11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)
You obviously need to learn to count the green dots. Good try though. Blobbing FTW. Blob more please ZDs.
Sor complains about blobs in t1. Classic sor. jajaja
Oh yeah, im complaining. All i wanted to do was to prove you deluded BG that ZDs doesn’t blob and run only 15-20. GG.
Is there some sort of rule in WvW that you must run 25? Because I don’t see it. Just because ZDs plays WvW like it is intended doesn’t mean you have to get kitten because you don’t understand how the gamemode works.
Short video of EP fighting SoR at Mendon’s last night. Something other than drama on the forums!
That was such a fun fight.
I understand fatigue, we’re all human after all, but was no one else willing to tag up? If you had 20-30 people on you, someone could have tagged up and led that bunch around to cap camps and other smaller targets while occasionally ninja a tower or two
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
Agh, so ZDs et al. capped our EB keep after our SEA guilds log off. Please don’t tell me they aren’t causing any imbalance.
I’m not sure what BG ultimately want anymore. Balanced fights? Work hard to win? Or just faceroll opponents? At the moment all you are getting is simply wins. I guess some people consider winning = fun, but I’m sure I don’t want to become one of them.
The problem right now is that the fights tipped from " Epic large scale battles" to face smash.
Earlier in SOS BL during SEA, we had relatively even numbers, and some fun fights both sides wiping the other several times.
The commander leading the mixed group of rallians had to go due to wife aggro, so I tagged up and moved what remained of my guild still playing to combine forces.
BG then shows up with a hyper blob, with a large nucleus of ND. I’m the commander at this point and been playing already for 7 hours. After a few wipes it becomes clear that with that ND nucleus + full map blob, SOR has zero chance of winning a field fight.
The fights tipped from epic to facesmash. Now in my mind, im already tired from playing for 7 hours and got stuff to do in real life. Now if the fights were even sort of winnable, i may have persevered etc. But i just said eff it… too tired gotta go. No commander to replace and SOS BL basically became abandoned.
This is what I am sure is happening with alot of people. The fights simply reached a tipping point from “fun” to just annoying blob faceroll, and a larger portion of people are simply saying/ thinking “Meh been playing for a while now, just gonna go do something else”.
Dunno if you want to call that giving up, but that is the problem of overstacking. I wouldn’t quit call it demoralization, but a lack of motivation to persevere. ( Especially since this is in fact a video game that is meant to be fun.)
Combine this with the fact, that there is no chance for SOS to take second over SOR, and there is no chance of SOR taking first even if we all pull massive unhealthy overtimes, there is simply not enough motivation. All of our guild still come out for their regular raid times, but not as much beyond that.
All T1 servers have been having queues (and you guys did too in the previous two weeks before you start losing), so the argument that BG overstacked and has larger force on map just isn’t true. Now what maybe you are seeing is that your militia have low morale and not show up, which make you seem to have inferior numbers when in fact during normal times you would not. Don’t blame your outnumbered fights to BG’s overstacking when it is the consequence of your server’s morale management.
(edited by Reslinal.2359)
ah ppl need to ignore KeeZee as well. He trolled since week 1 …. he wont be happy until his jq wins…
Look up his posting history. Kezzee isn’t native JQ player, maybe SoS or got paid by Maguuma for pvf.
I was on BG till around March of this year when 15 of us left due to being in queue 7 days a week, Kin Rage, and when JQ lost a few guilds and needed a few players.
The fact that the match history shows BG with the most wins vs SoR and JQ and they still proceed to buy guilds shows BG wants nothing to do with balanced fights.
(edited by KeeZee.7312)
Maguuma PvF mercenary for hire, willing to troll for highest-paying server of this matchup (I think we all know who that is).
how much do you charge for your services kind sir? is it all the way this week match ups or all the way to the league ends? please provide a ball park figure.
Elementalist S : DD
I understand fatigue, we’re all human after all, but was no one else willing to tag up? If you had 20-30 people on you, someone could have tagged up and led that bunch around to cap camps and other smaller targets while occasionally ninja a tower or two
Today, no there wasn’t anyone that wanted to tag up…. like I said, the fights at that point lost their fun. Maybe before or another day there MAY have been someone that would stay an extra hour or two (myself included), but not today.
Maybe if there was some chance to maintain a close matchup a few more people wouldve been around. But the current scenario is one that simply tends to snowball throughout the week. A bunch of people logging of a little earlier, a bunch logging on a bit later.
The mechanics of this game also dont help in these situations since they heavily favor numbers over skill ( not that im saying my group at that time was more skillful or whatever), but for example had this game not have downstate or on field ressing we may have had a fighting chance to whittle the enemy down ( our spawn was closer). Too often it is a pure win/lose scenario that requires you to be able to execute an utter complete wipe of the enemy ( which was not achievable at the time i was describing), thus giving ZERO chance of success. I believe its that ZERO chance that is causing alot of the issues.
In the end, it doesn’t matter, during my guilds raid times, we are having fun……..
This is why everyone is giving SoR as a whole a ration of kitten.
SoS knows more than a few things about being outnumbered and having a sea of red coming over the hill. You move maps, you float; and then you come back when that blob gets bored or distracted.
You can even just lock down Vale and siege it up and make it a prolonged brawl to keep the BG zerg on the map and busy.
SoR used to play the underdog game better than anyone in NA. You’d seldom win, but everyone knew that if they turned their backs for even a second, that you’d take them down. SoR vs SoS in T2 a year ago was far more competitive than SBI and JQ were in T1 at the time.
You guys need to get that mojo back.
BTW: Thank you to everyone cheering on SoS to try for 2nd; but it’s simply not in the cards in regards to late morning and EU coverage. We’ll be working hard to keep the score close but we still have queues measured in seconds (not minutes) in NA prime and as much as our EU groups do for us, they don’t have anything like a “blob” on most days and have one of the most thankless jobs on our server.
I’m hoping T2 servers are seeing this matchup. It’s showing that they can take on SoR on a serious level. SoS has been ticking above SoR quite a few times through the day.
Why would a T2 server care? Well I suppose TC might, but they are T1 wannabes and always have been. Only thing that matters to Mag is how many of your respective players are not blobbing trashcans.
Many people just give up. SoR NA prime time always work their butt off getting WPs and T3 and close the PPT gap. But after 8 hours in OCX and then ZD got online we lost all our T3 again and BG widens the lead by another 5-10k.
It’s pretty demoralizing
(edited by Butter.3024)
There are several issues that has caused this scenrio. Some of it on BG and some of it on Anet.
1. First BG did not need any more guilds. They already had good number and it would of probably been a lot more competitive if they did not add ZD. However that has been beaten to a dead horse already.
2. Secondly the leagues have caused a great inbalance as well. People like to bandwagon and when BG on their first match, I have a feeling a lot of people bandwagoned over to get easy wins. This could have been controled by shutting transfers off for at least the first league to see how things went.
3. The achievments added to WvW has also caused a great imbalance. WE all know BG has probably the larget PVE population on the NA servers. Because of this all the achievment hunters are out in force and since BG is winning, it make them come out even more.
BG would have probably one even without ZD, however, I think the match would have been a little more even. The same people are coming out in SoR to play, but they are not putting the massive overtime in because there really is no point in it. They play during their time and have fun during that time.
For not understanding:
ZBs = ZDs, WWW roster named ZBs in guild ZDs on SFR.Guys from SoR, r u joking when u blame ZDs in yr defeat?
So many messages about ZDs.. Hm. Thx for PR.
But be better if u will fight vs BG in game.
Thank you.BG was already beating SoR without ZD, you are correct.
So don’t you think BG buying ZD doesn’t put it in the stacked category?
Of course it does.
And that’s what BG does.
BG never buys guilds, and never over stacks, what are you talking about? It’s all mad skillz. http://blackgatewvw.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1380-bg-arms-race-fundraiser/
Go on UltraHighdeaf…. dare a guess on what kind of Cash that yielded. Keep amusing us please!
You’re mad and letting your emotions run in, calm down then come back and post again.
Ok, im calm Again, thanks UHD…
…So, how much do you think the fundraiser raised?
I love all these SoR forum warriors calling BG the most stacked out of the big three due to this unprecedented asskicking they’re taking. That’s why you tried so hard to keep JQ in check, making sure they were third and didn’t truly mind BG taking the one spot the first week, right? Gotta love it. Face it, your strategy backfired horribly. Based on that sound logic, I can see why it must be frustrating playing for fights when those you trust to lead you onto the battlefield lead you through such a big kittenstorm you might as well have walked through a mine field.
I love all these SoR forum warriors calling BG the most stacked out of the big three due to this unprecedented asskicking they’re taking. That’s why you tried so hard to keep JQ in check, making sure they were third and didn’t truly mind BG taking the one spot the first week, right? Gotta love it. Face it, your strategy backfired horribly. Based on that sound logic, I can see why it must be frustrating playing for fights when those you trust to lead you onto the battlefield lead you through such a big kittenstorm you might as well have walked through a mine field.
BG beat SoR 6 out of their last 7 matches and still proceeded to buy more guilds.
I love how BG’s forum warriors gloss over that fact and still keep saying that they are the underdogs and needed to buy another guild.
I thought we only won the first week because we simultaneously 2v1ed both JQ and SOR.
Or we only won because we attacked their TS.
Everyone forgets that we lost TKG, MERC, SUPR, RISE rB and RICH within two to three weeks of League starting.
We’ve gained EE, Zero and ZDs.
No, the difference in the numbers you are seeing in the BL is not “buygate”.
We do not detag to discourage our “new WvW players”. We teach them, get them into TS and recruit them into the WvW guilds. All of our WvW guilds have gained in numbers throughout the last three weeks, while SORs map numbers have slowly shrunk.
Its true once or twice when defending garrison we’ve asked achievement hunters to get off if they aren’t on a lvl 80 but it is not the norm of our server at all.
BG has a very large PvE community. We had a large one before Teq, but now its much much larger. Why?
Because the leaders (not myself) of BG were smart enough to open our WvW TS up for the PvE players to use and coordinate to take down Teq. In fact, two of our best WvW commanders became consistent Teq raid leaders and got a huge influx into their guilds because of it. BAM GW2 announces on their facebook page how awesome BG is in PvE and we have a huge influx of PvEers transfer over from everywhere, because everyone wants to beat Teq while they can still get the achievements.
Now comes the part where ANET makes achievements that have a limited time window that can only be done in WvW, aka League. (this is after they give “awesome” chests out for every 500 achievement points you gain). What did you think would happen, all those PvEers flocked into our WvW maps.
Do we complain? Do we detag? No, we do everything we can to show the fresh meat how awesome WvW is by organizing massive TS permission drives for our new players to get into TS. All our WvW guilds recruit like crazy. Some guilds get so full, the only time they can all fit is off hours, like Oceanic or late EU.
Don’t blame BGs influx of numbers on a zerg of 30 Russians. We’ve been working on reaching out for new WvW blood for months, and its starting to hit critical mass.
And for the love of Pete, don’t blame low SOR ticks during NA or Oceanic on that zerg of 30 Russians who are asleep or at work.
That’s the difference between BG & SoR. BG guilds are PvX and recruit as many people as they can. More people = more ppt
SoR is hardcore WvW orientated with a bigger focus on guild quality. CHOO/TW/FEAR/Hel/IRON/ONE/RISE are all under 150 quality members each and are hardcore WvW. We like to keep it that way.
We don’t have a warchest. We don’t buy guilds. We don’t field insane numbers into oceanic, or massively recruit. But at the end of the day, we keep our dignity. Grats on the finisher, Blackgate. See you tomorrow during NA.
SoR is a bunch of hardcore 1-spamming PPT blobbers just like everyone else. The only difference between you and other servers is how much you try to convince everyone else and yourselves how great you are when nobody actually cares for your hypocrisy.
I love all these SoR forum warriors calling BG the most stacked out of the big three due to this unprecedented asskicking they’re taking. That’s why you tried so hard to keep JQ in check, making sure they were third and didn’t truly mind BG taking the one spot the first week, right? Gotta love it. Face it, your strategy backfired horribly. Based on that sound logic, I can see why it must be frustrating playing for fights when those you trust to lead you onto the battlefield lead you through such a big kittenstorm you might as well have walked through a mine field.
Your ignorance is killing you
Both BG and SoR 2v1 JQs because we know JQ has 3 easy weeks, that’s why BG and SoR pushed JQ to 3rd place. We focus JQ not because they are stack, it is because JQ has easier weeks
BG on the other hand, keep buying guilds again and again. But who cares it’s a war BG has gotta do what they gotta do to win
After I said something nice about SoR, I’d like to remind you of our conversation a few weeks ago.
You said that SoR would “spawncamp” SoS on every map and we would be obliterated. That there was nothing we could do to make things rough on you.
Right now we are close to ticking double your score, in our weakest time zone.
The one chance you had to prove me wrong, and you lost it.
BG beat SoR 6 out of their last 7 matches and still proceeded to buy more guilds.
I love how BG’s forum warriors gloss over that fact and still keep saying that they are the underdogs and needed to buy another guild.
Yay, another one bringing up Cash!
KeeZee, would you care to guess how much the fundraiser pulled together in UHD’s abscence please??
I mean, it is constantly brought up, that BG buys guilds and that this stacking is what have ended the possibility of a competitive T1. So the fundraiser about 2 months ago must be the root of all this evil doing.
Go on, how much do you think was raised?
Also replace ZDS with FOO or IRON and this thread is same junk from 6 months ago. More PPT less QQ plz.
BG beat SoR 6 out of their last 7 matches and still proceeded to buy more guilds.
I love how BG’s forum warriors gloss over that fact and still keep saying that they are the underdogs and needed to buy another guild.
Yay, another one bringing up Cash!
KeeZee, would you care to guess how much the fundraiser pulled together in UHD’s abscence please??
I mean, it is constantly brought up, that BG buys guilds and that this stacking is what have ended the possibility of a competitive T1. So the fundraiser about 2 months ago must be the root of all this evil doing.
Go on, how much do you think was raised?
Don’t be mad that BG beat SoR 6 out of the 7 matches and still felt that they needed to keep buying guilds.
Funny how you still don’t count the matches with SoR as easy…….I know why….because that would make BG the server with the easiest matches.
What colour is the sky in the world you live in….Rose?
BG beat SoR 6 out of their last 7 matches and still proceeded to buy more guilds.
I love how BG’s forum warriors gloss over that fact and still keep saying that they are the underdogs and needed to buy another guild.
Yay, another one bringing up Cash!
KeeZee, would you care to guess how much the fundraiser pulled together in UHD’s abscence please??
I mean, it is constantly brought up, that BG buys guilds and that this stacking is what have ended the possibility of a competitive T1. So the fundraiser about 2 months ago must be the root of all this evil doing.
Go on, how much do you think was raised?Don’t be mad that BG beat SoR 6 out of the 7 matches and still felt that they needed to keep buying guilds.
Funny how you still don’t count the matches with SoR as easy…….I know why….because that would make BG the server with the easiest matches.
What colour is the sky in the world you live in….Rose?
Hey how many times did BG beat SoR?
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
BG beat SoR 6 out of their last 7 matches and still proceeded to buy more guilds.
I love how BG’s forum warriors gloss over that fact and still keep saying that they are the underdogs and needed to buy another guild.
Yay, another one bringing up Cash!
KeeZee, would you care to guess how much the fundraiser pulled together in UHD’s abscence please??
I mean, it is constantly brought up, that BG buys guilds and that this stacking is what have ended the possibility of a competitive T1. So the fundraiser about 2 months ago must be the root of all this evil doing.
Go on, how much do you think was raised?Don’t be mad that BG beat SoR 6 out of the 7 matches and still felt that they needed to keep buying guilds.
Funny how you still don’t count the matches with SoR as easy…….I know why….because that would make BG the server with the easiest matches.
What colour is the sky in the world you live in….Rose?
- Not actually mad BG has won 6/7. Be it 1v1, roaming, havoc, zerg, blob, WubWub Leagues…. I like winning.
- Didn’t Count the matches against SoR as easy (not untill recently atleast).
- A bit cloudy right now sadly.
There…. answered you. Now could you return the favor, and not just ramble Again?
Oh, and Butter – If you want to try a guess you are more than welcome!
Maguuma PvF mercenary for hire, willing to troll for highest-paying server of this matchup (I think we all know who that is).
I will give you 1 chocolate banana to troll this entire thread.
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
SOR still QQing???
Why not play the game?
Last night CHOO was the only noticeable guild from SOR
and i noticed they map hopping.
Yea, stop doing PvF and why not play the game instead?
BG beat SoR 6 out of their last 7 matches and still proceeded to buy more guilds.
I love how BG’s forum warriors gloss over that fact and still keep saying that they are the underdogs and needed to buy another guild.
Yay, another one bringing up Cash!
KeeZee, would you care to guess how much the fundraiser pulled together in UHD’s abscence please??
I mean, it is constantly brought up, that BG buys guilds and that this stacking is what have ended the possibility of a competitive T1. So the fundraiser about 2 months ago must be the root of all this evil doing.
Go on, how much do you think was raised?Don’t be mad that BG beat SoR 6 out of the 7 matches and still felt that they needed to keep buying guilds.
Funny how you still don’t count the matches with SoR as easy…….I know why….because that would make BG the server with the easiest matches.
What colour is the sky in the world you live in….Rose?
Hey how many times did BG beat SoR?
Week 01 05-12 January
BG 293 987
SoR 162 173
Week 29 20-27 July
BG 277 319
SoR 189 226
Week 30 27-03 August
BG 257 805
SoR 211 615
Week 31 03-10 August
BG 225 594
SoR 149 621
Week 39 28-05 October
BG 241 574
SoR 306 359
Week 43 26-02 November
BG 331 916
SoR 236 669
Week 44 02-09 November
BG 138 632
SoR 78 847
Translates into BG winning 85.7% of the last 7 matches.
Only BG would say they have it so hard.
Still waiting for the BG post on how leagues aren’t fair because they ended up with the easiest schedule.
(edited by KeeZee.7312)
….Still waiting for the BG post on how leagues aren’t fair because they ended up with the easiest schedule.
I am also still waiting….
If you dont want to guess, just say no. Im just curious….
Rest of SoR take a guess? Anyone…..?
Still waiting for the BG post on how leagues aren’t fair because they ended up with the easiest schedule.
How does BG have the easiest schedule? Are you saying SoR has worse coverage then the 2 T2 servers JQ has to fight?
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
Still waiting for the BG post on how leagues aren’t fair because they ended up with the easiest schedule.
How does BG have the easiest schedule? Are you saying SoR has worse coverage then the 2 T2 servers JQ has to fight?
How does BG have the hardest schedule? Are you saying BG has worse coverage compared to SoR and JQ?
Hey peoples! Currently livestreaming solo havoc and general roaming’s, hope you enjoy!
PVE build
wwwfarmer from ebg border
Still waiting for the BG post on how leagues aren’t fair because they ended up with the easiest schedule.
How does BG have the easiest schedule? Are you saying SoR has worse coverage then the 2 T2 servers JQ has to fight?
How does BG have the hardest schedule? Are you saying BG has worse coverage compared to SoR and JQ?
I know your really trying but I never said BG has the hardest schedule, just not the easiest. If you would have asked me before seasons (excluding the T2 servers) I would have said yes BG has the hardest schedule because I expected a lot more out of SoR. Now it seems SoR has the “hardest” schedule…
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
This is why everyone is giving SoR as a whole a ration of kitten.
SoS knows more than a few things about being outnumbered and having a sea of red coming over the hill. You move maps, you float; and then you come back when that blob gets bored or distracted.
You can even just lock down Vale and siege it up and make it a prolonged brawl to keep the BG zerg on the map and busy.SoR used to play the underdog game better than anyone in NA. You’d seldom win, but everyone knew that if they turned their backs for even a second, that you’d take them down. SoR vs SoS in T2 a year ago was far more competitive than SBI and JQ were in T1 at the time.
You guys need to get that mojo back.
BTW: Thank you to everyone cheering on SoS to try for 2nd; but it’s simply not in the cards in regards to late morning and EU coverage. We’ll be working hard to keep the score close but we still have queues measured in seconds (not minutes) in NA prime and as much as our EU groups do for us, they don’t have anything like a “blob” on most days and have one of the most thankless jobs on our server.
Hit and run tactics for PPT work pretty well when you’re outmanned. Take camps and paper towers just before tick, then run back and let someone else take it for wxp and karma :P
We’ll still be cheering you on SoS, cause you come out to fight even though you’re facing double or triple your number. That’s respectable.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
If only SoR had a comparable presence in wvw compared to in the forums
New bunker meta sux
If only SoR had a comparable presence in wvw compared to in the forums
1 SoR QQs and 10 BG retaliate and PvF. Look at the forums for yourself. BG, too bored from the PvD eh?:( LP, btw, stop blobbing and doing overtime in SoR BL. Not working. <3
Sanctum Of Rall.
If only SoR had a comparable presence in wvw compared to in the forums
1 SoR QQs and 10 BG retaliate and PvF. Look at the forums for yourself. BG, too bored from the PvD eh?:( LP, btw, stop blobbing and doing overtime in SoR BL. Not working. <3
Or SoR can rally their militia and actually put a force on the borderlands?
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
If only SoR had a comparable presence in wvw compared to in the forums
1 SoR QQs and 10 BG retaliate and PvF. Look at the forums for yourself. BG, too bored from the PvD eh?:( LP, btw, stop blobbing and doing overtime in SoR BL. Not working. <3
Yea we are too bored of pvdooring, oh wait we can’t even do that because SoR has 0, nil, no presence! You just proved my point. stop pvf’ing and start actually playing the game. You’re bad at trolling buddy, where is starscream? he has more to offer.
New bunker meta sux
EBG, BG give us a break. Green isn’t being even touched right now!
For not understanding:
ZBs = ZDs, WWW roster named ZBs in guild ZDs on SFR.Guys from SoR, r u joking when u blame ZDs in yr defeat?
So many messages about ZDs.. Hm. Thx for PR.
But be better if u will fight vs BG in game.
Thank you.BG was already beating SoR without ZD, you are correct.
So don’t you think BG buying ZD doesn’t put it in the stacked category?
Of course it does.
And that’s what BG does.
BG never buys guilds, and never over stacks, what are you talking about? It’s all mad skillz. http://blackgatewvw.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1380-bg-arms-race-fundraiser/
What have ZDs done to you, boy? Did they hurt you? coz you sound exactly like most of the NA players from SOR or JQ. Definitely not EU.
why you still trying to cover up and make up excuses when truth comes out? how goes the arms race fundraiser? can some funds be sent my way? i bring my zd guild to bg too.
“Recent Graduate of Maguuma University with a degree in Forums Politics”
If only SoR had a comparable presence in wvw compared to in the forums
1 SoR QQs and 10 BG retaliate and PvF. Look at the forums for yourself. BG, too bored from the PvD eh?:( LP, btw, stop blobbing and doing overtime in SoR BL. Not working. <3
they try to justify their heavy stacking. their attempts to cover up only proves how scare they really are for fair fights.
“Recent Graduate of Maguuma University with a degree in Forums Politics”
A honest question that has not been answered besides all the trolling etc.
Why did BG think they needed to recruit additional guilds to their server?
From week 1 results, it was a very good competitive match. Did you actually need to go out and recruit other?
Again just an honest question, no QQ or not trolling. Just curious the reason why.
A honest question that has not been answered besides all the trolling etc.
Why did BG think they needed to recruit additional guilds to their server?
From week 1 results, it was a very good competitive match. Did you actually need to go out and recruit other?
Again just an honest question, no QQ or not trolling. Just curious the reason why.
When they transferred the BG shoutbox was full of people confused and surprised, even the large guild leaders. Does that help you?
A honest question that has not been answered besides all the trolling etc.
Why did BG think they needed to recruit additional guilds to their server?
From week 1 results, it was a very good competitive match. Did you actually need to go out and recruit other?
Again just an honest question, no QQ or not trolling. Just curious the reason why.
ZDs originally turned us down apparently. Most of us didn’t expect them to transfer over when they did.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
Your question has been answered and your posts seem to say that yes BG did pay for another guild contrary to all the posts denying it.
You may want to stop posting now.
It was answered? Where’s that? Did you answer that?
BG is definitely overstacked right now, that much is obvious. I actually took up sPvP (barely did that before) while queueing for WvW. That said, lol @ some people complaining about population. I suppose they’ve never actually played for servers like Maguuma or TC against the T1 servers.
Still I give SoR credit for actually playing now. Even if there aren’t enough players to field zergs on all four maps, as long as players concentrate on say 2-3 maps that’s still enough for games.
Otherwise met my first Blackgate commander who was playing not for points but rather for open field combat … despite knowing there was a full SoR zerg on SoR BL, he still led BG zerg to Titan. First time we wiped, second time I pointed out that there was no way we could win since SoR are so close to spawn, but he went ahead anyway and we wiped again. gg, I won’t be joining his zerg in the future.
A honest question that has not been answered besides all the trolling etc.
Why did BG think they needed to recruit additional guilds to their server?
From week 1 results, it was a very good competitive match. Did you actually need to go out and recruit other?
Again just an honest question, no QQ or not trolling. Just curious the reason why.
My guess is that some members of BG (not all, and not pointing at anyone in particular) didn’t want a “competitive match”- they wanted a winning match.
And as for why BG hasn’t given a clear response, my guess is that the forum doesn’t have unicode support for the Cyrillic alphabet.
Main: Asuran Engineer — Alt 80’s Ra-T-M-G-El-N-W-En-En-Re-Ra
Doctorate in Applied Jumping
I honestly dont know if BG have bought guilds, maybe yes, maybe no.
I honestly dont know if BG have paid TC to attack only SoR.
I have no rank in BG. Im not in the loop.
I just want to know how much SoR thinks the fundraiser made, to make it finacially possible to do the things BG is accused of.
Oh, and Keezee…. Could you put a “or else!” in the end of your “You may want to stop posting now” bit? Think it would make me shiver just a little. kitten, just answer the question, and i will let you off the hook
BG is definitely overstacked right now, that much is obvious. I actually took up sPvP (barely did that before) while queueing for WvW. That said, lol @ some people complaining about population. I suppose they’ve never actually played for servers like Maguuma or TC against the T1 servers.
Still I give SoR credit for actually playing now. Even if there aren’t enough players to field zergs on all four maps, as long as players concentrate on say 2-3 maps that’s still enough for games.
Otherwise met my first Blackgate commander who was playing not for points but rather for open field combat … despite knowing there was a full SoR zerg on SoR BL, he still led BG zerg to Titan. First time we wiped, second time I pointed out that there was no way we could win since SoR are so close to spawn, but he went ahead anyway and we wiped again. gg, I won’t be joining his zerg in the future.
Hey man, when I was on SoRBL earlier, we were trying to lure SoR out of citadel to fight us open field. That’s when we found out that there’s a little bit of land both sides of the portal in north camp that allows you to be invulnerable while still outside of the citadel.
I prefer open field fights rather than fighting under 5 arrow carts firing down on you. I’ve also noticed SoR commanders have taken to spamming ACs in engagements. That kitten hurts man!
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
About BG buying guilds, people with different perspective have different opinions on this
Obviously BG, or anyone, wants to win, so they will do whatever it takes to win as long as it is not cheating. In sports we see people trading players and buying players all the time, it’s normal
But from SoR point of view this act is very pathetic, basically using gold to win instead of skills.
ZDs has a big impact on BG as much as IRON on SoR. It is not that ZD alone make BG stronger, it is the fact that it makes BG morale goes up so much when they logged in and have up to 400 PPT and also crush SoR morale. SoR is a good server despite losing T3 everyday we still fight hard, but we do admit that is is pretty demoralizing logging in and seeing we have 100 PPT and BG widens the lead by 10k.
It is not fun when everyone works their kitten off to get a T3 and then it’s gone the next day. We don’t feel like we could win against BG even though SoR did good during NA prime time. It feels hopeless is what it is
But still props to all the guilds that are still fighting and working over time everyday, you guys are the only reason SoR hasn’t blow up yet. Thanks guys
(edited by Butter.3024)
ZDs has a big impact on BG as much as IRON on SoR. It is not that ZD alone make BG stronger, it is the fact that it makes BG morale goes up so much when they logged in and have up to 400 PPT and also crush SoR morale. SoR is a good server despite losing T3 everyday we still fight hard, but we do admit that is is pretty demoralizing logging in and seeing we have 100 PPT and BG widens the lead by 10k.
I think you’ve got the jist of it. Here is a link to something I posted about IRON back in May. It was easy to find because it’s on page 1 of my “highly rated” posts (whatever that means).
Discounting the power of player morale in this game format is a recipe for frustration.
Snippet from my post linked below: “A 9.0 earthquake hit in the middle of the ocean and SoR is riding the player tsumani.”
[KnT] – Blackgate