalisation.
And when we’re recruiting the only requirement is whether you have ‘em or not. That’s how we roll.
Don’t worry it’s on anet’s radar.
It should be fixed *soon.
*soon : ETA ~2-3 months
They really seem to want us to leave the game.
My motivation is low right now, reading about all the bugs, imbalances and the incompetence.
Sadly Camelot Unchained still has a long way to go.
I feel ya, man. The “balance patch” was just so underwhelming that I can’t really believe in this game anymore.
Camelot Unchained sure is far away still, but ArcheAge is supposed to have it’s NA launch soon… ish.
WvW Roaming with Mesmer
[Psy] has some of the saddest perplexity roamers I`ve seen for a while… you guys just love to abuse the meta or is this still the cool thing to do on Gunnars?
“I can stack 20 stacks of confusion on my target for like … forever, im so strong and such a good player, too!”
Apart from that, nice roaming action this week, very fun and challenging!
Best regards
That would be my engineer and there is only 1 person in the guild and 1 character that run’s perplexity and that’s my engineer why because i got bored of HgH that is all there is to it.
If you find it necessary to brand an entire guild ‘’the saddest roamer’s’’ just because 1 person runs perplexity on one character go ahead :P.
Even so i only run on my engineer once in a while rest of my characters run different build’s with different runes (thief, Mesmer, Ele)
I just wanted to dispute this.
Best regards,
Moral Sin, Order of Intoxication [Psy]
Order Of Intoxication [Psy] Leader
I like how both Psy guilds jumped on the first post, ignoring the second one.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
I like how both Psy guilds jumped on the first post, ignoring the second one.
I’m just pointing something, not ignoring anything.
It was just pure ignorance generalising (saying about whole guild) instead of individual.
Like we two never have had raging/emotional moments. In my eyes this kind of answers jst werent necessary after the second post, but hey, this is the internet, so who cares
Nice end of the week guys and girls.
Dont forget to come to the Vizunah mill tomorrow 20:00.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Some very nice fights against BAN, MOS and the couple of smaller vizunah guilds combined tonight on Vizunah and Kodash border. I’m still amazed at the amount of guilds and the amount of open field fights we get. Great practice!
Special thanks to WL for the gvg tonight. The counterburst at times was insane. Good luck in the future!
Came in lately yesterday, just got one fight against [Fury] northwestern of garri – nice one!
Also had some nice clashes, after our raid ended, in bay against Gunners and Vizus.
the last few days were very disapointing smallscale ( 5ppl group size) wise. you can choose between ganking solo/duo roamer and attacking the zergs ( 25+ guild and 40+ pug groups ) tail, pick a few ppl, burst them down and run away when the other 20+ ppl from the guild turm around an chase you. pugs dont notice the missing few ppl and you can thin them down pretty nice but that is not the challenge we are looking for atm. only other small scaler run in setups like: 3x warrior, 2x guard, 1x mesmer/ele/necro. its not fun to fight for ages again 5x hammer heavy cc pain trains.
Stomp some Piken!
Well, only 2 days left before the serious business begins.
This week of roaming was a blast. Met some skillful people on both sides, got great duels against almost all classes builded for roaming/duel. It was really fun and I thank you all for that.
Cya around for some fun hours before the reset.
Thanks FURY, see ya around
I liked this matchup. Vizunah is way better than everyone depicted it so far and is very nice to see so many people that organized.
Kodash, “where all cool people go”… after gunnars, that is cya around and thanks for the nice fights o/
Bored of facing off against teir 1 servers, we don’t have the coverage or numbers to compete. It doesn’t teach anyone anything, its just frustrating roaming solo, trying to take a camp but getting run over by a 15 man zerg.
Looking forward to friday evening and the start of the leagues where we should have some more balanced match ups and not end up horrendously out numbered during off peak.
I honestly thought that these RNG match ups also had a maximum teir difference built in, apparently not.
37 WvW kills, R2 PvP and no legendary
(edited by Bond.4602)
Bored of facing off against teir 1 servers, we don’t have the coverage or numbers to compete. It doesn’t teach anyone anything, its just frustrating roaming solo, trying to take a camp but getting run over by a 15 man zerg.
Looking forward to friday evening and the start of the leagues where we should have some more balanced match ups and not end up horrendously out numbered during off peak.
I honestly thought that these RNG match ups also had a maximum teir difference built in, apparently not.
37 WvW kills, R2 PvP and no legendary
Thanks to all the D/P-Permastealth-Perplexity-Thiefs who emote-spammed me after they ganked me with 4 people.
Really. You pointed out that im bad.
Guess im gonna play Thief then. Or a Warrior? Hm..
Thanks to all the D/P-Permastealth-Perplexity-Thiefs who emote-spammed me after they ganked me with 4 people.
Really. You pointed out that im bad.Guess im gonna play Thief then. Or a Warrior? Hm..
Something does not add up.
They were D/P… and you got killed because they had perplexity?
Either that confusion did no damage, or their backstabs did no damage.
Im not talking about Backstabs. But the amount of Confusion out of Stealth (which makes it hard for me to reach “Safe Zones” with Skills like RTL or Burning Speed so i get out of range and win some time) is just to kitten high. I didn´t know where to move because i wasn´t able to see them and so was always under pressure.
In terms of Initiative, well they were 4 people. One Smoke field from one Thief, they all Heartseekerd through it and then they are still 3 thieves left who can spam confusion.
Of course, they were a bit coordinated and i wasn´t good in these situations, but i guess it is very, very, very easy to play (one Smoke Field, everyone Heartseekers and then press 4). It just shows how you can absolutely abuse runes. Getting ganked isn´t really a problem for me, but it is the way how you do that.
I don´t want to attack other perplexity players with that post (i saw it on a necro and it was interesting, because he couldn´t spam it like Thief Pistol 4) but i really think that this rune needs a rework.
Sorry for raging and my English.
You are talking about 4 thieves on you. If they are really synchronized, I don’t know who can stand if taken by surprise, perplexity or not.
Thank you everybody from GH for attending. Good fights indeed!
Vizunah also came once and ended the event :
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
TY Vizunah for ruining a nice evening.
Thank you everybody from GH for attending. Good fights indeed!
Vizunah also came once and ended the event
Mos takes pleasure in ruining other people’s fun. They go there purposefully to troll enemies (don’t make up excuses, they do it all the time and it’s not for fights. What could 4 guys possibly make?) and crash anything that’s not their 1 spamming noskill zerging. And with people like that Vizunah wants to come off as a well-mannered server. Ooookay.
Next time gather 4-5 people more and just send them back to the spawn
P.s. sorry again for the intrusion
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
P.s. sorry again for the intrusion
No. Go back on your overpowered respectful server.
Me, I can come to yours tho as I’m a no-mannered vizunian. xD
Trolling apart, MoS was always against all kind of GvG. Well, that wasn’t GvG but when you see a bunch of red flowers it’s kinda hard to resist to mow.
(edited by Kingface.9781)
P.s. sorry again for the intrusion
No. Go back on your overpowered respectful server.
Me, I can come to yours tho as I’m a no-mannered vizunian. xD
Trolling apart, MoS was always against all kind of GvG. Well, that wasn’t GvG but when you see a bunch of red flowers it’s kinda hard to resist to mow.
On the other side we are against blobs and love jumping on your dead corpses!
Against GvG -do you have any reasons for it? The only one I see is – you’re bad, so others can’t do it.
Peace and love, blob yourselves to death during leagues!
I don’t know, ask them. I’m a roamer and not a MoS so you can keep your bitterness.
definitly a good dancing night
We Be Chilling – High Commander
definitly a good dancing night
Haha, props to those VS people who were more Synched with our leader than us
enjoyed the raids this week, thanks for WL and VM for running in circles with us at the windmill.
(Solo)Roaming on the other hand was worse than trying to bring back a corpse back to life that has been dead for 15 years. There were some vizunah players who showed much respect and skill, nice to come across you all and gg next week. to the rest: i suggest you stick to building siege and stuff, cya!
my stream: http://twitch.tv/Para_Streaming
All names start with Para
Just when I almost gave up hope to find roamers for testing my new build/gear I stumbled on a small “fightclub” in EB :P
Ty for those couple fights, people from Kodash o/
The last preleague week is nearly over. I hope you all enjoy the usual fridays karmatrain till reset.
1. Thank you GH for all the nice duels vs ppl I hadnt seen in long time and wont again for even more time (DIRE, MM, OX, Team Psy, Drgr, TEO, RAGE and many more)
2. Thank you Vizunah for making a little roaming possible although you were in full preparations for SFR-hunting. Hope to see the KIWI guys more often next time.
3. Thank you Kodash for never giving up although trapped in the wrong ranking since at least three months due to matchuppairing.
To all of you the best of luck and fun for the silver and gold league.
I will really miss most of the silver league servers as we wont face them for at least 7 weeks, but I will miss GH the most. I <3 U! HF in silver!
Good luck Viz! Bust those SFR behinds!
Cheer up Kodash, we already lost many players that transferred in the last two days but we always could and always will be able to handle being outmanned, we thrive with it!
Cheers and have a nice weekend!
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
(edited by Zumy.6318)
./salute @ Zumy.
BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
Matchup is almost over just a few hours left.
Getting the chance to wish best of luck to Vizunah and Kodah at gold league.
Kodash since last time we met you were my favourite opponents.
Good spirit, good roamers tis a shame we won’t face you for some time.
Vizunah good luck against SFR.
Imo you have what it takes to win gold league.
At sometimes it was frustrating for us watching those huge karma trains in the mornings but i understand you can’t keep your people out of wvw to make it more fair.
Salute both
Shout out to GH! Was a pleasure to fight you and I´ll miss you guys.
All the best in Silver League, dig in and have a bunch of fun
Also all the best to Vizuna, was one of the best weeks, I´ve fought you.
All the best to you in Gold League – gl, hf