Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not
Stop telling personal secrets about me!
Secrets imply everyone doesn’t already know!
@cobra Yeah it’s some nasty stuff. I watched a tree crush an SUV, inch-diameter hail pelt everything, and am messaging you from the comfort of a facility being used by Red Cross. That’s mild compared to what some others got. My best wishes to all those involved as well.
Thanks for the kind words , we have posts on our guild website our VERY VERY good firend and guildmate got caught in the Phillpeans disaster and we had others getting effected by Midwest. We are raising money as a guild to help them and have spoke to our friends. The phillipeans disaster after hearing It from a native is the most intense life appreciating story u can hear.
Bad thing to point out with youtube channels that have 30K+ views and tons of videos… not going to prove anything. But the fact that your wrong. And that’s 90% T1 on those channels so your even more out of line .
EZgames21 has 39k views, but that doesn’t mean it’s all for DIE.
You mean theres something else out there aside from [DIE]….I couldn’t tell based on the forums and constant pm’ing I get every second I play this game!
Furious , you will always be my favorite soldier of fortune. <3.
LOL, kitten, I need to earn my 25g!
LOL, kitten, I need to earn my 25g!
You’ve got some twisted priorities lol…
you can like tht hunchback guy from 300 but without the hunch and better looking then George Clonney with Thors body and my charm . I will be xerses but instead of painted in gold ill be cover in FA forum tears and loot bags. Find me Leonidas, who in this scenario is more like Orlandoo Bloom as the archer in Troy(AKA CORE) . And im actually as strong as superman , but I got more money then batman . So basically in one hit I will beat the guild and insert youtube video followed by massive QQ and excuse flood.
I’ll up the gold to 30 if u get it done right, pm me in game or come to our private secret TS that only you and the select few that are part of our DIE Headquarters , wehre we have experiments and such , and Craig and I get hooked up unto substances and skip therapy sessions go. I wll then obsess at commanders that sound like cheap Mariachi band lead singers who think there better tehn regaurd and answer nonsense questions from blob hards.
@tibstrike, we want to say you guys had a good run , you guys had a lot of good things going for u. Im sure whatever game u guys choose to play will be fruitful and fun . Thanks for the bags sorry to hear u quit the game .
^by midnight ^
see u in 2 hours buddy
I love the nights I know its the right time to use magic find buff : D
Just to be fair, The power DID go out for quite awhile here where some DIE people may or may not reside for quite a long time last night. 70+ km winds and heavy rain are pro-zergbusters.
Yeah, the power was out and I was in a restaurant cellar during the storm. It wasn’t pretty. But nothing compared to what else is happening out there…
[WS] we we’re disapointed you couldn’t make it Thursday, we were ready and decided to fight [NERF] and we enjoyed it. I would excercise more patience, it’s a game, and people have priorities. Plus you play in a hard timezone to gather numbers for a fight because we’re worn out from raiding.
You all need a little more Jesus in your lives, see ya all tonight while we collect your badges and loot bags
How eBay pictures FA in NA timezone. (See attachment)
Lol eBay out manning FA in oceanic…… No problem
your oceanic haven’t discovered trait lines yet. Still running the 0:0:0:0:0 build. Drop to the floor on the first push.
So much forum QQs
This is coming from the guild who gave up on our garrison with 6:1 numbers last night after attempting the following:
Seriously, “brainless” would be a compliment. You guys are terrible.
How eBay pictures FA in NA timezone. (See attachment)
Lol eBay out manning FA in oceanic…… No problem
your oceanic haven’t discovered trait lines yet. Still running the 0:0:0:0:0 build. Drop to the floor on the first push.
So much forum QQs
This is coming from the guild who gave up on our garrison with 6:1 numbers last night after attempting the following:
- Attempt 1: One Omega Golem on NE gate.
- Attempt 2: One Alpha Golem on NE gate.
Seriously, “brainless” would be a compliment. You guys are terrible.
You should probably know that we’re not trying terribly hard. No offense, but we don’t need the PPT and we’re just looking for something to do. We knew there was too much siege so we just took out trebs and hoped you’d jump down to fight us. You’ll know we mean business on your garri when you see 5-10 guild catas.
Also, 6:1 odds mean nothing if you’re behind fortified walls and a kitten-ton of siege. You didn’t fight us off, you siege creeped. Big difference.
This isn’t the only time it has happened. He has randomly whispered our guildmates and started flaming us for no apparent reason. This is a commander from APS.
1st encounter: As we all are, just wanting to find some people to kill; although not specifically targeting this person, we have killed him many times. He has whispered our guildmate who played a ranger and spoke about how bad of a permastealth thief he is.
2nd encounter (this screenshot): We fought these guys 7(us) vs 9-11 APS and they have wiped every single time. I do not understand this bad manner from this person. We, as a majority of the guild, do not bad manner such as emote spamming, tea bagging, and flaming.
Although this makes us laugh, whether it is a troll or not; we just seek to find why he specifically calls people out for absolute ignorance.
Bad thing to point out with youtube channels that have 30K+ views and tons of videos… not going to prove anything. But the fact that your wrong. And that’s 90% T1 on those channels so your even more out of line .
#1, i only watched the FA stuff and it was brief. I really don’t care about you farming T1 militia baddies.
#2, if you wanna talk up your game, name names, throw time stamps and we can save some time. Sorry I can’t comb through 4 hours of you guys killing clickers and
keyboard turners. How hard can it be to say “X Guild at 14:22 in Y video”?
#3, those videos have less than 500 views combined. This thread has more views than that in less time.
(edited by junglizm.5843)
My view count this afternoon was 19,420
That’s right 19 and 420!!!!!
420? Brb
You should probably know that we’re not trying terribly hard. No offense, but we don’t need the PPT and we’re just looking for something to do. We knew there was too much siege so we just took out trebs and hoped you’d jump down to fight us. You’ll know we mean business on your garri when you see 5-10 guild catas.
Also, 6:1 odds mean nothing if you’re behind fortified walls and a kitten-ton of siege. You didn’t fight us off, you siege creeped. Big difference.
If you are looking to find fights then maybe you shouldn’t spend your time in a 30-40 man zerg during Oceanic hours.
You should probably know that we’re not trying terribly hard. No offense, but we don’t need the PPT and we’re just looking for something to do. We knew there was too much siege so we just took out trebs and hoped you’d jump down to fight us. You’ll know we mean business on your garri when you see 5-10 guild catas.
Also, 6:1 odds mean nothing if you’re behind fortified walls and a kitten-ton of siege. You didn’t fight us off, you siege creeped. Big difference.
If you are looking to find fights then maybe you shouldn’t spend your time in a 30-40 man zerg during Oceanic hours.
Tell ’em girl!
Well, I am sad. Played for quite some time tonight and DIE never showed up to wipe us like the baddies we are. And here I was looking forward to the good fights. Maybe they will show up later. I hope my guildies have a good time.
Anyways, Nice defense of Garri Ebay. We must’ve been in there for upwards of an hour without breaking inside. Good stuff.
If you don’t like zerg combat go play on AR and GOM.
Dear DIE, plz consider changing your name to “We Never Show [UP]” because I still haven’t seen you around. I assume you’re all playing on nokia dumb phones that can only access the forums and PCs haven’t made it to your respective countries yet, because I sure haven’t seen you in game yet.
LOL if your saying you can’t find DIE then you’ve already lost all credible when all of FA is on us 24/7
Think i lost what respect i had for DiE. I don’t think i ever seen some much kitten before. :P It really show the maturity lvl they have from these post.
they’re Like The Slow Cousin Of The family. Ya Just Have To Realize They Need Attention.
Great 3 way battle for SMC tonight! Ebay porting to 3rd floor with CD pushing lords room, way to keep up the pressure for at least a full hour. I lit a cigar shortly thereafter. Keep up the great fights! /cheer /salute
Was fun tonight running with my guildies earlier, never more then 20 of us at a time fighting map zergs and killing so many…… brings me back to the good old days <3
Crazy fight in SMC tonight guys. Porting up to the third floor was a good idea, too bad it didn’t work out. Great fights tho!
Fk I wish we ran 30-40 oceanic. We weren’t attempting to take your garri we just wanted to be inside to farm you guys. If u don’t believe me I can link the footage with our TS conversation. Straight up tower farm and survivability test
This isn’t the only time it has happened. He has randomly whispered our guildmates and started flaming us for no apparent reason. This is a commander from APS.
1st encounter: As we all are, just wanting to find some people to kill; although not specifically targeting this person, we have killed him many times. He has whispered our guildmate who played a ranger and spoke about how bad of a permastealth thief he is.
2nd encounter (this screenshot): We fought these guys 7(us) vs 9-11 APS and they have wiped every single time. I do not understand this bad manner from this person. We, as a majority of the guild, do not bad manner such as emote spamming, tea bagging, and flaming.Although this makes us laugh, whether it is a troll or not; we just seek to find why he specifically calls people out for absolute ignorance.
ERMAGERD YOU GUYS ARE A DYING SERVER TOO!?!?! Crazy how many servers are dying these days.
All this screaming about FA zerging, it has been my observation from the small man havoc side of FA that EBay and CD zergs are just bad. Sure when your zerg gets absolutely destroyed by an enemy zerg it is easy to claim they had superior numbers but you also have to take into account the possibility of superior builds, tactics and position.
All this silver league play has brought me to the conclusion that it is not 100% numbers that wins in WvW. Numbers are a factor yes, but these insane blowouts are just a lack of willing offensive pressure from opposing servers. How many hours can we farm your map zerg inside your home Gari before you realize you outnumber us and should push out and retake your stuff? This slow to mobilize, slow to react, predictable zerg balling is a large part of why most of these server do so badly. It isn’t that FA only zergs more, it really is that our zerg is just better and demoralizes your zerg faster.
I mean the last 3 weeks I have chased numerous people into towers for 1v1 when they were down over 100k points. At this point, running into your tower is irrelevant. I am not going to attack it, I really don’t even care too. WvW is mostly just a giant bowl of PvP with occasional NPC obstacles at this point and if you are not engaging in it for open field fights at this point then it is no wonder you server performs the way it does.
Almost every single server we have faced except perhaps SBI and Dragonbrand (CD to an extent) has been an endless stream of forum tears about zerging. It is WvW, Zerging happens, everyone does it. Get over it and fight.
CD almost never outnumbers FA. Part of CD’s problem is we don’t even have full coverage. Yesterday, I was on our BL escorting dolys into bay and garri, I saw the wp at garri go up, and later saw it taken, all during which there were probably a total of 10 on the map spread out doing the tedious work of trying to upgrade. What I have observed so far is that with a small amount of communication, our CD pugs are wiping FA zergs when evenly matched. When we start winning, you throw more numbers at us. Example: we were fighting near bay last night. We started to engage, the zerg we were fighting ran into bay and had a second zerg flank us. At this point you were double our numbers from two sides. And again, we stopped to organize… I can’t remember if it was FA or EB, but you guys veiled in front of us, I didn’t have time to type out a warning, but we wiped you anyway. For your numbers, I really don’t know why you’re in silver league, though youprobably don’t have the numbers for gold. The league is just broken., and this week is a representation of that. As for skill, I’ve seen more skill from EB than FA this week.
P.S. it was fun pushing some of you off cliffs last night. The guy killing the arrow cart came back to kill me with 3 of his friends waiting to back him up. Sorry dude, I’m not built for 1v1, so your posse was largely unnecessary.
-Crystal Desert Player
Can’t wait to fight SBI.
No offense but you guys in CD and EB are whining too much about a pvp game.
You guys are terrible and we have tons of video to prove it.
Step it up, posts some vids or shush.
Can’t wait to fight SBI.
No offense but you guys in CD and EB are whining too much about a pvp game.
You guys are terrible and we have tons of video to prove it.
Step it up, posts some vids or shush.
thats what you get when you sandbag into silver, you get matched up against a ton of bads, go back to gold.
Can’t wait to fight SBI.
No offense but you guys in CD and EB are whining too much about a pvp game.
You guys are terrible and we have tons of video to prove it.
Step it up, posts some vids or shush.
thats what you get when you sandbag into silver, you get matched up against a ton of bads, go back to gold.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
We didn’t sandbag. We lost guilds before our last matchup(both which have come back since, because it sucks down here)….
And SoS stole ratings with a favorable matchup.
Don’t type if you have no idea what you are typing about…
Can’t wait to fight SBI.
No offense but you guys in CD and EB are whining too much about a pvp game.
You guys are terrible and we have tons of video to prove it.
Step it up, posts some vids or shush.
thats what you get when you sandbag into silver, you get matched up against a ton of bads, go back to gold.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
We didn’t sandbag. We lost guilds before our last matchup(both which have come back since, because it sucks down here)….
And SoS stole ratings with a favorable matchup.
Don’t type if you have no idea what you are typing about…
lol, too easy
Honestly… i could care less about server ratings.
Im tired of zergs running from us. And unless its 3 to 1 odds or more in the opposing zergs favor, they run. Now i understand that there are good reasons for so like regrouping or getting a better position.
But seriously… stop… RUNNING!!!
Fk I wish we ran 30-40 oceanic. We weren’t attempting to take your garri we just wanted to be inside to farm you guys. If u don’t believe me I can link the footage with our TS conversation. Straight up tower farm and survivability test
For some reason a survivability test against 5 people when you are running 30+ just doesn’t seem too implausible when we are talking about Oceanic players so I’ll let this one slide.
Honestly… i could care less about server ratings.
Im tired of zergs running from us. And unless its 3 to 1 odds or more in the opposing zergs favor, they run. Now i understand that there are good reasons for so like regrouping or getting a better position.
But seriously… stop… RUNNING!!!
You guys don’t really want a challenge, if you really do then transfer to a tier 1 server and prove you are as good as you say you are. Same goes for all the FA guilds that brag about how they wipe entire zergs when being outnumbered. Try yourself against other really organized guilds and you’ll see how “awesome” you are
my intel says that DIE members arent representing [DIE]
Honestly… i could care less about server ratings.
Im tired of zergs running from us. And unless its 3 to 1 odds or more in the opposing zergs favor, they run. Now i understand that there are good reasons for so like regrouping or getting a better position.
But seriously… stop… RUNNING!!!
You guys don’t really want a challenge, if you really do then transfer to a tier 1 server and prove you are as good as you say you are. Same goes for all the FA guilds that brag about how they wipe entire zergs when being outnumbered. Try yourself against other really organized guilds and you’ll see how “awesome” you are
I wipe entire zergs by myself. I’ll come at you with my flying fish yo.
The best part about my post.. is that i posted on the wrong kitten server match up.. HAAAAAHHAHA! … IMA FAIL!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I shoulda went to the SBI/BP/DB thread…… lol :P
I was going to ask why a DB commander was posting in here, haha!
Week 7 is coming. Save it for then
Well, I am sad. Played for quite some time tonight and DIE never showed up to wipe us like the baddies we are. And here I was looking forward to the good fights. Maybe they will show up later. I hope my guildies have a good time.
Anyways, Nice defense of Garri Ebay. We must’ve been in there for upwards of an hour without breaking inside. Good stuff.
They showed up on CDBL for about 5 min, they whipped at the SW camp to a bunch of pugs…lol It was humorous watching them run in circles being terrible, my guess is they were experiencing power outages and bans right at that moment!
The best part about my post.. is that i posted on the wrong kitten server match up.. HAAAAAHHAHA! … IMA FAIL!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I shoulda went to the SBI/BP/DB thread…… lol :P
Not gunna lie i was really really confused as to why you were in here lol
I was going to ask why a DB commander was posting in here, haha!
Week 7 is coming. Save it for then
I was speaking the good rant of cowardly zergs and how they need to man and woman up and fight us!!!! Then at that moment when i realized… i was on the wrong thread….
I think a tear almost formed at my own fail… hehe :P GL to you guys this week, i shalt return to my thread!!!
OH SNAP, it’s like a sauna in here! Also, Silo got kicked from APS.
OH SNAP, it’s like a sauna in here! Also, Silo got kicked from APS.
ATK currently recruiting Silo. Msg me for info.
OH SNAP, it’s like a sauna in here! Also, Silo got kicked from APS.
ATK currently recruiting Silo. Msg me for info.
I was paying people to take Silo last night.
No you weren’t. I asked for 25g for Silo and you tried to pass him off to me free.
Silo refused to give me 25g to give to you, that was the real hold up.
P.S. I’ll still take the 25g.
OH SNAP, it’s like a sauna in here! Also, Silo got kicked from APS.
ATK currently recruiting Silo. Msg me for info.
I was paying people to take Silo last night.
I would have taken him, but my power went out and I could not play Does the offer still stand? lol
PST Silo for payment.
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