25/10 Dzagonur [DE]/Ruins of Surmia/Vabbi
Having fun so far (dza border), and great video op.
to the dza colonel from bmc that has been jumping on my corpse for 5 min, i went to smoke but i admire your dedication. I also came on the forum to post and you’re still there. kisses, mate
RoS [VM]
Wow this surprise me. RoS you really got stronger again.
Wow this surprise me. RoS you really got stronger again.
Ofcourse they are after a bunch of WvW guilds stacked a bronze league server so they could finally win something…
Wow this surprise me. RoS you really got stronger again.
Ofcourse they are after a bunch of WvW guilds stacked a bronze league server so they could finally win something…
Yea, they got tired of getting farmed by good guilds
The PvD skills are high tho, enjoy your karma!
@ korasn:2890
[FRS] went back to RoS not to win something, we moved back in the laugue so if RoS will win we will get nothing from that, cuz we transfered back from gunnars hold….
so thats a bit of crap talk, we moved back cuz the insane Q’s etc etc… we want to play, and we had some other issues on gh so we are on RoS again….
Guild: SFRJ
Server: FSP
NP came to ros for the fights and this reset has gave us some awesome thabks, big shout out to SWAT and DMG been some good fight as some nice loot <3
On another note any for GvG 10-15 /w me and we will sort it out
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Had great fun on RoS BL tonight with a bunch of wvw guilds stacked in the bronze league. Came here to fight and got some nice action tonight!
Hamham, lets plan a BBQ party soon!
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
NP came to ros for the fights
Little over a week ago when you first moved, there was more NP in EB than there were Vabbi players, spawn camping and swarming every individual they could find. Sure the german servers/RoF might put up some fight, but that’s not even 50% of the servers you’ll be fighting, I’m finding it hard to believe there are more “good fights” here than in silver.
Regardless of each individual guilds reasons for moving, all moving to the same server is hardly going to increase the balance/good fights/challenge/whatever of the league, hence it is not surprise people are assuming its for easy wins. Particularly moving 1 day before leagues begin.
Tonight has been probably the most boring night I’ve had since coming to Vabbi 2 months ago, Met 3 guild groups of 30+, seen 15 people peel off from zergs to chase down lone players and had skill lag in the first 3 zones I tried to play in. May as well have stayed in silver. Such a shame, as last weeks matchup was fantastic.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
(edited by Neandramathal.9536)
WoW had alot of fun at vabbi BL today! although it kinda sucks vabbi doesnt have more players so had to fight only against Dzagonur :/
but the spirit vabbi had! even if we had 20 peeps and they only -10 they still tried :P
and sorry Dz for the champ ressing at garri :P but we just had to stall a bit until we regrouped!
Howdy. Nice fights so far for us. Keep it up.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
The zergs on reset were quite hilarious. I still don’t quite get the reason for the size of some guilds, the need for commander icons or the reason for some guilds to hold hands with the zergs against the mighty forces of vabbi.
However we still got a couple of epic fights. The guilds i remembered were FoF and Loot (Sorry, but we’re new to this tier). Thanks to them, the eb zergs and everybody that let himself get pulled away from his karma train!
At least we won’t have to run far from our spawn to get some fights!
You should have seen Arborstone and Blacktide, since there are no guilds they only play when they have 70 achievement hunter together.
you would be suppriced the fight aer alot better NP run from 5-20 max in the silver L if you dont have 30+its hard, and we didnt spwam camp it was duling and i have had the best reset yet all fights have been awesome from zag vabbie lacking bu that just numbers in small scale you can fight well ^^
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
A little question to FoF from RoS how you get into bay without opening any gate? We hold it for more than an hour without inner gate open. No open gate and you only take down the lord.
Had some fun on reset. Some ninja caps, some good fights, skill lag (first time for everything I guess) and I got to see CB in action a little too. I won’t be around much on the weekend, hope everyone enjoys it.
If you bring the sauce I will provide the meat, /wink.
(edited by Hamham.7504)
This match up is just riddicilous.
All i can say.
Commander in Vabbi.
Officer of LST.
A little question to FoF from RoS how you get into bay without opening any gate? We hold it for more than an hour without inner gate open. No open gate and you only take down the lord.
Mesmer inside from our inc before. Then we built a cata @ the wall near the inner south gate. destroyed the wall and killed the lord. why ?? if you want a detailed explaination just whisper me(german btw)!
edit: screenshot found :P
(edited by Yuna.2516)
Looking forward to meet Imp on the field
Quite dissapointed by RoS so far, seems like a bunch of zerg guilds thrown together. FRS doesn’t even leave their tower when outnumbering us 2:1.
FRS is a noob guild and a lazy 1, we like to slack inside towers, we smoke joints there and drink beer, i dont even know why you come disturb us… not so kind, just let is smoke and drink beer, and everything will be ok…
Guild: SFRJ
Server: FSP
anyway if a DZ guild or maybe a vabbi guild is intrested in a gvg 15 vs 15 whisper me ingame!!…
Guild: SFRJ
Server: FSP
This matchups been abit meh so far. Only diffrence between being on a silver league server and being here seems to be that the guild zergs down here are less organised and will chase the lone roamer with 20+ guys, but hey perhaps thats why they’re down here in the first place!
I thought it was pretty clear that silver league was the “GvG League.” (Or at least from how i saw it, it was where most of the GvG players are)
Idk what you’re expecting to find down here, Possibly dzag have some guilds with 15 people, but vabbi certainly don’t and most other servers probably won’t either as they seem to all be stacked on surmia.
Tried roaming abit, nothing amazing so far… Just running into same situation of people who wont fight and will continue to run back to zerg, untill they’re downed then they try ever so hard, Doesn’t make much sence.
Hopefully can get a little bit of fun out of the matchup during the week :|
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
I dont get this complaining about guild groups running here. We were apparently in the same situation as NP in the silver league, running with numbers from 5-15 there was quite hard. And there it was fair for the other guilds to run with 25-35 all the time and nobody complained. I remember also FURY outnumbering us but still fighting us with full force but nobody complained.
And pls tell me another way then fighting with other guilds from your server together to fight the german blob. In Vabbi HON ran 1 blob the whole evening yesterday. There is no way that we as DEX can handle 20 from a guild and 50 randoms arround them on our own.
And to those roamers complaining about zergs chasing behind them why do you attack the zergs in the first time. We got attacked by single persons very often imo its kinda stupid to complain afterwards that they got killed when you run into 20+.
And to those roamers complaining about zergs chasing behind them why do you attack the zergs in the first time. We got attacked by single persons very often imo its kinda stupid to complain afterwards that they got killed when you run into 20+.
If this is to me then you’re wrong, Your guild groups of 30 + pugs (i didn’t name anyone so don’t assume im talking about DEX) Ran out of their way with all 30+ guys to chase 1 solo roamer, I’m not complaining i just think its boring for both partys, but if they have fun then thats fine, we’re all after fun! Maybe some of us just like a challenge!
We moved from silver because we couldnt do anything with our 5-8 people, Had we had 20 like some of the other guilds, it would be a different story.
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
I meet two Surmia Guildgroups on one Map both running with 30-40 People, thats hardly normal for bronze league. I know that Dzago commanders tend to stick together if the Enemy has such big Guildgroups, otherwise they prefer to split up (if you got only one Commander online obviously can’t do much about that happens on every Server).
Also i can understand the Guilds that transfered first to Surmia. But the other that got to the Server after already 3-4 Guilds transfered there? That was just looking for a cheap transfer on the next Bandwagon otherwise those guilds would have split up on Servers like WSR, FOW, Vabbi or Blacktide so they could fight each other and test their mettle, but sadly that requieres guts (only Guild i know that did that is Cb so props to you).
I do remember when back in the day people used to make fun of Riverside or Vizunah for “playing cowardly” (siege, blobs, running etc.). The trend has been a long time now though that every server copies this playstyle. The whole of silver league is worse than riverside ever was. Maximizing efficiency for the ppt.
The league system and the whole server glory kitten only reinforced the already existing trend.
Bronze league seemed like the last refuge for anybody that didn’t want to run in a pug blob or join a big wvw guild. Given the experience of reset and the afternoon where it’s just incredibly hard to find groups outside of the karma trains, this seems to have been a false assessment.
@Agrios: I can’t say that i remember DEX too well. For quite a long time we were too big for the ranking and server that gunnar’s was. It became a lot “better” after our excursion to piken. Rest assured that silver league now is full of blobs and guilds bigger than we were back in the day.
I meet two Surmia Guildgroups on one Map both running with 30-40 People, thats hardly normal for bronze league. I know that Dzago commanders tend to stick together if the Enemy has such big Guildgroups, otherwise they prefer to split up (if you got only one Commander online obviously can’t do much about that happens on every Server).
Also i can understand the Guilds that transfered first to Surmia. But the other that got to the Server after already 3-4 Guilds transfered there? That was just looking for a cheap transfer on the next Bandwagon otherwise those guilds would have split up on Servers like WSR, FOW, Vabbi or Blacktide so they could fight each other and test their mettle, but sadly that requieres guts (only Guild i know that did that is Cb so props to you).
If Anet hadn’t mysteriously raised WSR and FoW population size to high (back to medium somehow)… maybe other guilds would have transferred to those servers since they would have been free. Quite disappointing.
All screams about blobs and zerg. So what? Should we split just to make you happy? You want just 10 vs 10 or 1vs1 ? Its not my fault that anet made the game this way, Ask them for gvg or 1vs1. But stop screaming about blobs and kitten coz its pathetic. Its war. If blob gonna make me win something I`m gonna blob. Even having 3x your numbers if hiding in a tower gonna make me win that battle easier, i`m gonna hide.
And u can take it as u want: cowardly or honorable , i don`t mind.
The problem is that not only silver league is full of blobs. In the bronce league you will also face servers that only blob up. Examples are Blacktide, Arborstone (here it was in the prime time the same every day) and Dzagonur (i can only speak about the reset so far). Ofcourse there also are smaller forces running arround but with the achievement hunters even Blacktide for sure had queues on 4 maps.
And i know of only 1 guild in RoS that runs with 30+ and thats Bt War, a guild from Blacktide. Still RoS might also belong to the servers that blob up way too much for this league i cant say that because we try to run on our own and with queues on 3-4 maps there is not much switching between the maps.
Yesterday we had 4 commander tags up in Vabbi, i dont remember many fights against Vabbi except from CB which joined for example in Garrison to make it a threesome. But as i said earlier Dzagonur was running in only 1 big zerg so we had to coordinate with the other guilds to stand a chance against that…
All screams about blobs and zerg. So what? Should we split just to make you happy? You want just 10 vs 10 or 1vs1 ? Its not my fault that anet made the game this way, Ask them for gvg or 1vs1. But stop screaming about blobs and kitten coz its pathetic. Its war. If blob gonna make me win something I`m gonna blob. Even having 3x your numbers if hiding in a tower gonna make me win that battle easier, i`m gonna hide.
And u can take it as u want: cowardly or honorable , i don`t mind.
Firstly its a game not war, You really can’t compare the 2.
Secondly, as i said if you’re the type of person who just enjoys winning with no challange, if you KNOW you can win and thats where your fun comes from, then thats fine.
Some people just prefer to get more even fights and actually PLAY the game, Majority of people i meet don’t care for score, your input in the matchup has no effect this far down. Population and nightcapping wins overall.
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
(edited by x Charlie.4820)
I think we’ve had enough posts now with people complaining about guilds transferring. We get the point, they’re all bad people who want nothing but the destruction of fun for every other server out there and they’re despicable people who would hurt kittens in a heartbeat if that would satisfy them.
they’re despicable people who would hurt kittens in a heartbeat if that would satisfy them.
Had to smile and think on a recent video that had more or less exactly that as a title :p
The problem is that not only silver league is full of blobs. In the bronce league you will also face servers that only blob up. …
Just take all our whining with a grain of salt. There are people like me who just enjoy to complain. If we didn’t take any masochistic pleasure out of fighting outmanned we wouldn’t have transfered to vabbi.
Usually every roamer that tries to take out the backline of a zerg/guild knows that he’s playing with fire and that they’ll turn every second.
Everybody that tries to hold a tower against a zerg knows that this will either be a highlight video (look at thursday’s IMP video) or make you look really, really stupid (look at me in thursday’s IMP video charging and dying in a second trying to put down a wall of reflection…).
Just enjoy a bit of forum banter.
The problem is that not only silver league is full of blobs. In the bronce league you will also face servers that only blob up. Examples are Blacktide, Arborstone (here it was in the prime time the same every day) and Dzagonur (i can only speak about the reset so far). Ofcourse there also are smaller forces running arround but with the achievement hunters even Blacktide for sure had queues on 4 maps.
And i know of only 1 guild in RoS that runs with 30+ and thats Bt War, a guild from Blacktide.
You have GOT to be kidding coming here complaining about servers you literally stomped into the ground with your new bandwagon server full of WvW guilds that failed on other servers.
You stack a server so you can win bronze league and then you’ll start calling the servers which you are helping ruin the entire league experience for “blob” servers?
Blobs don’t win matches. Multiple map blobs and nightcaping wins matches. Two 20man groups can easily control a map against one 40man group. Unfortunately the 90% people that played WvW never actually played the game to understand that. I agree however that gw2 encourage the whole zerging thing and this is why wvw is in such bad state.
50 people killing 1 should never give loot to all 50. Every respectful game should reward something depending the risk it require no pressing the “1” with one hand watching tv at the same time. This way every player would try to challenge himself and actually enjoy the game more.
@Krosan that wasnt even the slightest bit of complaining. What i wrote are facts. If you didnt understand that read again.
I think i will be running around alone quite often this matchup since ‘ve actually found some nice 1on1s against good vabbi and surmia players. vabbi keep your head up i’m impressed by your motivation. so i hope everyone has fun this week and see you on the battlefield
Dochil [GDA]
Well, poor old Dzagonur being such a victim of the big bad guy RoS, they even ticked 2nd for a couple of minutes today! Inconceivable! Let’s get stack some more guilds on Surmia like we’ve been doing for the past few weeks!
At least AS and Blacktide have easier matches now with less being stomped by big bad RoS.
Hey everyone. I’d like to make a server treaty for all Vabbi players and maybe Dzagonur if they’re interest. Do not enter the borderlands this week. They’re full of blobs from RoS. Instead everyone enter EB.
This will make it so
- RoS has noone to fight on the borderlands, and they’ll be bored like hell.
- RoS has huge Q on eternal battlegrounds.
- RoS will get punished for stacking and the blobs will be forced to transfer? (hope?)
Go forth, and make it so!
You know that Dzagonur most likely also have queues on 4 maps?
I shall decline such a proposal, both because I don’t agree with server alliances/whateveryouwannacallem and also because skill lag in EB is kittened.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
movie from last week… arborstone(d) / blacktide doesnt blob?..
stop QQ and gonna play forum fighters..
this movie i posted showes that we hide in towers, even if we outnumber the enemy 2 vs 1 ^^
maybe should fight a bit more on the fields and not in the forum?…
Guild: SFRJ
Server: FSP
movie from last week… arborstone(d) / blacktide doesnt blob?..
stop QQ and gonna play forum fighters..
this movie i posted showes that we hide in towers, even if we outnumber the enemy 2 vs 1 ^^
maybe should fight a bit more on the fields and not in the forum?…
You just stick to PvD and skill clicking, Stikko
(edited by Acotje.5689)
@Acotje.5689 then get your guild together and do some gvg against us PVD masters?
Guild: SFRJ
Server: FSP
Just incase you missed the points that monkeymonger made higher up, a blobs is not the same thing as aGUILD blob, 20+ pugs are fightable with low numbers, 20+ guild players on comms are not (especially when you throw in fixed builds).
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
@Acotje.5689 then get your guild together and do some gvg against us PVD masters?
Yea, cause we have 15 active people in the guild and ready for GvG!
Oww, wait..
all this QQ blob here and blob there BLOB BLOB BLOB, if you want to see blobs go to voz tehy have 90 blobs on all maps even when they own it all. Fighting guilds with builds and comms is hard yes but how about look at it as challange, like i said this is the best reset i have had fights around every turn, also see germans walk to a open spot is nice to see untill they set up and AC but thats in your blood i guess <3 so just enjoy it and if you dont like being farmed join a wvw guild or leave the server
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
If you mean Viz with voz..
Vizunah was actualy nice to fight
all this QQ blob here and blob there BLOB BLOB BLOB, if you want to see blobs go to voz tehy have 90 blobs on all maps even when they own it all. Fighting guilds with builds and comms is hard yes but how about look at it as challange, like i said this is the best reset i have had fights around every turn, also see germans walk to a open spot is nice to see untill they set up and AC
but thats in your blood i guess <3 so just enjoy it and if you dont like being farmed join a wvw guild or leave the server
I don’t see the challenge in getting rolled over by blobs, so that at this moment we have 0 objectives on our own borderland? The way you’re defending it, you could be a Anet employee mindlessly saying it’s good, because it’s the system. kitten the system, it sucks.
For those of you who say: we don’t have blobs on RoS…
You see those 3 green dots?
I bet you need those 40+ guys to kill them. Vabbi players are really overpowered.