30/8: GH vs UW vs RoF
It was a fun night. Getting into hills and seeing 8 AC on the north gate was a bit or a surprise, it’s not even worth sieging anymore… golems from here on in. But otherwise a lot of exciting fights with DEX, Slay, TaG, and others. Not sure we ever reached 25, but weren’t far from it.
If any of you want a friendly (or ranked) 15v15 or 20v20 let me know and we’ll get something arranged.
[Re] Rerolled
Don’t worry Flamey, Me and many others took that post as a compliment. You should look at the part here:
ACs and supply traps…
Especially those dots of frustration, those mean our traps did their the job!
To our enemies: Feel the traps and drained camps
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
cant you guys attack eachothers bl once , its a bit obvious attacking 1 bl at the same time all the time
thanks to mm for the small scale fight of yesterday.
cant you guys attack eachothers bl once , its a bit obvious attacking 1 bl at the same time all the time
I’m so sorry Arathor, but we want fun fights, attacking underworld is not fun, see it as a compliment.
Didn’t you had fun last night?
If not, try to attack Underworld BL and youll find out for yourself.
Matthew Witherblade [TaG] GH
GuM, you officialy made it to the top of my list of most boring guilds to face (beating Tz from Arborstone, which was a tough thing to do
). We want to fight you, not your ACs and supply traps…
P.S. I joined the GuMmies a while back (even though I mainly solo roam) & yes they are good at sieging, but they are also very good at scouting/roaming et al
P.P.S. If anyone else is bored, head to the mills at back of southern mid camp for duels, PvD/ZvZ is as boring as.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
(edited by Fishbait.6723)
cant you guys attack eachothers bl once , its a bit obvious attacking 1 bl at the same time all the time
Is that a joke? Slay spent the entire reset on RoF bdl, and we saw FURY, HT, FRS + pugs there also. I guess that means we double teamed RoF then.
Besides, your last reset, you always came to UW bdl when AR was golem rushing our bay, and, since they were golem rushing our bay 5-6 times a day… for the entire week, what does that make it? double team also?
Stop the whining and get on the battlefield so we can have more awesome fights like yesterday, we took a heavy beating trying to cap hills, but we got our revenge on lake tower
Peace & Respect
P.S.: To that fat ugly charr from FURY in hills, nice scouting on the AC xD you know who you are!!
Didn’t you had fun last night?
Not really was kinda boring but I did manage to do 23 levels on my noob character so not a terrible evening I guess if we ignore the fact I died 4 times
Dont upscale :P But try UW BL and see if you got fun there endless AC’s.
TBH GuM, i dont care you use it, but you can expect that we just go away and search for fun fights.
Matthew Witherblade [TaG] GH
Didn’t you had fun last night?
Not really was kinda boring but I did manage to do 23 levels on my noob character so not a terrible evening I guess if we ignore the fact I died 4 times
Dont upscale :P But try UW BL and see if you got fun there
endless AC’s.
TBH GuM, i dont care you use it, but you can expect that we just go away and search for fun fights.
In that case, I want to congratulate my fellow guildies for brilliant defending, scouting and defending!
Also, I think it was the last match up thread with you guys that we talked all over that how others can have fun in many ways, and to be honest TaG I like siege placement and counter sieging. Also scouting is close to my heart. So, you go have your “fun fights” and I stay having my fun :P
PS. The small amount I played this match up so far, it has been pretty fun, thanks everyone :=)
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
cant you guys attack eachothers bl once , its a bit obvious attacking 1 bl at the same time all the time
I’m so sorry Arathor, but we want fun fights, attacking underworld is not fun, see it as a compliment
Didn’t you had fun last night?
If not, try to attack Underworld BL and youll find out for yourself.
“fun” fights obviously server teaming , like underworld got no numbers
(edited by Arathor.7419)
One of these days I am going to manage to drag the walls and siege along with me when I jump out of our keeps. I will admit I try to force my clones and phantasms to drag a chunk of hills along with us wherever I go but I swear sometimes the girls get far to lazy.
Please, if anyone is aware of a group of phantasms who are a tad more disciplined can you please let me know, I pay for their services on occasion and I sometimes remember to feed them.
No point moaning about RoF coat tailing the other server, it’s a totally viable strat and it works well and always likely to be done in a 3 way match up system.
… and it’s certainly been done to us often enough.
i read some talk about rof and uw teaming on gh , i just want to say it not possible because the uw i know would never do that
instead i think they got the same idea of destroying the bigger server so all this should be a complement to GH
good matchup guys keep the good work , let have fun and honest week XD
so what ROF can’t downgrade a keep in UW bl , i say no problem GH will do the hard work and u will see all the keeps downgraded and we can actually have fun on 2 bl for once lol
It’s very disappointing to see people don’t understand and respect the fact that some have fun in different ways. WvW is about capturing and holding points no doing pew pew all the time. Personal skill doesn’t matter, it’s about the bigger picture, something that clearly most of you can’t understand it. I also find fun what GuM doing. I like holding towers but i think i do it better than them. Since day one in WvW i pick one spawn point in a borderland and i guard it almost 24/7.
It’s SO much better than holding tower and i can’t understand why no one hasn’t thought of that before. ACs are nice but they can be broken while these “legendary” npcs are the bomb! Nobody can touch them and they kill with one shot every enemy. Did you know that? I think not. Also inside spawn there are many, many useful npc you can use: merch, tp, siege merch (ha! noob!) and many other. Some times when i feel safe i kill some moas just outside the spawn and i get some loot! It’s extremely fun and i hope this doesn’t become the next big zerg farm. Seriously it’s not about being afraid to pvp, it’s about fun and HOLDING stuff. I hope you understand it now.
PS: I hear some of you speaking for something called “world xp”. Can you explain what is this? I have none and i think my account is bugged. (buggy game)
PS: I hear some of you speaking for something called “world xp”. Can you explain what is this? I have none and i think my account is bugged. (buggy game
On the off chance this wasn`t humour…
Press B, tab over to rank abilities.
World xp is the blue/purple bar at the top of there.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
Didn’t enjoy blobbing too much so I dueled some people on GHBL instead and watched the gw2 livestream which satisfied me a lot. Seeing a group of devs keep failing a dragon event is so much fun I tell you.
Much thanks to Sic and co for the extreme roleplaying early this morning near SM. Was much fun and boo at the randoms ganking a lvl5 necro. Also laughed my kitten off at the people that attacked me and I actually managed to kill. Feel bad! You know who you are
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Sooo, we have blobbing, doubleteaming and siegewars :P What is missing from the checklist for a good matchup thread?
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
TBH I’m starting to get bored of this matchup lol .. but to be fair I never like any matchup except abbadon ! :P
Gunnar’s Hold atm
Sooo, we have blobbing, doubleteaming and siegewars :P What is missing from the checklist for a good matchup thread?
I’m not sure my drunken late night ramblings were enough. Maybe we continue with pictures of each others blobs? Maybe screens of ac’s behind gates? How about we tell each other about our favorite matchups and how this sucks compared to it?
… Also not enough mentioning of golems! They are expensive and deserve more attention!
Hackers/glitchers, you forgot to add in those, they always appear in match threads ;p
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
I know what we’re missing, midweek interserver transfers! I heard rumors that say Los Re has loved GuM so much that he will join us, bringing along 5 legendary supply trappers and 10 veteran yaks, vulnerable only to sarcasm damage.
Not only Los. The whole of FURY will join GuM for a month to learn proper siege placement!
I know what we’re missing, midweek interserver transfers! I heard rumors that say Los Re has loved GuM so much that he will join us, bringing along 5 legendary supply trappers and 10 veteran yaks, vulnerable only to sarcasm damage.
You will get the reward, based on what server you started current league on
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
Good job to everyone on RoF! We are doing good! Keep it up
You do get the rewards from the server you are on when the league starts.
Still seems dumb, move to a top tier server day before, week later move back to your normal ones, still get full rewards.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
Good job to everyone on RoF! We are doing good! Keep it up
if u want to encourage ur ppl u should say it in ur team chat not in forum , coz this way we got absolutly no idea what u r talking about lol
So yeah that huge astralholme fight, it did get recorded one of our guildies decided to put record on in the last 5 mins (fight was going for like 15-20 mins already).
After I thought we were done when I dropped i got ressed back up an we’ve roll out for the fight till death cause of the intensity of that huge fight, thanks for it.
We Be Chilling – High Commander
Apologies to Gunners for the UW blob on your border just then, It wasn’t a serious attempt at your borderland it was just the weekly server training session and your border happened to be picked.
So, blobpologies from us.
some of our yesterday fight.
today there was a very nice attack on our hills by Gunnars. We sieged lord room pretty heavily. Guys You know that the entrance is a small hall. If there is Ac build outside the lord room, is it possible to shoot inside that the full circle of ac aoe is at the left wall inside lord room? On screen i have ac on my position, but GH destroyed from the outside. How is this possible? I tried to resize window but still i was unable to shoot inside to this place.
How did you manage do this?
GTFO GH, GTFO. ;D Keep pushing like this and you’ll make me rich
Seriously though. Some incredible fights. :P, What an evening, You guys cant half put up a fight Especially [TEO], You guys are persistant :P
[Lion] Looking for GvGs 15v15 Please Contact me
A Old Lion
today there was a very nice attack on our hills by Gunnars. We sieged lord room pretty heavily. Guys You know that the entrance is a small hall. If there is Ac build outside the lord room, is it possible to shoot inside that the full circle of ac aoe is at the left wall inside lord room? On screen i have ac on my position, but GH destroyed from the outside. How is this possible? I tried to resize window but still i was unable to shoot inside to this place.
How did you manage do this?
Hule I was on the ac that hit you and the ac was on the bridge of hills and i could hit you because of the bigger aoe on ac upgrade i think. ^^ But there where atleast no zoomhax used.
Xicial– Elementalist
Crimson Conspiracy [CC] Gunnars Hold
GTFO GH, GTFO. ;D Keep pushing like this and you’ll make me rich
Seriously though. Some incredible fights. :P, What an evening, You guys cant half put up a fight
Especially [TEO], You guys are persistant :P
Dear mr Biohazard Crow guy,
If you like how we fight you should do a nice gvg whit your guild against us [TEO] whit fair numbers and whitout siege to suport you ^^
Xicial– Elementalist
Crimson Conspiracy [CC] Gunnars Hold
thanks to mm for the small scale fight of yesterday.
thanks for last night and tonights fights in EB, was really fun and good practise for us, hope you guys got some precursors last night from us
cant you guys attack eachothers bl once , its a bit obvious attacking 1 bl at the same time all the time
Short answer; No.
Still horrorfied from Gandara vs Gunners Hold vs Underworld. Party on the Underworld map 24/7.
We’re not double teaming you at all. All we’re doing is pretending that RoF does not exist, and fire all we got on your map/side of Eternal. RoF is just being smart by taking advantage of that
- Archi The Cub [Narn]
- Eternal Battlegrounds Commander
To bad UW can only raid during nighttime
Would be a nice week if you would be this offensive during primetime instead of turteling on AC’s :/
Stop complaining about nightcapping, you have bigger numbers during the primetime. All your guilds are bigger then ours. Do we complain?
I am sorry that we cant bring 1 guild to the field that is big enough to match you…
Only Slay has the numbers but first they dont play that long together(as far as i know) and second they start playing later.
I’m fairly sure Acotje’s opinion doesn’t mirror whole Fury’s opinion. Because they have been fighting UW on primetime and wiping quite a few times too
Had some awesome fights with [MM] in EB and some nice fights with [Lion] for a bit in RoF bl.
Thanks for helping us slowly get out of our rusty, filled with beach sand, shoes
Greek Titans
Gunnars Hold
Stop complaining …
No. FURY has taken it upon themselves to protect the ancient art form of trolling in matchup threads. We will fight to complain until the last one of us lies on his keyboard, dead from exhaustion or a heart attack!
I hope that you can atleast enjoy the time until the heart attack comes.
To bad UW can only raid during nighttime
Would be a nice week if you would be this offensive during primetime instead of turteling on AC’s :/
Really? I don’t know where you spent your time but my day didn’t go like that. Can’t say as I was on an AC once. Seem to remember quite a few fights, small scale and large with your guild throughout the day and evening. We enjoyed it a lot, sorry if u didn’t.
(edited by Flamey.1430)
Stop complaining about nightcapping, you have bigger numbers during the primetime. All your guilds are bigger then ours. Do we complain?
I am sorry that we cant bring 1 guild to the field that is big enough to match you…
Only Slay has the numbers but first they dont play that long together(as far as i know) and second they start playing later.
Thats true!
SLAY is just started in the beginning of august now maybe 4 weeks old.
Some smaller WvW guilds join them because they had the same ideas.
So we are still learning from eachother each day.
And SLAY is Always later on, people got kids and have work and other things to do before they come online.
Prepare To Die!! Never Stop Fighting!!
(edited by Sandman.4192)
Stop complaining about nightcapping, you have bigger numbers during the primetime. All your guilds are bigger then ours. Do we complain?
I am sorry that we cant bring 1 guild to the field that is big enough to match you…
Only Slay has the numbers but first they dont play that long together(as far as i know) and second they start playing later.Thats true!
SLAY is just started in the beginning of august now maybe 4 weeks old.
Some smaller WvW guilds join them because they had the same ideas.
So we are still learning from eachother each day.
And SLAY is Always later on, people got kids and have work and other things to do before they come online.
I have been arguing about this with another guy from GH: I am positive I have NOT seen any “Slay” guild in the previous matchups we had (iirc the last we had was 3 weeks ago), while he said that you were already active.
Was I mistaken?
Stop complaining about nightcapping, you have bigger numbers during the primetime. All your guilds are bigger then ours. Do we complain?
I am sorry that we cant bring 1 guild to the field that is big enough to match you…
Only Slay has the numbers but first they dont play that long together(as far as i know) and second they start playing later.Thats true!
SLAY is just started in the beginning of august now maybe 4 weeks old.
Some smaller WvW guilds join them because they had the same ideas.
So we are still learning from eachother each day.
And SLAY is Always later on, people got kids and have work and other things to do before they come online.I have been arguing about this with another guy from GH: I am positive I have NOT seen any “Slay” guild in the previous matchups we had (iirc the last we had was 3 weeks ago), while he said that you were already active.
Was I mistaken?
Around 10th August was when we formed. And we probably didn’t have enough members at first to be noticed much in that match up.
Stop complaining about nightcapping, you have bigger numbers during the primetime. All your guilds are bigger then ours. Do we complain?
I am sorry that we cant bring 1 guild to the field that is big enough to match you…
Only Slay has the numbers but first they dont play that long together(as far as i know) and second they start playing later.
yes u complain
Stop complaining about nightcapping, you have bigger numbers during the primetime. All your guilds are bigger then ours. Do we complain?
I am sorry that we cant bring 1 guild to the field that is big enough to match you…
Only Slay has the numbers but first they dont play that long together(as far as i know) and second they start playing later.
Bro, complain is the only thing i’ve seen you do.