25/10 Dzagonur [DE]/Ruins of Surmia/Vabbi
I meet two Surmia Guildgroups on one Map both running with 30-40 People, thats hardly normal for bronze league. I know that Dzago commanders tend to stick together if the Enemy has such big Guildgroups, otherwise they prefer to split up (if you got only one Commander online obviously can’t do much about that happens on every Server).
Also i can understand the Guilds that transfered first to Surmia. But the other that got to the Server after already 3-4 Guilds transfered there? That was just looking for a cheap transfer on the next Bandwagon otherwise those guilds would have split up on Servers like WSR, FOW, Vabbi or Blacktide so they could fight each other and test their mettle, but sadly that requieres guts (only Guild i know that did that is Cb so props to you).
I tend to agree to this aswell.
Wait, vabbi is still complaining about being outmanned?
Must be all RoS’s fault.
all this QQ blob here and blob there BLOB BLOB BLOB, if you want to see blobs go to voz tehy have 90 blobs on all maps even when they own it all. Fighting guilds with builds and comms is hard yes but how about look at it as challange,
Lol? 7v15+ both organised is a challenge? I can’t tell if this is a troll or…? Surely then you should have seen the 25-30 guild groups in silver as a “Challenge”?
Last i heard surmia had queues on all maps, so no point saying “Go to viz” when you have queues anyway, lol.
if you dont like being farmed join a wvw guild or leave the server
Leave the server to go where…? Can’t exactly go further down and even if you could, Pretty sure some zerg guild would have to move down to make them self feel useful.
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
Wait, vabbi is still complaining about being outmanned?
Must be all RoS’s fault.
Looks like your back to being your old keyboard warrioring self now that ros has its 4th bandwagon join.
And to Chris, if people should see fighting guild groups as being a challenge why did you join a bronze league server to avoid just that? It’s a pretty bad point to be telling servers like Vabbi to see it as a challenge when NP moved from Aurora Glade to fight servers which are 80% pugs…
yes i did find it a challange but i left becasue of the ques and blobs its not fun seeing blobadon running 90 man and 10+ skill lag on a bl. If i new it was going to be like this on ros i would never of came here, but i dont why vabbie are kicking up a fuse its not like you are active wvw server or anything? I know its no fun getting farmed or rolled and i agree farmers can/will be farmed but that makes it more fun? there is no fun taking your loot bags and 2 WXP
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Looks like your back to being your old keyboard warrioring self now that ros has its 4th bandwagon join.
Yes, I’m sorry, I caused all those guilds to join RoS.
I really wanted to have queues on all maps all the time, I really do.
All my fault guys, sorry. Forgive and forget?
Btw, pot and kettle.
1st i dont see why rof are QQing because if all these guilds went there they would love it and dont lie, and like i said NP pulled a max of 22 MAX on a raid V 40+ is fun but when you get jumped by blobs its no fun and i dont see how people that have never left left bronze can say anything about blobs and NP have a max of 15 on ros for raids and 15v 25 is nice
just looking forward to next week when we can fight rof
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
i dont see how people that have never left left bronze can say anything about blobs
Most of the people you’re talking to just transfered from silver league servers to avoid 20man guild groups, just saying.
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
yes most but not alli loved fighting all the guild from VII to GD to PUNK to FURY and so on, just not fun getting jumped on by 60+ germans :P
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
So you move down to avoid 1 or 2 Servers and having mostly no Enemy competion at all, jeah makes sense :p
hey blobadons just blob and run away from fights, but we didnt leave becasue of them we left becasue of the ques and blobs from all servers including AG
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
So thats why as already said before everybody joined RoS and didn’t split up between RoS and Vabbi so you could have free Transfers and good fights against Guildgroups of the same size? Ah but that didn’t happen i wonder why…
So thats why as already said before everybody joined RoS and didn’t split up between RoS and Vabbi so you could have free Transfers and good fights against Guildgroups of the same size? Ah but that didn’t happen i wonder why…
We all know why
Clearly fighting on Surmia gives them the same challenge they once had on AG, it all makes sence now. Vabbi gives really good challenging fights and doesn’t blob. (Honestly none of our players blob.) They also wanted to keep the queues, hence why they moved to surmia, Can be quite fun to wait in a queue.
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
(edited by x Charlie.4820)
i didnt join vabbie as it has a bad name, i can remeber all teh fly hackers and just hackers, didnt the top wvw guild try to join vabbie to make it a wvw server but it failed becasue of the hackers?
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
There is not enough “Oh noo” from you in the Voicecom chaz!
There is not enough “Oh noo” from you in the Voicecom chaz!
There is plenty of “Oh noo” don’t worry :P
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
i didnt join vabbie as it has a bad name, i can remeber all teh fly hackers and just hackers, didnt the top wvw guild try to join vabbie to make it a wvw server but it failed becasue of the hackers?
“Top wvw guild”, the only guilds that have tried that are Xaoc and FRS… and it sure didn’t fail cos of hackers, if anything they brought them with them as I don’t remember hearing about any before that.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
i remeber when i was on rof just seeing fly hackers from vabbi
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
i didnt join vabbie as it has a bad name, i can remeber all teh fly hackers and just hackers, didnt the top wvw guild try to join vabbie to make it a wvw server but it failed becasue of the hackers?
Regardless of why it failed, this excuse is really poor if i’m honest.
RoS have had flyhackers too in the past if you didn’t know.
Just admit, You joined because you wanted the easy win/rewards, Along with all the other guilds Stacking on surmia.
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
(edited by x Charlie.4820)
I really do miss Dzagonur already…
Good luck everyone and have a fun week
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Vabbi have only fought RoF 3 times, and only one of those before you left – which was when they were rank 19, in the 2nd matchup since they ended the 24hour ones. That’s over a year ago.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
nope i didnt join for a easy win like i said many of times i joined for the fight and to get away from the blobs and ques. would would i even care about a doly finisher when i have the nuke? WvW guild look for the fights
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Actually i would be perfectly fine if people would just admit that they wanted easy kills&loot.
nope i didnt join for a easy win
like i said many of times i joined for the fight and to get away from the blobs and ques. would would i even care about a doly finisher when i have the nuke? WvW guild look for the fights
But vabbi isn’t active in wvw (Your words) and dzag only runs around in 70 man blob, so where are these “Good fights” that you’re getting?
Please direct me, because i’d love some too!
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
like i said the rest i had was awesome fighting DMG and SWAT and they wanted to fight us and all teh other guilds yes they ran a blob but we had help from another guild
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Just wow, the first time you say all the stuff its funny but when you repost yourself 5 times even popcorn doesnt taste great anymore.
Btw the popcorn bowl is nearly empty now…
And for a good match up thread we need some more topics.
> Leaves server because of Q’s and blob’s
< Joins biggest blob server in Bronze with Q’s on all maps
I like your logic.
RoS = biggest blob server?^^
RoS = biggest blob server?^^
> Leaves server because of Q’s and blob’s
< Joins biggest blob server in Bronze with Q’s on all mapsI like your logic.
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
Yea, we don’t belong in bronze league, we’re too big and only bandwagoning our way to victory. The imbalance between us and other servers is too big and we are making all the matchups dull and one-sided.
i dont see how people that have never left left bronze can say anything about blobs
Did you miss the few months matchups got completely screwed up and Rof ended up fighting silver league servers almost exclusively?
wow look at rof wrecking they must have loads of blobs….. and i do remeber i also remeber all the QQing you guys did
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
i also remeber when AG got put agasnt viz and well we said was lets farm the blobs and thats what we did
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
i also remeber when AG got put agasnt viz and well we said was lets farm the blobs and thats what we did
Gj you held TUPS hand
and i love them whats your point?
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
i also remeber when AG got put agasnt viz and well we said was lets farm the blobs and thats what we did
Viz was idd an easy farm
But 20v40 is alot easier then10v20
(I hope I dont have to explain that there is a big difference in gearing
up for a roaming grp or for a guild grp(aka Full PVT kitten and how AoE limit works)
(we had our fair share of Viz farming)
i am done with all the QQ :P so i will see you all on the famr ground
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
- RoS has noone to fight on the borderlands, and they’ll be bored like hell.
- RoS has huge Q on eternal battlegrounds.
- RoS will get punished for stacking and the blobs will be forced to transfer? (hope?)
i dunno about other bl´s but on vabbi thats exactly how it was today!
until ppl went to sleep and ofc Dzagonur comes then with theyr HON guild+ 30 pugs with 10 omegas and still fail to take our Hills! (ya we got little backup at that point but still ni try!)
just gota love it when u wipe them couple times they tag up to get all the pugs to join them :P
well eb got queue most of times anyway and theres always 1-2 maps without queue^^
nope i didnt join for a easy win
like i said many of times i joined for the fight and to get away from the blobs and ques. would would i even care about a doly finisher when i have the nuke? WvW guild look for the fights
But vabbi isn’t active in wvw (Your words) and dzag only runs around in 70 man blob, so where are these “Good fights” that you’re getting?
Please direct me, because i’d love some too!
ya know… this league got more than 3 servers in it…
and your logic!? if some1 would want easy win wudnt they join on a server thats already at the top of league? instead of 1 thats in the middle? atleast i would…
RoS = biggest blob server?^^
> Leaves server because of Q’s and blob’s
< Joins biggest blob server in Bronze with Q’s on all mapsI like your logic.
you really gota get out of ebg… as its wide known to be THE blob map on every single server, well except vabbi ofc
Viz was idd an easy farm
how did you manage that -.- last time i saw viz they were capping camps with 50ppl blobs and wp´ing as soon as they saw someone coming close
God i find it funny watching server hoppers argue with each other Yes! This is aimed at all of you! Your the reason the server WvW population ( Because this is aimed at all server hoppers insert ANY server name here ) has been knocked off balance and now your here on the forums to complain and argue with each other how its not fair and to hide the fact that your the one to be blamed
Well That and the fact Anet thought its a good idea to make transfers free >_>
Dear Krosan everyone knows your the biggest troll on the Forums which is why no on really cares what you say You have nothing to do with any of those 3 servers so why the heck are you even here posting BS?
Other then that please carry on entertaining me with all those funny yet really not true facts you have to say
ya know… this league got more than 3 servers in it…
and your logic!?
if some1 would want easy win wudnt they join on a server thats already at the top of league? instead of 1 thats in the middle? atleast i would…
No, they’d join the server where everyone moves to. This is common sence, Just because someone is at the top, doesn’t mean they’ll remain their after transfers.
Also i stated dzag in my post, he said he doesnt like fighting blobs yet someone claimed they only run around with 70+
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
Wow even down here we have all this drama.
I say if you dont like the server you are on, move. But then that doesnt solve your issue, the higher up you go, the more zerging, or whatever you are complaining about, you will see.
So people stop complaining, cos it doesnt matter which server you are on or against, the same kitten is on every tier! Complaining about it doesnt help, and people dont want to come on these forums to hear 10 people complain about the same kitten on every server.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
HaHa! who said something about zerging and blobbing from RoS? ^^
Here the Dzagonur-version of smallscale
Gz to dzagonur for using 20 Omega golems (first 10 got wiped,now other 10) to take the vabbi’s hills.next time try to play seriously.
Leader of Villani Maleducati [VM]
Former Commander of Underworld
Vizunah actually is one of the nicest servers to fight. I don’t know what all the complaining is about. They have a lot of roamers, and we got more uninterrupted fights against guilds then against every other server.
There is barely any difference between the servers now besides population.
Thanks to the fights tonight against Bdv (i’m sorry if i got the tag wrong) at the choke towards the water camp. Quit the borderlands and went to eb to troll zergs soon after we realized the only group there was WvW who are slightly too big to kill with 5 people.
Also i do believe we might have zerged Jathres…
Jamjam, this is what you’re missing when you hide in sPvP.
I’m not hiding! I’m just playing PvP this week, it’s even numbers and has some sort of balance Looks like i’m missing out on a good balanced match up though! :p
[LNA] Luna Eclipse
[BNA] Banana Eclipse
(edited by Jamo.2367)
Jamjam, this is what you’re missing when you hide in sPvP.
I’m not hiding! I’m just playing PvP this week, it’s even numbers and has some sort of balance
Looks like i’m missing out on a good balanced match up though! :p
Keep telling yourself you’re not hiding!
Jamjam, this is what you’re missing when you hide in sPvP.
I’m not hiding! I’m just playing PvP this week, it’s even numbers and has some sort of balance
Looks like i’m missing out on a good balanced match up though! :p
I see how it is, you just dont wanne play with the new guys :c