20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Having good fights..

hf and be safe

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Teel.9036


Hoping for less blobby fights with this matchup than we had against Piken/Vizunah. So far this night has mixed results. Some great fights vs Yak.

Teelie l VoTF

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: aegnosis.8037


I hope it will be great match – up for everyone.

ONS looking for 10 vs 10 or 15 vs 15 GvG at this match up. If you are interested we can talk ingame.

Guardian of One Night Stand[ONS] Gandara. http://www.onsgw2.com

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Hoping for less blobby fights with this matchup than we had against Piken/Vizunah. So far this night has mixed results. Some great fights vs Yak.

Kinda hard to find a guild matching your numbers though.. you ran bigger numbers compared to DiVa or YaK alone..

And I’m sorry for interupting the fight with YaK at the beginning.. We did it for same reason, since you guys outmanned YaK..
The emote spamming wasn’t needed though..

Anyway, we will have good fights this week!


Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Overdoze.5071


Glad to see another sad matchup full of brainless blobs…. hope im wrong.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Daendur.2357


Don’t be sad, my fearless friend. Raise again your sword against your foes, and strike them hard.

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: multivira.7925


Well, let’s hope something good comes out of this matchup.

Twirling – Pie Eating Guardian – MM – Gunnar’s Hold

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: PsychoticWaltz.1768


Hoping for less blobby fights with this matchup than we had against Piken/Vizunah. So far this night has mixed results. Some great fights vs Yak.

Kinda hard to find a guild matching your numbers though.. you ran bigger numbers compared to DiVa or YaK alone..

And I’m sorry for interupting the fight with YaK at the beginning.. We did it for same reason, since you guys outmanned YaK..
The emote spamming wasn’t needed though..

Anyway, we will have good fights this week!


I really doubt that we outnumbered Yak, but overall I’m not going to complain since it was the best reset in weeks.

Guardian [VoTF] – http://www.votf-online.net

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Hoping for less blobby fights with this matchup than we had against Piken/Vizunah. So far this night has mixed results. Some great fights vs Yak.

Kinda hard to find a guild matching your numbers though.. you ran bigger numbers compared to DiVa or YaK alone..

And I’m sorry for interupting the fight with YaK at the beginning.. We did it for same reason, since you guys outmanned YaK..
The emote spamming wasn’t needed though..

Anyway, we will have good fights this week!


I really doubt that we outnumbered Yak, but overall I’m not going to complain since it was the best reset in weeks.

As far as I witnessed it tonight, u outmanned them once close at garri.. that’s the only time I saw u outmanned them …
So again sry if we interupted but you know why now and normally we dont interfere as usual.

And exactly, one of the best resets mate!
Excited for rest of the week

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Menaka.5092


Looking forward to this week, nice reset everyone

(those hammer trains, VoTF!!)

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ophidian.9043


Thanks for the fights everyone, was a good reset. Numbers didnt really matter because of the kitten bloodlust eh? :P


20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sumusikoo.1360


amazing wars so far, Gandara still in front since the reset

Probably had most of the most epic wars in my life in the past couple of days since reset.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nemetona.6234


Interesting headstart night with some great fights in almost all scales from 5:5 to 50:50.

Sadly turned into boring perma blobbing today morning. I’m afraid that won’t change along the week. MS Borderlands getting empty, PvE areas crowded now… -.-

Hopefully next week’s matchup will be better balanced again.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Emperor.4167


Had a lot of fun today roaming, solo or with guildies.. Will be there again tommorow, so be prepared! ^^

Deceiving Emperor, Mesmer
Emperor Sisaroth, Guardian
Leader of [SoD], Gandara

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: multivira.7925


Well, had some awesome fun so far today in quite small scale (around 5-8 or so). Hope this can stay like this all week

Twirling – Pie Eating Guardian – MM – Gunnar’s Hold

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Btw, if anyone is interested, pm me for duels!

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hollywood.3490


I almost forgot how fun it is to fight Miller’s.

We’re hitting a tower with 5 people. MS commander appears along with 10-12 pugs, of which we kill 5. The rest (5-7) run into tower and… start building a treb to kill our cata.

Johnny [TCHU]

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Footage from reset, thanks Way & COP for the amusing fight over one of the spawn towers (remember to check if the wall is down before ramming the gate!). Was funzors ’n stoof.

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

(edited by FrouFrou.4958)

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


I almost forgot how fun it is to fight Miller’s.

We’re hitting a tower with 5 people. MS commander appears along with 10-12 pugs, of which we kill 5. The rest (5-7) run into tower and… start building a treb to kill our cata.

Reminds me of AM and Drakkar Lake and Riverside and… You get the picture

I do not say all of them are that way, it depends what commander they have and if he/she got the balls and guts to earn glory and lootbags in an honorable way.
Because yesterday I had fun for hours with some MS-roamers in duels, very friendly and stuff..


Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Empyre.2531


5 coordinated vs 10-12 pugs. Ye I wouldn’t fight either if I was the commander. Got nothing to do with guts, just brain.
That’s like killing a 50 pu blobb with your guild 25 train. Nothing special.


20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


5 coordinated vs 10-12 pugs. Ye I wouldn’t fight either if I was the commander. Got nothing to do with guts, just brain.
That’s like killing a 50 pu blobb with your guild 25 train. Nothing special.

guess thats the difference between us. we’d still fight. got nothing to do with brains, guts or any other body parts, just about having fun. hiding in a tower we have no interest in capping isn’t fun, not for us anyway :>

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Spectre.6452


I was dissappointed to see that GROU only wanted to fight when they outnumbered us. Oh well, it was fun anyways

Some warn that the Mursaat will return to agonize the people of Tyria once more.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: SixtyOne.6145


Seriously FR?? U need 2 big guildgroups + pugs to kill DiVa?
Instead u fight with one guild vs us, no, one guild GROU and others push on us and AFK attacks us too.. Lame! Very lame, no sportmenship right here!
We were only with max 30 in WvW and u need +50-60..
No dignity at all, very disappointed in FR..
note: Other WvW guilds with some dignity let the guilds fight eachtoher and not CONSTANTLY interrupt it! Says enough about you since we downed half of your 50-60 men..

Grow some kiddos..
EDIT: Every kittening AFK or GROU or BL guy I encounter when I roam, will get some heavy teabag on them and emote spamming so you feel comfortable to your level.

Seriously ? I’m GROU (raid lead), and we wathing the fight during 5 min, then AFK was kill and we com in the fight, but AFK rez their raid and push with us :/. Sorry for that, but don’t say “U need 2 big guildgroups + pugs to kill DiVa?”.

Next, our raid is GROU + Bang and we are 18 in this raid.

You are a good Guild, a good lvl and we search you but after this fight on Hills we never found you (except on bay, but IC was here too, and we fight IC).

Diva, IC, TDA red map tomorow ?

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chrhal.4983


Seriously FR?? U need 2 big guildgroups + pugs to kill DiVa?
Instead u fight with one guild vs us, no, one guild GROU and others push on us and AFK attacks us too.. Lame! Very lame, no sportmenship right here!
We were only with max 30 in WvW and u need +50-60..
No dignity at all, very disappointed in FR..
note: Other WvW guilds with some dignity let the guilds fight eachtoher and not CONSTANTLY interrupt it! Says enough about you since we downed half of your 50-60 men..

Grow some kiddos..
EDIT: Every kittening AFK or GROU or BL guy I encounter when I roam, will get some heavy teabag on them and emote spamming so you feel comfortable to your level.

Seriously ? I’m GROU (raid lead), and we wathing the fight during 5 min, then AFK was kill and we com in the fight, but AFK rez their raid and push with us :/. Sorry for that, but don’t say “U need 2 big guildgroups + pugs to kill DiVa?”.

Next, our raid is GROU + Bang and we are 18 in this raid.

You are a good Guild, a good lvl and we search you but after this fight on Hills we never found you (except on bay, but IC was here too, and we fight IC).

Diva, IC, TDA red map tomorow ?

Remember to bring AFK

Archiae – Mesmer
“Lol I have never GvG’d before”
Far Shiverpeaks

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aneu.1748


Seriously FR?? U need 2 big guildgroups + pugs to kill DiVa?
Instead u fight with one guild vs us, no, one guild GROU and others push on us and AFK attacks us too.. Lame! Very lame, no sportmenship right here!
We were only with max 30 in WvW and u need +50-60..
No dignity at all, very disappointed in FR..
note: Other WvW guilds with some dignity let the guilds fight eachtoher and not CONSTANTLY interrupt it! Says enough about you since we downed half of your 50-60 men..

Grow some kiddos..
EDIT: Every kittening AFK or GROU or BL guy I encounter when I roam, will get some heavy teabag on them and emote spamming so you feel comfortable to your level.

Considering you did this to us (With 30+) when we had 31 people and YAK had engaged us (With 30+) I find this highly ignorant and hypocritical.

Try showing some dignity yourself before you start preaching.

Aneu | [VoTF]

(edited by Aneu.1748)

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Thanks Kana Peche (raidleader GROU) to pm me and explained and apoligized, shows respect towards us! I wont hunt GROU, but will hunt AFK still ;D

Maybe cya 2morrow on red map, depends what guild wants, u know to pm me 2morrow


Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Seriously FR?? U need 2 big guildgroups + pugs to kill DiVa?
Instead u fight with one guild vs us, no, one guild GROU and others push on us and AFK attacks us too.. Lame! Very lame, no sportmenship right here!
We were only with max 30 in WvW and u need +50-60..
No dignity at all, very disappointed in FR..
note: Other WvW guilds with some dignity let the guilds fight eachtoher and not CONSTANTLY interrupt it! Says enough about you since we downed half of your 50-60 men..

Grow some kiddos..
EDIT: Every kittening AFK or GROU or BL guy I encounter when I roam, will get some heavy teabag on them and emote spamming so you feel comfortable to your level.

Considering you did this to us (With 30+) when we had 31 people and YAK had engaged us (With 30+) I find this highly ignorant and hypocritical.

Try showing some dignity yourself before you start preaching.

Lol, hold your horses, we already apoligised and said it was not gonna happen anymore and that one time, u wer eoutmanning YaK at garri (read above)

So instead saying Im ignorant and a hypocrite, dont be ignorant and a hypocrite :p


Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Victim.3016


Yeah, don’t be a hippo-crate

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Yeah, don’t be a hippo-crate


Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: SixtyOne.6145


Thanks Kana Peche (raidleader GROU)

Kana Peche it’s my reroll, Icarhum it’s my main. But see ya for an other good fight

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jackie.1829


Lol, hold your horses, we already apoligised and said it was not gonna happen anymore and that one time, u wer eoutmanning YaK at garri (read above)

So instead saying Im ignorant and a hypocrite, dont be ignorant and a hypocrite :p


And I am sure you were outnumbering GROU or Akittendividually

Also no, doubt we were outnumbering YaK, especially since it was your garrison and your spawn so YaK also had the addition of pugs


So if we are say 28-30.. I doubt YaK was under 25 + a good number of pugs and…

Ill take your apology, as long as you stop trying to rationalize it with a lie, it was even numbers and not enough excuse for you to interfere, otherwise GROU and AFK fighting together is justified as well, since you had 30 in your screenshot, equivalent to what VoTF had on reset.

[VoTF] www.votf-online.net
GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Lol, hold your horses, we already apoligised and said it was not gonna happen anymore and that one time, u wer eoutmanning YaK at garri (read above)

So instead saying Im ignorant and a hypocrite, dont be ignorant and a hypocrite :p


And I am sure you were outnumbering GROU or Akittendividually

Also no, doubt we were outnumbering YaK, especially since it was your garrison and your spawn so YaK also had the addition of pugs


So if we are say 28-30.. I doubt YaK was under 25 + a good number of pugs and…

Ill take your apology, as long as you stop trying to rationalize it with a lie, it was even numbers and not enough excuse for you to interfere, otherwise GROU and AFK fighting together is justified as well, since you had 30 in your screenshot, equivalent to what VoTF had on reset.

You were outmanning YaK at first, DiVa was standing at tower next to it (so we had upper view of the fight) and we jumped in.. Your screenshot shows alot of green dots though. And diva saw more red names then greens. (maybe some YaK’s still needed to log in or w/e)
Yet, I find it lame you calling me a liar.. And the screenshot was the justified “jump-in” from DiVa like i said before..
But there was this other fight at supcamp where YaK and u had equal numbers and DiVa jumped in aswel which we shouldnt have.
That’s the fight I apoligised for, not the garri fight

Hereby I claim to stop this useless discussion towards VoTF since we have different opinions and “truths”.
Not here to babysit! ^-^


Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

(edited by Terrorsquad.2349)

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jackie.1829


Lol you post a screenshot of having 30 people and claim 2 guilds shouldnt fight you..

http://i.imgur.com/2eOxvjB.jpg + the war in my group was dced in that fight as you can see from the above SS, so 30 players as well, but its okay for you to double team that + pugs

We didnt outnumber YaK, its all in your head. Before you accuse others of sportsmanship, try having some yourself. Just because you have an aerial view doesnt mean you can count the number of players involved, nor does it mean you should add on with a 20+ raid.


[VoTF] www.votf-online.net
GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: SixtyOne.6145


just for information, GROU it’s 15-22 guys by raid (with Bang)

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Lol you post a screenshot of having 30 people and claim 2 guilds shouldnt fight you..

http://i.imgur.com/2eOxvjB.jpg + the war in my group was dced in that fight as you can see from the above SS, so 30 players as well, but its okay for you to double team that + pugs

We didnt outnumber YaK, its all in your head. Before you accuse others of sportsmanship, try having some yourself. Just because you have an aerial view doesnt mean you can count the number of players involved, nor does it mean you should add on with a 20+ raid.


Srsly, Im not saying u ran +40 or something, I said YaK’s had less numbers the very first fight at Garri
Go sleep kiddo.
Aint got time for this, bye

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jackie.1829


Srsly, Im not saying u ran +40 or something, I said YaK’s had less numbers the very first fight at Garri
Go sleep kiddo.
Aint got time for this, bye

Except they didnt. And you also said above in this thread its hard to find a guild matching our numbers, then post a screenshot yourself with the exact same numbers as us and play the victim. Typical.

I can tell you are hypocritical because in this thread we didnt even call out a guild, but you immediately say we ran too many players when we have a reasonable raid size. Then later in the same thread you get mad at others for running large numbers with guild name call outs.

As I said, learn sportsmanship yourself before accusing others of anything.

[VoTF] www.votf-online.net
GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]

(edited by Jackie.1829)

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jackie.1829


Srsly, Im not saying u ran +40 or something, I said YaK’s had less numbers the very first fight at Garri
Go sleep kiddo.
Aint got time for this, bye

Except they didnt. And you also said above in this thread its hard to find a guild matching our numbers, then post a screenshot yourself with the exact same numbers as us and play the victim. Typical.

Ya, there is no such thing as having recruitments and having trial members
Bye bye

Oright yea, VoTF run with a whole raid of trial members, thats the secret to our success! You going to presume to know how many trials were running with VoTF now as well? Hmm, maybe you know more about my guild than myself. I wonder why we have a trial rank in the guild then though…

[VoTF] www.votf-online.net
GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Srsly, Im not saying u ran +40 or something, I said YaK’s had less numbers the very first fight at Garri
Go sleep kiddo.
Aint got time for this, bye

Except they didnt. And you also said above in this thread its hard to find a guild matching our numbers, then post a screenshot yourself with the exact same numbers as us and play the victim. Typical.

Ya, there is no such thing as having recruitments and having trial members
Bye bye

Oright yea, VoTF run with a whole raid of trial members, thats the secret to our success! You going to presume to know how many trials were running with VoTF now as well? Hmm, maybe you know more about my guild than myself. I wonder why we have a trial rank in the guild then though…

Whatever floats your boat at night, kiddo

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


What is love?

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: climbatize.8729


Seriously FR?? U need 2 big guildgroups + pugs to kill DiVa?
Instead u fight with one guild vs us, no, one guild GROU and others push on us and AFK attacks us too.. Lame! Very lame, no sportmenship right here!
We were only with max 30 in WvW and u need +50-60..
No dignity at all, very disappointed in FR..
note: Other WvW guilds with some dignity let the guilds fight eachtoher and not CONSTANTLY interrupt it! Says enough about you since we downed half of your 50-60 men..

Grow some kiddos..
EDIT: Every kittening AFK or GROU or BL guy I encounter when I roam, will get some heavy teabag on them and emote spamming so you feel comfortable to your level.

Seriously ? I’m GROU (raid lead), and we wathing the fight during 5 min, then AFK was kill and we com in the fight, but AFK rez their raid and push with us :/. Sorry for that, but don’t say “U need 2 big guildgroups + pugs to kill DiVa?”.

Next, our raid is GROU + Bang and we are 18 in this raid.

You are a good Guild, a good lvl and we search you but after this fight on Hills we never found you (except on bay, but IC was here too, and we fight IC).

Diva, IC, TDA red map tomorow ?

Ya sure , TDA can come around 22:00 , unless we get a raid lead before that.

We had a bit less ppl today wanted to fight you but second time we saw you, you were already fightin IC , so we stood aside and watched.


20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: icey.7368


Seriously FR?? U need 2 big guildgroups + pugs to kill DiVa?
Instead u fight with one guild vs us, no, one guild GROU and others push on us and AFK attacks us too.. Lame! Very lame, no sportmenship right here!
We were only with max 30 in WvW and u need +50-60..
No dignity at all, very disappointed in FR..
note: Other WvW guilds with some dignity let the guilds fight eachtoher and not CONSTANTLY interrupt it! Says enough about you since we downed half of your 50-60 men..

Grow some kiddos..
EDIT: Every kittening AFK or GROU or BL guy I encounter when I roam, will get some heavy teabag on them and emote spamming so you feel comfortable to your level.

Considering you did this to us (With 30+) when we had 31 people and YAK had engaged us (With 30+) I find this highly ignorant and hypocritical.

Try showing some dignity yourself before you start preaching.

Hehe nice read full respect to Votf for reset was good untill the fight with u crashed my guild wars I think yaks can talk for them self and we haven’t moaned once about the match up this is wvw and even the best teams clash … I like been outmaned
Hopefuly my internet will alow me to play this week happy hunting

[YaK] Gandara EU- WvW officer
contact : www.YaKslappers.com
SeverGvG: www.ThisIsGandara.com

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Empyre.2531


5 coordinated vs 10-12 pugs. Ye I wouldn’t fight either if I was the commander. Got nothing to do with guts, just brain.
That’s like killing a 50 pu blobb with your guild 25 train. Nothing special.

guess thats the difference between us. we’d still fight. got nothing to do with brains, guts or any other body parts, just about having fun. hiding in a tower we have no interest in capping isn’t fun, not for us anyway :>

Ye, Gandara (2x guild fg+1-2 additions) rather run away from unorganised, partly upscaled AR after they tried to push their warcamp (~10v10). I think people aren’t that much different.


20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: eremos.8142


The posts in this thread so far do not reflect the views of DiVa as a whole. As a guild we try to respect the unwritten rules of sportsmanship but sometimes on the field things don’t go as planned or situations are misjudged, so we’re sorry if anyone feels cheated by our actions, as I’m sure is the case when roles are reversed.

That said, WvW is always going to get a little messy. There simply isn’t all that much room, so groups of varying sizes are bound to run into each other, and speaking only for myself, I don’t hold it against anyone if they feel the need for a little low-pressure ganking. It’s good stress relief.

We had fun tonight, so thanks to everyone who was on MS BL with us.

Xander Moss

(edited by eremos.8142)

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jackie.1829


I dont feel cheated in the slightest, I have been playing WvW long enough to know that kitten happens, organized numbers are GvG, but in the field you cant always have the fair fights that you want. We died, we respawned and we came back.

All I did was say that, dont call other people out and throw a tantrum if you are willing to do the same thing yourself if need be.

[VoTF] www.votf-online.net
GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: eremos.8142


I dont feel cheated in the slightest, I have been playing WvW long enough to know that kitten happens, organized numbers are GvG, but in the field you cant always have the fair fights that you want. We died, we respawned and we came back.

All I did was say that, dont call other people out and throw a tantrum if you are willing to do the same thing yourself if need be.

Good to know, thanks. I would like just to emphasise the very first and last sentences of my post then.

Xander Moss

(edited by eremos.8142)

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gaberen.4325


The enemy always seems to have bigger numbers, than they actually have.

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lusios.1562


A part of me wants to tell you, Denied, that you should not fight forum wars in the name of your guild, i know i got annoyed by that when i was in FSV. But another part of me is so darn entertained by what’s being said in this thread, so i will have to say, keep it up! Shameless

Once Were Noobs [XxX]

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Baby don’t hurt me

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Markus.9084


Baby don’t hurt me

“Oh! Darling, please believe me
I’ll never do you no harm…”

20/9 Miller's Sound/ Augury Rock / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lutto.8745


Don’t hurt me no more

Member of [SoZ] GM of mEIGHT [mEJT]
S1/S2 Legend Engineer @ Gandara EU.