[Imp] – Impact Eu
25/10 Dzagonur [DE]/Ruins of Surmia/Vabbi
[Imp] – Impact Eu
Need more Cookies!
And maybe more Endless Tonics and Gimmicks there are not enough in the Game.
I don’t know anyone on RoS who isn’t glad to have FRS back, especially stikko. Both are a big part of the RoS community and to say otherwise is nonsense.
Then here is one who is not glad. I do not like arrogant players like Sickomaniac who do not know how to play with random players. Maybe he is good with his guild, but not with random players.
dose this stikkomaniac give "good"results when he lead ?
I don’t know anyone on RoS who isn’t glad to have FRS back, especially stikko. Both are a big part of the RoS community and to say otherwise is nonsense.
Then here is one who is not glad. I do not like arrogant players like Sickomaniac who do not know how to play with random players. Maybe he is good with his guild, but not with random players.
I said to myself i wont comment any1 but this is by far “kitten of the week comment” so far, i am not glad that my 1st post will go at this direction.
Any1 who knows Stikko is rofling on theese so wrong statements, i ll take this comment as trolllol, we have never been running with more random ppl than on this server, Ts is open to any1 that wants to join and listen to Stikko’s instructions and follow.
Arrogant player—- Stikko hahaha u win man by faaar.
I don’t know anyone on RoS who isn’t glad to have FRS back, especially stikko. Both are a big part of the RoS community and to say otherwise is nonsense.
Then here is one who is not glad. I do not like arrogant players like Sickomaniac who do not know how to play with random players. Maybe he is good with his guild, but not with random players.
I said to myself i wont comment any1 but this is by far “kitten of the week comment” so far, i am not glad that my 1st post will go at this direction.
Any1 who knows Stikko is rofling on theese so wrong statements, i ll take this comment as trolllol, we have never been running with more random ppl than on this server, Ts is open to any1 that wants to join and listen to Stikko’s instructions and follow.
Arrogant player—- Stikko hahaha u win man by faaar.
Also have to jump in and speak for Stikko in this one…
Whoever should state such things as this guy being “not glad”, obviously didn’t run a single time with Stikko or FRS or did a Nightcrapping™ event, and/or got their little hearts and flowers soul hurt when they got issued commands or told critique which they couldn’t bear to take…
Picture says everything.
ähm … okey
who cares? ^^
I Plan B I – [RUN]
Kodash – [DE]
enjoying some picnic with a RoS guy..
But.. where is his body?
Commander in Vabbi.
Officer of LST.
Groupfights (5 and smaller etc) and Duels
Time: Thursday 21.00 (UTC+1)
Location: South of south supply at the mill, Vabbi BLJust fighting for fun.
Just appear or contact Nubu.6148
BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
FRS why run away from 1vs1 and fight only a 1vs4 ?
ok you lose x times a 1 vs 3 (me necro vs 2 ele’s and 1 mesmer) but why ?
i think frs is a “pvpguild” or is that only a misstake and frs is pve/pvdguild and has fear for “fair” fights ?
but thx, when i lose a 1vs4 and frs spam the laugh-emote, very nice .
I have to say big respect to vabbi. Even if I go 1vs 5 I’ll always run in. With surmias i’ve even won a 1vs 3 (except for that great warrior,i had no chance against him) but with the vabbi players even a 1on1 gets really hard work because almost every player is really skilled.imp especially.i don’t survive more than 5 secs and get stunned all the while even though i play with stun brakers
Dochil [GDA]
FRS why run away from 1vs1 and fight only a 1vs4 ?
ok you lose x times a 1 vs 3 (me necro vs 2 ele’s and 1 mesmer) but why ?
i think frs is a “pvpguild” or is that only a misstake and frs is pve/pvdguild and has fear for “fair” fights ?
but thx, when i lose a 1vs4 and frs spam the laugh-emote, very nice .
maybe coz most FRS is wvw and in raid build , which mean seperately can’t win against u , but together can score big time against ur server
big respect to DZ and vabbi , it was a lot of fun fighting u guys win or lose the match was fun
hope see u soon and good luck with ur next matchups XD
k i have to take it back.I got my kitten kicked by surmia and vabbi players so I’ll admit you really got good players.thanks to everyone who was involved and thx to bnf for setting it up
Dochil [GDA]
Yeah, thanks to everyone for being there and for all the good fights we had. Freyn is a smelly fotm player but that’s widely known so no reason to be upset about it
Yeah, thanks to everyone for being there and for all the good fights we had. Freyn is a smelly fotm player but that’s widely known so no reason to be upset about it
And you’re a thief with clones and confusion, so like.. the most hated thing known to mankind!
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
Thanks for good fights vs CB, Psy and Imp.
Edit: Edited after I had my fair fight
(edited by Elanesse.4310)
Thanks for good fights vs CB and Psy.
Greetings also to thief from Imp who lost a 1 vs 1 and called his imp friend in downstate for total fair 2 vs me
Too many people always crying about zergs but are not able to make a decent and fair duel.
When? Please do share as currently theres only 2 of us online and i’ve not been playing for the past 5-6 hours.
Not sure what you’re talking about fair fights and duels, most of my guild was present at the duel event today for over 4 hours, You had your chance. Instead of attempting to badmouth us to people on our server ingame and on the forums, you could have showed up, Open WvW is fairgame and if i was to run into you 2v1 i’d kill you 2v1 because chances are if you ran into me 30v1 you’d still attack.
I’m the only person from my guild whos posted here “Complaining” about zergs and i’m more than happy to 1v1, whisper me ingame anytime.
Edit: You got your 1v1 with my guildy who “Called for help” and i didn’t join in. So less QQ
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
(edited by x Charlie.4820)
hello, we switched server yesterday evening (5 of us) to Vabbi and it was the best evening we had since september! so first i want to give a hug to Impact who decided us to move (thx Fryen for your movies and your advices) i hope we can “share enemies” in the future!
Thx to all the enemies from dzago and Ros for the cools fights and special shout out to CB guild, we had a really fun kite/fight together.
i see now there were a event at the mill, we didn’t know that sorry BNF (our best enemies!)
Just wanted to thank everyone that showed up for duels last night.
I had a blast, and hopefully you did as well.
Special shout out to our BNF friends for being awesome and providing awesome fights.
P.S. Stop taunting me with the shield Jathres!
[Imp] – Impact Eu
Nice to see psy also moving down
And i’m sorry Rav but shifty and Freyn are paying me 10 Gold per Day to mock you with the shield ! So i have no real choice…
Maybe if you would join my Shiny Kitten Squad i could be convinced otherwise but until then…
I might have looked at the wrong windmill at the wrong time, then, after finding nobody, checked the wrong contact in my friends list and decided to go to eb. However CB killed 27 upleveled rangers that evening.
After this week i want to thank every guild that let us suicide into them, every zerg that chased us around the map, everybody melee train that picked me as a target. May all the people that joined the karma trains to pvd vabbi and threw blue prints on my body have a glorious future!
And Psy: Why did you come to this bandwagon server? Do you really feel the need to push it to tier 1 with your giant karma train? I know your plan to mass recruit every able bodied player on vabbi!
Don’t worry Rorrok, i’m trying to get four 100+ Person 24/7 Guilds join Vabbi !
Afterall no upleveled Rangers should escape !
And Psy: Why did you come to this bandwagon server? Do you really feel the need to push it to tier 1 with your giant karma train? I know your plan to mass recruit every able bodied player on vabbi!
So after being annoying on my radio for half a year he is now recruiting in gw2?
And Psy: Why did you come to this bandwagon server? Do you really feel the need to push it to tier 1 with your giant karma train? I know your plan to mass recruit every able bodied player on vabbi!
We will do our best to NOT let this happen. As well I think we will hold ourselves with recruiting for now, to not turn our zerg (currently 6) into blob (on Vabbi it would be like 8?).
But as Obeet said above, it was best fun we’ve had in months and seems it appears on daily basis.
Just wanted to thank everyone that showed up for duels last night.
I had a blast, and hopefully you did as well.Special shout out to our BNF friends for being awesome and providing awesome fights.
P.S. Stop taunting me with the shield Jathres!
Yeah, nice fights, i was the mesmer dueling you until ~2am after everyone left
Quite stressful fighting a warrior as a shatter but doable with staff. With gs…not so much ^^
Just wanted to thank everyone that showed up for duels last night.
I had a blast, and hopefully you did as well.Special shout out to our BNF friends for being awesome and providing awesome fights.
P.S. Stop taunting me with the shield Jathres!
Yeah, nice fights, i was the mesmer dueling you until ~2am after everyone left
Quite stressful fighting a warrior as a shatter but doable with staff. With gs…not so much ^^
Yeah was quite fun dueling you. ^^
And fighting a mesmer ain’t stress free as well you know, especially decently skilled one like yourself. ^^
[Imp] – Impact Eu
Nice to see psy also moving down
And i’m sorry Rav but shifty and Freyn are paying me 10 Gold per Day to mock you with the shield ! So i have no real choice…
Maybe if you would join my Shiny Kitten Squad i could be convinced otherwise but until then…
Do i get cookies if i join the Shiny Kitten Squad? :O
[Imp] – Impact Eu
Ofcourse everybody knows kitties always get cookies!
Hooray! Then i’m in! xD
[Imp] – Impact Eu
Perfect! So far we really are all shiny charrs (well ok nubu is not very shiny but i’m working on that!)
Until he gets shiny he should be in the sister guild, Smelly Kitty Squad!
Last night was fun indeed, ty all. Although bit disappointed that a certain smelly mesmer promised us 5 guilds to fight and all we got were the usual BNF :P
Next week should be interesting, with Psy here too maybe we have enough small groups to do a mass pincer attack on DL?
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
sounds good :p
Until he gets shiny he should be in the sister guild, Smelly Kitty Squad!
Last night was fun indeed, ty all. Although bit disappointed that a certain smelly mesmer promised us 5 guilds to fight and all we got were the usual BNF :P
Next week should be interesting, with Psy here too maybe we have enough small groups to do a mass pincer attack on DL?
Not to forget [ZEAL]. They have pirates! o-O