FC [WZ] – Guardian|Warrior|Mesmer
12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC
FC [WZ] – Guardian|Warrior|Mesmer
What the heck is going on here….Uh…
BUNS murders both sides equally. We just like blood…..
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
The new weekly IoJ Walking Zerg started today. I hope FC and DH enjoyed it as much as we did. It just ended as well. Started about 2 pm.
There needs to be a cross-server tonic parade, please.
Glad to see both DH and FC going for some ninja ops in our BLs. Makes this week a bit more interesting as a commander. Keep up the great fights, seen some strong groups in IoJ from all sides. We actually had our old outnumbered buff for a little while today. Brought me back to the good olde days of silver league.
IoJ, that was 40 golems. Also, FC, you have terrible timing. Should not have hit our BL right then cus we woulda kept on sticking it to IoJ -.-.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
Hey IOJ, meet our rich players. lol
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
IoJ, that was 40 golems. Also, FC, you have terrible timing. Should not have hit our BL right then cus we woulda kept on sticking it to IoJ -.-.
Can’t say DH doesn’t know how to have fun
Saw that golem zerg first hand at our IoJ Hills. That whole inner Hills bridge was one blob of golems, was a crazy sight. Knew it was coming from all the camp flipping and omega build sites you guys were working on throughout the day. Glad I could witness a part of it. Cheers and nice work DH.
Saw that golem zerg first hand at our IoJ Hills. That whole inner Hills bridge was one blob of golems, was a crazy sight. Knew it was coming from all the camp flipping and omega build sites you guys were working on throughout the day. Glad I could witness a part of it. Cheers and nice work DH.
Saw a few laughs from IOJ. Glad they saw the humor
Was fun while it lasted. I’m still mad at you FC. This was our chance to get IoJ just for ONE DAY, Dh had a massive zerg… you ruined it ):. It’s all your fault and I </3 you 4evr.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
Was fun while it lasted. I’m still mad at you FC. This was our chance to get IoJ just for ONE DAY, Dh had a massive zerg… you ruined it ):. It’s all your fault and I </3 you 4evr.
that wasn’t your one shot. the time is NOW. we’re pushing them on both sides keep it up see how far we can push them back
im sure IoJ will have just as much fun with it as we do1!
Was fun while it lasted. I’m still mad at you FC. This was our chance to get IoJ just for ONE DAY, Dh had a massive zerg… you ruined it ):. It’s all your fault and I </3 you 4evr.
that wasn’t your one shot. the time is NOW. we’re pushing them on both sides keep it up see how far we can push them back
im sure IoJ will have just as much fun with it as we do1!
You keep hitting us in EB though ):.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
WvW Matchup subthread is being deleted from the forums so we have no where to talk. I just thought you guys would be interested.
-Looks at the Buns, makes eye contact- Light up the Bird Signal
ZoS Guild
Northern Shiverpeaks Nightcrew
(edited by BirdSong.2541)
WvW Matchup subthread is being deleted from the forums so we have no where to talk. I just thought you guys would be interested.
-Looks at the Buns, makes eye contact- Light up the Bird Signal
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
WvW Matchup subthread is being deleted from the forums so we have no where to talk. I just thought you guys would be interested.
-Looks at the Buns, makes eye contact- Light up the Bird Signal
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
And so it has begun
ZoS Guild
Northern Shiverpeaks Nightcrew
Did anyone time that fight in fc garri? At least 30 minutes I’d say.
Did anyone time that fight in fc garri? At least 30 minutes I’d say.
that fight was epic
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
DH are building Omegas on your borderland! Prepare for the omega train!
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
DH are building Omegas on your borderland! Prepare for the omega train!
Be careful, If you image spam anet will lock our thread now!
@ FC: May I ask how many you did have in that garri fight best of your knowledge? Accurate numbers pls as I will provide the same. Mend was running with 35 at the time with pugs boosting us to ~45-50. However pugs were dead almost the entirety of that fight so it was largely 30-35 depending who was downed/dead at the time.
P.s.: You’re worse than NSP with war banners on lord ;(
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
WvW Matchup subthread is being deleted from the forums so we have no where to talk. I just thought you guys would be interested.
-Looks at the Buns, makes eye contact- Light up the Bird Signal
The need to put our PvFing skills to good use is upon us. Honed and sharpened over the years, now we turn our sights on a new enemy: whoever is behind this decision. Operation PvAnet, commence.
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame
DH are building Omegas on your borderland! Prepare for the omega train!
Be careful, If you image spam anet will lock our thread now!
@ FC: May I ask how many you did have in that garri fight best of your knowledge? Accurate numbers pls as I will provide the same. Mend was running with 35 at the time with pugs boosting us to ~45-50. However pugs were dead almost the entirety of that fight so it was largely 30-35 depending who was downed/dead at the time.
P.s.: You’re worse than NSP with war banners on lord ;(
well lets see… i wasnt there quite the whole time, for maybe the first 1/3 i was killing your NE tower trebs (with a pretty badly placed ac, i need to work on that)… but… [dead] had a guild night goin on and someone called bobo. the rest were pugs to my knowledge. but its kinda hard to estimate, our people were a lot more scattered than the ioj group. prolly 50. i know i saw a LOT of our regulars there, im pretty sure you guys saw almost everyone fc had to offer at the time.
as for groups:
bobo/[wz] doesnt usually run more than like 20 of their own now, theyll accept anyone willing to run with them in general (on ts). thats the main pain train yall faced. (not that 1/2 the group is necessarily pugs, well all be in the same ts channel and listening and working with the commander like a guild group would… just with 10 guild tags). you can ask them for their numbers, but i kinda doubt they can give you anything more definite about who was actually in ts.
chesnia said he got 20ish for [dead]’s guild night (but theyre pvx not dedicated wvw). i dont know much about their organization levels.
i dont think dh expected the hammer trains and organization they found when they tried to join the fray..
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Just had some fun running around with IoJ people from [RUN] in EB lol
We had a half-hour fight in DH’s garri as well the other day, with roughly equal numbers. We mentioned it on an earlier page. It’s good to see both FC and DH have some hard-core players who give as well as they get. B-)
DH are building Omegas on your borderland! Prepare for the omega train!
Be careful, If you image spam anet will lock our thread now!
@ FC: May I ask how many you did have in that garri fight best of your knowledge? Accurate numbers pls as I will provide the same. Mend was at the time with pugs boosting us to ~45-50. However pugs were dead almost the entirety of that fight so it was largely 30-35 depending who was downed/dead at the time.
P.s.: You’re worse than NSP with war banners on lord ;(
Our numbers looked about even to me. I was portaling people from citadel to garrison, to help keep the numbers up. What was more fun was a little while before that when we fought the ioj zerg outside of garri. We had no idea how we wiped you, the whole fight seemed very chaotic. I’m new to FC from a silver league server and I’m having a lot more fun here. I just wish warriors would stop running from me, but that seems to be an epidemic across all of Tyria
Hey IOJ, meet our rich players.
You got an SS of me! How dare u!?
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
This match, as of now, the borderland focus shows you’ve focused FC border 29.3% more than you have DH’s.
We know we’re hotter, but while we appreciate the attention we do not appreciate what you do to our BL while you are there. No means no!!! except when DH says it. You have 1.5 days to fix this kitten. muah
This match, as of now, the borderland focus shows you’ve focused FC border 29.3% more than you have DH’s.
We know we’re hotter, but while we appreciate the attention we do not appreciate what you do to our BL while you are there. No means no!!! except when DH says it. You have 1.5 days to fix this kitten. muah
But.. You have more guilds in NA prime DH has like.. 2
Eternal Battleground 42.7%
2 Isle of Janthir – Borderlands 38.6%
3 Ferguson’s Crossing – Borderlands 10.6%
4 Darkhaven – Borderlands 8.2%
Source: Gw2score.com
Note that this is taken through the week total.
(edited by Banzie.5248)
yep. 10.6 is 29.3% higher than 8.2
you camped our bl for 2-3 hours yesterday until DH took the lead. this is happening again right now. your PvE karma train newbs are more annoying than HoD’s badmannered children.
seriously I have always supported the fergs, even when I was on ET.
but look at them now they are a real contender.
So you IoJathirians no more pickie pickie wickie wackie ferggie wurggies.
They can win.
They are like superman.
Guild Co-leader No Quarter IoJ
Just had some fun running around with IoJ people from [RUN] in EB lol
if you were on about 4 hours ago in EB, I was the norn santa that dropped 500 ballistas, 20 superior rams and 10 omegas around the spawn areas of FC and DH and within my own zerg
….. And Elementalist.
yep. 10.6 is 29.3% higher than 8.2
you camped our bl for 2-3 hours yesterday until DH took the lead. this is happening again right now. your PvE karma train newbs are more annoying than HoD’s badmannered children.
Spending 2% more of our time in your BL than in DH’s BL is probably statistically insignificant.
That said, we can’t really control what our pugs/PvE’ers do. A very easy way to discourage them is to just come out. Pugs naturally gravitate towards the easier target, so just make sure you’re tougher to hit than DH is.
And it’s not like we’ve had a week-long strategy of focusing on one server. When our guilds play, it’s been very reactive. After you guys rushed our SM in NA prime, we focused on FC as a result. And after DH took all of our waypoints yesterday, we focused on them in retaliation. There’s really no favoritism going on.
Giving a shout-out to [RUN] as well for their brutal, vicious defense of dolyaks and camps in IoJ BL just now. You folks deserve a pat on the back for the service to your server during the upgrade process. Not everyone takes the boring job willingly, but defending dolyaks is a crucial process and anyone who does so is worthy of my respect.
Ferguson’s Crossing server.
Just had some fun running around with IoJ people from [RUN] in EB lol
if you were on about 4 hours ago in EB, I was the norn santa that dropped 500 ballistas, 20 superior rams and 10 omegas around the spawn areas of FC and DH and within my own zerg
This was like 7 hours ago lol, I was on my uplevel ele running around on DH’s side with 2 IoJ’s in my party lol
yep. 10.6 is 29.3% higher than 8.2
you camped our bl for 2-3 hours yesterday until DH took the lead. this is happening again right now. your PvE karma train newbs are more annoying than HoD’s badmannered children.
[Mend] flipped the entirety of DH BL in about 45 minutes or less with no contest. We then went to FC BL. Where you guys contested us and gave us fights. I’m sorry you were more of a challenge then DH?? I cant speak for [AUX] or what they do though in the EU Prime.
Giving a shout-out to [RUN] as well for their brutal, vicious defense of dolyaks and camps in IoJ BL just now. You folks deserve a pat on the back for the service to your server during the upgrade process. Not everyone takes the boring job willingly, but defending dolyaks is a crucial process and anyone who does so is worthy of my respect.
The amount of persistence you guys showed to halt our upgrade process earned a fair bit of respect towards you guys aswell, even the little things like constantly sniping yaks on us is a huge pain to deal with when trying to get everything fortified before logging off
….. And Elementalist.
yep. 10.6 is 29.3% higher than 8.2
you camped our bl for 2-3 hours yesterday until DH took the lead. this is happening again right now. your PvE karma train newbs are more annoying than HoD’s badmannered children.
Spending 2% more of our time in your BL than in DH’s BL is probably statistically insignificant.
That said, we can’t really control what our pugs/PvE’ers do. A very easy way to discourage them is to just come out. Pugs naturally gravitate towards the easier target, so just make sure you’re tougher to hit than DH is.
And it’s not like we’ve had a week-long strategy of focusing on one server. When our guilds play, it’s been very reactive. After you guys rushed our SM in NA prime, we focused on FC as a result. And after DH took all of our waypoints yesterday, we focused on them in retaliation. There’s really no favoritism going on.
10 is 25% more than 8. not 2% more.
yep. 10.6 is 29.3% higher than 8.2
you camped our bl for 2-3 hours yesterday until DH took the lead. this is happening again right now. your PvE karma train newbs are more annoying than HoD’s badmannered children.
[Mend] flipped the entirety of DH BL in about 45 minutes or less with no contest. We then went to FC BL. Where you guys contested us and gave us fights. I’m sorry you were more of a challenge then DH?? I cant speak for [AUX] or what they do though in the EU Prime.
we now have the lamest excuse of all time for losing. We lost to DH because we put up more of a fight than DH
lol >.< <3 it
yep. 10.6 is 29.3% higher than 8.2
you camped our bl for 2-3 hours yesterday until DH took the lead. this is happening again right now. your PvE karma train newbs are more annoying than HoD’s badmannered children.
[Mend] flipped the entirety of DH BL in about 45 minutes or less with no contest. We then went to FC BL. Where you guys contested us and gave us fights. I’m sorry you were more of a challenge then DH?? I cant speak for [AUX] or what they do though in the EU Prime.
we now have the lamest excuse of all time for losing. We lost to DH because we put up more of a fight than DH
lol >.< <3 it
Rofl O.o. I’d be insulted, but I’m not.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
FC you just papered SM.. Im sorry all deals off. DIE. Q_Q T_T Cries
Now in all seriousness very, very nice ninja.. I saw our score drop at the top significantly. Pressed M to check and BAM SM BLUE
(edited by Banzie.5248)
woah .. good job FC on papering SM.. too bad i wasn’t there to witness it. I was in our bl taking back all the camps u took with 2 others. Wish I was there though..
u just made our map travelling a lot harder by papering SM. Guess we should put a wp in ur keeps in exchange?
I have a feeling a lot of the time they go to FC BL cus they fail in our BL tbh. I can’t tell you how many attacks we bust day in and day out, they repeatedly fail again and again and again, then they usually end up grabbing 1 keep or something and it all falls apart. It may just be that Darkhaven tends to have more players defending our BL, IDK.
That excuse certainly doesn’t work for EB though.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
I have a feeling a lot of the time they go to FC BL cus they fail in our BL tbh. I can’t tell you how many attacks we bust day in and day out, they repeatedly fail again and again and again, then they usually end up grabbing 1 keep or something and it all falls apart. It may just be that Darkhaven tends to have more players defending our BL, IDK.
That excuse certainly doesn’t work for EB though.
Why you no defend last night
yep. 10.6 is 29.3% higher than 8.2
you camped our bl for 2-3 hours yesterday until DH took the lead. this is happening again right now. your PvE karma train newbs are more annoying than HoD’s badmannered children.
Spending 2% more of our time in your BL than in DH’s BL is probably statistically insignificant.
That said, we can’t really control what our pugs/PvE’ers do. A very easy way to discourage them is to just come out. Pugs naturally gravitate towards the easier target, so just make sure you’re tougher to hit than DH is.
And it’s not like we’ve had a week-long strategy of focusing on one server. When our guilds play, it’s been very reactive. After you guys rushed our SM in NA prime, we focused on FC as a result. And after DH took all of our waypoints yesterday, we focused on them in retaliation. There’s really no favoritism going on.
10 is 25% more than 8. not 2% more.
Both can be correct depending on how you read that sentence, it’s relative to perspective. All he’s saying is out of 100% of IoJ’s total time, 2% more of that total time was spent in FC-BL than DH-BL, which is a really small difference in terms of our total focus. If we’d spent 2% in FC-BL and 1% in DH-BL, you could say we spent 100% more time in FC-BL, but it would be somewhat misrepresentative of how much that difference actually factors in to the score.
Also, it would seem to me that the ‘Borderland Focus’ stats shown above are calculated from PPT and not actual numbers of people/time spent in a BL. Therefore, it doesn’t actually say anything about ‘time spent’ by a server in maps, only the points being gathered on maps, in which case the level of defense plays a factor. We could send equal numbers to either BL for the same amount of time and the borderland focus stat could be different.
Some people complained the other day that we were switching targets to keep our focus even between the servers. Now there is a complaint that it is not even enough. That’s kind of funny.
Thanks again FC and DH, there’s been some really fun fights this week. Much respect to both of you for how you carried yourselves on the field, and in here.
I have a feeling a lot of the time they go to FC BL cus they fail in our BL tbh. I can’t tell you how many attacks we bust day in and day out, they repeatedly fail again and again and again, then they usually end up grabbing 1 keep or something and it all falls apart. It may just be that Darkhaven tends to have more players defending our BL, IDK.
That excuse certainly doesn’t work for EB though.
Why you no defend last night
We were prepping that golem rush since about 12 pm PST. Took a lot of manpower and a lot of time. We were also busy coordinating as we’re not as huge as you guys are, managing to round up 50 people for one zerg takes a LOT of time, effort, planning etc…
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
(edited by Arius.7031)
Also, it would seem to me that the ‘Borderland Focus’ stats shown above are calculated from PPT and not actual numbers of people/time spent in a BL. Therefore, it doesn’t actually say anything about ‘time spent’ by a server in maps, only the points being gathered on maps, in which case the level of defense plays a factor. We could send equal numbers to either BL for the same amount of time and the borderland focus stat could be different.
i don’t know exactly how its calculated but it is not based on PPT.
I have a feeling a lot of the time they go to FC BL cus they fail in our BL tbh. I can’t tell you how many attacks we bust day in and day out, they repeatedly fail again and again and again, then they usually end up grabbing 1 keep or something and it all falls apart. It may just be that Darkhaven tends to have more players defending our BL, IDK.
That excuse certainly doesn’t work for EB though.
Why you no defend last night
We were prepping that golem rush since about 12 pm PST. Took a lot of manpower and a lot of time. We were also busy coordinating as we’re not as huge as you guys are, managing to round up 50 people for one zerg takes a LOT of time, effort, planning etc…
And then we split the force after taking IOJ bay (I was in second? papering run, I think, about 8PM, led by our Mistress Zephy). Had some people complain about not sweeping (both garry and bay, which both had mesmers and we didn’t do anything at first about them), so we split up to kill them and the rest continued after south towers and hills.
As for coordination, you should have seen the tail we had while going to garry. I think we only stopped once (possibly twice) to let them somewhat catch up.
Please give us a keyring…
I have a feeling a lot of the time they go to FC BL cus they fail in our BL tbh. I can’t tell you how many attacks we bust day in and day out, they repeatedly fail again and again and again, then they usually end up grabbing 1 keep or something and it all falls apart. It may just be that Darkhaven tends to have more players defending our BL, IDK.
That excuse certainly doesn’t work for EB though.
that’s weird because they’re reasoning is that we put up more of a defense…. ???
which is silly because our BL is typically empty and paper once the weekday karma train begins).